Unemployment Rate Down To 8.2% A Socialist Victory Underway!

There will always be unemployment, despite if we have a Republican majority or Democratic.
The thing is, which one will listen to at least one of the many things wrong with this nation currently. Extreme- lefties are known to be called commies, and Extreme- right wingers are equally known to be fascists. Debating is great, and Extreme- lefties are known to be called commies, and Extreme- right wingers are equally known to be fascists. and I can grow with a mature crowd that understands politics and issues relevant to us all.

"Extreme- lefties are known to be called commies, and Extreme- right wingers are equally known to be fascists."

Wrong. Both are Leftist totalitarians.

"...I joined this political forum, so my knowledge can expand,."

Not a moment too soon!
That's why I call it the leftist rainbow.


The application and methodology is the only variation to the same result: Neo Feudalist Totalitarianism.

I'm outta rep.....
The language that Republicans will be using all summer long is now becoming apparent. The Democratic Party response is also apparent, even though the socialists are still waiting for the employment gains to reappear at Lehman(?), which the Republicans took away!

"[T]he Ryan budget would impose extraordinary cuts in programs that serve as a lifeline for our nation's poorest and most vulnerable citizens, and over time would cause tens of millions of Americans to lose their health insurance or become underinsured." . . . .Ryan's plan "would cast tens of millions of less fortunate Americans into the ranks of the uninsured, take food from poor children, make it harder for low-income students to get a college degree, and squeeze funding for research, education, and infrastructure."

If this doesn't "balance the budget on the backs of the poor," for crying out loud, what exactly would such a budget plan look like?"

Government spending does create jobs. Many teacher jobs are government jobs, which the Republicans have taken away. Many First Responder jobs are government jobs, which the Republicans have taken away.

The Republicans took away the Arithmetic of Matthew 20:1-16, wherein a cost-of-living-adjustment was paid regardless if the laborers had worked all the day. The Obama-Biden Refundable Tax Credit was payable regardless if the workers had worked all the year or not.

McConnell was opposed. Boehner was opposed. Cantor was opposed. Romney was opposed. Ryan was opposed. Bachmann was opposed. Santorum was opposed. Paul was opposed. The other Paul was opposed. Perry was not up to ability to be either for or against, who was opposed. The Party of Abraham Lincoln was opposed: But not to the attempted genocide, of white people, 1861-1865!

It's on their permanent records, and on a lot tombstones, even in the South!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Anyone knows what Southern GOP are for: "Kill More Whites, Just Like Lincoln! Kill More Whites! Just Like Lincoln!" And still they came to Lands of Many Nations!)
There will always be unemployment, despite if we have a Republican majority or Democratic.
The thing is, which one will listen to at least one of the many things wrong with this nation currently. Extreme- lefties are known to be called commies, and Extreme- right wingers are equally known to be fascists. Debating is great, and that's why I joined this political forum, so my knowledge can expand, and I can grow with a mature crowd that understands politics and issues relevant to us all.

Now the extreme left is in charge and they're proving to be both commies and fascists as well. The worst of both worlds. Socialists in the 40s were fascists and now they're a hybrid of communists, marxists, socialists, and fascists. In other words...Progressives.
You know Republicans are getting scared when they roll out the socialist thing. If unemployment drops even further out comes the big, never fail, gun, it's communistic to have low unemployment.
You know Republicans are getting scared when they roll out the socialist thing. If unemployment drops even further out comes the big, never fail, gun, it's communistic to have low unemployment.
If it walks, talks, smells, eats, shits like a Bolshevik Bear... it's a fucking Bolshevik Bear.
What I suspect looming in the wings is an Iranian "October Surprise" capitulation to UN and US nuclear inspection demands around August, September, or October and a subsequent resulting drop in petroleum and gasoline prices allowing Obama to squeak back into office in November, followed by an Iranian "We fooled you!" reversal around mid March, shades of Neville Chamberlain's classic holding a flapping piece of white paper aloft in his right hand while turning from side to side allowing all the news cameras present their picture while inanely proclaiming "Peace In Our Time!"
Remember, with Islam, its a perfectly acceptable tactic to lie to the infidel as long as the World Wide Islamic Caliphate remains your goal.
Actual unemployment (U6) is 14.5%
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

....5 million fewer jobs than 2007.

