Ungrateful, entitled woman receives box of food instead of food stamps & wants to send it back

Wanting people to be honest, is not being a snowflake. Sounds like you are whining... that's what a snowflake IS.

Snowflakes are oversensitive leftists who like to silence those who express Impure thoughts. You even announced the method you used to do so.

The tax money of hard working people goes to pay for the meals of this ungrateful, illiterate parasite who won't lift a finger to do anything for herself, but just expects to be treated like some sort of queen. You want my money to go to providing her a fucking four star meal. I don't think she deserves it.

Go ahead and use a like-minded mod to censor that and then announce you have done so, asshole.

You have no clue about the person in the video. Do you know if she works or not? Please let me know her biography that you got from that video. This should be fun!

I wouldn't have to go to a mod if you weren't being dishonest and breaking the rules. I let you go the first time, and then you did it again. Guess what? If you do it again, I'll report it again. If you are too dishonest and stupid to follow the rules, that's not MY fault, that's your's.

Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you, or perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.
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Typical ungrateful negro.......
Check the video out at 1:18 and tell us you would eat that.

This has to be a joke video. Is it from the Onion?
Everything they give out should be gluten free. More incentive to get off welfare.

My buddy got foodstamps. A real loser. He gave me $80 in foodstamps for $40 cash so he could play poker. I went and got steaks and shrimps and ribs. You should get

Rice, milk, bologna, bread, butter, spaghetti, tuna(not the solid white), fruit, vegetable
My MIL was on disability and used to get boxes of canned veggies,Fruit,canned beef,hot cereal,cherrio's,cheese,flour ,eggs,sugar, peanut butter,bread and powdered milk. She thought the canned beef ( shredded) ,powdered milk and hot cereal were beneath her so she would give them to me.

One day she wanted to have a potluck for her birthday and asked me to.bring enchiladas. I did...and I made them with the canned beef she gave me. They were damn good. After that I never got another can of beef from her staples stash. LOL
This is one thing I won’t object to if republicans change. They should give basics so you won’t starve. The list would still be long. Milk yes chocolate milk no. Ground beef not steak. Chicken legs. Whatever is cheap that month. Maybe pork, chicken, fish.

These people can’t be trusted to buy responsibly we have to define what they can and can’t have

Good to see some sanity from the left.
Good on ya Sealy!
Wanting people to be honest, is not being a snowflake. Sounds like you are whining... that's what a snowflake IS.

Snowflakes are oversensitive leftists who like to silence those who express Impure thoughts. You even announced the method you used to do so.

The tax money of hard working people goes to pay for the meals of this ungrateful, illiterate parasite who won't lift a finger to do anything for herself, but just expects to be treated like some sort of queen. You want my money to go to providing her a fucking four star meal. I don't think she deserves it.

Go ahead and use a like-minded mod to censor that and then announce you have done so, asshole.

You have no clue about the person in the video. Do you know if she works or not? Please let me know her biography that you got from that video. This should be fun!

I wouldn't have to go to a mod if you weren't being dishonest and breaking the rules. I let you go the first time, and then you did it again. Guess what? If you do it again, I'll report it again. If you are too dishonest and stupid to follow the rules, that's not MY fault, that's your's.

Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you Or. perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.

You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.
Typical ungrateful negro.......
Check the video out at 1:18 and tell us you would eat that.

This has to be a joke video. Is it from the Onion?
Everything they give out should be gluten free. More incentive to get off welfare.

My buddy got foodstamps. A real loser. He gave me $80 in foodstamps for $40 cash so he could play poker. I went and got steaks and shrimps and ribs. You should get

Rice, milk, bologna, bread, butter, spaghetti, tuna(not the solid white), fruit, vegetable
My MIL was on disability and used to get boxes of canned veggies,Fruit,canned beef,hot cereal,cherrio's,cheese,flour ,eggs,sugar, peanut butter,bread and powdered milk. She thought the canned beef ( shredded) ,powdered milk and hot cereal were beneath her so she would give them to me.

