Unequal distribution of wealth

Mafia people extort shit, useless fucktard argument.

Just using a dumb example as you did, when Government employees make 20-25% (including all benefits) more than their counterparts in the private sector is that not dumb?

Just because someone spends their money on goods and services does not make it correct or ethical on how the achieved the extra money, that is my point.


Th 1% own most of the fucking wealth is America but you mangy fucks talk about class envy, stop envying govt workers and go out and make either more money or get a fucking federal job and shut the fuck up, you get paid less in the private sector because the bosses ARE TAKING MORE and that has fuck all to do with federal workers and their salaries which most federal dollars don't even go to. Instead of bitching about federal workers with all your envy try asking your bosses to pay your broke ass more money instead of being their loyal slaves.

So it OK for Libs to have Class Envy but No One Else is allowed to?
Thanks for clarifying that :)

Besides is is not Envy, it is about My Tax Dollars being spent unwisely.

Federal Workers are paid with Tax Money for someones income, the the Tax money is Taxed again by the Government.... talk about a double whammy, adding insult to injury :eusa_whistle:

No one is a Slave to their boss in the Private Sector, we all can find a better job if we do not like the one we have :)

Bullshit. If that was the case why are rightwinger fucktards bitching about federal workers having "higher wages" than the private sector and wanting more "equal" parity?

Because WE PAY THEIR SALARIES and have NO SAY how much they are.

Federal workers pay into the system for usless fucks too, your salary pays a lot of shit, if you want more of your own money back get a fucking government job and stop hating on others.

At least we agree that Federal workers are "useless fucks".
I have to negotiate WITH THE FOLKS THAT PAY ME for my cash.
Gummint "workers" do not.
And that is wrong.
I could not live on a gummint wage.
Mafia people extort shit, useless fucktard argument.

Just using a dumb example as you did, when Government employees make 20-25% (including all benefits) more than their counterparts in the private sector is that not dumb?

Just because someone spends their money on goods and services does not make it correct or ethical on how the achieved the extra money, that is my point.


Th 1% own most of the fucking wealth is America but you mangy fucks talk about class envy, stop envying govt workers and go out and make either more money or get a fucking federal job and shut the fuck up, you get paid less in the private sector because the bosses ARE TAKING MORE and that has fuck all to do with federal workers and their salaries which most federal dollars don't even go to. Instead of bitching about federal workers with all your envy try asking your bosses to pay your broke ass more money instead of being their loyal slaves.

Yes, you own things because you paid for them.
Same with everyone else.
Why are you jealous and envious of others?
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Here's a video discussing the societal impacts of wealth disparity:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUVk1mx6W4g]Kate Pickett - The Consequences of Inequality and Wealth Distribution - YouTube[/ame]

And here's some further reading on a number of different issues:

Articles on Inequality and Societal impacts
Thanks for treating us to the rantings of another whiny self entitled liberal.
These fucking idiots who complain about govt workers and their salaries are just haters, they ignore facts, facts like the wages of govt employees are used to purchase goods and services in the private sector which pays the salaries of private sector workers, cut their wages you cut your own, simple economics 101.
They also tend to ignore the fact that without government there would be no courts, public safety and money.

Straw man argument.
Those are essential functions of government. Most sane people do not even discuss that as part of the issue.
The point is government should be performing ONLY essential functions.
Government workers wages and benefits far outstrip their contribution to the private sector.
No. Slashing government employment cuts the expense to the private sector.
In no country does massive government employment translate to a healthy economy.
There are millions of federal pensioners who are essentially being paid to NOT work.
Why? Why are government workers so special that they deserve a paycheck for not working. Private sector workers don;t get that....Why should public sector workers?. And don't reply with "they earned it". No, they did not.
Another thing that government workers can do that no one in the private sector worker can do: Bank unlimited sick time and vacation time. That's bullshit. In the private sector you "use it or lose it".
The pensions and benefits bestowed upon government workers are no longer sustainable.
This has nothing to do with envy. It is about common sense.
No way should those who work in service to the public get a better deal than those they serve. It's insulting for a taxpayer who works every day, does things the right way has to watch a person whom HE pays, get to be paid an average of 33% more, get far better benefits and reach retirement age an average of 10 years earlier. AND have to pay that person.