Obama in 2009: If I can’t fix the economy in three years, you can call me former President Obama

That's an interesting number.

We lost 6 million jobs from December 2007 to May of 2009.

How much of that can you blame on Obama policies?

A majority of those lost jobs are because of DEMOCRAT policies. It's what happened when democrats became the majority.
Actual unemployment (U6) is 14.5%
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

....5 million fewer jobs than 2007.

Obama in 2009: If I can’t fix the economy in three years, you can call me former President Obama

That's an interesting number.

We lost 6 million jobs from December 2007 to May of 2009.

How much of that can you blame on Obama policies?

A majority of those lost jobs are because of DEMOCRAT policies. It's what happened when democrats became the majority.

Then you should be able to list all those policies and show us how they were actually implemented.
WOW 8.3%.

Such exciting news. Think I'll go buy a new car in celebration.
I hear you can get liquidation deals on Chevy Volts. :rolleyes:

LOL Only problem is I think they sell for around 40 grand. Not in my budget.

I also don't have the 8 grand it would take to replace the battery if it died.

Not to mention, where do you plug it in on the road?

Nope. Not viable or affordable. Rather like Solar energy.
WOW 8.3%.

Such exciting news. Think I'll go buy a new car in celebration.
I hear you can get liquidation deals on Chevy Volts. :rolleyes:

LOL Only problem is I think they sell for around 40 grand. Not in my budget.

I also don't have the 8 grand it would take to replace the battery if it died.

Not to mention, where do you plug it in on the road?

Nope. Not viable or affordable. Rather like Solar energy.
Offer them a price of 15 grand if they'll throw in a spare battery LOL Just to get it off their lot.
That's an interesting number.

We lost 6 million jobs from December 2007 to May of 2009.

How much of that can you blame on Obama policies?

A majority of those lost jobs are because of DEMOCRAT policies. It's what happened when democrats became the majority.

Then you should be able to list all those policies and show us how they were actually implemented.

That's easy.

Increasing unemployment benefits, raising the minimum-wage, instituting a moratorium on drilling off of our coasts, attacking non-union businesses with lawsuits, etc.

It would be much harder to prove that Obama had anything to do with increased productivity or decreased unemployment.
A majority of those lost jobs are because of DEMOCRAT policies. It's what happened when democrats became the majority.

Then you should be able to list all those policies and show us how they were actually implemented.

That's easy.

Increasing unemployment benefits, raising the minimum-wage, instituting a moratorium on drilling off of our coasts, attacking non-union businesses with lawsuits, etc.

It would be much harder to prove that Obama had anything to do with increased productivity or decreased unemployment.

That's funny. Cite the bills and cite the numbers as to how many jobs were lost because of them and then cite the sources that prove the job losses.
Then you should be able to list all those policies and show us how they were actually implemented.

That's easy.

Increasing unemployment benefits, raising the minimum-wage, instituting a moratorium on drilling off of our coasts, attacking non-union businesses with lawsuits, etc.

It would be much harder to prove that Obama had anything to do with increased productivity or decreased unemployment.

That's funny. Cite the bills and cite the numbers as to how many jobs were lost because of them and then cite the sources that prove the job losses.
And you do this when challenged.... when?

Why expect compliance to a tighter standard from someone else for something you won't do?
I hear you can get liquidation deals on Chevy Volts. :rolleyes:

LOL Only problem is I think they sell for around 40 grand. Not in my budget.

I also don't have the 8 grand it would take to replace the battery if it died.

Not to mention, where do you plug it in on the road?

Nope. Not viable or affordable. Rather like Solar energy.
Offer them a price of 15 grand if they'll throw in a spare battery LOL Just to get it off their lot.

Shit. They'd probably take it and I'd be stuck with a POS. LOL
Mascale is right. A record high 88 million people out of the work force is indeed a Socialist victory.

88 million people out of work that's almost one third of the entire population. I guess kids are being counted and the seniors that don't work. I guess that's one way to count the unemployed, novel idea.

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