Unequal distribution of wealth

WASHINGTON, D.C.--The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics. The average federal tax bite on the top 400 was 30% in 1995 and 23% in 2002.

Richest 400 Earn More, Pay Lower Tax Rate - Forbes.com
And 47% pay ZERO , if we are going to equally distribute wealth, lets equally distribute tax burdens, no more free rides, surely they could pay at least 2 or 3% to help support the USA........


Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 96% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families who make less than 20K a year.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

Really, all these are wrong?

47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009

Nearly half of U.S. households escape federal income tax - USATODAY.com

TPC Tax Topics | Who Doesn't Pay Federal Taxes?

I guess I should have said Federal Income Tax, yes the pay Local and sate along with FICA, etc


Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

And it's working.
You clearly don't have a clue between income taxes and capital gains taxes.

Not all rich people invest their money, many NBA idiots put their money in cars, whores and gold teeth only to be bankrupt in 5 years.

Someone like Romney invested his money and made millions but you want to treat him like some NBA thug with gold "teef" and $10K left in the bank.

There are also ideas and products that never get produced since people don't know how to get it supported or investors overlook it.

You're just an idiot. Rich people usually try to invest their money in popular ideas and goods, which in turn gets that product to the consumer. Nobody in the 80s was sitting there asking their phone company for an IPhone, but once it was invented and supported by investors....it is everywhere today.

Idiots like you want to punish investors in the next IPhone to pay for your socialist utopia while you hoard your own money like a typical liberal asshole. Pay for your own utopia.

So why not eliminate all taxes for anyone making over a million dollars a year?

Romney is the biggest thief on the planet.

Borrowing money to buy companies so you can loot them into bankruptcy.
Typical idiot showing us little countries that many times added up don't equal our GDP.

Also, little European countries that hide behind us for military protection.

While you're busy comparing us to little Euro trash countries, go ahead and compare what they have in their home compared to us. Most Americans own a car, most Euro trash don't. Most Americans own a HDTVs, video games, smartphones, etc....

We're just a richer society because of less taxes compared to the slaves of Europe still living in pockets under "the new King."

You're just insane, get back to changing your girlfriend's diaper.

You clearly don't have a clue between income taxes and capital gains taxes.

Not all rich people invest their money, many NBA idiots put their money in cars, whores and gold teeth only to be bankrupt in 5 years.

Someone like Romney invested his money and made millions but you want to treat him like some NBA thug with gold "teef" and $10K left in the bank.

So why not eliminate all taxes for anyone making over a million dollars a year?

Romney is the biggest thief on the planet.

Borrowing money to buy companies so you can loot them into bankruptcy.
You clearly don't have a clue between income taxes and capital gains taxes.

Not all rich people invest their money, many NBA idiots put their money in cars, whores and gold teeth only to be bankrupt in 5 years.

Someone like Romney invested his money and made millions but you want to treat him like some NBA thug with gold "teef" and $10K left in the bank.

So why not eliminate all taxes for anyone making over a million dollars a year?

Romney is the biggest thief on the planet.

Borrowing money to buy companies so you can loot them into bankruptcy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CtjhWhw2I8]The Outer Limits Intro - YouTube[/ame]
Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 96% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families who make less than 20K a year.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

Really, all these are wrong?

47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009

Nearly half of U.S. households escape federal income tax - USATODAY.com

TPC Tax Topics | Who Doesn't Pay Federal Taxes?

I guess I should have said Federal Income Tax, yes the pay Local and sate along with FICA, etc


Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

And it's working.

The Poor could have worked two jobs to put themselves through school, they could have eaten ramen noodles, rice and PB jelly sandwiches like I did for 6 years to get an education, I was not born with a sliver spoon, I had pride and a work ethic, so don't lecture me about fearing the poor, I was poor for a long damn time, but I did not whine and cry and expect others to pay my way, to steal from those that were successful and make my life equal to what some panty waste though it should be..............


Letting the idle rich pay taxes at a 17% clip is bad for our society.

That's why Buffett and Gates spoke out about it.

I guess you know more about business than Warren Buffett.

If they were truly "idle" they wouldnt be making any money to tax to begin with.
Idiots like Chris want to tax rich people to the point where they move to another country or quit working or quit investing their money by hoarding it in some bank.

