Unemployment falls to 7%

Republicans didn't say over and over "if you like your plan, you can keep it, period" and then took their plans away. That was your messiah, no matter how much you run from it or spin it.

Offering better policies according to who? You and Obama? So you arrogant clowns get to decide if these policies are better for them instead of the citizens themselves?

P.S. Look out, another fact is about to whack you, no matter how much spinning you do.

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Let's get the facts straight: President Obama said, "if you like your plan, you can keep it"; insurance companies took them away. Obama didn't nor did the government.

Now you may argue the law required them to do so, but the PPACA became law in 2010. The Insurance Industry had months and months to inform customers of the changes and offer new products which complied with the new law. Yes, the costs would have risen, but the cost of health insurance has been rising for decades, and the benefits have remained the same or have been reduced.

The product today, as a result of the PPACA, is better - few have argued it is not - and the health industry in our nation has needed reform since the administration of TR, only those who profit by it have argued differently,

Yet their arguments are all specious, not based on the care and costs but on talking points like the one you posted and suggestions that 'crap' policies should be allowed. If they are allowed then we will see a continuation of the taxpayer subsidizing the insurance industry and providing the owner of the 'crap' policy welfare in terms of care provided by public hospitals.

The insurance companies were complying with the "law of the land" that you trained monkeys proudly tout. Anything else is just your feeble attempt at piling more lies on top of Obama's lies.......

You didn't refute my argument, all you've done is attack it and me; proof you're incapable of doing so and must rely on name calling. You never should have dropped out of the third grade driveby, think of what you might have become and not be stuck today as a poorly trained parrot.

]Now, calling you a poorly trained parrot is not an ad hominem attack as was yours. You see, for it to be an ad hominem attack it would require you to have offered an argument refuting my own, something you're incapable of doing.

Of course the Insurance Companies are complying with the law (I said as much in the post you didn't read or read and didn't understand). Did you ever ask yourself why? Why all at the same time? Why now as the PPACA is being rolled out? Why now as we entered into the 2014 election season? Have they conspired to do so at this time?
Last edited:
Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I think the bigger issue is that the UE rate could reach 2% by the end of Obama's term and the % or Americans not working could have grown during that period of time. Meaning the UE rate is blindingly inaccurate.

And remember, Obama got this UR down stimulating the economy at only 85 billion a month.... Stunningly bad results for such an incredibly destructive "investment."
Great news

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

Has the job market finally hit its stride? Hiring continued at a solid pace in November, and the unemployment rate fell for the right reasons.
The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted payroll gains of 183,000 jobs.

The unemployment rate fell to 7.0% -- the lowest level since November 2008, as more people said they got jobs and joined the labor force.

This is encouraging news for the 11 million Americans who remain unemployed. The job market has been improving for three years now, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

Since the unemployment figures only include those currently looking for work and not those who gave up, I don't find this figure encouraging at all. It doesn't even include people who are underemployed.
Let's get the facts straight: President Obama said, "if you like your plan, you can keep it"; insurance companies took them away. Obama didn't nor did the government.

Now you may argue the law required them to do so, but the PPACA became law in 2010. The Insurance Industry had months and months to inform customers of the changes and offer new products which complied with the new law. Yes, the costs would have risen, but the cost of health insurance has been rising for decades, and the benefits have remained the same or have been reduced.

The product today, as a result of the PPACA, is better - few have argued it is not - and the health industry in our nation has needed reform since the administration of TR, only those who profit by it have argued differently,

Yet their arguments are all specious, not based on the care and costs but on talking points like the one you posted and suggestions that 'crap' policies should be allowed. If they are allowed then we will see a continuation of the taxpayer subsidizing the insurance industry and providing the owner of the 'crap' policy welfare in terms of care provided by public hospitals.

The insurance companies were complying with the "law of the land" that you trained monkeys proudly tout. Anything else is just your feeble attempt at piling more lies on top of Obama's lies.......

You didn't refute my argument, all you've done is attack it and me; proof you're incapable of doing so and must rely on name calling. You never should have dropped out of the third grade driveby, think of what you might have become and not be stuck today as a poorly trained parrot.

]Now, calling you a poorly trained parrot is not an ad hominem attack as was yours. You see, for it to be an ad hominem attack it would require you to have offered an argument, something you're incapable of doing.

Of course the Insurance Companies are complying with the law (I said as much in the post you didn't read or read and didn't understand). Did you ever ask yourself why? Why all at the same time? Why now as the PPACA is being rolled out? Why now as we entered into the 2014 election season? Have they conspired to do so at this time?

So, Obama says "If you like your plan you can keep it!" and when that proves to be a lie, it's the insurance companies fault, not Obama's????!!???
Troll post.
You are not this dumb RWngr.
I expect the idiots out there to praise employment figures, but you know better.
Numbers mean absolutely nothing when you ignore what makes up the data.
This makes you a tool. And why so many dismiss you

Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I think the bigger issue is that the UE rate could reach 2% by the end of Obama's term and the % or Americans not working could have grown during that period of time. Meaning the UE rate is blindingly inaccurate.