One day she wanted to have a potluck for her birthday and asked me to.bring enchiladas. I did...and I made them with the canned beef she gave me. They were damn good. After that I never got another can of beef from her staples stash. LOL
This is one thing I won’t object to if republicans change. They should give basics so you won’t starve. The list would still be long. Milk yes chocolate milk no. Ground beef not steak. Chicken legs. Whatever is cheap that month. Maybe pork, chicken, fish.

These people can’t be trusted to buy responsibly we have to define what they can and can’t have
They have a suplimental program for seniors...why not everyone else?

List of items available

Wanting people to be honest, is not being a snowflake. Sounds like you are whining... that's what a snowflake IS.

Snowflakes are oversensitive leftists who like to silence those who express Impure thoughts. You even announced the method you used to do so.

The tax money of hard working people goes to pay for the meals of this ungrateful, illiterate parasite who won't lift a finger to do anything for herself, but just expects to be treated like some sort of queen. You want my money to go to providing her a fucking four star meal. I don't think she deserves it.

Go ahead and use a like-minded mod to censor that and then announce you have done so, asshole.

You have no clue about the person in the video. Do you know if she works or not? Please let me know her biography that you got from that video. This should be fun!

I wouldn't have to go to a mod if you weren't being dishonest and breaking the rules. I let you go the first time, and then you did it again. Guess what? If you do it again, I'll report it again. If you are too dishonest and stupid to follow the rules, that's not MY fault, that's your's.

Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you Or. perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.

You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.

If she were actually destitute in any meaningful way, she would have been humble about the food she received. You sound very young and inexperienced in the world, but her tone of voice reflected nothing but an attitude of entitlement. OBVIOUSLY so.

To answer your question, no, I am not a Christian. Jesus is fine with me, but Paul's influence upon the religion I tend to reject.

As far as working is concerned, I work damned hard. My employees work hard as well, and their hard work as well as mine go to provide benefits to people like the one in the video who have shitty attitudes, who feel entitled to live off others and who are being bolstered by those such as you who enable their sense of entitlement.

Ever hear of the saying "Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth", there , kid? Those who are truly needy DON'T.
Wanting people to be honest, is not being a snowflake. Sounds like you are whining... that's what a snowflake IS.

Snowflakes are oversensitive leftists who like to silence those who express Impure thoughts. You even announced the method you used to do so.

The tax money of hard working people goes to pay for the meals of this ungrateful, illiterate parasite who won't lift a finger to do anything for herself, but just expects to be treated like some sort of queen. You want my money to go to providing her a fucking four star meal. I don't think she deserves it.

Go ahead and use a like-minded mod to censor that and then announce you have done so, asshole.

You have no clue about the person in the video. Do you know if she works or not? Please let me know her biography that you got from that video. This should be fun!

I wouldn't have to go to a mod if you weren't being dishonest and breaking the rules. I let you go the first time, and then you did it again. Guess what? If you do it again, I'll report it again. If you are too dishonest and stupid to follow the rules, that's not MY fault, that's your's.

Of course I have a clue, little mister tattletale. You were that kid in school who always announced to the other kids you were telling teacher, weren't you Or. perhaps I should say "are you" because it sounds like it may not be restricted to the past.

For starters, though, the ingrate didn't bother to learn the English language despite being born here. She obviously did not take education seriously despite all the programs that exist to give her advantages over others. She became haughty and demanding when given something for FREE and that others paid for. There are all sorts of things to know from listening to the ingrate whine.

You are such a rebel!

How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens? Often times people in those positions will say fuck you, and they will BECOME dishonest losers that do live off social programs instead of trying to change their lives.

...and of course you all ignore the fact that the majority of people on food stamps WORK.

If she were actually destitute in any meaningful way, she would have been humble about the food she received. You sound very young and inexperienced in the world, but her tone of voice reflected nothing but an attitude of entitlement. OBVIOUSLY so.

To answer your question, no, I am not a Christian. Jesus is fine with me, but Paul's influence upon the religion I tend to reject.

As far as working is concerned, I work damned hard. My employees work hard as well, and their hard work as well as mine go to provide benefits to people like the one in the video who have shitty attitudes, who feel entitled to live off others and who are being bolstered by those such as you who enable their sense of entitlement.

Ever hear of the saying "Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth", there , kid? Those who are truly needy DON'T.

