Unedited video of anti Trump operatives in action.

Look at the people with Mexican flags basically rioting because they don't want Americans to control their own country, and go from there.
Hey, dumbshit.

Watch the OP video again.

Notice the protesters all speak unaccented American English.

The United States IS their home country. They ARE Americans.


Hey horses ass, just because they speak English doesn't mean anything; and if it does, maybe it means they were brought over here when very young by their mother, and an anchor baby. In any case, if you can't send them back, just like you said earlier, lets go back to the old days and water cannon them, arrest them, and let them sit in jail for a few days.
The dividing line for winning the election appears to be somewhere around 35 percent of the Hispanic vote.

That's how much of the Hispanic vote Bush won in 2000, and it took the Supreme Court to squeak him into office.


Your denial and desperation is duly noted.
You tards actually believe a wall will fix the economy! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump also plans on invading Iraq again. How's that going to work out for the economy?

Oh, yeah. He says he will steal oil profits from ISIS. Remember when Bush said his war would be paid for with oil profits?

That same war Trump wanted to impeach him for. The same war Trump said we should cut and run from, which the Right claims led to the rise of ISIS.

That's your guy, huh?

Please show us your legitimate source with a link to your allegation that Donald Trump said that building a wall will fix the economy.

As you know, it was President Barack Hussein Obama who disregarded all his military advisers and pulled all our troops out of Iraq instead of leaving 10 to 15 thousand troops to control the country. Republicans and Conservatives told President Obama what would happen and it did. Now we have President Obama sending fighting troops back into Iraq and the war is ongoing in Afghanistan.

Worse still and we have the Middle East on fire with MILLIONS of refugees trying to escape the ISIS war in Libya and the rest of the Mid-East.

Your desperation is duly noted.
Trump called for us to cut and run from Iraq. Is that who you want as Commander in Chief? Someone who called for a policy which led to the rise of ISIS?

That speaks both to his judgment and his cowardice.

Trump supported what Obama did. In fact, he supported us totally abandoning Iraq. He's WORSE than Obama!
Trump started the call to violence, now his opponents are finishing it.

Thank you g5000, we appreciate you pointing out the mentality of Progressives...once again.
The mental cases are on both sides of the equation. Too bad you hacks can only see one side.

Willful stupidity.

You are all idiot pawns in a very successful divide and conquer strategy.

Now this I completely agree with.
Corporatism is the enemy. Big money and corporatism is actively extracting wealth and aggressively building monopolies that is wiping out the middle class. And yet, corporatism is a word few Americans have a clue about. America is no longer a representive republic. It is a plutocratic corporatocracy. And ALL of Washington, both parties are 100% complicit in the takeover.
Hillary Clinton is a corporatist to the core. And where she is not acting like a corporatist - she is an elitist. And the left is inviting her with open arms.
On the other side we have a narcissistic egomaniac being a populist...and we all know how well this has gone throughout history.
Any time, anywhere, there was a left wing talking point to discuss, Donald Trump was right there in the ranks with them. EVERY TIME!!!

This is whose cock you dumb rubes have been sucking. This is the GOP front runner.
I realize you are stuck on full retard but the economy is the number one issue for the right. Without the economy nothing else matters. I'm not interested in his political opinions as a businessman but I damn sure don't want another four years of this shit.
You tards actually believe a wall will fix the economy! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump also plans on invading Iraq again. How's that going to work out for the economy?

Oh, yeah. He says he will steal oil profits from ISIS. Remember when Bush said his war would be paid for with oil profits?

That same war Trump wanted to impeach him for. The same war Trump said we should cut and run from, which the Right claims led to the rise of ISIS.

That's your guy, huh?
I didn't say anything about a wall and I believe he wants to go after ISIS, not Iraq. Look, it's obvious the butthurt is still strong with you. Nobody wanted Kaisich, you just have to live with it.
Now this I completely agree with.
Corporatism is the enemy. Big money and corporatism is actively extracting wealth and aggressively building monopolies that is wiping out the middle class. And yet, corporatism is a word few Americans have a clue about. America is no longer a representive republic. It is a plutocratic corporatocracy. And ALL of Washington, both parties are 100% complicit in the takeover.
Hillary Clinton is a corporatist to the core. And where she is not acting like a corporatist - she is an elitist. And the left is inviting her with open arms.
On the other side we have a narcissistic egomaniac being a populist...and we all know how well this has gone throughout history.

Simple question. How?
I don't understand why anyone replies to G5000.

He's ignorant on the topics and posts only to stir the pot. Simply not responding to him will have him talking to himself.

I don't understand why anyone replies to G5000.

He's ignorant on the topics and posts only to stir the pot. Simply not responding to him will have him talking to himself.
Yeah, I only back up every single one of my claims with hard evidence. I can see why willfully blind monkeys who are accustomed to parroting manufactured bullshit would not want to converse with me. They don't like getting their asses handed to them.

"Wait...wut? He wanted Bush impeached? He was one of those cut and run libbruls?"
I don't understand why anyone replies to G5000.

He's ignorant on the topics and posts only to stir the pot. Simply not responding to him will have him talking to himself.
Yeah, I only back up every single one of my claims with hard evidence. I can see why willfully blind monkeys who are accustomed to parroting manufactured bullshit would not want to converse with me. They don't like getting their asses handed to them.

"Wait...wut? He wanted Bush impeached? He was one of those cut and run libbruls?"
He's the nominee, will be anyway. Your tirades change nothing.
Now this I completely agree with.
Corporatism is the enemy. Big money and corporatism is actively extracting wealth and aggressively building monopolies that is wiping out the middle class. And yet, corporatism is a word few Americans have a clue about. America is no longer a representive republic. It is a plutocratic corporatocracy. And ALL of Washington, both parties are 100% complicit in the takeover.
Hillary Clinton is a corporatist to the core. And where she is not acting like a corporatist - she is an elitist. And the left is inviting her with open arms.
On the other side we have a narcissistic egomaniac being a populist...and we all know how well this has gone throughout history.

Simple question. How?

You cannot seriously be asking this question.
I don't understand why anyone replies to G5000.

He's ignorant on the topics and posts only to stir the pot. Simply not responding to him will have him talking to himself.
Yeah, I only back up every single one of my claims with hard evidence. I can see why willfully blind monkeys who are accustomed to parroting manufactured bullshit would not want to converse with me. They don't like getting their asses handed to them.

"Wait...wut? He wanted Bush impeached? He was one of those cut and run libbruls?"
He's the nominee, will be anyway. Your tirades change nothing.
Yes, he's the nominee, which proves the point I have been making for years that the GOP has been hijacked by retards, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he supported the impeachment of George Bush.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he wanted to cut and run from Iraq.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he said he is "very pro-choice".

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he supports an Assault Weapons Ban.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he supports single payer health care.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he and his entire family donated to all of Hillary's campaigns.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he funded the DNC Chairman's run for the governor of Virginia.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he said Bill Clinton was a great President.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he runs a string of casinos which prey on the middle class and the poor.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that he is a serial adulterer.

To bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to blank out of your mind that his budget plan has the highest deficits of all 19 candidates, save Bernie Sanders's plan!

In short, to bleev Trump is a Republican conservative, you have to have seven pounds of brain damage.

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