Ungrateful, entitled woman receives box of food instead of food stamps & wants to send it back

Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

I'm for cutting all government spending. US military spending should be cut in half, or more.

All government programs grow no matter who is in power because the Republicans and Democrats collude on budget matters, so they each get spending increases in their pet programs.

It's like they don't want people to have dignity.


It probably is a joke video .. But face it ... If you are on food stamps, you don't have any dignity left to protect ... :thup:
If you want your dignity back ... You better get to earning it.

Hard times can happen.

Yes they can. And what happens when they do..we lose our dignity and we are humbled.

The whole idea of *preserving* the *dignity* of people who cannot provide for themselves and their families is horseshit. There is no reason to be cruel to them or withhold charity...but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
.but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
Unless they've got a significant source of undeclared income, they're not getting more than you.

I have no idea what you even mean there.

I guarantee you, the family of 5 that doesn't work and depends on foodstamps has a LOT more food in their house than my family of 5 does. And that is because my available $$ for food is waaaaayyyy less than $760 a month. $760 per month is the allotment for a family of 5 with 0.00 income.
I know you do well with little. Our DHHS used to hold Thrifty Cooking and Healthy Cooking from Scratch type classes for FS recipients. It is amazing how many people don't have the slightest clue how to cook. I hear they don't even have Home Ec in school, anymore.
So let me understand this.

It is the position of some that a person is better served if they accept whatever a faceless bureaucrat decides is best for her. She should not make choices on her own. She should not avail herself of the marketplace. Government can make a better decision than a private citizen, and these folks are okay with that.

Can anyone define 'irony' for me?

The right says they want smaller govt but its not even close to true. They want bigger and bigger laws, more laws, more invasive laws. They want Big Brother to control ever aspect of the lives of Other People.

Interesting that they think only Blacks and only liberals are hurt by their hatred. They also don't realize its trump fans who will be hurt the most.

It's like they don't want people to have dignity.


It probably is a joke video .. But face it ... If you are on food stamps, you don't have any dignity left to protect ... :thup:
If you want your dignity back ... You better get to earning it.

Hard times can happen.

That myth about the expensive car parked outside and using food stamps is actually someone who has fallen on hard times.

Why should someone be punished for that?
So let me understand this.

It is the position of some that a person is better served if they accept whatever a faceless bureaucrat decides is best for her. She should not make choices on her own. She should not avail herself of the marketplace. Government can make a better decision than a private citizen, and these folks are okay with that.

Can anyone define 'irony' for me?

The right says they want smaller govt but its not even close to true. They want bigger and bigger laws, more laws, more invasive laws. They want Big Brother to control ever aspect of the lives of Other People.

Interesting that they think only Blacks and only liberals are hurt by their hatred. They also don't realize its trump fans who will be hurt the most.
Moochers will be hurt. I don't care if they're blacks, liberals or Trump supporters. The days of excessive free stuff are numbered.
i just give my OPINION . Its obvious to all that people on welfare and relief all eat gobs of food because most on welfare are fatter than heck Luddley .

The only people on welfare who aren't fat are the crackheads.

People aren't starving in America. Welfare benefits should only provide sustenance, nothing more. But, welfare often provides people enough income to live middle-class (if they use the income wisely)
People who receive snap are automatically eligible for free meals in the schools, rental and heating subsidies...childcare subsidies if they work.

If you are starving while receiving foodstamps, it is either because you are working and thus having to pay for most of your own food...or it's because you are selling your snap or using it stupidly.

Generally speaking the families that get $700-1000 per month and complain it's not enough are feeding all their loser friends with the benefits meant for their kids.

Wrong. Trump recently got rid of the heating assistance.

And $700-1,000 a month? In food stamps? Do you know how wrong you are? To get that much in food stamps would be a mother, father, and like 3 kids to get $700 in food stamps, and a mother, father, and 5 kids to get $1,000 in food stamps.

And those numbers would be based off of them having NO INCOME at all... which we know isn't true anymore due to the work requirement.

How much do you think it costs to feed a family of 7 people for a month?

It's like they don't want people to have dignity.


It probably is a joke video .. But face it ... If you are on food stamps, you don't have any dignity left to protect ... :thup:
If you want your dignity back ... You better get to earning it.

Hard times can happen.

That myth about the expensive car parked outside and using food stamps is actually someone who has fallen on hard times.

Why should someone be punished for that?
How are they punished ... :dunno:

How much do you think it costs to feed a family of 7 people for a month?
And why should people who have only the family they can support pay for feeding the kids of others?

What? If a family is making that little bit of money, then I bet they aren't paying hardly any taxes at all.... and in fact when they file their taxes, end up getting back MORE than they paid in.
Wrong. Trump recently got rid of the heating assistance.

And $700-1,000 a month? In food stamps? Do you know how wrong you are? To get that much in food stamps would be a mother, father, and like 3 kids to get $700 in food stamps, and a mother, father, and 5 kids to get $1,000 in food stamps.

