Understanding the wealth of the poor

Anyone else notice the idiocy of saying that government assistance to the poor is a bad thing, because it supposedly makes them lazy and dependent, blah blah blah,

and the same people turn around and advocate charity?

If I'm a poor person, and the government is feeding me, for example, or a charity is doing it,

what the fuck's the difference?

There is a big difference. You're a lib so you can't see it. Charitiy is given voluntarily. The government gets its money by seizing it. No charity can tell you "pay us or we'll put you in jail and take everything you have".

You can decide that the chairity you support isn't spending your money wisely and refuse to donate more. You don't get that choice with the government. Private charities are subject to oversight, the government is not.

You're another retard who can't read.
Anyone else notice the idiocy of saying that government assistance to the poor is a bad thing, because it supposedly makes them lazy and dependent, blah blah blah,

and the same people turn around and advocate charity?

If I'm a poor person, and the government is feeding me, for example, or a charity is doing it,

what the fuck's the difference?

There is a big difference. You're a lib so you can't see it. Charitiy is given voluntarily. The government gets its money by seizing it. No charity can tell you "pay us or we'll put you in jail and take everything you have".

You can decide that the chairity you support isn't spending your money wisely and refuse to donate more. You don't get that choice with the government. Private charities are subject to oversight, the government is not.

I guess that's why the People never saw fit to involve the Government in helping the needy,

because Charity was doing such a good job of it.

jeezus christ you people are ignorant.
OK, so

Medicaid is abolished. Where do poor kids go for healthcare?

The larger question is: Medicaid is abolished. How do doctors get rich off the taxpayers, now?

No, actually I think children having to go without healthcare is the larger question.

To what level of health care do you refer? Preventive and routine care are currently available free in the local county health departments. So is prenatal care. The MDs here are the same ones who have fancy offices. They just all go to the health department on certain days to keep the welfare women out of their offices.

No, the larger question is still how to keep the doctors rich.
And you know these people personally how?

You're too fucking old to have an opinion......

You know nothing about modern projects...

These motherfuckers are turning one another into swiss cheese on a daily basis here in Chicago...

20+ people are shot a night here in Chicago and I'm tired reading about it every morning...

All these fucks doing the shooting and are being shot are government dependents...

What do you think? middle class people are running out their homes with guns like raving lunatics shooting people for no fucking reason??


I'm 31 and you're like 80. I think I know my generation better than you do...

Trav, you need to go back where they like you.

The projects of the 90s were no different than the projects of today. And the prisons I worked in 3 years ago have not morphed into anything different today.

You are not mature enough to have an opinion. Get a life.

Now you live in Chicago? What happend to Texas and the Mrs? :lmao:

OH you worked in prisons???

Who populated those prisons???

I know more about prison than you do...

Your authoritarian government thew me in one - I did nothing wrong...

But I got on with my life, got an associates degree and am who I am today...

So don't tell me about "I worked in a prison" - I lived in one of those motherfuckers being wrongfully convicted of a crime I didn't commit... Not to mention I have been in projects, I have seen people shot and killed, I have seen heads explode..

When I was 17 I saw a dude get shot right in the face and his body laid there for nearly 2 hours before one cop or ambulance arrived... This happened like 75 feet from me.. I was on 79th and South Shore Drive in Chicago right by St. Michaels Church...

I'm a conservative/libertarian today because I have seen too much shit - welfare fucks are brutal ignorant murderers and THAT is exactly who democrats pander to...

All democrats do is enable this murdering nonsense and enable a judicial system that locks up innocent people...
Yeah......there are places there that have a very diverse population frequenting a single Publix. I have been there for dozens of baseball and softball tournaments over the years.

Yep. Lots of trailer parks, some ghetto areas, but it's almost always nice on the water. For the most part, it's a nice community and less classist (some would say less classy, but I like my redneck roots). Definitely not a place to live if one wants to be insulated.
Yeah......there are places there that have a very diverse population frequenting a single Publix. I have been there for dozens of baseball and softball tournaments over the years.

Yep. Lots of trailer parks, some ghetto areas, but it's almost always nice on the water. For the most part, it's a nice community and less classist (some would say less classy, but I like my redneck roots). Definitely not a place to live if one wants to be insulated.

Or drive in a straight line to go somewhere!

I am on the Space Coast, by the way.
If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.

I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?

I live in a retirement community on Kentucky Lake.

Before here, I lived in Nashville TN which has plenty of 'diversity' and plenty of poor people. But I didn't have to live in the projects or near them, so I didn't. That is one of the choices that people who work and make a decent living have. I just won't apologize for getting an education, working, and supporting myself and my children well enough to live in an upscale neighborhood.

Nor would I expect you to. However, just "visiting" isn't enough to preach. Plenty of those on government assistance are just fine living the way they live. They have free or subsidized housing, more TANF assistance than my non-splurging grocery budget (enough to eat well on half and sell the excess for beer money), free or subsidized cable, and free or subsidized utilities. Then there is the gaming of the system such as unwed mothers who live with their boyfriends long term. The boyfriends' incomes don't count because they list their formal addresses elsewhere (family or neighbor).

Another quite common practice here is to claim an elderly parent as a dependent, stick him or her in a free nursing home, collect the social security checks, rent out the parent's house and live off that with no job. No job is no income, more free cash.
No, actually I think children having to go without healthcare is the larger question.

this is what idiot liberals encourage by encouraging the least successful among to have the most kids through welfare health care and public education.

The liberal ignorance is actually such that they are reversing evolution.
If you are shopping elbow to elbow with that many welfare/food stamp recipients then you must be living with them. Perhaps you too are a welfare recipient.

That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.

