Undocumented(Illegal) Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit

it's pretty much the webster definition of identity politics. you can tear up the country as long as i like you.

Yep, shallow minded folks work this way. Speak nicely and they will vote for you despite your actual policies. Mac is the poster child for such nonsensical, childlike behavior.
Yep, shallow minded folks work this way. Speak nicely and they will vote for you despite your actual policies. Mac is the poster child for such nonsensical, childlike behavior.
oh hell, there's a whole herd of those people running around. i've just learned you can't talk to them if you disagree with them.

however, i've also been lambasted for not agreeing with people on the right when you find holes in their "passion".

people are simply in the mood to fight and be an asshole. phase we gotta slog through i suppose.
Yes it is terrible. Whats worse is that you still can't see the damage ole Biden is doing.

I am patiently waiting on your no doubt brilliant article on how inflation is not transitory, how the supply chain disruptions are not largely due to the labor shortage and how the labor shortage has not been driven by Biden's "pay for no-work" policies. I am sure it will be riveting and informative.
To qualify for this credit you have to file tax returns. Tell me how this is done without having a S.S. number. And no, you can't use a fake one. There would be conflicts all over the place and there isn't.

They have been doing this for decades and decades.

They run over the border...shit out a squatemalan orc

That orc then automatically becomes a US citizen.

They then file for an ITIN for government benefits.

In order to receive benefits for the orc the government then issues them an ITIN.

So, they are illegal, but they now have a tax number.

Then they can receive benefits for their orc.

If they are sent back with their orc they still receive those benefits.

San Ysidro Ca. used to have the most PO Boxes in the US for this very reason.

See how the system is gamed?
They have been doing this for decades and decades.

They run over the border...shit out a squatemalan orc

That orc then automatically becomes a US citizen.

They then file for an ITIN for government benefits.

In order to receive benefits for the orc the government then issues them an ITIN.

So, they are illegal, but they now have a tax number.

Then they can receive benefits for their orc.

If they are sent back with their orc they still receive those benefits.

San Ysidro Ca. used to have the most PO Boxes in the US for this very reason.

See how the system is gamed?

You don't get to just make stuff up and claim it as fact.
The goal is to bankrupt the entire nation. Exactly as stated in the Cloward Piven Strategy. The interim goal is massive violence as civil society breaks down. Then the new social justice nation can emerge. Communism for the new America.
Lisa558 posted a link to this article in another thread but I am “stealing” it because it deserves its own thread. We are now paying illegals with children. This administrait on has lost it’s mind. To make it even worse, the are advertising this benefit via the “Spanish language press.” Keep in mind, you don’t have to PAY any income tax to get the child tax credit. It is fully refundable. This is a giveaway to Americans with children and now that giveaway has been extended to ANYONE that crosses our border with children and gets an ITIN number. How on earth can Democrat support such nonsense?

Latino Rebels asked First Lady Jill Biden’s chief of staff Julissa Reynoso on a press call Wednesday morning if undocumented parents are eligible for checks via the child tax credit program in the American Rescue Plan.

“If the parent and the child have an ITIN [Individual Taxpayer Identification Number], that should suffice for the family to be able to receive the credit,” Reynoso said.

“The childtaxcredit.gov site is in English and Spanish. We’re doing a lot of outreach to Spanish language press too,” she added.

White House: Undocumented Parents Eligible for July Child Tax Credit Payments From IRS
That an immigrant might be undocumented doesn't mean he is 'illegal.'
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You don't get to just make stuff up and claim it as fact.

This has been happening for years.

I know the media won't tell you so you think it is fake but there is an entire economy based on this stuff.
They have been doing this for decades and decades.

They run over the border...shit out a squatemalan orc

That orc then automatically becomes a US citizen.

They then file for an ITIN for government benefits.

In order to receive benefits for the orc the government then issues them an ITIN.

So, they are illegal, but they now have a tax number.

Then they can receive benefits for their orc.

If they are sent back with their orc they still receive those benefits.

San Ysidro Ca. used to have the most PO Boxes in the US for this very reason.

See how the system is gamed?
Little orc gets a social security number upon birth in an American hospital.
Little orc gets a social security number upon birth in an American hospital.
That's correct. Little orc cannot work, nor support itself, YET has the right to remain in the USA.

Parents receive ITIN for benefits, and by nature of the ITIN, are no longer technically illegal.

They can then collect benefits, work, and the cycle repeats, and repeats.
if they're not working and the illegals are - isn't that what he could have been saying?

they need people to work. hell in and out had a sign saying up to $18.25 an hour to hand out burgers.

if american citizens are going to sit and wait for gov money then i would think businesses need workers and start not caring where they come from.

one problem at a time.
Libs always seek the easy way out

Instead of confronting lazy Americans the plan is to flood the country with shoeless foreigners

But that only makes the problem worse
That's correct.
That's a myth. It's what the left tells itself. The main employer of illegals are the cartels. The younger boys are trained to be killers, they sell drugs or smuggle drugs. The girls are taken into sex slavery, or they maintain the work houses where the men are packed into sleeping spaces.

There was a time when an invader could work harvesting or planting. Those jobs are mostly mechanized today. Those little minimum wage jobs are largely disappeared. Automation has replaced many of those low level jobs. The cartels pay more anyway. Not the women. They are still slaves.
Libs always seek the easy way out

Instead of confronting lazy Americans the plan is to flood the country with shoeless foreigners

But that only makes the problem worse
oh i can't/won't deny it's a huge contradictory clusterfuck of hypocrisy across the board. that is who we are these days.
They are still illegal aliens, even with an ITIN. Getting that number doesn’t negate the fact that they broke into this country in violation of our immigration laws.

These Illegals shouldn’t even be here in the first place. And now Biden is making law-abiding American taxpayers give them $300 per month per child?
How many voted for Biden and are now sorry?
We are now paying illegals with children.
No we have been giving illegals BILLIONS a year in child tax credit refunds for over a decade. Every attempt to put a stop to this in congress has been blocked by Democrats. Over 1/3 of illegals are now participating in this illegal refund scam. BY LAW illegals are NOT entitled to the child tax credit.

True to their illegal criminal behavior illegals don't just claim their own kids, they claim ridiculous numbers of kids for refunds north of $18,000. They claim kids not their own. They claim kids who have never even set foot in the USA.

So millions of illegals scamming the American taxpayers, encouraged and enabled by Democrats.

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