Unelected Jill Biden to Represent US at Coronation instead of Joe

^^ Awwwww…..Orange Man hurt someone’s fee-fees. :itsok:

No 0range Man behaved an a rude and disrespectful manner to an elderly woman who could buy and sell him 10 times over, and whose great grandmother was Queen of England when Trump's grandfather was running a whore house in the Yukon.

Class and breeding always shows.

Jill Biden is a piece of low life shit, just like that Potatohead clown that she is married to.

She doesn't even recognize one of the Biden grandchildren.

When has Trump ever had anything to do with his grandchildren? Every time Trump gets near a child, they scream. No happy Christmas pictures with Eric and Junior and their kids. They didn't even attend his birthday party.
They had monarchs ascend the throne prior to 1952, but...

The fact is, prior to Queen Victoria, our relationship with Britain has been pretty much adversarial (think the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812), so why would any President go?

Despite the fairly good relationship we had with Britain when Victoria took the crown and the corresponding rise of American interest in the British monarchy, Van Buren did not attend her coronation, mainly because it was impractical.

Despite his very good relationship with King George VI and Elizabeth, and America's closeness to the U.K. post WWII, Eisenhower did not attend Elizabeth's coronation. Reason? Possibly the Korean War, possibly the one President tradition of not going.

Why didn't Joe go? Who knows... tradition? age? didn't want to miss the next episode of The Blacklist? It doesn't matter, no one has been offended... save for a few on the Trump train...

The President didn't have a jet aircraft until 1958. Wilson and Truman were the first Presidents to visit Europe at all, and both only did so to sign the Peace Agreements ending WWI and WWII respectively.
What’s the deal? This woman is largely responsible for talking her senile, fragile husband into running again and now SHE is the one to attend the coronation?

Wasn't Joe banned after the last time he was there and wet-farted all over one of the ambassadors?

Besides, having Joe there can only end in embarrassment for both countries--- Joe might think he is at a baseball game, get up, and wander off looking for a hot dog stand. You watch, while Dr. Jill is away, Joe will have a low profile as no one else can get away with nursing Joe as an invalid without it looking too obvious.
The President didn't have a jet aircraft until 1958.

Idiot, it wasn't until about then that jets and jet engines were sufficiently developed and proven enough to justify putting them on an AirForce One anyway. The jet engine was still barely off the drawing boards getting their bugs worked out for regular planes 10 years earlier, much less for a jumbo airliner.
Melania is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Jill Biden is a trailer park skank,

No she isn't. She's a boxtoxxed, silicone enhanced, middle aged, former nude model, who's paid to show when Trump needs a "plus one". Her face and figured were enhanced by the best plastic surgeons, and expensive clothes that money can buy.

She hated being First Lady and it showed.
Idiot, it wasn't until about then that jets and jet engines were sufficiently developed and proven enough to justify putting them on an AirForce One anyway. The jet engine was still barely off the drawing boards getting their bugs worked out for regular planes 10 years earlier, much less for a jumbo airliner.

Well duh!!!! The topic was "why didn't Presidents attend prior coronations", not "when did jet travel start". Try to keep up, and you won't embarrass yourself further.
No she isn't. She's a boxtoxxed, silicone enhanced, middle aged, former nude model, who's paid to show when Trump needs a "plus one". Her face and figured were enhanced by the best plastic surgeons, and expensive clothes that money can buy. She hated being First Lady and it showed.

And you'd KILL to look that good or be that lucky, rich and fortunate and it shows! :lmao:
Well duh!!!! The topic was "why didn't Presidents attend prior coronations", not "when did jet travel start". Try to keep up
The President didn't have a jet aircraft until 1958.

So basically bitch, you just called yourself an idiot and off topic, and not worth responding to and an embarrassment! Got it.

Of course, that was already obvious.
For some reason, the Biden bitches, Dr. Jill and Hunter's daughter thought that they were attending a costume party. In some bizarre turn of fashion mockery they attended the coronation of the British monarch jointly dressed as the Ukrainian flag.
And you'd KILL to look that good or be that lucky, rich and fortunate and it shows! :lmao:

Not for a New York minute. I would never put plastic and poison in my body. The list of actresses who've had them removed and were left scarred and mutilated, is long and distinguished - Dolly Parton and Pamela Anderson head the list. All of the women I know in real life have had them taken out and regret getting them.

I'd love the clothes, but I can make those myself if I really want to. I'm neither materialistic nor mercenary enough to be a trophy wife, and I would never be anybody's mistress. I'd rather be with someone who doesn't humiliate me by sleeping with other women and bragging about it in public. I'd rather not have to wonder if Hope Hicks is my replacement. What's the over/under that she's the next Mrs. Trump when, not if Melania dumps him.

Melania didn't renegotiate her pre-nup before moving to Washington because she planned on staying married to Trump.

Why would anyone sign on for such a life? I have met a lot of wealthy and famous people through my work, and it's not a life I aspire to ever.
What’s the deal? This woman is largely responsible for talking her senile, fragile husband into running again and now SHE is the one to attend the coronation? Would the efforts of walking into the church, standing at times, and then walking out again be too exhausting for the most powerful man in the world to handle?

Oh, noooooo!!! It's the end of the United States!!!
What’s the deal? This woman is largely responsible for talking her senile, fragile husband into running again and now SHE is the one to attend the coronation? Would the efforts of walking into the church, standing at times, and then walking out again be too exhausting for the most powerful man in the world to handle?

She was reportedly seated in the back near the bathrooms.

She should have worn her Depends.

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