Unemployment went from 8.1 to 8.2

so they only do this to you?.....Dean and Chris get a lot of grief from everyone.....they still have rep.....

are you going to pretend you dont remember what has been done to me on this site by past people like gunny?


Truth Dean is not very well liked by many on this board.....yet his rep seems to get a little bigger each time i see him..........and there are Mods here i know dont care for the guy.....so why only you?

Don't let her derail thread, please! It's what she does, but we don't have to allow it.
are you going to pretend you dont remember what has been done to me on this site by past people like gunny?


Truth Dean is not very well liked by many on this board.....yet his rep seems to get a little bigger each time i see him..........and there are Mods here i know dont care for the guy.....so why only you?

Don't let her derail thread, please! It's what she does, but we don't have to allow it.

im sorry its the PI inside of me....:eusa_whistle:
are you going to pretend you dont remember what has been done to me on this site by past people like gunny?


Truth Dean is not very well liked by many on this board.....yet his rep seems to get a little bigger each time i see him..........and there are Mods here i know dont care for the guy.....so why only you?

Don't let her derail thread, please! It's what she does, but we don't have to allow it.


facts are not your friend
It has been interesting reading and watching the news this morning. The Leftist media brags that the crappy jobs report this morning is better than it was last year or the year before. They ignore the fact that over the last five months, the new jobs created in each month is fewer than the month before. The happier jobs reports for the last two months have been revised downward.

We need 400,000 new jobs every month for many, many months to achieve full recovery. The 62,000 jobs reported for May is pathetic.

The Market was down over 200 points and was sinking the last time I looked today.

On the bright side, it can only help Romney if this keeps up.

Careful Foxy...YOU will be accused by the board Statists of being jubilant for bad news. :eusa_shhh:

I already have been. :) Actually I would be thrilled if some magic figurative bullet or the good fairy or something could turn Obama from Marxist socialist to competent capitalist. Mr. Foxfyre and I are dependent on a good economy to keep our retirement accounts healthy, and today we watch them continue to dissolve in a bad market resulting from dismal economic news. I don't rejoice in that at all.

There seems little likelihood that the President will get a sudden burst of competence in the next five months though, so I just hope we can hold on that long. I do expect that a Romney victory, most especially if he has enough Republicans in Congress to support his policies, will result in a much better economic climate.

I also expect that if the USA can heal its own economic woes, that will result in brighter prospects in Europe too. It isn't all Obama's fault, but he sure as hell isn't doing much to make it better and continues the blame game and threats that keep things uncertain and shaky.

I agree Foxfyre... He is doing all the wrong things for a turn around any time soon.

I hate it when I hear we on the right are happy things are not getting better... but I will point it out every time I can that Obama's policies are taking us in the wrong direction. If that means I get accused of rejoicing for America's woes, then so be it...
I know better though... I want America to be the top dog again.
The House has sent 39 employment related bills to the Senate, which the Senate has not taken up. Looks like the Democrats are mucking up the economy again.
Careful Foxy...YOU will be accused by the board Statists of being jubilant for bad news. :eusa_shhh:

I already have been. :) Actually I would be thrilled if some magic figurative bullet or the good fairy or something could turn Obama from Marxist socialist to competent capitalist. Mr. Foxfyre and I are dependent on a good economy to keep our retirement accounts healthy, and today we watch them continue to dissolve in a bad market resulting from dismal economic news. I don't rejoice in that at all.

There seems little likelihood that the President will get a sudden burst of competence in the next five months though, so I just hope we can hold on that long. I do expect that a Romney victory, most especially if he has enough Republicans in Congress to support his policies, will result in a much better economic climate.

I also expect that if the USA can heal its own economic woes, that will result in brighter prospects in Europe too. It isn't all Obama's fault, but he sure as hell isn't doing much to make it better and continues the blame game and threats that keep things uncertain and shaky.

I agree Foxfyre... He is doing all the wrong things for a turn around any time soon.

I hate it when I hear we on the right are happy things are not getting better... but I will point it out every time I can that Obama's policies are taking us in the wrong direction. If that means I get accused of rejoicing for America's woes, then so be it...
I know better though... I want America to be the top dog again.

His whole agenda was to run usfarther into the ground to match us with his ideals. He launched an all-out war on what made us.

After all? he did state that being in the private sector was like 'being behind enemy lines'.

Never forget that.
I thought you wingnuts would be bathing in your jizz. The size of the federal workforce is being reduced. Nothing we can really do about Asia or Europe. That stuff happens.

But guess what. If American consumers spend, businesses don't give a damn about who's in the Whitehouse, they'll hire to meet demand. The last thing....I mean the last thing a business wants to do is to add to their payroll. They'll only do so if they think they'll lose market share, by not catering to increased demand.

Obama has done nothing to decrease demand. To the contrary, he's kept vital strategic companies functioning. He's kept the financial system afloat. What the fuck more do you want him to do? Kill bin Laden? Oh yeah....
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