Understanding the wealth of the poor

Both are true. Poverty programs have not eliminated poverty, they have made it an acceptable lifestyle.

1) The vast majority of people who are on government assistance are embarrassed and ashamed of the fact, try to conceal the fact, and want to be able to sustain themselves without it. Meanwhile, ass hats like you constantly belittle and prejudge these people whom you don't even know. That's hardly what I would consider a socially acceptable lifestyle.

2) The continual push toward lassie faire capitalism, nor conservative ideology have done anything to eliminate or alleviate the plight of poverty. So I dare you to walk into the ghetto and tell the kettle how he deserves to be black. But I'd suggest making sure your health insurance is up to date before you do so.

Now look at who is pre-judging.

We're talking about welfare programs. Why are you assuming I have to go to a ghetto? More welfare goes to trailer parks.
1) The vast majority of people who are on government assistance are embarrassed and ashamed of the fact, try to conceal the fact, and want to be able to sustain themselves without it.

this is flat out not true. After decades and generations it is second nature to them to mention it proudly as if they are getting over on the system. I know this from personal experience.
1) The vast majority of people who are on government assistance are embarrassed and ashamed of the fact, try to conceal the fact, and want to be able to sustain themselves without it.

this is flat out not true. After decades and generations it is second nature to them to mention it proudly as if they are getting over on the system. I know this from personal experience.

You must not be living to well if you are around enough of them to give you that much personal experience.
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Most of the poor today doesnt understand what its like to be truly poor. I grew up poor. I know what its like. My parents had 6 kids ( before birth control pills or abortion for your left wingers) and we lived in a 2 bedroom house that my grandmother gave to my mom. We had no hot water and had to boil our water to take a bath or wash dishes. We had no working toilet and my mom had to plunge and pour bleach water down the toilet to flush it. In the winter our house was cold and in the summer it was hot . No AC there. We got our first TV in the late 70s only because a friend gave us one. We had one used very old car that was always broke down to transport us 6 kids anywhere. We walked to church every sunday and walked to school until they decided to bus us. I laugh at most of the poor these days and that complain how much they dont have. They have cars and better housing that I ever would dream of. The house I am living in now , when I was younger I would have considered it to be a rich persons house even though we are very middle class..

My grandmother on my moms side had 14 kids - I actually have a cousin that is older than one of my aunts. Anyways, My mom when talking about her childhood explains it like Lord of the Flies...

They only had 5 bedrooms for 14 kids...

They all grew up to be extremely successful... Scientists, academics, teachers, CFOs, veterinarians, accountants, architects, engineers, politicians etc...

It's amazing what they did with their lives considering what they came from...
Anyone who thinks 'these people' are living a high life on the taxpayers is really saying that 'these people' are smarter than the taxpayers because they have found a way out. If that were true, everyone would be doing it. And everyone just isn't.

Perhaps the real stupidity of liberalism is in allowing a reproduction rate among our least successful minorities higher than among our most successful minorities.
1) The vast majority of people who are on government assistance are embarrassed and ashamed of the fact, try to conceal the fact, and want to be able to sustain themselves without it.

this is flat out not true. After decades and generations it is second nature to them to mention it proudly as if they are getting over on the system. I know this from personal experience.

You must not be livng to (too) well if you are around enough of them to give you that much personal experience.

but the subject is not how I am living, is it??????????? IF you can't focus you can't learn
The more welfare you give the poor the more they expect and think they are entitled too. Why go out and work if you can get money for just sitting at home. I know there are exceptions to this and some really want to get out of poverty but when you have generation after generation on welfare its something with the family and the family doesnt want to improve themselves.

I have worked in the projects. I will agree that housing for our poor is pretty good if you compare it to the way even working people in other countries live. However, wanting out of poverty isn't really the issue. Some can do it and some can't. I have worked with people who did get out of the projects. They went to school on Pell grants, but sadly, what sounds like a lot of money to people who don't have any money can be very misleading. I know a couple of social workers who are about the angriest people I ever met because they aren't rich. They thought social worker pay would make them rich. And it didn't. Many can't get out because they know nothing else. They don't fit anywhere. Many have patronized the local drug dealers until their crack use has turned them into psychotics. (Think, now who want's street drugs legalized.) And some just have low IQ to start with. Many are mentally ill, others have physical handicaps. I never saw a truly able bodied, able minded person the entire time I worked in the projects.

