Zone1 Understanding the Nature of Handouts


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
People here talk about handouts only in terms of welfare to blacks. Now first off, people don't get welfare if they are not poor. When it has been shown that blacks are being paid less than whites when every other thing is the same, which means merit is not a considerstion, it is racism that creates so many blacks on Welfare. Then we have this:

"Black" Names

And some whites here ignore or justify all this racism while talking about what blacks don't do. Whites have been given huge handouts, here is one example.

The Trump Files: How Donald Tricked New York Into Giving Him His First Huge Deal​

Donald Trump was a relatively small player in the New York real estate world in 1975, but the Commodore Hotel promised to put him in the big leagues. The area around the famous old hotel next to Grand Central Station was decrepit, but Trump saw a rare (and cheap) opportunity to remake the famous property and bring new business to Manhattan’s then-seedy Midtown.

The mayor at the time was Abe Beame, a Brooklyn politician who was close to Trump’s father, Fred. In talking to one of the men responsible for selling the Commodore, Beame described his relationship to the Trumps in simple terms. “Whatever my friends Fred and Donald want in this town, they get,” the mayor said, according to journalist Michael D’Antonio’s recent Trump biography, Never Enough. What Trump wanted was an option to develop the site of the hotel and an unprecedented 40-year tax abatement from the city. He got them—but not without an act of deception.

What Is an Abatement?​

An abatement is a reduction or an exemption on the level of taxation faced by an individual or company. Examples of an abatement include a tax decrease, a reduction in penalties, or a rebate. If an individual or business overpays their taxes or receives a tax bill that is too high, it can request an abatement from the tax authorities.

Basically Trump paid little or no taxes on the old Commodore Hotel until 2018. That is a handout, and many whites have recieved this handout over the course of American history.
People here talk about handouts only in terms of welfare to blacks. Now first off, people don't get welfare if they are not poor. When it has been shown that blacks are being paid less than whites when every other thing is the same, which means merit is not a considerstion, it is racism that creates so many blacks on Welfare. Then we have this:

"Black" Names

And some whites here ignore or justify all this racism while talking about what blacks don't do. Whites have been given huge handouts, here is one example.

The Trump Files: How Donald Tricked New York Into Giving Him His First Huge Deal​

Donald Trump was a relatively small player in the New York real estate world in 1975, but the Commodore Hotel promised to put him in the big leagues. The area around the famous old hotel next to Grand Central Station was decrepit, but Trump saw a rare (and cheap) opportunity to remake the famous property and bring new business to Manhattan’s then-seedy Midtown.

The mayor at the time was Abe Beame, a Brooklyn politician who was close to Trump’s father, Fred. In talking to one of the men responsible for selling the Commodore, Beame described his relationship to the Trumps in simple terms. “Whatever my friends Fred and Donald want in this town, they get,” the mayor said, according to journalist Michael D’Antonio’s recent Trump biography, Never Enough. What Trump wanted was an option to develop the site of the hotel and an unprecedented 40-year tax abatement from the city. He got them—but not without an act of deception.

What Is an Abatement?​

An abatement is a reduction or an exemption on the level of taxation faced by an individual or company. Examples of an abatement include a tax decrease, a reduction in penalties, or a rebate. If an individual or business overpays their taxes or receives a tax bill that is too high, it can request an abatement from the tax authorities.

Basically Trump paid little or no taxes on the old Commodore Hotel until 2018. That is a handout, and many whites have recieved this handout over the course of American history.

40 year tax abatement on a hotel? ol' mayor beam must have raked in a little campaign dough for that.

!i've tried explaining food stamps as what they really are : agricultural subsidy. i don't think they get it.
40 year tax abatement on a hotel? ol' mayor beam must have raked in a little campaign dough for that.

!i've tried explaining food stamps as what they really are : agricultural subsidy. i don't think they get it.
They don't want to.
They don't want to.
i'm not sure i get it either.

no doubt kept a lot of family farms in operation ("gubmint interference") but

the bulk of these billions go right to agribusiness, their illegal workforce, and the same wall st bankers who foreclosed on the family farms IN ORDER TO RAKE IN THE SUBSIDIES.

yet people, primarily widows and orphans who get the damn cards (and pay a bank fee each time they use it , must eat? must en't they?

what do these good christians want to do? except bash the "tax and spend liberals" while continuing to pay the agricorps?
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My feeling is that God controls Hand Outs and if he favours Whites it must be for a multitude of good reasons .

