Ungrateful, entitled woman receives box of food instead of food stamps & wants to send it back

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!
I just said to you that we should not be catering to the individual. Unless they have a medical reason for altering from this plan, then they will have to learn to cook.

It is beyond time that we stopped coddling them. It is stupid to provide money to them and then trust that they will use it for what it is intended.

I will no longer entertain arguments on 'what if this happens' scenarios. People can make up extreme examples of what if until they are blue in the face. It is NOT a valid argument.

Special dietary needs isn't an absurd "what if" scenario. High blood pressure/high cholesterol, gluten allergies, nut allergies, lactose intolerance, etc. are now at an all-time high.

Trying to have special boxes made for EVERY one of the people that have these types of issues rather than just allowing them to buy their own food is a logistical NIGHTMARE.
What can't you understand? They cannot be trusted to use the money for its intended purpose.

Allergies are a result of eating preprocessed foods in many cases. High blood pressure/cholesterol are aided by a vegetable diet, gluten allergies is easy, don't eat grains and the same for nuts. Lactose intolerance is easily solved. Don't drink milk.

I guess you just don't believe that people should be responsible for themselves.

Have a nice day.

What can't YOU understand? The amount of fraud in food stamp usage isn't going to be anywhere near as close to as expensive as this massive plan you think could be put in place. If you give people food stamps to buy their own food, and they don't use them wisely and they run out of food before the end of the month, that's on THEM. But if you send them the wrong box, or send them food they CAN'T have because of allergies and they go hungry because of that, that's on THE GOVERNMENT'S fault.

Holy shit... you think if a person is lactose intolerant it means they just can't drink milk? Sure is a good thing you don't run shit.
What are they supposed to do if monkeys start flying out of their asses!
What if they get abducted by milk bearing aliens!
What happens to them if infestations of lice from Baltimore overrun their homes!

Like I said, we can make up 'what if' scenarios until the cows come home. All they are is 5th-grade excuses for not doing the right thing.

Now you are just being an idiot. All the things I mentioned is VERY common. If anything, you're an idiot if you think the government wouldn't screw up sending the right meals to people. Government programs are some of the most ill-run programs fulls of bureaucratic bullshit there is.
"To Which Foods Are People Allergic?
  • More than 170 foods have been reported to cause allergic reactions.
  • Eight major food allergens – milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish and crustacean shellfish – are responsible for most of the serious food allergy reactions in the United States.
  • Allergy to sesame is an emerging concern.
How Many People Have Food Allergies?
  • Researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.9 million children under age 18. That’s 1 in 13 children, or roughly two in every classroom.
  • About 30 percent of children with food allergies are allergic to more than one food."

Facts and Statistics | Food Allergy Research & Education

Yeah these "What if" scenarios are so crazy! :71:
Snowflakes are oversensitive leftists who like to silence those who express Impure thoughts. You even announced the method you used to do so.

The tax money of hard working people goes to pay for the meals of this ungrateful, illiterate parasite who won't lift a finger to do anything for herself, but just expects to be treated like some sort of queen. You want my money to go to providing her a fucking four star meal. I don't think she deserves it.

Go ahead and use a like-minded mod to censor that and then announce you have done so, asshole.

You have no clue about the person in the video. Do you know if she works or not? Please let me know her biography that you got from that video. This should be fun!

I wouldn't have to go to a mod if you weren't being dishonest and breaking the rules. I let you go the first time, and then you did it again. Guess what? If you do it again, I'll report it again. If you are too dishonest and stupid to follow the rules, that's not MY fault, that's your's.

Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you Or. perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.

You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.

If she were actually destitute in any meaningful way, she would have been humble about the food she received. You sound very young and inexperienced in the world, but her tone of voice reflected nothing but an attitude of entitlement. OBVIOUSLY so.

To answer your question, no, I am not a Christian. Jesus is fine with me, but Paul's influence upon the religion I tend to reject.

As far as working is concerned, I work damned hard. My employees work hard as well, and their hard work as well as mine go to provide benefits to people like the one in the video who have shitty attitudes, who feel entitled to live off others and who are being bolstered by those such as you who enable their sense of entitlement.

Ever hear of the saying "Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth", there , kid? Those who are truly needy DON'T.

No she wasn't. What good is food if it isn't edible? The biscuit in the video was rock hard and crumbling to pieces already.