I never get behind anyone using a food card. Once I was behind a young mother who lacked about $10 having enough in the bank to pay her bill. She had 3 little children with her. I handed the cashier my debit card and told her to just put it on mine. Which she did.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?

I live in a retirement community on Kentucky Lake.

Before here, I lived in Nashville TN which has plenty of 'diversity' and plenty of poor people. But I didn't have to live in the projects or near them, so I didn't. That is one of the choices that people who work and make a decent living have. I just won't apologize for getting an education, working, and supporting myself and my children well enough to live in an upscale neighborhood.

Nor would I expect you to. However, just "visiting" isn't enough to preach. Plenty of those on government assistance are just fine living the way they live. They have free or subsidized housing, more TANF assistance than my non-splurging grocery budget (enough to eat well on half and sell the excess for beer money), free or subsidized cable, and free or subsidized utilities. Then there is the gaming of the system such as unwed mothers who live with their boyfriends long term. The boyfriends' incomes don't count because they list their formal addresses elsewhere (family or neighbor).

Another quite common practice here is to claim an elderly parent as a dependent, stick him or her in a free nursing home, collect the social security checks, rent out the parent's house and live off that with no job. No job is no income, more free cash.
Yeah......there are places there that have a very diverse population frequenting a single Publix. I have been there for dozens of baseball and softball tournaments over the years.

Yep. Lots of trailer parks, some ghetto areas, but it's almost always nice on the water. For the most part, it's a nice community and less classist (some would say less classy, but I like my redneck roots). Definitely not a place to live if one wants to be insulated.

Or drive in a straight line to go somewhere!

I am on the Space Coast, by the way.

Nice area! My wife was born there and her parents were raised there.

Yeah, there are no straight roads here. It's a simple grid once you know where all the lakes are.
That's a very myopic thing to say and it's actually false. There's one mainstream grocery store in this section of town which is a mix of mansions on the water, ghettos across the highway, and everything in between.

Not much diversity in your chosen place to live is there? Who are you to preach?

I live in a retirement community on Kentucky Lake.

Before here, I lived in Nashville TN which has plenty of 'diversity' and plenty of poor people. But I didn't have to live in the projects or near them, so I didn't. That is one of the choices that people who work and make a decent living have. I just won't apologize for getting an education, working, and supporting myself and my children well enough to live in an upscale neighborhood.

Nor would I expect you to. However, just "visiting" isn't enough to preach. Plenty of those on government assistance are just fine living the way they live. They have free or subsidized housing, more TANF assistance than my non-splurging grocery budget (enough to eat well on half and sell the excess for beer money), free or subsidized cable, and free or subsidized utilities. Then there is the gaming of the system such as unwed mothers who live with their boyfriends long term. The boyfriends' incomes don't count because they list their formal addresses elsewhere (family or neighbor).

Another quite common practice here is to claim an elderly parent as a dependent, stick him or her in a free nursing home, collect the social security checks, rent out the parent's house and live off that with no job. No job is no income, more free cash.

Have fun playing her game - I have been arguing with this fool for nearly 7 years going back to USPOL...
I live in a retirement community on Kentucky Lake.

Before here, I lived in Nashville TN which has plenty of 'diversity' and plenty of poor people. But I didn't have to live in the projects or near them, so I didn't. That is one of the choices that people who work and make a decent living have. I just won't apologize for getting an education, working, and supporting myself and my children well enough to live in an upscale neighborhood.

Nor would I expect you to. However, just "visiting" isn't enough to preach. Plenty of those on government assistance are just fine living the way they live. They have free or subsidized housing, more TANF assistance than my non-splurging grocery budget (enough to eat well on half and sell the excess for beer money), free or subsidized cable, and free or subsidized utilities. Then there is the gaming of the system such as unwed mothers who live with their boyfriends long term. The boyfriends' incomes don't count because they list their formal addresses elsewhere (family or neighbor).

Another quite common practice here is to claim an elderly parent as a dependent, stick him or her in a free nursing home, collect the social security checks, rent out the parent's house and live off that with no job. No job is no income, more free cash.

Have fun playing her game - I have been arguing with this fool for nearly 7 years going back to USPOL...

Lemme guess - social worker?
Liberals want to help people who need help. Conservatives want to turn their backs on fellow Americans in need because it is inconvenient for wealthy americans

Its not inconvenient at all, thats why conservatives give far more to charity than liberals. Its that conservatives have the IQ to see that liberal welfare has decimated black America, for example, while liberals are merely bigots who imagine they are morally superior.

Prove it!
Funny, I know several black families that are doing just fine.

We are not tallking about the black families you know, but rather black families in general. As a liberal you will lack the IQ to grasp the difference. Sorry.

Listen, Brutus....I am not a liberal, in fact, I've been called a neo con, a nazi, and several other names I'd rather not repeat.

The fact that I now that our income gap is bad for our country has nothing to do with my politics and everything to do with history. Read some, it won't kill you.

Both the dems and the reps have sold us out. They are so busy getting people like you to fight with each other that you haven't noticed how they wrecked our economy, failed to protect our borders and stole from our treasury. And you think I'M stupid?????
The fact that I now that our income gap is bad for our country has nothing to do with my politics and everything to do with history. Read some, it won't kill you.

being opposed to the income gap is like being opposed to Steve Jobs because of the gap in his inventions versus those of the poor. Get it!!
We need a few geniuses to cure cancer etc etc.

the way to close the gap is not through violent liberal taxaction, but by cutting the welfare entitlements so the poor can work and accumulated some wealth too!!. See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
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Both the dems and the reps have sold us out.

Actually the Republicans are for freedom just like Jefferson. Why be so afraid to give your best example of how they sold us out? What does your fear tell us?

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