Perhaps they are more polite , speak more clearly and are generally more cultured and just laid- back nice people .
My feeling is that God controls Hand Outs and if he favours Whites it must be for a multitude of good reasons .

Perhaps they are more polite , speak more clearly and are generally more cultured and just laid- back nice people .
God doesn't favor the way whites have done things. But you're a racist, so whatever.
My feeling is that God controls Hand Outs and if he favours Whites it must be for a multitude of good reasons .

Perhaps they are more polite , speak more clearly and are generally more cultured and just laid- back nice people .
"fuck you feeling"
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What whites choose to do with their resources is dey bidness. I wish blacks would actually get of our asses, and have something to hand out to later generations of blacks who actually deserve it. To redistribute money like a socialist, you first have to make money like a capitalist. Blacks produce the least per capita, that's why we are poor. Not because racist whites haven't given us handouts.
False equivalence.

Tax breaks, silly as some of them are, are not in-kind redistributionist handouts to career moochers.

But nobody really expected intellectual honesty from the race baiting ingrate IQ2, did they?
Actually it is, because poor, trailer parks individuals like you will be forced it pay it instead.
Tax breaks are usually to reward businesses that will create commerce and provide tax revenue. Hotels facilitate tourism and create jobs. Both of which generates tax revenue in excess of the hotel’s own tax contributions.

Try to think of it like this. You sell hotdogs and compete for customers with other hotdog salesmen. You realize some people buy 100 hotdogs everyday. So, you offer a discount on purchases over $50 to attract those costumers.

You are not losing money doing this. You are still making a profit, much more of a profit than you would if those customers bought 100 hotdogs from someone else. It’s a mutually beneficial financial arrangement. The business gets to play fewer taxes and the city gets more tax revenue.

In comparison, a handout is just welfare. Welfare recipients do not generate (much if any) taxable income. Unlike with tax breaks, there is no mutually beneficial exchange. The poor get subsidized at the expense of the tax payers.
People here talk about handouts only in terms of welfare to blacks. Now first off, people don't get welfare if they are not poor. When it has been shown that blacks are being paid less than whites when every other thing is the same, which means merit is not a considerstion, it is racism that creates so many blacks on Welfare. Then we have this:

If blacks are getting paid less, it’s because they work less. If blacks are getting paid less, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate it’s due to “racism”. Disparity does not equal discrimination.

The idea that there are all these hard working blacks who just can’t get fair treatment due to “racism” is a delusional fantasy. Businesses want to make money, they want employees who will enable them to make money.

Employment is a voluntary arrangement. You agree to do that work, for that money. If you don’t believe you are making enough money at your job, you can quit.
People here talk about handouts only in terms of welfare to blacks. Now first off, people don't get welfare if they are not poor. When it has been shown that blacks are being paid less than whites when every other thing is the same, which means merit is not a considerstion, it is racism that creates so many blacks on Welfare. Then we have this:

"Black" Names

And some whites here ignore or justify all this racism while talking about what blacks don't do. Whites have been given huge handouts, here is one example.

The Trump Files: How Donald Tricked New York Into Giving Him His First Huge Deal​

Donald Trump was a relatively small player in the New York real estate world in 1975, but the Commodore Hotel promised to put him in the big leagues. The area around the famous old hotel next to Grand Central Station was decrepit, but Trump saw a rare (and cheap) opportunity to remake the famous property and bring new business to Manhattan’s then-seedy Midtown.

The mayor at the time was Abe Beame, a Brooklyn politician who was close to Trump’s father, Fred. In talking to one of the men responsible for selling the Commodore, Beame described his relationship to the Trumps in simple terms. “Whatever my friends Fred and Donald want in this town, they get,” the mayor said, according to journalist Michael D’Antonio’s recent Trump biography, Never Enough. What Trump wanted was an option to develop the site of the hotel and an unprecedented 40-year tax abatement from the city. He got them—but not without an act of deception.

What Is an Abatement?​

An abatement is a reduction or an exemption on the level of taxation faced by an individual or company. Examples of an abatement include a tax decrease, a reduction in penalties, or a rebate. If an individual or business overpays their taxes or receives a tax bill that is too high, it can request an abatement from the tax authorities.

Basically Trump paid little or no taxes on the old Commodore Hotel until 2018. That is a handout, and many whites have recieved this handout over the course of American history.
Black names

Yes black people are not considered as desirable for rmployment as whites or asians or even hispanics

The only way to remedy that is for blacks to become better employees than they are now

If so then in time the stigma of being black will go away

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