You have no idea about my life, and by far I am not about entitlement. You are 0 for 2 so far on judging people you have no clue who they are. Maybe one day you'll learn the lesson that using stereotypes and trying to judge people from very few details is pretty arrogant and ignorant.

If anyone has a shitty attitude, it's you. That's called projection. Ever heard the saying "When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Earl Nightingale

Oh, pulleeze! If a biscuit is rock hard, how could it be crumbling, and even if it shows crumbling, so what? When you stuff your fat face with those dorritos, do you reject all those pieces that are not perfect little triangles?

Dealing with the terminally politically correct is like dealing with religious fundamentalists. All the evidence you need can be right there in front of your eyes, but you will just continue to thump away and proclaim your gospel.

Congratulations on your virtue signaling, though! You really do need to pat yourself on the back. Good job, princess.
You have no clue about the person in the video. Do you know if she works or not? Please let me know her biography that you got from that video. This should be fun!

I wouldn't have to go to a mod if you weren't being dishonest and breaking the rules. I let you go the first time, and then you did it again. Guess what? If you do it again, I'll report it again. If you are too dishonest and stupid to follow the rules, that's not MY fault, that's your's.

Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you Or. perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.

You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.

If she were actually destitute in any meaningful way, she would have been humble about the food she received. You sound very young and inexperienced in the world, but her tone of voice reflected nothing but an attitude of entitlement. OBVIOUSLY so.

To answer your question, no, I am not a Christian. Jesus is fine with me, but Paul's influence upon the religion I tend to reject.

As far as working is concerned, I work damned hard. My employees work hard as well, and their hard work as well as mine go to provide benefits to people like the one in the video who have shitty attitudes, who feel entitled to live off others and who are being bolstered by those such as you who enable their sense of entitlement.

Ever hear of the saying "Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth", there , kid? Those who are truly needy DON'T.

No she wasn't. What good is food if it isn't edible? The biscuit in the video was rock hard and crumbling to pieces already.

You have no idea about my life, and by far I am not about entitlement. You are 0 for 2 so far on judging people you have no clue who they are. Maybe one day you'll learn the lesson that using stereotypes and trying to judge people from very few details is pretty arrogant and ignorant.

If anyone has a shitty attitude, it's you. That's called projection. Ever heard the saying "When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Earl Nightingale

Oh, pulleeze! If a biscuit is rock hard, how could it be crumbling, and even if it shows crumbling, so what? When you stuff your fat face with those dorritos, do you reject all those pieces that are not perfect little triangles?

Dealing with the terminally politically correct is like dealing with religious fundamentalists. All the evidence you need can be right there in front of your eyes, but you will just continue to thump away and proclaim your gospel.

Congratulations on your virtue signaling, though! You really do need to pat yourself on the back. Good job, princess.

I don't eat Dorrito's. I've said I'm not religious... but I do like pointing out the hypocrisy of those that claim to be religious only to show their true colors in threads like this one.

When you get a meal that consist of only 3 items and one is a biscuit that is not edible and just a waste... yeah it's important.

You really aren't as clever as you think you are. At least you are getting smart enough to leave my quotes in tact. Let me see if I can find a Scooby Snack to give you as a reward.
Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you Or. perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.

You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.

If she were actually destitute in any meaningful way, she would have been humble about the food she received. You sound very young and inexperienced in the world, but her tone of voice reflected nothing but an attitude of entitlement. OBVIOUSLY so.

To answer your question, no, I am not a Christian. Jesus is fine with me, but Paul's influence upon the religion I tend to reject.

As far as working is concerned, I work damned hard. My employees work hard as well, and their hard work as well as mine go to provide benefits to people like the one in the video who have shitty attitudes, who feel entitled to live off others and who are being bolstered by those such as you who enable their sense of entitlement.

Ever hear of the saying "Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth", there , kid? Those who are truly needy DON'T.

No she wasn't. What good is food if it isn't edible? The biscuit in the video was rock hard and crumbling to pieces already.

You have no idea about my life, and by far I am not about entitlement. You are 0 for 2 so far on judging people you have no clue who they are. Maybe one day you'll learn the lesson that using stereotypes and trying to judge people from very few details is pretty arrogant and ignorant.

If anyone has a shitty attitude, it's you. That's called projection. Ever heard the saying "When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Earl Nightingale

Oh, pulleeze! If a biscuit is rock hard, how could it be crumbling, and even if it shows crumbling, so what? When you stuff your fat face with those dorritos, do you reject all those pieces that are not perfect little triangles?