And those numbers would be based off of them having NO INCOME at all... which we know isn't true anymore due to the work requirement.

How much do you think it costs to feed a family of 7 people for a month?

Lewdog, you have shit for brains. Trump hasn't gotten rid of heating assistance. 3 kids $700/moth for food is way too much. You can feed a family that size all year on a $50 bag of rice.
The woman in the OP's film is obviously smarter than damn near everyone that has posted in this thread. Almost 200 posts and I don't think anyone has elaborated on two comments made in the video. First, she commented about the "big old styrofoam box". And that's the first problem. Why the hell is the government spending my tax dollars on a "big old styrofoam box"? And paying postage too. Which was the second comment, "we going to be gittin our food in the mail". Guess that brings back the old "lay around the shack till the mail train comes back" song.

OK, now am I the only one that thinks spending food dollars on postage and stryofoam is a stupid idea? Because I can promise you something. Had that postage and packaging costs been spent on flour, lard, and milk that women in the video could have made a weeks worth of some kick ass biscuits.
I also heard her say that somebody should go axe trump.
Wrong. Trump recently got rid of the heating assistance.

And $700-1,000 a month? In food stamps? Do you know how wrong you are? To get that much in food stamps would be a mother, father, and like 3 kids to get $700 in food stamps, and a mother, father, and 5 kids to get $1,000 in food stamps.

And those numbers would be based off of them having NO INCOME at all... which we know isn't true anymore due to the work requirement.

How much do you think it costs to feed a family of 7 people for a month?

Lewdog, you have shit for brains. Trump hasn't gotten rid of heating assistance. 3 kids $700/moth for food is way too much. You can feed a family that size all year on a $50 bag of rice.

Yeah a bag of rice. Jesus you are dumb.

Trump once again wants to cut energy assistance to the poor
She should be thankful that she got anything. Would she rather not be sent anything instead?

God bless you always!!!

I also heard her say that somebody should go axe trump.

Yes, and some shithead in this forum opined that the negress could have been a middle-class-quality woman down on her luck. No middle-class-quality person would say "go axe trump".
What? If a family is making that little bit of money, then I bet they aren't paying hardly any taxes at all.... and in fact when they file their taxes, end up getting back MORE than they paid in.

For a women with three kids, EIC credit can be over $6000. That's free money given to low income women. There's also a $1000/child tax credit, which is more free money to low income women. That child tax credit doubles to 2000 year.

So, low income single women can get upwards of $10,000 in welfare from the tax code. $10,000 tax-free income. Then they also get food stamps, child support or SS, etc.
What? If a family is making that little bit of money, then I bet they aren't paying hardly any taxes at all.... and in fact when they file their taxes, end up getting back MORE than they paid in.
Are you black? It's the lack of syntax that begs the question.
What? If a family is making that little bit of money, then I bet they aren't paying hardly any taxes at all.... and in fact when they file their taxes, end up getting back MORE than they paid in.

For a women with three kids, EIC credit can be over $6000. That's free money given to low income women. There's also a $1000/child tax credit, which is more free money to low income women. That child tax credit doubles to 2000 year.

So, low income single women can get upwards of $10,000 in welfare from the tax code. $10,000 tax-free income. Then they also get food stamps, child support or SS, etc.

It's not just women. Couples get child credits too. I'm not sure what you are trying to argue. You are the one that asked why families that fight to just feed their own family should have to pay to help feed other people's kids. I just explained to you, that those in the situation you just mentioned, aren't the ones whose money is going towards that... as they get all their taxes back and MORE in their tax returns at the end of the year.
What? If a family is making that little bit of money, then I bet they aren't paying hardly any taxes at all.... and in fact when they file their taxes, end up getting back MORE than they paid in.
Are you black? It's the lack of syntax that begs the question.

What does race have to do with anything?

Are you stupid? Now that's a good question.
It's not just women. Couples get child credits too. I'm not sure what you are trying to argue. You are the one that asked why families that fight to just feed their own family should have to pay to help feed other people's kids. I just explained to you, that those in the situation you just mentioned, aren't the ones whose money is going towards that... as they get all their taxes back and MORE in their tax returns at the end of the year.

I wasn't arguing with you, I was backing up what you said with some details.

Married couples tend the be phased out of free tax credits, so on average they get less, a LOT LESS.
It's not just women. Couples get child credits too. I'm not sure what you are trying to argue. You are the one that asked why families that fight to just feed their own family should have to pay to help feed other people's kids. I just explained to you, that those in the situation you just mentioned, aren't the ones whose money is going towards that... as they get all their taxes back and MORE in their tax returns at the end of the year.

I wasn't arguing with you, I was backing up what you said with some details.

Married couples tend the be phased out of free tax credits, so on average they get less, a LOT LESS.

In the new tax plan they just greatly raised the child credit.

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