Unelected Jill Biden to Represent US at Coronation instead of Joe

1. I think that we should make people happy by using the title that they have earned. What's the harm in boosting another person's ego?

2. Here in Los Angeles, we have a chief medical officer who oversaw the COVID tragedy for three years.

a. She got a doctorate in social welfare.
b. So she wants to be addressed as "Dr."
c. For three years, a local talk show host regularly ridiculed her for misleading people into thinking she was a medical doctor.
d. Last week the show host said that she is now trying to get him removed from the Internet whenever he ridicules her credentials.
Fuck the bitch. If you bother to read her worthless doctorate thesis is obvious that she got her degree because her husband was a big shot in the state. The work was absolutely sophomoric.

Want to know why students quit Community college?

1. They can't hack the work

2. They see no need for the degree they were seeking

3. They decided to do something else

4. They needed to make money in a job rather than go to school.

Thank You,

Dr Flash.
OMG, the hypocrisy, especially since Trump had his daughter and son in law working in an official capacity.

"Doctor" Biden???? LOL!!

You do know her doctorate degree is a joke, don't you? It is on line, Go read it. It is about why students drop out of Community College and it is shit. Her "scholarly research" includes referencing Community College brochures.

She is a dumb low class bitch just like Joe Potatohead.
Holy crap, I never knew it was that bad. I knew it was a total joke since it is not medical, but I never read what it was about.

Another “honorary” gift due to being the wife of a Dem politician. Like how Michelle Obama got to sit on the board of a hospital and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do absolutely nothing.
This just goes to show why Tater will try to run again.....His skank wife likes the perks.

She wants to get all the mileage she can before they are ousted and head back to the trailer park. ;)
Morbid as it may be, I really think Jill has a dream of a dramatic, historic photo of her weeping at the casket containing the late Joe in the Capital Rotunda and all the falderal that goes with such a funeral.
Holy crap, I never knew it was that bad. I knew it was a total joke since it is not medical, but I never read what it was about.

Another “honorary” gift due to being the wife of a Dem politician. Like how Michelle Obama got to sit on the board of a hospital and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to do absolutely nothing.

Terrible dissertation.

Mrs. Biden’s only original research consists of interviews with two — that’s right, two — ex-students and a few colleagues at Delaware Technical Community College, where she used to teach, plus the results of a vacuous questionnaire she wrote that was returned by about 150 people who worked or studied there. Oh, and she also called two nearby community colleges seeking interviews about their retention rates. One of them wouldn’t answer the question; the other wouldn’t assign anyone to speak to her at all. Telling us about this misadventure serves no academic purpose, though it does fill up four pages of her generously spaced paper. The transcripts of her group chats with campus figures and colleagues take up nearly 30 pages out of 129. The questionnaires eat up another 18 pages.
There hasn’t a coronation of a British monarch since 1952 so there haven’t been any opportunities for other Presidents to attend.

They had monarchs ascend the throne prior to 1952, but...

The fact is, prior to Queen Victoria, our relationship with Britain has been pretty much adversarial (think the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812), so why would any President go?

Despite the fairly good relationship we had with Britain when Victoria took the crown and the corresponding rise of American interest in the British monarchy, Van Buren did not attend her coronation, mainly because it was impractical.

Despite his very good relationship with King George VI and Elizabeth, and America's closeness to the U.K. post WWII, Eisenhower did not attend Elizabeth's coronation. Reason? Possibly the Korean War, possibly the one President tradition of not going.

Why didn't Joe go? Who knows... tradition? age? didn't want to miss the next episode of The Blacklist? It doesn't matter, no one has been offended... save for a few on the Trump train...
What’s the deal? This woman is largely responsible for talking her senile, fragile husband into running again and now SHE is the one to attend the coronation? Would the efforts of walking into the church, standing at times, and then walking out again be too exhausting for the most powerful man in the world to handle?

Much ado about darned-near nothing...

A tempest in a teapot...

I, too, would rather have seen Sleepy Old Uncle Joe at the coronation in support of our "Special Relationship" with the United Kingdom...

But it's not the end of the world, and the guy DID send his wife rather than some bureaucratic flunky...

Close enough for Gubmint Work...
Much ado about darned-near nothing...

A tempest in a teapot...

I, too, would rather have seen Sleepy Old Uncle Joe at the coronation in support of our "Special Relationship" with the United Kingdom...

But it's not the end of the world, and the guy DID send his wife rather than some bureaucratic flunky...

Close enough for Gubmint Work...
Having a ”president” so feeble that he can’t attend once-in-a-lifetime coronation of a new monarch, when other world leaders were there, is not much ado about nothing.

P.S. I like Shakespeare, too.
The First Lady is more than qualified to represent the US at the coronation. Lisa is a moron to suggest she is not qualified. She is so low class.

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