Ungrateful, entitled woman receives box of food instead of food stamps & wants to send it back

An effective program that serves the same purposes as the "Harvest Box" program and programs of mailing food in prepackaged boxes to recipients can be achieved for fewer funds and provide better (healthier) food by copying an already established and successful program. Rhe WICK Program provides healthy nutritious food to expecting mothers, babies and young children. They get the food from ordinary grocery stores and have some say and freedom of what they get or select. Rhe available foods are specially labeled so that the government has a say in what can be obtained and what cannot be obtained. Barcodes determine which items are on the list and which are off the list. Vegetables on the list, chips, and snacks off the list. Cake and candy off the list, fruit, and nurs on the list. High priced meats and seafood off the list, lower-priced meats, and fish on the list.
Why is that fat, welfare individual get free food? And order carrots and celery then going forward if you have food allergies, or take corrective measures to find out why you have allergies.

The afro american female said as a result of the free food, "People gonna be Ethiopian."

Wow, yeah, find out why you have food allergies when you can't see a doctor.

Man, are racists stupid.
At a local busy intersection a panhandler is often camped out with his heart-tug sign about being a homeless vet who needs money for food and whatnot. Twice now when I've been stopped next to him at a red light I've lowered the passenger side window and offered to buy him food at the Wendy's that's maybe 25 yards away. Strangely enough he apparently wasn't hungry either time.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!

The American taxpayer...you know, those paying your way, don’t really give two shits about military and or “executive branch” spending....we’re disgusted by spending on your human pets like ShaQuita and illegal wetbacks. We’ll fix that first, then we’ll move on to other shit.
See how this all works...get a fucking job and stop bitching...or take what you get....we’ll make the rules.
Why is that fat, welfare individual get free food? And order carrots and celery then going forward if you have food allergies, or take corrective measures to find out why you have allergies.

The afro american female said as a result of the free food, "People gonna be Ethiopian."

Wow, yeah, find out why you have food allergies when you can't see a doctor.

Man, are racists stupid.

Why can’t poor people see doctors?
I’ve never heard of a poor person that can’t afford to see a doctor as we taxpayers cover the cost....it’s the low to middle classers without employer covered healthcare that get fucked...we gotta take care of all your beloved human pets and illegal wetbacks and fuck the working guy over....you prefer it that way...right Joe?
Typical ungrateful negro.......

So regardless of her food preferences or needs, she should be grateful for something that’s not suitable? Give her the fucking money and let her get her own damn food.

As someone with multiples food allergies and senstivities, much of what is sold in grocery stores makes me ill. Anything prepackaged or pre-prepared is off limits. A box full of canned foods would be donated to the food bank.
Is that the case with this person? Because no one is arguing that exceptions can't be made.

So, the woman who rejected the food, is she allergic?
So let me understand this.

It is the position of some that a person is better served if they accept whatever a faceless bureaucrat decides is best for her. She should not make choices on her own. She should not avail herself of the marketplace. Government can make a better decision than a private citizen, and these folks are okay with that.

Can anyone define 'irony' for me?
That is not what is being said. That is YOU, trying to spin this against others.

When I was growing up, My mother came home from work and made one evening meal.

We ate what was cooked, or we went hungry.

When you come to the people, hat in hand, for subsistence, you should be grateful for what you get.

The government is not a short order cook.
you realize that's in addition to food stamps, right?

Actually no, it isn't. They want to cut food stamps in about half, and in exchange send them this food.

What's REALLY bad about this is, how fucking healthy do you think that food they are sending is? For the food to last long enough for them to not only send it, but for it to be able to last for the month, it has to be complete jam packed with preservatives that are fucking horrible for people.

Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!

The American taxpayer...you know, those paying your way, don’t really give two shits about military and or “executive branch” spending....we’re disgusted by spending on your human pets like ShaQuita and illegal wetbacks. We’ll fix that first, then we’ll move on to other shit.
See how this all works...get a fucking job and stop bitching...or take what you get....we’ll make the rules.

...and that kind of attitude is what makes it so that when the next President is a Democrat, they will cancel all these new programs and overcompensate, with a group telling you to go fuck yourself they'll make the rules.

That's the fucking problem in politics today.
you realize that's in addition to food stamps, right?

Actually no, it isn't. They want to cut food stamps in about half, and in exchange send them this food.

