Ungrateful, entitled woman receives box of food instead of food stamps & wants to send it back

Sorry if I dont give a shit if parasites get the best food available.

It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

We should give each family cabbage, pork, chicken, beans, rice sufficient to feed them through the month.

For my family of 5, that's:

4 large pork shoulder roasts
4 family packs of chicken
24 oz dry beans
24 oz rice
5 cabbages

The rest is, literally, gravy. A family of 5 can live on the above, and they will be healthier than they have ever been.

If you throw in a bag of potatoes, some onions, and a couple dozen eggs, they'll be sitting on easy street.

Why does it have to be pork? Is it because Muslims don't eat it?

It's like they don't want people to have dignity.


It probably is a joke video .. But face it ... If you are on food stamps, you don't have any dignity left to protect ... :thup:
If you want your dignity back ... You better get to earning it.

Hard times can happen.

Yes they can. And what happens when they do..we lose our dignity and we are humbled.

The whole idea of *preserving* the *dignity* of people who cannot provide for themselves and their families is horseshit. There is no reason to be cruel to them or withhold charity...but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
It's not about "Best food possible." It's about being able to get food they can eat, and being able to cook it to their needs. Not everyone has the same diets. Some people can't eat certain foods due to medical issues or allergies. Sending them foods they can't eat is counterproductive... and a waste.
How much more expensive will it be to cater to each person's needs?

It is a misguided argument. People who have special dietary needs (for things like allergies and other provable medical issues) can get exceptions and have the food they receive tailored to their needs.


They can become a productive member of society and provide their dietary needs for themselves.

We simply cannot cater to the spoiled.

Oh, but wait! Maybe these people have a special diet BECAUSE they are ill and can't work.

And your idea of making special boxes for each person? Yeah that will be a clusterfuck. Not only would it be a logistical nightmare, what happens when a person gets sent the wrong box? Not eat for a month while they wait for their special diet box to be sent out?
There is always the best answer. Provide for yourself.

Frankly, if the taxpayer is going to be generous and provide subsistance to people, they should be required to live based upon the USDA nutritional guidelines.

Choose MyPlate

They should receive fresh local vegetables and bulk grain. Local protein choices should also be vegetable based, and the dairy should be local.

No meals should be pre-made meals. They can cook bulk rice, make biscuits from flour, mash potatoes from whole vegetables.

They should be required to give up alcohol and tobacco and be drug screened.

We should give each family cabbage, pork, chicken, beans, rice sufficient to feed them through the month.

For my family of 5, that's:

4 large pork shoulder roasts
4 family packs of chicken
24 oz dry beans
24 oz rice
5 cabbages

The rest is, literally, gravy. A family of 5 can live on the above, and they will be healthier than they have ever been.

If you throw in a bag of potatoes, some onions, and a couple dozen eggs, they'll be sitting on easy street.

Why does it have to be pork? Is it because Muslims don't eat it?

Ha I never even thought about that but that's a great reason.

Pork is cheap. But beef is fine...if we want to give them beef, that would be a huge shot in the arm for our ranchers, who are suffering terribly under federal persecution.
If you give people food stamps to buy their own food, and they don't use them wisely and they run out of food before the end of the month, that's on THEM. But if you send them the wrong box, or send them food they CAN'T have because of allergies and they go hungry because of that, that's on THE GOVERNMENT'S fault.
This is as stupid as it gets. We're in Jake Starkey area here.

It's like they don't want people to have dignity.


It probably is a joke video .. But face it ... If you are on food stamps, you don't have any dignity left to protect ... :thup:
If you want your dignity back ... You better get to earning it.

Hard times can happen.

Yes they can. And what happens when they do..we lose our dignity and we are humbled.

The whole idea of *preserving* the *dignity* of people who cannot provide for themselves and their families is horseshit. There is no reason to be cruel to them or withhold charity...but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
.but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
Unless they've got a significant source of undeclared income, they're not getting more than you.
I could see obama and his husband sending packaged processed meat that comes from fucking China or Mexico to poor people.

I don't see it happening under this admin. If we're going to send food boxes to people then they're going to be filled with food produced in America, and I highly doubt there will be a lot of processed food in them.

