Unemployment Claims all the way DOWN to 380,000


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Unemployment claims are almost back to normal. Praise Obama.



The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 380,935 in the week ending Aug. 21, a decrease of 23,613 from the previous week.


In the week ending Aug. 21, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 473,000, a decrease of 31,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 504,000. The 4-week moving average was 486,750, an increase of 3,250 from the previous week's revised average of 483,500.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.5 percent for the week ending Aug. 14, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the prior week's revised rate of 3.6 percent.

The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending Aug. 14 was 4,456,000, a decrease of 62,000 from the preceding week's revised level of 4,518,000. The 4-week moving average was 4,508,750, a decrease of 28,000 from the preceding week's revised average of 4,536,750.

The fiscal year-to-date average of seasonally adjusted weekly insured unemployment, which corresponds to the appropriated AWIU trigger, was 5.001 million.


The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 380,935 in the week ending Aug. 21, a decrease of 23,613 from the previous week.
Obviously what we are seeing here is an example of the greatest Presidential leadership in American History. All Praise Obama. He is the greatest in the world.
These are new claims, so only the normal number of folks lost their jobs in this reporting period. I dunno, since the new normal ain't all that wonderful I can't see a reason to get very excited.
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says - WSJ.com

AUGUST 24, 2010, 9:14 P.M. ET
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says


WASHINGTON—The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday the Obama administration's economic-stimulus plan has increased the number of employed Americans by between 1.4 million to 3.3 million during the second quarter.

The CBO, in a report released Tuesday, said the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has lowered the unemployment rate by up to 1.8% and raised the level of gross domestic product by up to 4.5%.
The number "beat" economists' forecasts but it still is a poor number.

Wait. I thought Newbarf swore up and down we were on the verge or financial and literal armageddon.
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says - WSJ.com

AUGUST 24, 2010, 9:14 P.M. ET
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says


WASHINGTON—The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday the Obama administration's economic-stimulus plan has increased the number of employed Americans by between 1.4 million to 3.3 million during the second quarter.

The CBO, in a report released Tuesday, said the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has lowered the unemployment rate by up to 1.8% and raised the level of gross domestic product by up to 4.5%.

Before I would believe anything out of the District of Corruption, including the numbers posted, I want to see the Methodology and the Raw Data.
Oh... most definitely... Heil Obama... :rolleyes:

Now why are these claims going down? Is it because they are disenfranchised? (no longer looking, but no work found) Ineligible (they've maxed out their benefits and are still unemployed) or jobs are coming back?

Dollars to donuts say it's mostly Ineligibility, with sides of Disenfranchisement and lower paying temp jobs.
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says - WSJ.com

AUGUST 24, 2010, 9:14 P.M. ET
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says


WASHINGTON—The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday the Obama administration's economic-stimulus plan has increased the number of employed Americans by between 1.4 million to 3.3 million during the second quarter.

The CBO, in a report released Tuesday, said the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has lowered the unemployment rate by up to 1.8% and raised the level of gross domestic product by up to 4.5%.

Before I would believe anything out of the District of Corruption, including the numbers posted, I want to see the Methodology and the Raw Data.
Of course, whenever the CBO reports something the right wing fruitcakes agree with, they NEVER ask for the "Raw Data." :eusa_whistle:
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says - WSJ.com

AUGUST 24, 2010, 9:14 P.M. ET
Stimulus Boosted Jobs in 2nd Quarter, CBO Says


WASHINGTON—The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday the Obama administration's economic-stimulus plan has increased the number of employed Americans by between 1.4 million to 3.3 million during the second quarter.

The CBO, in a report released Tuesday, said the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has lowered the unemployment rate by up to 1.8% and raised the level of gross domestic product by up to 4.5%.

Before I would believe anything out of the District of Corruption, including the numbers posted, I want to see the Methodology and the Raw Data.

Then why don't you go to the CBO website and read the report?
Oh... most definitely... Heil Obama... :rolleyes:

Now why are these claims going down? Is it because they are disenfranchised? (no longer looking, but no work found) Ineligible (they've maxed out their benefits and are still unemployed) or jobs are coming back?

Dollars to donuts say it's mostly Ineligibility, with sides of Disenfranchisement and lower paying temp jobs.

It's new claims.
The number "beat" economists' forecasts but it still is a poor number.

Wait. I thought Newbarf swore up and down we were on the verge or financial and literal armageddon.

Elvis, you stupid pigs penis, I have posted and responded to you that I post to make people think. You hate thinking. That is the reason why you always resort to slander, personal insult and lie after lie after lie after lie on this forum.

You are easily the most shit for brains fuckuped dweeb I have ever run across in my life. Only one other person comes close to you and that is Echo Zulu. I figure for you two to be so damn uneducated you have to be from the same defective DNA.

Again for the fourth time, I will explain to you that I am a liberal for the month of August. As I have stated thousands of times in the past, I am apolitical and a-religious. I will take a position that is unpopular to make people think. Again, you can not think and that explains all of your horrendous character faults. Take a fundamental class on thinking... It actually might benefit you.
Oh... most definitely... Heil Obama... :rolleyes:

Now why are these claims going down? Is it because they are disenfranchised? (no longer looking, but no work found) Ineligible (they've maxed out their benefits and are still unemployed) or jobs are coming back?

Dollars to donuts say it's mostly Ineligibility, with sides of Disenfranchisement and lower paying temp jobs.

Fitz, New Claims are people who have been working who have (usually just recently) lost their job. Since they are covered by unemployment insurance they'd be foolish not to claim their monthly check until they find another job.

What you are talking about are the people who have been unemployed for a length of time. I know hundreds of them, and most of them are running out of benefits or have already lost their benefits. Some of them are so depressed that they are no longer looking for a job because there are no jobs in their neighborhood. All through the California Central Valley there are a million people who have just given up. They are living on food stamps in shacks or shanties that resemble the conditions during the Great Depression. It is really ugly up there.
Real unemployment (as analyzed at Shadow Stats) is 22%.

Alternate Unemployment Charts

Weekly fluctuations in initial jobless claims don't reflect the full picture. Millions of people are underemployed, many of whom have given up looking because Obamanomics is killing off private sector job creation.

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