"of a proportionate or similar measurable standard

"If it is essential in our interests to maintain a quasi-permanent position of power on the Asian mainland as against the Chinese then we must be prepared to continue to pay the present cost in Vietnam indefinitely and to meet any escalation on the other side with at least a commensurate escalation of commitment of our own. - Report to the President on Southeast Asia-Vietnam by Senator Mike Mansfield, December 18, 1962"

Are you smart enough to connect the dots, Ditto?

All of the proportionate (or similar) commitments to the US standard of living since the Gipper have come at the expense of millions of middle class jobs gifted to China. Sick squeals like you encourage the financial speculation and capital flight that made that wealth transfer possible. Wall Street says, "thanks, now go and die in Afghanistan."

commensurate - Wiktionary

China makes the shoes you are wearing? Why?
No one stops YOU from buying all American made products.
YOU are the problem.
Same with immigration. YOU and I demand them. As soon as we quit demanding them they quit coming.
All my shoes(both pairs) were made in the USA.
Immigration is driven partially by "free" trade policies that give millions of Mexicans and others little recourse than migration if they want to feed their families.

If you think the influx is bad right now, just wait until US drone strikes start killing thousands of innocent Americans (Mexicans) every year in pursuit of everlasting terror.(and profit)
Very good. No account for everything else you buy.
Please don't try that "pure as the driven snow" horse shit. It won't wash here.
And as far as your "drone" comment.....Really dude?!!!! Can you post something any more ridiculous?
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I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?

So the person that sold you that guitar stole your money.
Dumb ass.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?

Does the word "relevant" ring any with YOU?
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?

So the person that sold you that guitar stole your money.
Dumb ass.

No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.
Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?

So the person that sold you that guitar stole your money.
Dumb ass.

No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.
How so? The employees CHOSE to work at the guitar factory. They CHOSE to accept the wage offered. End of story.
So the person that sold you that guitar stole your money.
Dumb ass.

No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.
How so? The employees CHOSE to work at the guitar factory. They CHOSE to accept the wage offered. End of story.

No, in this society, workers have to take whatever work they can get in order to survive. They usually have no choice whatsoever.
Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?

So the person that sold you that guitar stole your money.
Dumb ass.

No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.

Well, that just shows us that one shouldn't try to think when one is not equipped for it.

Because guitars of any sort of quality are not interchangeable widgets and cannot be produced by robots like widgets, there is a great deal of handwork that still goes into them, and as such, jobs in guitar factories are not cheap, unskilled labor by any means.

Now, it's entirely possible you own a guitar that's an utter piece of shit. I have no idea, so I can't really speak to those or how they're produced.
No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.
How so? The employees CHOSE to work at the guitar factory. They CHOSE to accept the wage offered. End of story.

No, in this society, workers have to take whatever work they can get in order to survive. They usually have no choice whatsoever.

I'm sure that's true for YOU. But please don't make the mistake of thinking a loser like you is representative of anything but losers like you.
No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.

People who make guitars are highly skilled and highly paid, dumbass. Everything you know is wrong.

Your main problem is that you are do confident of the bullshit you "know."
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Does the phrase 'Thou Shall Not Steal' ring any bells?

Yes, which is precisely why it's obvious why using government to take the wealth of others by force is wrong.
No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.

People who make guitars are highly skilled and highly paid, dumbass. Everything you know is wrong.

Your main problem is that you are do confident of the bullshit you "know."

Most of the problem is that he doesn't "know" anything. He just assumes.
So the person that sold you that guitar stole your money.
Dumb ass.

No, in the case of a guitar, which is a non-essential luxury item, I wasn't the one being theived. But I have no doubt that the workers that actually built the guitar & parts were paid next to nothing. They're the ones that were ripped off.

Well, that just shows us that one shouldn't try to think when one is not equipped for it.

Because guitars of any sort of quality are not interchangeable widgets and cannot be produced by robots like widgets, there is a great deal of handwork that still goes into them, and as such, jobs in guitar factories are not cheap, unskilled labor by any means.

Now, it's entirely possible you own a guitar that's an utter piece of shit. I have no idea, so I can't really speak to those or how they're produced.

Apparently your a person that continually talks out of your ass.

You certainly know nothing about guitars or their manufacture. Ifyou did you would have noticed that I'm playing a Fender Stratocaster in my picture. The same model that Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck play.

Yes, fine guitars do take a lot of craftsmanship, but that doesn't mean that the workers are paid worth a damn.

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