Unequal distribution of wealth


"of a proportionate or similar measurable standard

"If it is essential in our interests to maintain a quasi-permanent position of power on the Asian mainland as against the Chinese then we must be prepared to continue to pay the present cost in Vietnam indefinitely and to meet any escalation on the other side with at least a commensurate escalation of commitment of our own. - Report to the President on Southeast Asia-Vietnam by Senator Mike Mansfield, December 18, 1962"

Are you smart enough to connect the dots, Ditto?

All of the proportionate (or similar) commitments to the US standard of living since the Gipper have come at the expense of millions of middle class jobs gifted to China. Sick squeals like you encourage the financial speculation and capital flight that made that wealth transfer possible. Wall Street says, "thanks, now go and die in Afghanistan."

commensurate - Wiktionary

That would be total FEDERAL TAX REVENUES Chris.
Most all of those countries collect it and there is NO state tax, no local sales tax, etc.
Add up the effective tax rate of all the taxes and it is this for most folks:
Federal tax
State tax
sales tax
User fees which are taxes
Business licenses and fees which are taxes
Dividend taxes
Capital gains taxes
Add that up here in Georgia and my tax rate is 50%.
Amazing how you do not know your own data.
Those countries you list there have none of the taxes listed

"of a proportionate or similar measurable standard

"If it is essential in our interests to maintain a quasi-permanent position of power on the Asian mainland as against the Chinese then we must be prepared to continue to pay the present cost in Vietnam indefinitely and to meet any escalation on the other side with at least a commensurate escalation of commitment of our own. - Report to the President on Southeast Asia-Vietnam by Senator Mike Mansfield, December 18, 1962"

Are you smart enough to connect the dots, Ditto?

All of the proportionate (or similar) commitments to the US standard of living since the Gipper have come at the expense of millions of middle class jobs gifted to China. Sick squeals like you encourage the financial speculation and capital flight that made that wealth transfer possible. Wall Street says, "thanks, now go and die in Afghanistan."

commensurate - Wiktionary

China makes the shoes you are wearing? Why?
No one stops YOU from buying all American made products.
YOU are the problem.
Same with immigration. YOU and I demand them. As soon as we quit demanding them they quit coming.
Corporations went to China because here was intolerable. Many times made intolerable by government regulations. Excessive regulations, excessive taxation and the inevitable squeeze of employee demands, it's no mystery why some companies moved to China. The only mystery is why they all haven't moved out of the country by now.

America is doomed, by liberalism, to be a nation of people who flip one another's burgers and cut one another's hair, then want to be paid the same as if they actually produced something.

"of a proportionate or similar measurable standard

"If it is essential in our interests to maintain a quasi-permanent position of power on the Asian mainland as against the Chinese then we must be prepared to continue to pay the present cost in Vietnam indefinitely and to meet any escalation on the other side with at least a commensurate escalation of commitment of our own. - Report to the President on Southeast Asia-Vietnam by Senator Mike Mansfield, December 18, 1962"

Are you smart enough to connect the dots, Ditto?

All of the proportionate (or similar) commitments to the US standard of living since the Gipper have come at the expense of millions of middle class jobs gifted to China. Sick squeals like you encourage the financial speculation and capital flight that made that wealth transfer possible. Wall Street says, "thanks, now go and die in Afghanistan."

commensurate - Wiktionary

China makes the shoes you are wearing? Why?
No one stops YOU from buying all American made products.
YOU are the problem.
Same with immigration. YOU and I demand them. As soon as we quit demanding them they quit coming.
Yeah. They bitch and whine about the GOP's "gifting" of jobs to China yet they all buy foreign made goods. Gee, I wonder why.
Like I told Chris, it is amazing how a lib all the sudden becomes a conservative when it is HIS money the government is taking or when it comes to consumer purchases.
Then it's one excuse after another.
Would I rather see more manufacturing here in the US? Sure. Is it possible? Absolutely. Government MUST step out of the way and dial back SOME of the more illogical and draconian regulations. It also MUST reduce the corporate tax rate AND end some or most subsidies.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Is that a silver or gold spoon you were born with

It's kinda like leaving the fox to guard the hen house

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Its pretty simple folks.

Unequal distribution of wealth is good when its good and bad when its bad.

Easy example. Say we can choose between two systems. One where both you and I make $100 a month each, and one where I make $1000 a month and you make $100,000 a month. Clearly - the latter system is better for BOTH of us - even though its unequal. In this case capitalism causes us both to rise.

On the other hand, if we have to choose between the former system and a system where I make $50 a month and you make $1,000,000,000,000 a month - in that case, the unequal distribution is NOT a good thing.
An equal distribution of wealth should happen at the same time we get an equal distribution of talent, intelligence and work ethic.
Its pretty simple folks.

Unequal distribution of wealth is good when its good and bad when its bad.

Easy example. Say we can choose between two systems. One where both you and I make $100 a month each, and one where I make $1000 a month and you make $100,000 a month. Clearly - the latter system is better for BOTH of us - even though its unequal. In this case capitalism causes us both to rise.