No she wasn't. What good is food if it isn't edible? The biscuit in the video was rock hard and crumbling to pieces already.

You have no idea about my life, and by far I am not about entitlement. You are 0 for 2 so far on judging people you have no clue who they are. Maybe one day you'll learn the lesson that using stereotypes and trying to judge people from very few details is pretty arrogant and ignorant.

If anyone has a shitty attitude, it's you. That's called projection. Ever heard the saying "When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Earl Nightingale
gotta be a joke video . [just saying]

She should just not get her box of food, or anything else either.

Exactly what I would expect from you.

You RWNJs are the most unhappy people on the planet. Honestly, I just don't get the hatred you EXUDE. My bet is that you don't do a damn thing to make this world a better place. All you do is spread your poison.

It's real simple...when you live off of the sweat of anothers brow you dont get to call the shots.
You take what you're given and STFU.

Weird that good quality, hard working, positive contributors always see as you and I do....I wonder why dependent, lowlife piece of shit bottom feeders see it 180 degrees the opposite?
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How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

I'm glad you won't judge me for calling her a negger. How pathetic would it be for you to judge me based on a single word, shithead.

If that dumb ape was ever making $50,000, it would be because of black privilege, not because she knows how to do anything. If she were a real human that made that much at a job, then she would have had unemployment compensation and savings to tide or over to a new job. And, she wouldn't have spoken in ape language of Ebonics. And, she would have been appreciative for the free food, even if expressing a desire for a debit card instead.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens?

What the f- are you talking about? Why wouldn't you eat those biscuits? Shithead, no one has told her that she's trash, let alone over and over. Her problem, fcktard, is that people keep telling her she's great but oppressed and society owes her. Hence, she's not grateful for the free food. Those animals should be told that they're trash, and that it's their choice to be trash.
How pathetic of you to judge someone based on a couple minute video... that has no idea who she is, where she lives, or what she does for a living. She could have been making $50,000 a year working in a factory that got shut down and is now just getting food stamps in between jobs. You never know... but you THINK you know.

I'm glad you won't judge me for calling her a negger. How pathetic would it be for you to judge me based on a single word, shithead.

If that dumb ape was ever making $50,000, it would be because of black privilege, not because she knows how to do anything. If she were a real human that made that much at a job, then she would have had unemployment compensation and savings to tide or over to a new job. And, she wouldn't have spoken in ape language of Ebonics. And, she would have been appreciative for the free food, even if expressing a desire for a debit card instead.

Are you a Christian? I'm not, but I would still never expect someone else to eat something that I wouldn't eat myself. There is a theory in criminology called Labeling theory. If assholes like you keep telling people that are in need that they are trash that have no dignity and are dishonest losers... guess what happens?

What the f- are you talking about? Why wouldn't you eat those biscuits? Shithead, no one has told her that she's trash, let alone over and over. Her problem, fcktard, is that people keep telling her she's great but oppressed and society owes her. Hence, she's not grateful for the free food. Those animals should be told that they're trash, and that it's their choice to be trash.

Yeah I don't need to judge you, you are very good at presenting how ignorant and racist you are for yourself. :abgg2q.jpg:

If she sends it back, she should be kicked off welfare. Sounds like a win-win to me.

I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!

Oh, come on! It was a whole dining set, not just the cabinet. And our nation's finest need to have very relaxing flights so they are fresh to work on our nation's behalf. Of course, the chief executive needs to let off steam after spending some arduous hours tweeting to improve our country. We need a military parade to warn the world about what we've got. And of course, our nation needs to have a large and lavish party to celebrate the re-birth of our nation under trump (and all of the ladies who actually have been under trump).

Good grief. What has happened to the U.S.A. that we have all known and loved? We no longer have to go to the supermarket and stand in line at the checkout to read salacious "news" and see pictures of female breasts (of which I am not a fan, being a heterosexual woman). All of this is getting way, way too disgusting.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!

Oh, come on! It was a whole dining set, not just the cabinet. And our nation's finest need to have very relaxing flights so they are fresh to work on our nation's behalf. Of course, the chief executive needs to let off steam after spending some arduous hours tweeting to improve our country. We need a military parade to warn the world about what we've got. And of course, our nation needs to have a large and lavish party to celebrate the re-birth of our nation under trump (and all of the ladies who actually have been under trump).