Anyone who thinks 'these people' are living a high life on the taxpayers is really saying that 'these people' are smarter than the taxpayers because they have found a way out. If that were true, everyone would be doing it. And everyone just isn't.

Define "able minded." Being too lazy to work a full day for years isn't a disorder. Being too fat (on government assistance) to qualify for a job at the diner isn't a handicap. Choosing a thug lifestyle and putting recreational drug use over job prospects is stupid but it's not "low IQ." The problem with these government assistance programs is that they have morphed from being necessary social safety nets to social hammocks.
The more welfare you give the poor the more they expect and think they are entitled too. Why go out and work if you can get money for just sitting at home. I know there are exceptions to this and some really want to get out of poverty but when you have generation after generation on welfare its something with the family and the family doesnt want to improve themselves.

I have worked in the projects. I will agree that housing for our poor is pretty good if you compare it to the way even working people in other countries live. However, wanting out of poverty isn't really the issue. Some can do it and some can't. I have worked with people who did get out of the projects. They went to school on Pell grants, but sadly, what sounds like a lot of money to people who don't have any money can be very misleading. I know a couple of social workers who are about the angriest people I ever met because they aren't rich. They thought social worker pay would make them rich. And it didn't. Many can't get out because they know nothing else. They don't fit anywhere. Many have patronized the local drug dealers until their crack use has turned them into psychotics. (Think, now who want's street drugs legalized.) And some just have low IQ to start with. Many are mentally ill, others have physical handicaps. I never saw a truly able bodied, able minded person the entire time I worked in the projects.

Anyone who thinks 'these people' are living a high life on the taxpayers is really saying that 'these people' are smarter than the taxpayers because they have found a way out. If that were true, everyone would be doing it. And everyone just isn't.

Define "able minded." Being too lazy to work a full day for years isn't a disorder. Being too fat (on government assistance) to qualify for a job at the diner isn't a handicap. Choosing a thug lifestyle and putting recreational drug use over job prospects is stupid but it's not "low IQ." The problem with these government assistance programs is that they have morphed from being necessary social safety nets to social hammocks.

And you know these people personally how?
this is flat out not true. After decades and generations it is second nature to them to mention it proudly as if they are getting over on the system. I know this from personal experience.

You must not be livng to (too) well if you are around enough of them to give you that much personal experience.

but the subject is not how I am living, is it??????????? IF you can't focus you can't learn

If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.
Anyone who thinks 'these people' are living a high life on the taxpayers is really saying that 'these people' are smarter than the taxpayers because they have found a way out. If that were true, everyone would be doing it. And everyone just isn't.

Perhaps the real stupidity of liberalism is in allowing a reproduction rate among our least successful minorities higher than among our most successful minorities.

Ah yes.......Idiocracy
I have worked in the projects. I will agree that housing for our poor is pretty good if you compare it to the way even working people in other countries live. However, wanting out of poverty isn't really the issue. Some can do it and some can't. I have worked with people who did get out of the projects. They went to school on Pell grants, but sadly, what sounds like a lot of money to people who don't have any money can be very misleading. I know a couple of social workers who are about the angriest people I ever met because they aren't rich. They thought social worker pay would make them rich. And it didn't. Many can't get out because they know nothing else. They don't fit anywhere. Many have patronized the local drug dealers until their crack use has turned them into psychotics. (Think, now who want's street drugs legalized.) And some just have low IQ to start with. Many are mentally ill, others have physical handicaps. I never saw a truly able bodied, able minded person the entire time I worked in the projects.

Anyone who thinks 'these people' are living a high life on the taxpayers is really saying that 'these people' are smarter than the taxpayers because they have found a way out. If that were true, everyone would be doing it. And everyone just isn't.

Define "able minded." Being too lazy to work a full day for years isn't a disorder. Being too fat (on government assistance) to qualify for a job at the diner isn't a handicap. Choosing a thug lifestyle and putting recreational drug use over job prospects is stupid but it's not "low IQ." The problem with these government assistance programs is that they have morphed from being necessary social safety nets to social hammocks.

And you know these people personally how?

School, volunteering, grocery shopping, friends of friends met at parties and poker games, some of their kids are in the scholarship program at my kids' school, etc.
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If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them.

