Unequal distribution of wealth

Equality can only exist in a totalitarian oppressive society. Freedom and equality cannot exist together.
There can be no equality without an overriding power to force equality. Freedom means the ability to succeed or fail on one's own merit and abilities.
The point you (and others) overlook is no one has advocated "equality" with regard to income or assets. No one!

Right wing propagandists, however, have executed a tricky little paso doble by substituting the word "equal" for the word equitable, which means fair. Socialists are not communists. We are not opposed to wealth. But we understand the destructive potential of excessive wealth, such as we are witnessing today.

You may rest assured if the Framers of the Constitution, most of whom were themselves wealthy men, could have foreseen the Industrial Revolution and the consequent potential of the modern United States to generate massive revenues they would have included appropriate controls in the Document to preclude excessive accumulation (hoarding) and to ensure equitable distribution of that revenue -- all of which is generated by exploiting the Nation's material, administrative and human resources.

The lies from the left just never end. Most of the framers were dirt poor. They have hand written letters from Samual Adams wife stating he was so poor, "that when he first went off to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, the people of Boston had to take up a collection to buy him a new suit".

I'm so sick of the lies and blatant misinformation from liberals. If you have to lie to further your agenda, then you are clearly on the wrong side. You people disgust me.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

There is also an unequal distribution of intelligence, ambition and common sense. I think this has something to do with some people doing better than others.
Financial inequality is a fact of life and if one thinks the US is so bad check out those socialist and communist country's. Ever wonder how Putin and his buds accumulated unprecedented wealth after the fall of the USSR?
The tax system redistributes wealth....most of it to the rich.


By taxing capital gains at a much lower rate than real work.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME.

Capital gains were taxed as income. BEFORE they saved the $ while most people spent it.
Capital is invested from THE SAVINGS PEOPLE MAKE.
And taxing them again is DOUBLE TAXATION.
And guess what MOE: if one loses $$ on their capital investments, they lost the $$ they saved which in most cases is their life savings, THE MONEY IS GONE and IRS only allows a 3k tax liability write off for 5 years on the losses.
Respectfully, you have no clue and should not post anything about capital gains here. You are uneducated as to the facts of the subject.
There should be zero taxes on capital gains. THAT MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED ONCE.

The old bogus tax argument.

Guess what? Wages come out of the same net profit as capital gains.

So wages have already been taxed once as well.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME because they are INCOME.

Wages don't come out of net profit, nitwit. You obviously don't know what net profit or just plain profit is.

You're an ignoramus who thinks he knows far more than he actually knows.

Wages have only been taxed one.

No shut up while the grownups are talking.
This TRULY sums up the left (absolutely hysterical)...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC_ult6-Tb4&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Hitler finds out that Scott Walker won the Wisconsin recall election - YouTube[/ame]
Liberals hate CEOs that many times work 12 hour workdays sometimes every day of the week, yet they adore music and movie stars that get paid millions working sometimes less than 1 month a year for a movie that pays them $10M for "acting."

Liberals are just stupid people.

No, you are stupid.

A lot of CEOs are liberals

Buffett, Gates, etc....

So you hate them unless they bend over and kiss liberal ass?
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Because not having money can kill children.

And yet here you sit on your very expensive computer with your very expensive high speed internet like a typical hypocrite liberal crying about "the children". Here's an idea - why don't you sell your computer, cancel your high speed internet service, and donate all of that money to "the children" Chris? It's a win-win. "The children" would have money for food and the world would not have to see your bullshit posts of lies and hypocrisy. Oh, that's right, you're a hypocrite liberal. That's why you won't do it. Silly me, forgot I was talking to a hypocrite liberal...

Why don't you shove it up your ass.

I work seven days a week to take care of my GF who has very serious and expensive health issues, so fuck you.

How selfish of you only to help your girlfriend. What about the children starving in Biafra?
Why don't you shove it up your ass.

I work seven days a week to take care of my GF who has very serious and expensive health issues, so fuck you.

And yet you openly advocate making the health care system worse. That's a little messed up.

The affordable care act is much better than what we have now. A public option would be even better.

2/3 of Americans want the Supreme Court to overturn the ACA.

It's a piece of crap.
Demand creates investment.

Demand doesn't create jack squat.

The theory that it creates jobs is a liberal myth created to convince parasites that somehow they are productive members of society.
Demand creates jobs.

When more and more wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, demand dies.

There's plenty of demand in Africa. Where are the jobs?

They starve because there is no capital investment of risk-takers and productivity which throws off wages.

'Demand' is ubiquitous. Ability to pay comes from participating in commerce, which means some greedy rich bastard is going to get paid along the way - to Chris' chagrin.
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Letting the idle rich pay taxes at a 17% clip is bad for our society.

That's why Buffett and Gates spoke out about it.

I guess you know more about business than Warren Buffett.

Wrong, dipstick. Taxes are bad for society, especially when the proceeds are only used to nourish parasites.
If all the money in the country was in the hands of one person, who would buy microsoft products?

You just conceded that the idea of a few people having all the wealth is absurd.
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The low capital gains tax rate encourages speculation and capital flight, not investment.

How did that speculation thing work out in 2008?

How does a low capital gains rate encourage capital flight?

I can't wait to see the answer to that question.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

When you talk about an unequal distribution of wealth, it is important to define or outline exactly what you are talking about. Many things must be taken into account including how that unequal distribution of wealth came about. When we have a tax system where the very wealthiest benefit the most, and when that tax system allows a very small group of people to monopolize the bulk of wealth, then it is a big problem. That does not mean that people who go out and bust their ass or start a business and make themselves wealthy should have everything taken from them to equal things out.

The problem we run into is that when we talk about wealth, we are failing to realize or give enough importance to the fact that our middle class is getting pinched badly while a very small percentage of people are becoming extremely wealthy. And here is the problem; those with the extreme wealth do not use that wealth to create more jobs as advertised. They do not do anything to help those in the middle or at the bottom to increase their wealth. In the long run, the wealth of the middle class is disappearing, and in the end, it will cost everyone. When the middle class stops purchasing goods and services because they no longer can afford to, the entire economy collapses. This is where we are currently. If we do not do something to change this, we will end up like Mexico, where all but the few are poor.

Class envy. Nobody cares about this whiny assed shit.

Nobody? Are you claiming to speak for everybody? Or are you just on some sick ego trip?

Man up, and speak for yourself.
This bears repeating. NOBODY CARES.

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