Understanding What Kim Davis' Legal Argument Will Be..

If a Christian is a sinner, which all of them are, then do all sins become OK in the eyes of God?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
aha I found the marital loophole
King James 2000 Bible
And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.

Where is the punishment of eternal soul death? I don't see it anywhere.

You realize of course that in order to win, you will have to pitch that mortal sins have to be required of Christians now in the secular world.

The equivalent of requiring Kim Davis to put her name on a "gay marriage" license is the equivalent of requiring her to assist someone's suicide or murder. Only I think the mortal sin of normalizing homosexuality is worse because of what I said in the OP and how it isn't just one soul dying or committing suicide, but a whole society of them damned without a chance if homosexuality is normalized there, over a couple generations' time.

Like I said in the OP...God is wiser than you are. God is wiser than Kim Davis is; the difference between you and she is that she understands that and you don't. And that's why we find the MORTAL sin of normalizing homosexuality addressed in the very FIRST passages of Jude and Romans. It was a number one priority to convey.
aha I found the marital loophole
King James 2000 Bible
And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.

Where is the punishment of eternal soul death? I don't see it anywhere.

You realize of course that in order to win, you will have to pitch that mortal sins have to be required of Christians now in the secular world.

The equivalent of requiring Kim Davis to put her name on a "gay marriage" license is the equivalent of requiring her to assist someone's suicide or murder. Only I think the mortal sin of normalizing homosexuality is worse because of what I said in the OP and how it isn't just one soul dying or committing suicide, but a whole society of them damned without a chance if homosexuality is normalized there, over a couple generations' time.

Like I said in the OP...God is wiser than you are. God is wiser than Kim Davis is; the difference between you and she is that she understands that and you don't. And that's why we find the MORTAL sin of normalizing homosexuality addressed in the very FIRST passages of Jude and Romans. It was a number one priority to convey.

And your retort about mortal vs venial sins is? Oh, a rolling laughter smiley. Does that mean that's a topic you don't want to visit and are using laughter to deflect?
And your retort about mortal vs venial sins is? Oh, a rolling laughter smiley. Does that mean that's a topic you don't want to visit and are using laughter to deflect?

No one needs to deflect from your asinine arguments.

That you consider yourself an expert on Christianity and able to speak for all followers of the religion is enough to show the ridiculousness of your claims. As I've already said, it's clear that many people who consider themselves Christians disagree with your interpretation of the Bible and the specific verses you are harping on. I've also already stated that, having read those verses, I disagree with your interpretation of them. My laughter is your continued claims that what you see as the meaning behind those verses is simply the way it is, and your implication that it will somehow be the argument in a lawsuit you expect to happen and upon which humanity depends.

My laughter is because your posts are a nearly constant source of amusement. ;)
One doesn't have to be an expert on Christianity to read Jude 1 and Romans 1 and see plainly on their face the warnings of that mortal sin. One only has to understand that mortal sin is the type no Christian can recover from and will spend an eternity in the pit of fire for committing. Beyond that we have:

1. God saying through his apostles and saints that normalizing homosexuality in any culture gets you the pit of fire for eternity and

2. The fact that this warning is referred to in the VERY FIRST utterings of two of the apostlistic texts in the New Testament...Jude 1 and Romans 1
And your retort about mortal vs venial sins is? Oh, a rolling laughter smiley. Does that mean that's a topic you don't want to visit and are using laughter to deflect?

Suffers from Religious Trauma Syndrome
One doesn't have to be an expert on Christianity to read Jude 1 and Romans 1 and see plainly on their face the warnings of that mortal sin. One only has to understand that mortal sin is the type no Christian can recover from and will spend an eternity in the pit of fire for committing. Beyond that we have:

1. God saying through his apostles and saints that normalizing homosexuality in any culture gets you the pit of fire for eternity and

2. The fact that this warning is referred to in the VERY FIRST utterings of two of the apostlistic texts in the New Testament...Jude 1 and Romans 1

Considering not all Christians even believe in a Hell of eternal damnation and fire, perhaps you might reconsider the clarity you think exists in this (or most) Bible verses. ;)
How are her religious views a defense to breaking the law?
The 1st Amendment. Next stupid question? Passively refusing to participate in promoting a deviant sex cult isn't an assault on anyone.

The key hinge here will be behaviors do not = race.

