"Unfathomable": Reporter Breaks Down Two Key Gaps In Police Response

Do you or do you not believe the MSM is all or mostly fake? Try to be honest, if that is possible.
I think the MSM is generally biased, I think they have an agenda and a narrative that they support...and I think American "journalism" is more akin to propaganda.

Maybe it's always been that way.

But there is no doubt that straight news is the last thing Mainstream News is interested in.

I doubt you'll agree...because their bias us your bias. When you're in the Matrix...everything looks and feels real...because you have no point if reference to compare it to.

But as a mental exercise...imagine that all mainstream news was Newsmax, Breitbart, OANN and Fox News. And everyone that agreed with that perspective called MSNBC fake news...even though it dominated the other news channels ratings...and it was the only news channel that was mainstream. ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, BBC....they were all only on the internet.

Would you just agree with what was...in our thought experiment...the Mainstream news? Or would you call it out as biased?

Your choice.
I am not an admirer. After 12 minutes of wild shooting, no adult locked the doors, no one intercepted him, no one stopped him, they are every one a bunch of damn cowards and they even ran off with the keys!!!!!
I'd only seen this fact today. How on earth can school personnel in 2022 not understand that hearing multiple gunshots nearby is a reason to lock down, immediately? How in the hell did he manage to just walk in an unlocked door? There should be cameras to give a clearer picture of how this unfolded and if ANY OF THEM are missing or failed to capture crucial data about how this unfolded, the false flag narrative is going to have a lot of credibility.
Perfection no, a basic competency level yes. A basic courage level yes.

I have even heard reports that the police barricade him in the room to contain him till the SWAT guys showed up
Just let the information come out....
I guarantee we only know 2% of the facts that took place....
I doubt it. The two teachers in that death room probably were shot first and had no chance to do anything. Of course he'd shoot the adults first, have to.

As for the other teachers, where were they?? Where were ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the many adult school personnel, who apparently disappeared like mist in the sun as soon as shooter showed up.

I am not an admirer. After 12 minutes of wild shooting, no adult locked the doors, no one intercepted him, no one stopped him, they are every one a bunch of damn cowards and they even ran off with the keys!!!!!

Umm....teachers are in charge of the children we are WITH. And we are all with children all of the time. So in a fluid situation where no one knows what's going on am I to tell a roomful of 2nd graders "Hey you all good here? Cool I'm gonna go play Rambo unarmed with the shooter"


As for the other teachers, where were they?? Where were ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the many adult school personnel, who apparently disappeared like mist in the sun as soon as shooter showed up.
Almost certainly following the lockdown procedures they had been trained to. Each class locked door, students kept completely quiet, down on the floor away from any doors and windows. Only open each door when instructed by police. Perhaps procedures should be reevaluated.
Beto was right. He was calling out a bunch of spineless, worthless cowards.

Somebody with a pair balls had to say something in that auditorium.

You can't be that stupid since it was the LOCAL law enforcement groups who let the Parents down with their lack of action and cowardice.

Stop being a partisan hack!
You can't be that stupid since it was the LOCAL law enforcement groups who let the Parents down with their lack of action and cowardice.

Stop being a partisan hack!

speaking of being a partisan hack....yet someone above blamed the lack of body armor on Biden personally and you totally ignore that....
Well sense the weather forecast on hurricanes this year is going to be powerful, this chicken shit Senator will cut and run from Texas and DC. Maybe he'll find a way to go to Alaska and bunk with Palin.

Here is how a leftist democrat thinks of America wish them disaster and fling hate onto elected officials who has nothing to do with it.

You are disgusting.
Not completely accurate, 2 officers tried to breach the locked door but the perp shot at them and shot one of them. At that point, backup was called in. It took an hour before the SWAT team breached, went in and shot the perp.

The officers should have CONTINUED to keep the killer occupied that would have allow the victims a better change to flee the place but noooo they move away allowing the killer to concentrate on shooting people in the building.

They should be FIRED!
Getting worse by the minute that some weak kneed criminal
coddling coward directed police to “study” and stand down while shots continued to ring out. Worse still, when parents tried to save their own children the mother fucking police turned against them.

Perhaps someone was correct when they said......

"These shootings are just too convenient and appear to be aided".

How far do you think evil men would go to get a urgently desired agenda fulfilled ? THINK people, think.
Because 2 officers already took fire and had no vests or protection. Thanks to Biden.

Biden has NOTHING to do with the police failing to protect themselves which takes seconds to do.

Partisanship statements doesn't solve anything.
Gee Dudley, it seems you stated, "you're just some whining faggot deviant whose job is to snivel and decide 'what everybody else should do'.

My comment was directed toward Sen. Cruz; how do you come to call me a whining fagot deviant?

For me to explain your response, I will go to the level of your education and intelligence, to wit:

I know you are, but what am I

All of your posts in the thread are divisive partisan lying and stupid.
Almost certainly following the lockdown procedures they had been trained to. Each class locked door, students kept completely quiet, down on the floor away from any doors and windows. Only open each door when instructed by police. Perhaps procedures should be reevaluated.

Too bad the procedure had not been to arm trained teachers so they could have a fighting chance like many had suggested.
It seems murderous people who have been screwed up by the Left will continue to find guns one way or the other.
There seems to be no serious dialog about the reality of stopping these mass murders, only taking away the 2ND from law abiding citizens.
If you're going to say hand guns would do no good in a situation like this then you are completely inadequate to speak of tactical operations.

At the very least, 3 or 4 armed teachers with handguns would have been able to pin this murderer down until SWAT arrived.
This tragedy was 100% avoidable and it seems there are too many coincidences for intelligent people to ignore at this point.
These mass shootings are being FACILITATED.
Perhaps there's a reason the Establishment fought tooth and nail to prevent teachers from being armed.....maybe these mass killing are just tools to be used in pursuit of an agenda.
It all makes sense unless you're either too stupid or too much a boot kisser to see the obvious.
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