Dealing with the terminally politically correct is like dealing with religious fundamentalists. All the evidence you need can be right there in front of your eyes, but you will just continue to thump away and proclaim your gospel.

Congratulations on your virtue signaling, though! You really do need to pat yourself on the back. Good job, princess.

I don't eat Dorrito's. I've said I'm not religious... but I do like pointing out the hypocrisy of those that claim to be religious only to show their true colors in threads like this one.

When you get a meal that consist of only 3 items and one is a biscuit that is not edible and just a waste... yeah it's important.

You really aren't as clever as you think you are. At least you are getting smart enough to leave my quotes in tact. Let me see if I can find a Scooby Snack to give you as a reward.

Oh, believe me, you do have a religion, princess. It's called political correctness and it overrides any other possible proclivity you might have had in regards to observation or critical thinking.

When you grow old enough to start working for a living, perhaps you will abandon your religion in favor of something sensible.
You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.

If she were actually destitute in any meaningful way, she would have been humble about the food she received. You sound very young and inexperienced in the world, but her tone of voice reflected nothing but an attitude of entitlement. OBVIOUSLY so.

To answer your question, no, I am not a Christian. Jesus is fine with me, but Paul's influence upon the religion I tend to reject.

As far as working is concerned, I work damned hard. My employees work hard as well, and their hard work as well as mine go to provide benefits to people like the one in the video who have shitty attitudes, who feel entitled to live off others and who are being bolstered by those such as you who enable their sense of entitlement.

Ever hear of the saying "Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth", there , kid? Those who are truly needy DON'T.

No she wasn't. What good is food if it isn't edible? The biscuit in the video was rock hard and crumbling to pieces already.

You have no idea about my life, and by far I am not about entitlement. You are 0 for 2 so far on judging people you have no clue who they are. Maybe one day you'll learn the lesson that using stereotypes and trying to judge people from very few details is pretty arrogant and ignorant.

If anyone has a shitty attitude, it's you. That's called projection. Ever heard the saying "When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Earl Nightingale

Oh, pulleeze! If a biscuit is rock hard, how could it be crumbling, and even if it shows crumbling, so what? When you stuff your fat face with those dorritos, do you reject all those pieces that are not perfect little triangles?

Dealing with the terminally politically correct is like dealing with religious fundamentalists. All the evidence you need can be right there in front of your eyes, but you will just continue to thump away and proclaim your gospel.

Congratulations on your virtue signaling, though! You really do need to pat yourself on the back. Good job, princess.

I don't eat Dorrito's. I've said I'm not religious... but I do like pointing out the hypocrisy of those that claim to be religious only to show their true colors in threads like this one.

When you get a meal that consist of only 3 items and one is a biscuit that is not edible and just a waste... yeah it's important.

You really aren't as clever as you think you are. At least you are getting smart enough to leave my quotes in tact. Let me see if I can find a Scooby Snack to give you as a reward.

Oh, believe me, you do have a religion, princess. It's called political correctness and it overrides any other possible proclivity you might have had in regards to observation or critical thinking.

When you grow old enough to start working for a living, perhaps you will abandon your religion in favor of something sensible.

Wrong. I've said several times this society is too PC. Now it has also become the opposite to some people. To you, being polite and giving a shit about other's is considered being too PC. No, it's not. I'm sorry I'm not an asshole rebel like you that thinks it's cool to be dishonest.

Older? I'm 41, and have dealt with your type before. I feel sorry for you.
It hasn’t been implemented. There has been a pilot to let some snap recipients order their food online to have it delivered. Even if this lady is part of the pilot, she is lying.
Something tells me that biscuit did not come in that box...
Could be wrong, but...
I'm pretty sure the entire box was a joke. It looked like something from the Onion.

But the fact right wingers see suffering as a "good" thing exposes even more what awful people they are.
And the pilot was initiated under the Obama administration
Online Purchasing Pilot | Food and Nutrition Service
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Online Purchasing Pilot

Last Published: 10/30/2017
FNS Announces Selection of Retailers
On January 5th 2017, FNS announced the selection of seven retailers for the initial launch of the SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot. Since that time, FNS has offered participation in phase one of the pilot to additional retailers.

  • Amazon
  • Dash’s Market
  • FreshDirect
  • Hart’s Local Grocers
  • Hy-Vee, Inc.
  • Safeway
  • ShopRite
  • Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
  • Wright’s Markets, Inc

The selected retailers are working on system enhancements to enable SNAP online transactions. FNS anticipates the Pilot to launch in 2018, after all system enhancements are complete.