No it won't. Nor was it. Remember, your pseudo-legal prattle has nothing to do with any case. You foundational assumptions are obvious fallacies. As behavior does not mean something can't be constitutionally protected. Speech is behavior. Practicing religion is behavior. Assembly is behavior. Bearing arms is behavior. And all are protected.

Nixing the entire backbone of your argument.

Nor are gays a 'sex cult' in any legal sense. Its just a name you call gay people. And it won't be the core of any legal case. This entire thread is just another thumb sucker of yours. Where you are trying to self soothe with monotonous recitations of the same tired bullshit that was so soundly rejected earlier.

You will see attorneys saying this for Kim Davis. They will bring up the behaviors do not = race argument.

They didn't. And they haven't. Once again, you're gloriously clueless. With your predictions having a worse record than random chance.
Considering not all Christians even believe in a Hell of eternal damnation and fire, perhaps you might reconsider the clarity you think exists in this (or most) Bible verses. ;)

Not all Christians 'believe' in gravity, entropy, momentum of electromagnetism... that in no way alters the very real laws of nature that provide for the existence of such.

Some idiots don't believe in the consequences of thrift, hard work, humility, chastity before marriage, faithful loyalty to one's sacred word, self reliance and the disciplined forbearance of one's responsibilities... that also in no way alters the reality of nature's law which provides for such to be the certain path to happiness.

Of course... LOL! SOME do not believe in the simple laws of nature that govern human communication, such as the feckless nature of fallacious appeals to popularity... but that never stops the idiots that trot them out from getting their rhetorical head handed to them when they try, in the presence of a soundly educated American. Such as you receiving your rhetorical head from me, in the above exchange....

See how that works? Pretty dam' cool, huh ?

Oh... and one more thing: There are no Christian Progs... (Leftists) and this is because the laws of nature preclude the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis... so those Progs posing as Christians that don't 'believe' in Hell, are irrelevant ... the Christ states in no uncertain terms that absent accepting HIM as one's Lord and Savior, there will be no fellowship with the Father... and absent fellowship with the Father... there's only eternal damnation, OKA: Hell.
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Considering not all Christians even believe in a Hell of eternal damnation and fire, perhaps you might reconsider the clarity you think exists in this (or most) Bible verses. ;)

Not all Christians 'believe' in gravity, entropy, momentum of electromagnetism... that in no way alters the very real laws of nature that provide for the existence of such.

And by the 'very real' nature of hell, you mean your subjective belief?

Remember, Keyes....your religious beliefs have no objective basis. They remain subjectiv e beliefs based on subjective intepretations of whatever religion you subjectively choose to follow.

Which defines nothing objectively. Nor makes 'hell' 'very real'.
Remember, Keyes....your religious beliefs have no objective basis. They remain subjectiv e beliefs based on subjective intepretations of whatever religion you subjectively choose to follow.

Which defines nothing objectively. Nor makes 'hell' 'very real'.

According to your yardstick, all dire and grave warnings in the Christian Bible are subjective and not allowable as a defense of the 1st Amendment.

In other words, your demand will have to be that Christianity has to be abolished in favor of secular law.

If a Christian cannot abide by the dire warning of a mortal sin, in this case, normalizing homosexuality, then Christianity no longer *is*.

Because of the mistaken premise race = behaviors, the concept of everyone having to accomodate gay marriage in the public sector and Christianity cannot exist in the same legal universe.

They shouldn't have drawn their conclusions off of a false premise. That's where the mistake will be traced back to. And if gay marriage is forced upon and "legal" in all 50 states so are any other behaviors most folks object to. Which boiled down means that polygamy and incest marriage are all now also legal in all 50 states.

Who would say no to them and why, and how??
Remember, Keyes....your religious beliefs have no objective basis. They remain subjectiv e beliefs based on subjective intepretations of whatever religion you subjectively choose to follow.

Which defines nothing objectively. Nor makes 'hell' 'very real'.

According to your yardstick, all dire and grave warnings in the Christian Bible are subjective and not allowable as a defense of the 1st Amendment.

According to my yardstick, the Bible defines hell subjectively. Not objectively. Its merely subjective, personal belief. With no objective evidence to support it.

And you can quote me.

In other words, your demand will have to be that Christianity has to be abolished in favor of secular law.