But who knows...in the old days, you used to get canned pork, corn meal, usda processed cheese, cereal and powdered milk.

It's like they don't want people to have dignity.


It probably is a joke video .. But face it ... If you are on food stamps, you don't have any dignity left to protect ... :thup:
If you want your dignity back ... You better get to earning it.

Hard times can happen.

Yes they can. And what happens when they do..we lose our dignity and we are humbled.

The whole idea of *preserving* the *dignity* of people who cannot provide for themselves and their families is horseshit. There is no reason to be cruel to them or withhold charity...but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
.but to give them MORE than what their working counterparts can afford is bullshit.
Unless they've got a significant source of undeclared income, they're not getting more than you.

I have no idea what you even mean there.

I guarantee you, the family of 5 that doesn't work and depends on foodstamps has a LOT more food in their house than my family of 5 does. And that is because my available $$ for food is waaaaayyyy less than $760 a month. $760 per month is the allotment for a family of 5 with 0.00 income.
gotta be a joke video . [just saying]

She should just not get her box of food, or anything else either.

Exactly what I would expect from you.

You RWNJs are the most unhappy people on the planet. Honestly, I just don't get the hatred you EXUDE. My bet is that you don't do a damn thing to make this world a better place. All you do is spread your poison.

It's real simple...when you live off of the sweat of anothers brow you dont get to call the shots.
You take what you're given and STFU.
Exactly...get a job moochers!!!View attachment 183424


The attitude that "they" (as @pismo calls them) are unworthy is actually cover for blatant racism. More than that however, it gives us a look at how RWs really think of disable veterans and active military as well as single mothers, the elderly, children.

About women - the right doesn't believe they should use birth control, have access to abortion, prenatal or post natal care and most of all, no way to feed their children FACT is, most single mothers getting SNAP are employed but the right doesn't care about facts.

Other groups who get SNAP benefits - why is the right so set on hurting disable vets and active military? Look at what trump has already done to them and what the gop has planned.

What about disabled?

RWNJs hate vets, disabled and others because trump told them to but the right's hatred for others was apparent long before the trump regime. Because of trump, its now okay to hate veterans, the handicapped etc.

The Truth About Food Stamps - Just Harvest
Should the U.S. be spending so much on food stamps?
In fact, we’re not spending enough on food stamps.
The need for food assistance is greater than food stamps can fill, and the benefit amount is too low to allow a family to purchase an adequate, healthy diet.

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare

Most are employed.


Most are white.



The woman in the OP's film is obviously smarter than damn near everyone that has posted in this thread. Almost 200 posts and I don't think anyone has elaborated on two comments made in the video. First, she commented about the "big old styrofoam box". And that's the first problem. Why the hell is the government spending my tax dollars on a "big old styrofoam box"? And paying postage too. Which was the second comment, "we going to be gittin our food in the mail". Guess that brings back the old "lay around the shack till the mail train comes back" song.

OK, now am I the only one that thinks spending food dollars on postage and stryofoam is a stupid idea? Because I can promise you something. Had that postage and packaging costs been spent on flour, lard, and milk that women in the video could have made a weeks worth of some kick ass biscuits.
yeah , THEY or THOSE PEOPLE and i have told YOU PEOPLE that i think that the video is a joke type video . And its my opinion that anyone on welfare / RELIEF should be treated fairly and with concern for good eating habits and health . ------------------------ As far as real food boxes full of good food being delivered to front doors , i say cool .
and people on RELIEF ought to learn to cook from scratch . ------------ just a comment brought about by a joke type video [imo] .
Typical ungrateful negro.......

So regardless of her food preferences or needs, she should be grateful for something that’s not suitable? Give her the fucking money and let her get her own damn food.

As someone with multiples food allergies and senstivities, much of what is sold in grocery stores makes me ill. Anything prepackaged or pre-prepared is off limits. A box full of canned foods would be donated to the food bank.


I think that it shouldn't even be the food shown. Give her flour, butter, oil, butter yeast, cheese, rice, potatoes, hamburger, pork chops, etc, etc, etc,... and tell her to make it from scratch. Even more money can be saved that way because no one's having to produce a biscuit, pancake, or whatever for her.