And remember, Obama got this UR down stimulating the economy at only 85 billion a month.... Stunningly bad results for such an incredibly destructive "investment."

You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year
Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I think the bigger issue is that the UE rate could reach 2% by the end of Obama's term and the % or Americans not working could have grown during that period of time. Meaning the UE rate is blindingly inaccurate.

And remember, Obama got this UR down stimulating the economy at only 85 billion a month.... Stunningly bad results for such an incredibly destructive "investment."

You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year

Hard for you maybe, not for those of us working with the poor and the homeless.
The insurance companies were complying with the "law of the land" that you trained monkeys proudly tout. Anything else is just your feeble attempt at piling more lies on top of Obama's lies.......

You didn't refute my argument, all you've done is attack it and me; proof you're incapable of doing so and must rely on name calling. You never should have dropped out of the third grade driveby, think of what you might have become and not be stuck today as a poorly trained parrot.

]Now, calling you a poorly trained parrot is not an ad hominem attack as was yours. You see, for it to be an ad hominem attack it would require you to have offered an argument, something you're incapable of doing.

Of course the Insurance Companies are complying with the law (I said as much in the post you didn't read or read and didn't understand). Did you ever ask yourself why? Why all at the same time? Why now as the PPACA is being rolled out? Why now as we entered into the 2014 election season? Have they conspired to do so at this time?

So, Obama says "If you like your plan you can keep it!" and when that proves to be a lie, it's the insurance companies fault, not Obama's????!!???

Obama was responding to a concern that Obamacae was a government takeover of insurance. The concern was that everyone would be forced to take an Obamacare policy

Most are keeping their policies and those being forced to change have substandard policies
Very true

Our unemployment numbers dropping from 10.2% to 7% means nothing

After all.....The economy must fail

I think the bigger issue is that the UE rate could reach 2% by the end of Obama's term and the % or Americans not working could have grown during that period of time. Meaning the UE rate is blindingly inaccurate.

And remember, Obama got this UR down stimulating the economy at only 85 billion a month.... Stunningly bad results for such an incredibly destructive "investment."

You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year

So are you saying the UE rate is an indicator of a healthy economy?

PressTV - Claims of improving US economy 'very misleading'
Yes....in fact

We the People gave them that authority

Well that's a yes and no because it was given based on a huge lie........

In the private sector that's called fraud and it's a criminal act. Why don't you hold Obama to that same standard?

Not by a long shot

Obama ran on passing a healthcare plan and won overwhelmingly

He ran on a lie, had he been honest about it people not being able to keep their current plan, he may have lost.

Mitt Romney Beats Obama If Election Were Held Today | Video - ABC News

What's different about today? Oh yeah, today the ignorant voters finally realize Obama and the democrats were telling a huge lie about their healthcare plan..... :thup:

But lets give rightwinger credit, he's getting killed in this thread but keeps spewing the company line.... :thup:
Since the unemployment figures only include those currently looking for work and not those who gave up, I don't find this figure encouraging at all. It doesn't even include people who are underemployed.

Why would you want to include people not trying to work? What would that tell you about the labor market? There's a reason the economic definition has always meant trying to work.

And Underemployed (however you define or measure that) is still employed. So why would you want to count them as unemployed?
I think the bigger issue is that the UE rate could reach 2% by the end of Obama's term and the % or Americans not working could have grown during that period of time. Meaning the UE rate is blindingly inaccurate.

And remember, Obama got this UR down stimulating the economy at only 85 billion a month.... Stunningly bad results for such an incredibly destructive "investment."

You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year

Hard for you maybe, not for those of us working with the poor and the homeless.

So we move from a discussion of economic indicators to........there are still poor people
I think the bigger issue is that the UE rate could reach 2% by the end of Obama's term and the % or Americans not working could have grown during that period of time. Meaning the UE rate is blindingly inaccurate.

And remember, Obama got this UR down stimulating the economy at only 85 billion a month.... Stunningly bad results for such an incredibly destructive "investment."

You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year

So are you saying the UE rate is an indicator of a healthy economy?

PressTV - Claims of improving US economy 'very misleading'

Republicans have been whining that the employment numbers are the most important economic indicator for five years. Now that it has hit 7% it has been devalued by the right

Want to talk about GDP? How about real estate? Want to talk Stock Market over the last five years?
Let's get the facts straight: President Obama said, "if you like your plan, you can keep it"; insurance companies took them away. Obama didn't nor did the government.

Now you may argue the law required them to do so, but the PPACA became law in 2010. The Insurance Industry had months and months to inform customers of the changes and offer new products which complied with the new law. Yes, the costs would have risen, but the cost of health insurance has been rising for decades, and the benefits have remained the same or have been reduced.

