Understanding the Roots of the LGBT Movement...You've Been Gaslighted, Chump!

Did you learn anything by reading the OP or are you fully reformed by your masters?

  • Wow, what an eye-opener. I had no idea. I am forever changed by this new insight.

  • The OP is complete rubbish and none of it has moved or changed me.

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This is the gaslighting trick you find near the bottom of the bag. It's a last-ditch trick. The art is, 'if you are opposed to me, I'll paint you out as vile as I am so that others looking on to our debate will shy away at being accused of being as vile as me." It's the ultimate raid can for the ant-invasion into your tidy campaign of disinformation about what your cult is really up to.

GUy, you are the one who fixates on the butt sex. Me, I'm not all that interested in it and don't think about it much one way or the other. But you can't stop talking about Steak... Err, butt sex.

Remember...read the OP. I met one of the dudes heading up the earliest momentum and who helped found your strongest arm of your tentacled lobby: the media in Hollywood. He was a sidewinder, capable of the most sophisticated artifice and surreptitious behaviors to gain what he was after. I know how he/they tick. And you can see it displayed for yourself in any number of the drones they stamp out in their propaganda dispensary websites.

Guy, frankly, I see more negative portrayals of gays coming out of Hollywood than positive ones, to be honest. When was the last time you saw a movie where the protagonist was gay? Usually, when we've seen gay characters in movies at all, they are either comic relief sidekicks (like the Sassy-gay roommate in a Rom-Com) or a villain.
Just imagine Sil as a "vegetarian" who just can't stop talking about Steak. Who just talks about Steak in the most graphic detail, and how much he hates it, sauted in onions and mushrooms, cooked to a fine marble texture.....

When he reposts those pride parade pictures he posts every other thread... just think.. Steak and how much he hates steak.

This is the gaslighting trick you find near the bottom of the bag. It's a last-ditch trick.

You....you realize that all this 'gaslighting trick' babble is just shit you made up, right? Its you, citing you, talking to you.

Do we even need to be here?

Remember...read the OP. I met one of the dudes heading up the earliest momentum and who helped found your strongest arm of your tentacled lobby: the media in Hollywood. He was a sidewinder, capable of the most sophisticated artifice and surreptitious behaviors to gain what he was after.

Prove it. Thus, you citing yourself as your own source means that the credibility of your source is on the table. You're a known liar who makes up evidence constantly. Remember your 'Prince's Trust' nonsense, where when we checked, it said nothing you attributed to it? Remember your 'Mayo Clinic' nonsense, when we checked wasn't the Mayo Clinic. With your source explicitly contradicting you?

So after catching you in lie after lie, would we accept your narrative on, well, anything? You are your source. And your source is proven to lack credibility.

Try again. This time with more than you citing yourself.

You have the patience of Job. lol
This is the gaslighting trick you find near the bottom of the bag. It's a last-ditch trick. The art is, 'if you are opposed to me, I'll paint you out as vile as I am so that others looking on to our debate will shy away at being accused of being as vile as me." It's the ultimate raid can for the ant-invasion into your tidy campaign of disinformation about what your cult is really up to.

GUy, you are the one who fixates on the butt sex. Me, I'm not all that interested in it and don't think about it much one way or the other. But you can't stop talking about Steak... Err, butt sex.

Remember...read the OP. I met one of the dudes heading up the earliest momentum and who helped found your strongest arm of your tentacled lobby: the media in Hollywood. He was a sidewinder, capable of the most sophisticated artifice and surreptitious behaviors to gain what he was after. I know how he/they tick. And you can see it displayed for yourself in any number of the drones they stamp out in their propaganda dispensary websites.

Guy, frankly, I see more negative portrayals of gays coming out of Hollywood than positive ones, to be honest. When was the last time you saw a movie where the protagonist was gay? Usually, when we've seen gay characters in movies at all, they are either comic relief sidekicks (like the Sassy-gay roommate in a Rom-Com) or a villain.

Go to any conspiracy message board. Look at the posts from the mentally ill guys obsessively posting elaborate and page length posts about alien mind control beams or how the government is using space lasers to cause earth quakes. Each with a thorough but insane internal and self supporting logic based on pure imagination.

They look just like Sil's posts. She's currently got 37 threads dedicated to this topic. Each dozens of pages long.

