Unemployment at 8% because…..


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama’s policies are working.

FOXNEWS and radicals say the economy is not getting better. Unemployment rate does not count those who are no longer looking for work. But why are people not looking for work when businesses are hiring? Radical’s rhetoric to make Obama look bad and make people think he is failing. But that don’t fly. The recession is in recovery. Jobs are being created. Jobs are coming back from overseas. GM brought it’s business back from China to Michigan and they are hiring and cannot find enough people to fill positions. Businesses are hiring and people are going back to work. The stimulus worked and jobs were created and jobs were saved in spite of the fact that nearly 45% of the $787 billion has not been spent. Eye on the Stimulus - ProPublica Illegal Aliens are leaving and being deported and releasing jobs. Radical’s worse nightmare is coming true. Obama is not failing and his approval rate is at 52% and rising as the economy improves. Obama took the lemons Bush gave him and he made lemonade. He avoided a depression with the recession he inherited. He got Osama Bin Laden. He ended the illegal Iraqi war and brought our children home alive. He got Obamacare passed and it is working on schedule. I fell into the donut hole. I got a COLA after two years. Section 8 is open and taking applications again. Medical care fraud and waste is being caught. Illegal Aliens are being deported at a record high and self deporting. Border security is better with less crossing. Child care subsidies is in place again to help women to get off welfare and back to work. Obama has performed miracles with the recession Bush handed him and has earned another four years. We know what Obama has done but we don’t have a clue as to what Romney and Santorum will do but Bush’s record should tell us something about them. They will begin where Bush left off. Another four years and we would have been in Iran and possible a third world war and part of Mexico would be another state.
Rep. Kevin Brady want to give Bush for all the good Obama has done and give Obama credit for all that has not been done. Typical radical modus operandi.
Those of us who are not village idiots know that we are better off now than we were when Obama took office.
Obama’s policies are working.

FOXNEWS and radicals say the economy is not getting better. Unemployment rate does not count those who are no longer looking for work. But why are people not looking for work when businesses are hiring? Radical’s rhetoric to make Obama look bad and make people think he is failing. But that don’t fly. The recession is in recovery. Jobs are being created. Jobs are coming back from overseas. GM brought it’s business back from China to Michigan and they are hiring and cannot find enough people to fill positions. Businesses are hiring and people are going back to work. The stimulus worked and jobs were created and jobs were saved in spite of the fact that nearly 45% of the $787 billion has not been spent. Eye on the Stimulus - ProPublica Illegal Aliens are leaving and being deported and releasing jobs. Radical’s worse nightmare is coming true. Obama is not failing and his approval rate is at 52% and rising as the economy improves. Obama took the lemons Bush gave him and he made lemonade. He avoided a depression with the recession he inherited. He got Osama Bin Laden. He ended the illegal Iraqi war and brought our children home alive. He got Obamacare passed and it is working on schedule. I fell into the donut hole. I got a COLA after two years. Section 8 is open and taking applications again. Medical care fraud and waste is being caught. Illegal Aliens are being deported at a record high and self deporting. Border security is better with less crossing. Child care subsidies is in place again to help women to get off welfare and back to work. Obama has performed miracles with the recession Bush handed him and has earned another four years. We know what Obama has done but we don’t have a clue as to what Romney and Santorum will do but Bush’s record should tell us something about them. They will begin where Bush left off. Another four years and we would have been in Iran and possible a third world war and part of Mexico would be another state.
Rep. Kevin Brady want to give Bush for all the good Obama has done and give Obama credit for all that has not been done. Typical radical modus operandi.
Those of us who are not village idiots know that we are better off now than we were when Obama took office.

No stupid Unemployment is at 8+% because they dropped 5 million from the rolls.
Obama’s policies are working.

FOXNEWS and radicals say the economy is not getting better. Unemployment rate does not count those who are no longer looking for work. But why are people not looking for work when businesses are hiring? Radical’s rhetoric to make Obama look bad and make people think he is failing. But that don’t fly. The recession is in recovery. Jobs are being created. Jobs are coming back from overseas. GM brought it’s business back from China to Michigan and they are hiring and cannot find enough people to fill positions. Businesses are hiring and people are going back to work. The stimulus worked and jobs were created and jobs were saved in spite of the fact that nearly 45% of the $787 billion has not been spent. Eye on the Stimulus - ProPublica Illegal Aliens are leaving and being deported and releasing jobs. Radical’s worse nightmare is coming true. Obama is not failing and his approval rate is at 52% and rising as the economy improves. Obama took the lemons Bush gave him and he made lemonade. He avoided a depression with the recession he inherited. He got Osama Bin Laden. He ended the illegal Iraqi war and brought our children home alive. He got Obamacare passed and it is working on schedule. I fell into the donut hole. I got a COLA after two years. Section 8 is open and taking applications again. Medical care fraud and waste is being caught. Illegal Aliens are being deported at a record high and self deporting. Border security is better with less crossing. Child care subsidies is in place again to help women to get off welfare and back to work. Obama has performed miracles with the recession Bush handed him and has earned another four years. We know what Obama has done but we don’t have a clue as to what Romney and Santorum will do but Bush’s record should tell us something about them. They will begin where Bush left off. Another four years and we would have been in Iran and possible a third world war and part of Mexico would be another state.
Rep. Kevin Brady want to give Bush for all the good Obama has done and give Obama credit for all that has not been done. Typical radical modus operandi.
Those of us who are not village idiots know that we are better off now than we were when Obama took office.

provide a link that says un employment is 8% or you're a liar.

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