If I said I was I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or admit to being another idiot liberal
You must not be livng to (too) well if you are around enough of them to give you that much personal experience.

but the subject is not how I am living, is it??????????? IF you can't focus you can't learn

If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.

I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?
1) The vast majority of people who are on government assistance are embarrassed and ashamed of the fact, try to conceal the fact, and want to be able to sustain themselves without it.

this is flat out not true. After decades and generations it is second nature to them to mention it proudly as if they are getting over on the system. I know this from personal experience.

If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them.

If I said I was I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or admit to being another idiot liberal

Yea, they just ring you up and tell you. :lol:
but the subject is not how I am living, is it??????????? IF you can't focus you can't learn

If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.
I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?

What town do you live in?
If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.
I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?

What town do you live in?

Winter Haven
Yeah......there are places there that have a very diverse population frequenting a single Publix. I have been there for dozens of baseball and softball tournaments over the years.
but the subject is not how I am living, is it??????????? IF you can't focus you can't learn

If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.

I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?

I live in a retirement community on Kentucky Lake.

Before here, I lived in Nashville TN which has plenty of 'diversity' and plenty of poor people. But I didn't have to live in the projects or near them, so I didn't. That is one of the choices that people who work and make a decent living have. I just won't apologize for getting an education, working, and supporting myself and my children well enough to live in an upscale neighborhood.
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I have worked in the projects. I will agree that housing for our poor is pretty good if you compare it to the way even working people in other countries live. However, wanting out of poverty isn't really the issue. Some can do it and some can't. I have worked with people who did get out of the projects. They went to school on Pell grants, but sadly, what sounds like a lot of money to people who don't have any money can be very misleading. I know a couple of social workers who are about the angriest people I ever met because they aren't rich. They thought social worker pay would make them rich. And it didn't. Many can't get out because they know nothing else. They don't fit anywhere. Many have patronized the local drug dealers until their crack use has turned them into psychotics. (Think, now who want's street drugs legalized.) And some just have low IQ to start with. Many are mentally ill, others have physical handicaps. I never saw a truly able bodied, able minded person the entire time I worked in the projects.

Anyone who thinks 'these people' are living a high life on the taxpayers is really saying that 'these people' are smarter than the taxpayers because they have found a way out. If that were true, everyone would be doing it. And everyone just isn't.

Define "able minded." Being too lazy to work a full day for years isn't a disorder. Being too fat (on government assistance) to qualify for a job at the diner isn't a handicap. Choosing a thug lifestyle and putting recreational drug use over job prospects is stupid but it's not "low IQ." The problem with these government assistance programs is that they have morphed from being necessary social safety nets to social hammocks.

And you know these people personally how?

You're too fucking old to have an opinion......

You know nothing about modern projects...

These motherfuckers are turning one another into swiss cheese on a daily basis here in Chicago...

20+ people are shot a night here in Chicago and I'm tired reading about it every morning...

All these fucks doing the shooting and are being shot are government dependents...

What do you think? middle class people are running out their homes with guns like raving lunatics shooting people for no fucking reason??


I'm 31 and you're like 80. I think I know my generation better than you do...
Define "able minded." Being too lazy to work a full day for years isn't a disorder. Being too fat (on government assistance) to qualify for a job at the diner isn't a handicap. Choosing a thug lifestyle and putting recreational drug use over job prospects is stupid but it's not "low IQ." The problem with these government assistance programs is that they have morphed from being necessary social safety nets to social hammocks.

And you know these people personally how?

You're too fucking old to have an opinion......

You know nothing about modern projects...

These motherfuckers are turning one another into swiss cheese on a daily basis here in Chicago...

20+ people are shot a night here in Chicago and I'm tired reading about it every morning...

All these fucks doing the shooting and are being shot are government dependents...

What do you think? middle class people are running out their homes with guns like raving lunatics shooting people for no fucking reason??


I'm 31 and you're like 80. I think I know my generation better than you do...

Trav, you need to go back where they have to pretend to like you.

The projects of the 90s were no different than the projects of today. I heard gunfire pretty much every day I was there. And the prisons I worked in 3 years ago have not morphed into anything different today.

You are not mature enough to have an opinion. Get a life. Then get back to us.

Now you live in Chicago? What happend to Texas and the Mrs with those big ole Chiclet teeth? :lmao:
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