Unemployed must live within their means


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

and stop paying “extra” on their debt? Dave Ramsey. LMAO. There is not friggin’ extra when ones only income is unemployment and food stamps.
Evidently Dave Ramsey has never has to draw unemployment insurance. If one lives under the freeway while on unemployment insurance, he may be able to live within his means. No one can pay a mortgage and provide basic necessities for a family while on unemployment insurance. Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that people would rather collect unemployment insurance and food stamp then work is ludicrous. During a recession even flipping burger jobs are hard to come by. Every American should experience homelessness so they can be in tuned with the reality of jobless, homeless and hungry so they can stop making these ridiculous statements. You cannot get food stamps if you are homeless.
I would like to see Gingrich and Romney try to balance their family budget on unemployment insurance of the average American.

and stop paying “extra” on their debt? Dave Ramsey. LMAO. There is not friggin’ extra when ones only income is unemployment and food stamps.
Evidently Dave Ramsey has never has to draw unemployment insurance. If one lives under the freeway while on unemployment insurance, he may be able to live within his means. No one can pay a mortgage and provide basic necessities for a family while on unemployment insurance. Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that people would rather collect unemployment insurance and food stamp then work is ludicrous. During a recession even flipping burger jobs are hard to come by. Every American should experience homelessness so they can be in tuned with the reality of jobless, homeless and hungry so they can stop making these ridiculous statements. You cannot get food stamps if you are homeless.
I would like to see Gingrich and Romney try to balance their family budget on unemployment insurance of the average American.

Dave Ramsey lecturing the unemployed on how they should spend was as bad as Newt Gingrich lecturing African Americans on how they should live. :eek:

and stop paying “extra” on their debt? Dave Ramsey. LMAO. There is not friggin’ extra when ones only income is unemployment and food stamps.
Evidently Dave Ramsey has never has to draw unemployment insurance. If one lives under the freeway while on unemployment insurance, he may be able to live within his means. No one can pay a mortgage and provide basic necessities for a family while on unemployment insurance. Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that people would rather collect unemployment insurance and food stamp then work is ludicrous. During a recession even flipping burger jobs are hard to come by. Every American should experience homelessness so they can be in tuned with the reality of jobless, homeless and hungry so they can stop making these ridiculous statements. You cannot get food stamps if you are homeless.
I would like to see Gingrich and Romney try to balance their family budget on unemployment insurance of the average American.

Dave Ramsey lecturing the unemployed on how they should spend was as bad as Newt Gingrich lecturing African Americans on how they should live. :eek:

I'd watch a reality show where rich bastards had to live on unemployment or welfare checks. Especially people who have never been on either and imagine it's a world of Welfare Queen Cadillacs using illegal drugs CONSTANTLY.
I highly doubt Dave Ramsay ever said anything about stop paying extra on debt, I don't listen to his show but he's all about living within your means.

How about you provide a link to support your rant?
Even if Dave Ramsay didn't say it, IF he didn't, there are many that have. There are many that tell the poor to get a job, as though there are jobs to be had. These out-of-touch jackasses don't realize that quite a few poor people have jobs, sometimes more than one, and they're still poor because the wages are so low.

I recall one asshat in my hometown suggesting that homeowners should spruce up their homes to make the town look more inviting. A resident countered that he's rather spend the money feeding his family for two days than buying a gallon of paint.

Decepticon's on the right track - I think all elected officials should be made to live on welfare in the ghettoes between election day and the date of their inauguration.

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