On the other hand, if we have to choose between the former system and a system where I make $50 a month and you make $1,000,000,000,000 a month - in that case, the unequal distribution is NOT a good thing.

Here's the rub..The only thing preventing you from making more than the $50 per month is YOU.
And that ends income disparity argument right there.
Corporations went to China because here was intolerable. Many times made intolerable by government regulations. Excessive regulations, excessive taxation and the inevitable squeeze of employee demands, it's no mystery why some companies moved to China. The only mystery is why they all haven't moved out of the country by now.

America is doomed, by liberalism, to be a nation of people who flip one another's burgers and cut one another's hair, then want to be paid the same as if they actually produced something.

It's terrible isn't it! All those poor starving American millionaires! I feel so sorry for them having to suffer all those years under such an abusive government! It made it just IMPOSSIBLE for them to make their fortunes....I mean coming mostly from those horrible depression era working class union families and having to fight their way to wealth despite all the obsticles that the government put in their way!

They must all be nothing short of miracle workers...each and every one of them!
Money doesn't grow on trees...it's not arbitrary.

Money is a representation of the total production of a society.

Now, unequal distribution of the wealth is justifiable when the distribution accurately follows the real productive value of each individual. Then people have motivation to be productive and as a result the society is productive and therefore wealthy.

However, in the presnt day U.S., distribution of wealth has nothing to do with productivity. It's a 'may the best thief win' society. Those that actually do the productive work usually get the least.

In America you are a fool to do any real productive for a living...most wealthly people 'work' at hording wealth...which is not productive.

We are a society of the economically advantaged taking advantage of the economically disadvantaged, and though things were getting better for the productive working people from 1940-1980. This has been reversed...we are now becoming a society of masters and slaves.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Most of recorded history would be a good start.

In other words, you dont have a real answer.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Is that a silver or gold spoon you were born with

It's kinda like leaving the fox to guard the hen house


So you dont really have an answer either.

I really dont think the question is difficult. Your graph is irrelevant. Even assuming it's accurate, showing that there is an uneven distribution doesn't prove it's bad. That's the whole point.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

You do realize of course that Equal Distribution of Wealth means Communism. unEqual Distribution of Wealth is Natural in Any Free, Capitalist Society. If you want everything Equal move to fucking Cuba. where everyone is equally POOR.

"of a proportionate or similar measurable standard

"If it is essential in our interests to maintain a quasi-permanent position of power on the Asian mainland as against the Chinese then we must be prepared to continue to pay the present cost in Vietnam indefinitely and to meet any escalation on the other side with at least a commensurate escalation of commitment of our own. - Report to the President on Southeast Asia-Vietnam by Senator Mike Mansfield, December 18, 1962"

Are you smart enough to connect the dots, Ditto?

All of the proportionate (or similar) commitments to the US standard of living since the Gipper have come at the expense of millions of middle class jobs gifted to China. Sick squeals like you encourage the financial speculation and capital flight that made that wealth transfer possible. Wall Street says, "thanks, now go and die in Afghanistan."

commensurate - Wiktionary

China makes the shoes you are wearing? Why?
No one stops YOU from buying all American made products.
YOU are the problem.
Same with immigration. YOU and I demand them. As soon as we quit demanding them they quit coming.
All my shoes(both pairs) were made in the USA.
Immigration is driven partially by "free" trade policies that give millions of Mexicans and others little recourse than migration if they want to feed their families.

If you think the influx is bad right now, just wait until US drone strikes start killing thousands of innocent Americans (Mexicans) every year in pursuit of everlasting terror.(and profit)

If there is no mechanism for capital to form into pools then no investment is possible.

However, CAPITALISM also requires some distribution of wealth to insure that the workers can create DEMAND.

When the system is too far out of kilter IN EITHER DIRECTION, the system becomes inefficient.

You notwits who imagine that capitalism is a black and white system that doesn't demand a balance between the classes need to READ A BOOK on basic economics.
Greed is the primes. Wanting what is NOT yours is the standard of the day.

Yes, but taking what isn't yours with the use of force is Robbery. Doesn't that bother anyone?

It bothers the shit out of me, mainly because its my pockets they are reaching into...and im not part of the 1%

There is a romanticized notion of "robin hood" going on. Take from the rich and give to the poor.

I agree. Its a bunch of bullshit.

Some folks have drive, determination and the ability to make money. Others don't.

It is what it is only some people think because you make money you should share your hardearned money with everyone.

If you want more money then get off your ass and EARN it.
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I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

You do realize of course that Equal Distribution of Wealth means Communism. unEqual Distribution of Wealth is Natural in Any Free, Capitalist Society. If you want everything Equal move to fucking Cuba. where everyone is equally POOR.

Bullshit. If that was the case why are rightwinger fucktards bitching about federal workers having "higher wages" than the private sector and wanting more "equal" parity?

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