Don't tell the RWNJs that. They think everyone should be forced to eat packaged crap.

BTW, why are we not teaching people to eat well on a lot less? The poor could be a lot healthier if they didn't eat meat and didn't eat crap out of boxes but that's a skill that will soon be lost to us.

Agree, recipe cards could go a long way.

---------------------------------------- [chuckle] , they probably don't know how to COOK , let alone READ recipe cards HaJOY . [OH MAN , chuckle]

Needless to say, pismoe is wrong. Except that most recipients are children, veterans, active military, elderly, handicapped can read.

Here it is, state by state.
i just give my OPINION . Its obvious to all that people on welfare and relief all eat gobs of food because most on welfare are fatter than heck Luddley .
The woman in the OP's film is obviously smarter than damn near everyone that has posted in this thread. Almost 200 posts and I don't think anyone has elaborated on two comments made in the video. First, she commented about the "big old styrofoam box". And that's the first problem. Why the hell is the government spending my tax dollars on a "big old styrofoam box"? And paying postage too. Which was the second comment, "we going to be gittin our food in the mail". Guess that brings back the old "lay around the shack till the mail train comes back" song.

OK, now am I the only one that thinks spending food dollars on postage and stryofoam is a stupid idea? Because I can promise you something. Had that postage and packaging costs been spent on flour, lard, and milk that women in the video could have made a weeks worth of some kick ass biscuits.

I'm sure the government would make a deal with the post service, like Amazon did.

Those huge boxes are awesome. My niece sends me Oklahoma beef every Christmas and they come in those..and we use them as coolers lol. I haven't had to buy a cooler in 10 years.
OK, now am I the only one that thinks spending food dollars on postage and stryofoam is a stupid idea? Because I can promise you something. Had that postage and packaging costs been spent on flour, lard, and milk that women in the video could have made a weeks worth of some kick ass biscuits.

I wondered what is the purpose of the styrofoam box.

Yes, going to the store and buying ingredients is always going to be much cheaper than being mailed prepared foods. But, the poor, being dumb, ungrateful, and wasteful, don't buy ingredients, if they use their SNAP card for food at all. The government claims that shipping the food will save a tremendous amount of money.

Mail does save the poor a trip to the store. In some places, it may cost the poor as much to get to the store as the shipping cost on the food. If you live in a neggerhood, the local stores are expensive (because of the negger crime).
i just give my OPINION . Its obvious to all that people on welfare and relief all eat gobs of food because most on welfare are fatter than heck Luddley .

The only people on welfare who aren't fat are the crackheads.

People aren't starving in America. Welfare benefits should only provide sustenance, nothing more. But, welfare often provides people enough income to live middle-class (if they use the income wisely)
OK, now am I the only one that thinks spending food dollars on postage and stryofoam is a stupid idea? Because I can promise you something. Had that postage and packaging costs been spent on flour, lard, and milk that women in the video could have made a weeks worth of some kick ass biscuits.

I wondered what is the purpose of the styrofoam box.

Yes, going to the store and buying ingredients is always going to be much cheaper than being mailed prepared foods. But, the poor, being dumb, ungrateful, and wasteful, don't buy ingredients, if they use their SNAP card for food at all. The government claims that shipping the food will save a tremendous amount of money.

Mail does save the poor a trip to the store. In some places, it may cost the poor as much to get to the store as the shipping cost on the food. If you live in a neggerhood, the local stores are expensive (because of the negger crime).

^^^that's where we're heading. I guarantee Trump is all over it, it's the future.
i just give my OPINION . Its obvious to all that people on welfare and relief all eat gobs of food because most on welfare are fatter than heck Luddley .

The only people on welfare who aren't fat are the crackheads.

People aren't starving in America. Welfare benefits should only provide sustenance, nothing more. But, welfare often provides people enough income to live middle-class (if they use the income wisely)
People who receive snap are automatically eligible for free meals in the schools, rental and heating subsidies...childcare subsidies if they work.

If you are starving while receiving foodstamps, it is either because you are working and thus having to pay for most of your own food...or it's because you are selling your snap or using it stupidly.

Generally speaking the families that get $700-1000 per month and complain it's not enough are feeding all their loser friends with the benefits meant for their kids.

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