This is what mental illness looks like.
Go to any conspiracy message board. Look at the posts from the mentally ill guys obsessively posting elaborate and page length posts about alien mind control beams or how the government is using space lasers to cause earth quakes. Each with a thorough but insane internal and self supporting logic based on pure imagination.

They look just like Sil's posts. She's currently got 37 threads dedicated to this topic. Each dozens of pages long.

This is what mental illness looks like.

i don't think Sil is a woman, I think he's a dude.
Well well well.... Sure touched off a raw nerve with this thread... lol... There's nothing gaslighters hate more than being exposed..
Well well well.... Sure touched off a raw nerve with this thread... lol... There's nothing gaslighters hate more than being exposed..

Are you sure its this one....and not the other 36 that you've started on generally the same topic?

Sil, your obsession isn't well. You've already told us the personal toll posting here costs you, how you have to stop, how it harms you physically and emotionally.

And yet here you are. With thread 37. Posting the same elaborate batshit conspiracies based on your imagination.

Your posts are what mental illness looks like.
I understand that if you make this topic about me instead of what was said in the OP, along with the gay manifesto published in the 1980s, then the uncomfortable revelations about what's occurred since then lining up with its intent, can be forgotten. All while the focus is kept on verbally pistol-whipping "Sil".

I get it. I get how angry and venomous cult members and their leadership prodding them become when their gig gets exposed. Cults are all the same. The Scientologists do similar things when their gig is exposed. They LASH OUT...
I understand that if you make this topic about me instead of what was said in the OP, along with the gay manifesto published in the 1980s, then the uncomfortable revelations about what's occurred since then lining up with its intent, can be forgotten. All while the focus is kept on verbally pistol-whipping "Sil".

You're the one making up these 'rules of gaslighting' and 'gaslighting tricks'. You're the one who invented your entire batshit conspiracy. Your entire narrative begins and ends inside your head. Its you, citing you, talking to you.

We don't even need to be here.
I get it. I get how angry and venomous cult members and their leadership prodding them become when their gig gets exposed. Cults are all the same. The Scientologists do similar things when their gig is exposed. They LASH OUT...

You are- as always- delusional.

I would reply to the substance of your post- but there is no substance to your post to reply to.
I understand that if you make this topic about me instead of what was said in the OP, along with the gay manifesto published in the 1980s, then the uncomfortable revelations about what's occurred since then lining up with its intent, can be forgotten. All while the focus is kept on verbally pistol-whipping "Sil".

I get it. I get how angry and venomous cult members and their leadership prodding them become when their gig gets exposed. Cults are all the same. The Scientologists do similar things when their gig is exposed. They LASH OUT..

You're the one making up these 'rules of gaslighting' and 'gaslighting tricks'. You're the one who invented your entire batshit conspiracy. Your entire narrative begins and ends inside your head. Its you, citing you, talking to you.

We don't even need to be here.

Actually, I'm not the one who invented gaslighting or applied it to the LGBT cult Agenda. I've met one of the cult leaders who did though. That's all. And I'm reporting on it here... Cults throughout the ages all rely on gaslighting their zombies to stay in line with the leadership. You act as if I invented Jonestown, Applewhite and all the rest.. It's been awhile but I'll remind you that your beloved icon and child-diddler Harvey Milk was friends with Jim Jones of the Jonestown Massacre. The LGBT puppetmasters and sugar daddies are well aquainted with the logistics of how to form, and more importantly, maintain a cult momentum and ideology "without impediments"..using any and all means at their disposal.
I understand that if you make this topic about me instead of what was said in the OP, along with the gay manifesto published in the 1980s, then the uncomfortable revelations about what's occurred since then lining up with its intent, can be forgotten. All while the focus is kept on verbally pistol-whipping "Sil".

I get it. I get how angry and venomous cult members and their leadership prodding them become when their gig gets exposed. Cults are all the same. The Scientologists do similar things when their gig is exposed. They LASH OUT..

You're the one making up these 'rules of gaslighting' and 'gaslighting tricks'. You're the one who invented your entire batshit conspiracy. Your entire narrative begins and ends inside your head. Its you, citing you, talking to you.

We don't even need to be here.