Good grief. What has happened to the U.S.A. that we have all known and loved? We no longer have to go to the supermarket and stand in line at the checkout to read salacious "news" and see pictures of female breasts (of which I am not a fan, being a heterosexual woman). All of this is getting way, way too disgusting.

We watch too much TV. People that really matter and make the world a better place. Do you remember some of the people that were famous back in the 30's, 40's, 50's?

Wernher Von Braun, Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindberg, Howard Hughes, Jackson Pollack, Truman Capote, Ernest Hemingway, and Jackie Robinson.

Who do we have now? The Kardashians, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, and Alex Jones.

Do you see the problem now? They need to start playing reruns of Little House on the Prarie, The Andy Griffith Show, The Waltons, and The Monkeys more.

Either people would quit watching, or it would show them HOW they are supposed to live and treat other people.
Uhh, if they sent flour and water, she could make her own biscuit. :eek:

My grandma used to make biscuits. Sometimes they'd be soft, others they'd peel the skin off the roof of your mouth.

I never said a word because she busted her ass so hard making them.
I swear trump is such an ignorant little whore. Another really stupid, ignorant idea, from the creator of stupid, ignorant ideas and the filth who carry them out. The SNAP program is working fine the way it is.

As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!

Oh, come on! It was a whole dining set, not just the cabinet. And our nation's finest need to have very relaxing flights so they are fresh to work on our nation's behalf. Of course, the chief executive needs to let off steam after spending some arduous hours tweeting to improve our country. We need a military parade to warn the world about what we've got. And of course, our nation needs to have a large and lavish party to celebrate the re-birth of our nation under trump (and all of the ladies who actually have been under trump).

Good grief. What has happened to the U.S.A. that we have all known and loved? We no longer have to go to the supermarket and stand in line at the checkout to read salacious "news" and see pictures of female breasts (of which I am not a fan, being a heterosexual woman). All of this is getting way, way too disgusting.

We watch too much TV. People that really matter and make the world a better place. Do you remember some of the people that were famous back in the 30's, 40's, 50's?

Wernher Von Braun, Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindberg, Howard Hughes, Jackson Pollack, Truman Capote, Ernest Hemingway, and Jackie Robinson.

Who do we have now? The Kardashians, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, and Alex Jones.

Do you see the problem now? They need to start playing reruns of Little House on the Prarie, The Andy Griffith Show, The Waltons, and The Monkeys more.

Either people would quit watching, or it would show them HOW they are supposed to live and treat other people.

Our culture has been dumbed down for quite a few decades now. I've never been a great TV watcher, preferring reading to watching. My father was a great fan of history and used to bring back stacks of books, and then he and I would discuss them on the porch over iced tea. I always read like a fiend, even to being caught in school reading "Goldfinger." Most of what has been on TV has been crap, with a few exceptions like Hill Street Blues, Crossing Jordan, and Criminal Minds. This "reality" stuff is mindless, like trump's show, and this is what the young are getting nowadays. Jersey Shore? What is it that the kids on this show actually do? The Duggars? Glorifying cult junk. Honey Boo Boo? Seriously. It seems that getting one's eye makeup right now supersedes any interest in what is going on in one's country and one's world.

Music has now turned out to be a function of electronic synthesis instead of the musicianship of such talents as Mark Knopler, with everyone in videos shakin' it for the camera instead of creating art. There is no quality. And video games? Violence, violence, violence, and an addiction to play them rather than living in the real world. No wonder that so many people don't know anything about standards anymore.

Actually, I think that the transition from reading to watching has hurt us. When I read a book or hear a song, I visualize it in my head, my imagination. I have never needed anyone to come along with a movie or a video to lock me into their interpretation of how it looks or what it says, and, frankly, it pisses me off. The only movie that ever came close to what I envisioned from reading was The Lord of the Rings. Watching, rather than reading, has robbed Americans (and others) of the use of our individual imaginations.