The product today, as a result of the PPACA, is better - few have argued it is not - and the health industry in our nation has needed reform since the administration of TR, only those who profit by it have argued differently,

Yet their arguments are all specious, not based on the care and costs but on talking points like the one you posted and suggestions that 'crap' policies should be allowed. If they are allowed then we will see a continuation of the taxpayer subsidizing the insurance industry and providing the owner of the 'crap' policy welfare in terms of care provided by public hospitals.

The insurance companies were complying with the "law of the land" that you trained monkeys proudly tout. Anything else is just your feeble attempt at piling more lies on top of Obama's lies.......

You didn't refute my argument, all you've done is attack it and me; proof you're incapable of doing so and must rely on name calling. You never should have dropped out of the third grade driveby, think of what you might have become and not be stuck today as a poorly trained parrot.

]Now, calling you a poorly trained parrot is not an ad hominem attack as was yours. You see, for it to be an ad hominem attack it would require you to have offered an argument refuting my own, something you're incapable of doing.

Of course the Insurance Companies are complying with the law (I said as much in the post you didn't read or read and didn't understand). Did you ever ask yourself why? Why all at the same time? Why now as the PPACA is being rolled out? Why now as we entered into the 2014 election season? Have they conspired to do so at this time?

The insurance companies conspired!!! Dammit, if they had only chronologically spread out the cancellations, Obama's and the democrats lies would not have looked this bad.... :lol:

Why is the employer mandate delayed until after the 2014 elections? Because the same lie you're feebly defending will hit tenfold .... :thup:
You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year

So are you saying the UE rate is an indicator of a healthy economy?

PressTV - Claims of improving US economy 'very misleading'

Republicans have been whining that the employment numbers are the most important economic indicator for five years. Now that it has hit 7% it has been devalued by the right

Want to talk about GDP? How about real estate? Want to talk Stock Market over the last five years?

When the UE rate was 5% under Bush, democrats said were in a recesssion. Ever since it artificially dropped under 10% under Obama, it's been a recovery..... :thup:
You didn't refute my argument, all you've done is attack it and me; proof you're incapable of doing so and must rely on name calling. You never should have dropped out of the third grade driveby, think of what you might have become and not be stuck today as a poorly trained parrot.

]Now, calling you a poorly trained parrot is not an ad hominem attack as was yours. You see, for it to be an ad hominem attack it would require you to have offered an argument, something you're incapable of doing.

Of course the Insurance Companies are complying with the law (I said as much in the post you didn't read or read and didn't understand). Did you ever ask yourself why? Why all at the same time? Why now as the PPACA is being rolled out? Why now as we entered into the 2014 election season? Have they conspired to do so at this time?

So, Obama says "If you like your plan you can keep it!" and when that proves to be a lie, it's the insurance companies fault, not Obama's????!!???

Obama was responding to a concern that Obamacae was a government takeover of insurance. The concern was that everyone would be forced to take an Obamacare policy

Most are keeping their policies and those being forced to change have substandard policies

Funny, I don't remember Obama saying "If you like your insurance, you can keep it! But only if it's not a substandard policy"
So are you saying the UE rate is an indicator of a healthy economy?

PressTV - Claims of improving US economy 'very misleading'

Republicans have been whining that the employment numbers are the most important economic indicator for five years. Now that it has hit 7% it has been devalued by the right

Want to talk about GDP? How about real estate? Want to talk Stock Market over the last five years?

When the UE rate was 5% under Bush, democrats said were in a recesssion. Ever since it artificially dropped under 10% under Obama, it's been a recovery..... :thup:

The indicator that said we were in a recession was three straight quarters of negative GDP. That 5% didn't last long did it?

Dropping the unemployment 3% is recovery. It doesn't mean that you are fully recovered, but it does show recovery
You are welcome to start a thread on any economic indicator you wish

Regardless, it is hard to argue that the economy has not improved noticeably in the last year

So are you saying the UE rate is an indicator of a healthy economy?

PressTV - Claims of improving US economy 'very misleading'

Republicans have been whining that the employment numbers are the most important economic indicator for five years. Now that it has hit 7% it has been devalued by the right

Want to talk about GDP? How about real estate? Want to talk Stock Market over the last five years?

GDP piss poor.....

Real Estate piss poor ....

Stock market is up, where the fuck else are people going to put their money (people who still actually have money) with interest rates near zero? How many millions are being printed every week to pump into your touted stock market? ........... :lol:
Republicans have been whining that the employment numbers are the most important economic indicator for five years. Now that it has hit 7% it has been devalued by the right

Want to talk about GDP? How about real estate? Want to talk Stock Market over the last five years?

When the UE rate was 5% under Bush, democrats said were in a recesssion. Ever since it artificially dropped under 10% under Obama, it's been a recovery..... :thup:

The indicator that said we were in a recession was three straight quarters of negative GDP. That 5% didn't last long did it?

Dropping the unemployment 3% is recovery. It doesn't mean that you are fully recovered, but it does show recovery

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's, has the population decreased or something? But keep believing the propaganda numbers..... :thup:

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