Feel free to quote me saying that Christianity 'has to be abolished'. If I've actually said that, it should be remarkably easy for you to find. If you're stark raving crazy, quoting the voices in your own head as you descend into madness....its gonna be slightly more difficult.

And you're going to show us which in 5......4.......3......2......1.
Remember, Keyes....your religious beliefs have no objective basis. They remain subjectiv e beliefs based on subjective intepretations of whatever religion you subjectively choose to follow.

Which defines nothing objectively. Nor makes 'hell' 'very real'.

According to your yardstick, all dire and grave warnings in the Christian Bible are subjective and not allowable as a defense of the 1st Amendment.

In other words, your demand will have to be that Christianity has to be abolished in favor of secular law.

If a Christian cannot abide by the dire warning of a mortal sin, in this case, normalizing homosexuality, then Christianity no longer *is*.

Because of the mistaken premise race = behaviors, the concept of everyone having to accomodate gay marriage in the public sector and Christianity cannot exist in the same legal universe.

They shouldn't have drawn their conclusions off of a false premise. That's where the mistake will be traced back to. And if gay marriage is forced upon and "legal" in all 50 states so are any other behaviors most folks object to. Which boiled down means that polygamy and incest marriage are all now also legal in all 50 states.

Who would say no to them and why, and how??

No one but you is saying that race = behaviors. You are the only one foolish enough to think those are the only two possible aspects to a person and that they are mutually exclusive.
No problem... Mathew 19, 4-5: “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female", and said, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh".

In that, the Christ defined marriage, wherein he inherently defined human sexuality and the inevitable and singularly acceptable expression of such.

It's worth noting that he did not speak to the taking of a goat, horse, dog, cat, child, or some other semblance of receptacle such as a person of the same gender, as an expression of human sexuality... thus such is not a function of human sexuality.

Not seeing where Jesus specifically condemned homosexuality.

Where did JESUS say that Homosexuals are going to hell?
Using this reasoning, then there is no endowment from Nature's God, wherein the individual is endowed by our Creator with rights so certain, as to be self-evident... .

You are right. Any fool who thinks Americans have "rights" from a magic sky pixie need to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942". We don't have rights. We have privilages that the rest of society thinks we should have.

It's just that most of society has looked at gay marriage and said, "Meh, no skin off my ass."

And it is through that feckless drivel that we can know that the individual speaking is NOT an American, as such is the most fundamental of American principle and absent the acceptance of that soundly reasoned tenet, there is no means for a person to claim themselves as an American.

Or that I'm a pragmatist. Frankly, America has had slavery, we've genocided the Native Americans, we were one of the last countries to let women vote, we don't promise our citizens health care. The notion that we have more "rights' (imaginary or otherwise) than other countries is just silly.

The best odds are that the above would-be 'contributor', is yet another mouthy British socialist posing as a US citizen, demonstrating the Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance common to the hollow core of the Ideological Left.

Yawn, guy. If anyone is in the minority, it's you Right Wingers in Jesusland. Totally on the wrong side of history.
1. God saying through his apostles and saints that normalizing homosexuality in any culture gets you the pit of fire for eternity and

2. The fact that this warning is referred to in the VERY FIRST utterings of two of the apostlistic texts in the New Testament...Jude 1 and Romans 1

THe bible also says you should stone your daughter if she gets her cherry popped before marriage.
But we'll probably arrest you if you try it.
1. God saying through his apostles and saints that normalizing homosexuality in any culture gets you the pit of fire for eternity and

2. The fact that this warning is referred to in the VERY FIRST utterings of two of the apostlistic texts in the New Testament...Jude 1 and Romans 1

THe bible also says you should stone your daughter if she gets her cherry popped before marriage.
But we'll probably arrest you if you try it.

Kim Davis wouldn't, I'm sure.
1. God saying through his apostles and saints that normalizing homosexuality in any culture gets you the pit of fire for eternity and

2. The fact that this warning is referred to in the VERY FIRST utterings of two of the apostlistic texts in the New Testament...Jude 1 and Romans 1

THe bible also says you should stone your daughter if she gets her cherry popped before marriage.
But we'll probably arrest you if you try it.
Totally. But it isn't said that if you refuse to stone your daughter you will spend eternity in hell. And that passage you mention is in the Old Testament. The New Testament, which Christians follow, would never find Jesus teaching stoning. In fact we find the opposite, don't we? We find him teaching "he who is without sin shall cast the first stone".

Try again..

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