Actually, I'm not the one who invented gaslighting or applied it to the LGBT cult Agenda. I've met one of the cult leaders who did though. That's all. And I'm reporting on it here... Cults throughout the ages all rely on gaslighting their zombies to stay in line with the leadership. You act as if I invented Jonestown, Applewhite and all the rest.. It's been awhile but I'll remind you that your beloved icon and child-diddler Harvey Milk was friends with Jim Jones of the Jonestown Massacre..

Who, other than yourself, are you quoting for your 'rules of gas lighting' and 'gas lighting tricks'? Who, other than you, are you citing your elaborate, batshit conspiracy? Its just you, citing you, talking to yourself.

I'm merely demonstrating that your source lacks credibility.
I understand that if you make this topic about me instead of what was said in the OP, along with the gay manifesto published in the 1980s,.

That assumes that you understand anything that anyone posts- which based upon your anti-gay manifesto's that you publish every day- is unlikely.
All we hear these days are pro-gay manifestos...clear into our children's schools...and disenfranchising them from either a mother or father for life as a "new matter of marriage contracting". Which is violates statutes as to infants and contract law. Someone needs to take as adamant a stance of exposing YOUR manifestos as you are in shoving them down people's throats with their hands legally tied behind their back. Luckily, freedom of speech is still legal and allowed here on USMB...
All we hear these days are pro-gay manifestos...clear into our children's schools...and disenfranchising them from either a mother or father for life as a "new matter of marriage contracting". Which is violates statutes as to infants and contract law. Someone needs to take as adamant a stance of exposing YOUR manifestos as you are in shoving them down people's throats with their hands legally tied behind their back. Luckily, freedom of speech is still legal and allowed here on USMB...

The only place your adamant stance hasn't been an abject failure is in your own imagination. :thup:
I understand that if you make this topic about me instead of what was said in the OP, along with the gay manifesto published in the 1980s, then the uncomfortable revelations about what's occurred since then lining up with its intent, can be forgotten. All while the focus is kept on verbally pistol-whipping "Sil".

I get it. I get how angry and venomous cult members and their leadership prodding them become when their gig gets exposed. Cults are all the same. The Scientologists do similar things when their gig is exposed. They LASH OUT...

No, guy, you are getting pistol whipped because you are a bigot with mental illness. Because you've found a place where you can openly spew your bigotry and not be ostracized, fired etc.

But you honestly do have a problem, not because of your opinon or even your bigotry, but because your obsession with it borders on mental illness. It obviously consumes your life.
you are getting pistol whipped because you are a bigot with mental illness. Because you've found a place where you can openly spew your bigotry and not be ostracized, fired etc.

But you honestly do have a problem, not because of your opinon or even your bigotry, but because your obsession with it borders on mental illness. It obviously consumes your life.
Well let's return fire for fire then eh? You are a sexual deviant with a mental illness; because you carved a place in the courts using coercion and force and false premises where you can openly do sex acts in front of kids in public and elsewhere (pride parades/events)...and obsession that borders on mental illness that obviously consumes your life.

We'll let the readers decide which mental illness they want to adhere to...mmm K? At least you admit that you are pistol-whipping me, you and your friends every chance you get; as a substitute to actually talking to the points I bring up that are scaring you. Baby steps. The first step is to always admit what you're doing....from there you can heal..
you are getting pistol whipped because you are a bigot with mental illness. Because you've found a place where you can openly spew your bigotry and not be ostracized, fired etc.

But you honestly do have a problem, not because of your opinon or even your bigotry, but because your obsession with it borders on mental illness. It obviously consumes your life.
Well let's return fire for fire then eh? You are a sexual deviant with a mental illness; because you carved a place in the courts using coercion and force .

You are delusional.
All we hear these days are pro-gay manifestos...clear into our children's schools...and disenfranchising them from either a mother or father for life as a "new matter of marriage contracting". Which is violates statutes as to infants and contract law. Someone needs to take as adamant a stance of exposing YOUR manifestos as you are in shoving them down people's throats with their hands legally tied behind their back. Luckily, freedom of speech is still legal and allowed here on USMB...

And who says these are gay manifestos? That would be you citing yourself again. See how your argument never leaves your head? How everything from your 'manifestos' to your 'gaslighting tricks' to your 'rules for gaslighting' is just you citing you, talking to you?

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