Based on selections made by each retailer during the application process, and subsequent agreement by the State Agency, the following States are anticipated to be part of the pilot:

  • Alabama
  • Iowa
  • Maryland
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Washington

The 2014 Farm Bill mandated a pilot be conducted to test the feasibility and implications of allowing retail food stores to accept SNAP benefits through online transactions. For households to make online purchases, the online shopping and payment pilot is required to be secure, private, easy to use, and provide similar support to that found for SNAP transactions in a retail store. Benefits cannot be used to pay for fees of any type, such as delivery, service, or convenience fees. The pilot will involve at least five online retailers in at least three States. The goal is to ensure that the foundational infrastructure necessary for running SNAP transactions online operates in a safe and secure manner.

On September 15, 2016, FNS released a request for retailer volunteers (RFV) to solicit applications for a two-year SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot (Pilot). To be eligible to apply, applicants had to meet the requirements outlined in the RFV. Applications were due by November 7, 2016.

More Information
Suffering? Only in your imagination.
Something tells me that biscuit did not come in that box...
Could be wrong, but...
I'm pretty sure the entire box was a joke. It looked like something from the Onion.

But the fact right wingers see suffering as a "good" thing exposes even more what awful people they are.
The afro american female said as a result of the free food, "People gonna be Ethiopian."

What does he race have to do with anything?

It’s really condescending to say to this woman: we know what you need to eat and we’re giving it to you. Talk about the “Nanny State”.

Are we going to see the government sending out boxes of clothing to the poor as well?
I don't know how this works and I'm not sure any such program has actually been instituted, but it seems to me that if the government has all kinds of surplus food going to waste in the fields and it has a whole lot of people who need help with their grocery bill, a partial benefit of that surplus food makes sense.
Most of it would be simple canned food and dry goods you could eat. The government doesn't make Hamburger Helper or Cap'n Crunch.
This video is a joke and of course it's posted by a wingnut #fakenews.
Does USMB HAVE to leave stuff like this up
So let me understand this.

It is the position of some that a person is better served if they accept whatever a faceless bureaucrat decides is best for her. She should not make choices on her own. She should not avail herself of the marketplace. Government can make a better decision than a private citizen, and these folks are okay with that.

Can anyone define 'irony' for me?

Yep. The same people that are saying government should stay out of our lives, are in this thread saying the government should decide what people should be eating.

Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
How about we stay out of their lives completely and let them fend for themselves?

The Neoliberals, which is what Trump supporters really are, are saying that government should be small and stay out of the lives of citizens... yet here they are in this thread saying the government should be deciding WHAT the needy people need to be eating by sending them these pre-made meals. What don't you get?

What "premade meals."
This video is a joke and of course it's posted by a wingnut #fakenews.
Does USMB HAVE to leave stuff like this up
So let me understand this.

It is the position of some that a person is better served if they accept whatever a faceless bureaucrat decides is best for her. She should not make choices on her own. She should not avail herself of the marketplace. Government can make a better decision than a private citizen, and these folks are okay with that.

Can anyone define 'irony' for me?

Yep. The same people that are saying government should stay out of our lives, are in this thread saying the government should decide what people should be eating.

Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
How about we stay out of their lives completely and let them fend for themselves?

The Neoliberals, which is what Trump supporters really are, are saying that government should be small and stay out of the lives of citizens... yet here they are in this thread saying the government should be deciding WHAT the needy people need to be eating by sending them these pre-made meals. What don't you get?

What "premade meals."

Did you watch the video? The meals came pre-made in dry sealed packages.
Actually no, it isn't. They want to cut food stamps in about half, and in exchange send them this food.

What's REALLY bad about this is, how fucking healthy do you think that food they are sending is? For the food to last long enough for them to not only send it, but for it to be able to last for the month, it has to be complete jam packed with preservatives that are fucking horrible for people.

Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

We should give each family cabbage, pork, chicken, beans, rice sufficient to feed them through the month.

For my family of 5, that's:

4 large pork shoulder roasts
4 family packs of chicken
24 oz dry beans
24 oz rice
5 cabbages

The rest is, literally, gravy. A family of 5 can live on the above, and they will be healthier than they have ever been.

If you throw in a bag of potatoes, some onions, and a couple dozen eggs, they'll be sitting on easy street.

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