What's REALLY bad about this is, how fucking healthy do you think that food they are sending is? For the food to last long enough for them to not only send it, but for it to be able to last for the month, it has to be complete jam packed with preservatives that are fucking horrible for people.

Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
Why is that fat, welfare individual get free food? And order carrots and celery then going forward if you have food allergies, or take corrective measures to find out why you have allergies.

The afro american female said as a result of the free food, "People gonna be Ethiopian." :p

Sounds good, Ethiopian women are hot.
you realize that's in addition to food stamps, right?

Actually no, it isn't. They want to cut food stamps in about half, and in exchange send them this food.

What's REALLY bad about this is, how fucking healthy do you think that food they are sending is? For the food to last long enough for them to not only send it, but for it to be able to last for the month, it has to be complete jam packed with preservatives that are fucking horrible for people.

Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.
Actually no, it isn't. They want to cut food stamps in about half, and in exchange send them this food.

What's REALLY bad about this is, how fucking healthy do you think that food they are sending is? For the food to last long enough for them to not only send it, but for it to be able to last for the month, it has to be complete jam packed with preservatives that are fucking horrible for people.

Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!
Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!
I just said to you that we should not be catering to the individual. Unless they have a medical reason for altering from this plan, then they will have to learn to cook.

It is beyond time that we stopped coddling them. It is stupid to provide money to them and then trust that they will use it for what it is intended.

I will no longer entertain arguments on 'what if this happens' scenarios. People can make up extreme examples of what if until they are blue in the face. It is NOT a valid argument.
Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!

Cant cook or wont?
I mean come on,any idiot can make a pot of beans or rice.
It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!
I just said to you that we should not be catering to the individual. Unless they have a medical reason for altering from this plan, then they will have to learn to cook.

It is beyond time that we stopped coddling them. It is stupid to provide money to them and then trust that they will use it for what it is intended.

I will no longer entertain arguments on 'what if this happens' scenarios. People can make up extreme examples of what if until they are blue in the face. It is NOT a valid argument.

Special dietary needs isn't an absurd "what if" scenario. High blood pressure/high cholesterol, gluten allergies, nut allergies, lactose intolerance, etc. are now at an all-time high.

Trying to have special boxes made for EVERY one of the people that have these types of issues rather than just allowing them to buy their own food is a logistical NIGHTMARE.
It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!

Cant cook or wont?
I mean come on,any idiot can make a pot of beans or rice.

CAN'T cook, because of disabilities, age, or simply because they don't have a home to live in with a kitchen. How is a family that is living in their van going to cook a regular meal? Or store food in a fridge?
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

I have zero problem with drug testing to get food stamps.

A lot of you people have suddenly forgotten that many states now have a work requirement to get food stamps, so MOST of the people getting food stamps WORK.

Not all people are able to cook, so taking pre-made meals off of the list that can be bought with food stamps is dumb.

Not all people CAN provide for themselves. Should they just starve and die? That sounds like a wonderful Conservative Christian argument!
I just said to you that we should not be catering to the individual. Unless they have a medical reason for altering from this plan, then they will have to learn to cook.

It is beyond time that we stopped coddling them. It is stupid to provide money to them and then trust that they will use it for what it is intended.

I will no longer entertain arguments on 'what if this happens' scenarios. People can make up extreme examples of what if until they are blue in the face. It is NOT a valid argument.

Special dietary needs isn't an absurd "what if" scenario. High blood pressure/high cholesterol, gluten allergies, nut allergies, lactose intolerance, etc. are now at an all-time high.

Trying to have special boxes made for EVERY one of the people that have these types of issues rather than just allowing them to buy their own food is a logistical NIGHTMARE.
What can't you understand? They cannot be trusted to use the money for its intended purpose.

Allergies are a result of eating preprocessed foods in many cases. High blood pressure/cholesterol are aided by a vegetable diet, gluten allergies is easy, don't eat grains and the same for nuts. Lactose intolerance is easily solved. Don't drink milk.

I guess you just don't believe that people should be responsible for themselves.

Have a nice day.
What are they supposed to do if monkeys start flying out of their asses!
What if they get abducted by milk bearing aliens!
What happens to them if infestations of lice from Baltimore overrun their homes!

Like I said, we can make up 'what if' scenarios until the cows come home. All they are is 5th-grade excuses for not doing the right thing.

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