Of course, then idiots like Chris will try to prevent rich people from moving away with some law (they've done it with Boeing via the regulators). They will try to raise taxes on rich people's money sitting in the bank.

They will just steal money from the rich, that is typically what socialists eventually do if they get the police and military to kill people for them....
Demand will promote investment as long as the tax consequences are known and low.
Why invest in a business with unknown profits due to high capital gains taxes when I can invest in Costa Rica eco tourism at 15% return?
Americans are dumb asses. They know nothing about money or economics.

I majored in business, made A's in accounting and economics, and I have a successful business.

I know a lot more about this than you do.

BBA UGA, MBA Georgia State University.
34 years in business. Detective agency and 2 investment companies.
One of my companies invests in land and has not made a sale IN 5 YEARS.
So tell me oh wise one, how do I invest in a capital investment NOT KNOWING WHAT THE CAPITAL GAINS RATE WILL BE IN 5 YEARS?
How much investment in capital investments Chris if the capital gains DOUBLES under the Obama plan?
This ain't rocket science Moe. I played 4 quarters against the best. This shit is easy.
But Chris has an MBA in business and runs a successful firm. So HE knows ALL. The rest of us are just ignorant plebes.
You clearly don't have a clue between income taxes and capital gains taxes.

Not all rich people invest their money, many NBA idiots put their money in cars, whores and gold teeth only to be bankrupt in 5 years.

Someone like Romney invested his money and made millions but you want to treat him like some NBA thug with gold "teef" and $10K left in the bank.

So why not eliminate all taxes for anyone making over a million dollars a year?

Romney is the biggest thief on the planet.

Borrowing money to buy companies so you can loot them into bankruptcy.
More lib talking points.
You are WRONG.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

I don't believe it's a bad thing. I just want to know who should bear more of a brunt for paying our bills. It's still the middle class that drives our economy. Does the top 1% buy 99% of the underwear, cars, etc.? Do they eat 99% of our domestic food? Of course not.

We're talking about income tax. Who the hell pays income taxes on new jobs created?
Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 96% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families who make less than 20K a year.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

Really, all these are wrong?

47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009

Nearly half of U.S. households escape federal income tax - USATODAY.com

TPC Tax Topics | Who Doesn't Pay Federal Taxes?

I guess I should have said Federal Income Tax, yes the pay Local and sate along with FICA, etc


Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

And it's working.

Here is the bottom line Chris - the money that people earn is their's. It's not yours to take, it's not the governments to take, it is theirs. So stop crying like a little bitch about other people's wealth. You're envy and spite of actual successful people goes against everything Jesus preached about...
Unequal distribution as it exists is only bad if you think oligarchy, oppressive caste systems, and starving children are bad things.

Guess I'm not surprised you have no problems with any of it.

OK, I thought MikeK had the dumbest post of the day on another thread. But you truly take the cake here.
So unequal distribution of wealth and income only occurs because one class oppresses the other and causes children to starve? I guess pointing out that people have different abilities would be futile. Yes, of course it would.
Your worldview cannot imagine a fat man standing next to a thin man without thinking that the fat man got that way by taking something from the other person.

Fail. What my worldview cannot do is say THIS:


is okay.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKNoJ2BzSRU"]Let philosopher Sam Kinison respond to your post[/ame]

A deflationary spiral is a situation where decreases in price lead to lower production, which in turn leads to lower wages and demand, which leads to further decreases in price. Since reductions in general price level are called deflation, a deflationary spiral is when reductions in price lead to a vicious circle, where a problem exacerbates its own cause. The Great Depression was a deflationary spiral.

In a deflationary spiral the government HAS to be the demand of last resort. Obama and Congress handled this well in 2009 and should be commended for saving us from another Great Depression.
A deflationary spiral is caused more often than not, by government due to over regulation of the market.
In the communist/socialist society that liberals dream about, that small sliver of the pie owns everything while everyone else from the 99% stand in line for handouts.

In every economic system there are haves and have nots, period. We in the USA just believe people should have a chance to become a have or just stay a have not, instead of some asshole in the govt determining who gets what.

The asshole Chris believes he would be a have that would dicatate what we get, probably because he would kill others during the revolution to show his loyalty for goodies in the long run like a typical socialist shit.

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