But I digress. Remember, trump is 70 years old. Many of his supporters are in their 50's and 60's. What happened way back when such that they lack a social and moral foundation?
As much as SNAP costs and as much abuse as there is, I wouldn't say it was working fine. Your standards are in the gutter.
Proof of what you are saying, please? And why just SNAP? I'm hearing a lot about wasteful spending, by the military, the executive-branch departments, "abstinence education," security costs for politicians who can't seem to stay in one place and do their jobs, etc.

You are forgetting who you are talking to.

$20 million for a military parade to please Donnie by letting him look at the toys of war is ok.
$25 million is unaccounted for from a contract done for the inauguration party that went to a contractor that happens to be a friend of Melania Trump... is ok.
$1,000's to 10's of $1,000's of dollars to fly on private jets and first class... yeah those are ok.
$3 million per weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf... or course that's ok.
$31,000 for a nice china cabinet for Ben Carson? well, ok

$300 a month worth of food stamps to a family to buy their own food and make their own meals? HELL NO! Fuck those needy, lazy, assholes!

Oh, come on! It was a whole dining set, not just the cabinet. And our nation's finest need to have very relaxing flights so they are fresh to work on our nation's behalf. Of course, the chief executive needs to let off steam after spending some arduous hours tweeting to improve our country. We need a military parade to warn the world about what we've got. And of course, our nation needs to have a large and lavish party to celebrate the re-birth of our nation under trump (and all of the ladies who actually have been under trump).

Good grief. What has happened to the U.S.A. that we have all known and loved? We no longer have to go to the supermarket and stand in line at the checkout to read salacious "news" and see pictures of female breasts (of which I am not a fan, being a heterosexual woman). All of this is getting way, way too disgusting.

We watch too much TV. People that really matter and make the world a better place. Do you remember some of the people that were famous back in the 30's, 40's, 50's?

Wernher Von Braun, Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindberg, Howard Hughes, Jackson Pollack, Truman Capote, Ernest Hemingway, and Jackie Robinson.

Who do we have now? The Kardashians, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, and Alex Jones.

Do you see the problem now? They need to start playing reruns of Little House on the Prarie, The Andy Griffith Show, The Waltons, and The Monkeys more.

Either people would quit watching, or it would show them HOW they are supposed to live and treat other people.

Our culture has been dumbed down for quite a few decades now. I've never been a great TV watcher, preferring reading to watching. My father was a great fan of history and used to bring back stacks of books, and then he and I would discuss them on the porch over iced tea. I always read like a fiend, even to being caught in school reading "Goldfinger." Most of what has been on TV has been crap, with a few exceptions like Hill Street Blues, Crossing Jordan, and Criminal Minds. This "reality" stuff is mindless, like trump's show, and this is what the young are getting nowadays. Jersey Shore? What is it that the kids on this show actually do? The Duggars? Glorifying cult junk. Honey Boo Boo? Seriously. It seems that getting one's eye makeup right now supersedes any interest in what is going on in one's country and one's world.

Music has now turned out to be a function of electronic synthesis instead of the musicianship of such talents as Mark Knopler, with everyone in videos shakin' it for the camera instead of creating art. There is no quality. And video games? Violence, violence, violence, and an addiction to play them rather than living in the real world. No wonder that so many people don't know anything about standards anymore.

Actually, I think that the transition from reading to watching has hurt us. When I read a book or hear a song, I visualize it in my head, my imagination. I have never needed anyone to come along with a movie or a video to lock me into their interpretation of how it looks or what it says, and, frankly, it pisses me off. The only movie that ever came close to what I envisioned from reading was The Lord of the Rings. Watching, rather than reading, has robbed Americans (and others) of the use of our individual imaginations.

But I digress. Remember, trump is 70 years old. Many of his supporters are in their 50's and 60's. What happened way back when such that they lack a social and moral foundation?

Man! If that doesn't call for some double stops and Marshall tube stack, I don't know what does! PS: The original cartoon "The Hobbit" stayed true to the book. Best book adaption I've ever seen. Mostly they just omit/butcher stuff.

The food delivery she desires. $159.00 for 1 meal that feeds 4.


What the Military is fed under field conditions.


Fraud needs to be addressed.

Soda, Chips, candy and junk food should not be available with public assistance.

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