Unhealthies state has best vaccination rate


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In a Daily Beast opinion piece on December 15, Paul Offit—one of the vaccine industry’s most strident ambassadors—puzzles over a seeming contradiction.


How, Offit wonders, could the state of Mississippi, which has “the worst overall health in the nation,” have used standout “efficiency” to achieve over 99.4% vaccine coverage in kindergartners? Rather than seriously investigate this apparent enigma, Offit presents his ready-made answer and reveals his article’s true purpose. According to Paul Offit, Mississippi’s high vaccination rates are due to the state’s 1979 decision to make the government—rather than parents—the primary vaccine decision-maker for children.

Report: Unhealthiest State Has Best Vaccination Rate

Well here is another forgotten piece of history that most sheep and UNWORLDLY leftist don't know but there were vaccines that were targeted for black Americans only. It is amazing how in the dark people really are when it comes to the technology we have. It is easy as pie for them to create DNA targeted vaccines.
That to can be found in MEDICAL JOURNALS................... LOOK FOR IT maybe you won't remain a tinfoil hat victim of denial.
Unless "unhealthiest" means "The most flu cases", this thread is a complete bust.
Look for it in medical journals? When the entire physical mass of the Journal of the American Medical Association disappears from library shelves in the U.S. three days before Hillary Clinton is photo-oped for kissing Zika babies in Florida, you will worry about access and book-burning State gestapos.
The confusion with flu is that plantations of anti-influenza Maackia happened in Louisiana, not Mississippi. Ditto for poverty and poliovirus studies in Feliciana Parish by Mary Sherman, a doctor who was murdered, which is also a vaccine link.
Look for it in medical journals? When the entire physical mass of the Journal of the American Medical Association disappears from library shelves in the U.S. three days before Hillary Clinton is photo-oped for kissing Zika babies in Florida, you will worry about access and book-burning State gestapos.
When I tracked all those zika babies in south America and all the info I could find they had also spray chemicals for mosquito in those areas while the mothers had just conceived and the babies were in the wombs not fully formed yet.

Licorice root kills almost every flu they have tested it on. Zinc tab always worked to eliminate flu for me before the chemical exposure.
More likely it was Zika causing the microcephaly, not insecticides, which have been used in South America for many years. Earlier we linked the Twist 1 gene in humans to the same gene in Drosophila flies, which affects head development.

Yesterday, a search for Hisrschsprung's at Pubmed brought up an article that costs $27.50 to read, which is the harbinger of disappearing access to med literature unless one has a subscription or is linked in some other way to the medical establishment. It's not a little matter, because a Hirschsprung's mutation is also the link to melanoma, which cancer is now increasing in Hispanics. So, to read the melanoma link to an important BRAF mutation in cancer will only cost the reader $27.50.

"Look for it in medical journals."
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)
When people go to a GOV. controlled site for their " shots are ok" information they can control what you see or don't see. The Gov. sites aren't going to tell you true information most of the time because it means law suites for them.
THEY COVER IT UP until they can't hide it any more if that ever comes to be.
It was the Chinese study on eight Tanzanians that first proved that HIV-AIDS is a reversible disease (intracellular positive, extracellular negative, for up to 49 months). Amongst the TCM herbs used was Glycyrrhiza uralensis. These plant constituents were preventing the virus from being secreted from the cells.

On another note, we are reviewing the work of Michael Moore, whom many claim to be the godfather of Southwestern botanical medicine"in the U.S. Badger2 visited Moore on multiple times, at Albuquerque and at Silver City, where his school was located. This project is also an Aldo Leopold "project" because inside the grasses the very cattle of New Mexico are consuming are potentially microorganisms that produce the chemistry that kills basal cell carcinoma, one of the world's most common cancers. These things will be pursued on the Cancer Pandemic thread.

"Then on another Quarterly Report on Relation of Grazing to Reproduction. I am also planning to study up on grasses and get posted on conditions in the field."
(Aldo Leopold, 30 Nov 1909)
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com

Thanks for the link. My husband is going through a "natural remedies" phase, we just treated his ear infection with garlic oil; it worked. He also does black cherry when his gout acts up, and he has ginger chews and drinks ginseng & honey tea for some something else.

I'm not real big on meds, but I'm also not real big on "natural remedies" either - I think he's silly to be honest, but him and my mom are both into it. I guess I just don't tend to have many problems... My knees hurt, grandma had to have both her knees replaced by the time she was 20 so I'm doing real well considering my genetics. I take Move Free pills for that and a One-A-Day that's it.
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com

Thanks for the link. My husband is going through a "natural remedies" phase, we just treated his ear infection with garlic oil; it worked. He also does black cherry when his gout acts up, and he has ginger chews and drinks ginseng & honey tea for some something else.

I'm not real big on meds, but I'm also not real big on "natural remedies" either - I think he's silly to be honest, but him and my mom are both into it. I guess I just don't tend to have many problems... My knees hurt, grandma had to have both her knees replaced by the time she was 20 so I'm doing real well considering my genetics. I take Move Free pills for that and a One-A-Day that's it.

I wasn't either but check this out. There is this stuff called Colloidal silver, we know of someone who had a cat and the cat had some bad wound on it kind of like an abscess, so they used that c. silver on it and that thing healed up in just a few days . They applied through out the day roughly two to three days it cleared up so fast.

There were other incidences where I saw that stuff work really well and fast.

Now think to yourself " why are the feds" trying to make natural meds look bad, seem bad the same reason they tried telling people who wanted to drink raw milk, or organics " they weren't safe" because these big pos corporations will loose money same goes with these vaccines companies. ( vaccines use to be ok) until they got dirty meaning monkey cells, dog cells, aborted baby cells.......... You should hope over to the post I put lastly over in the health section , When you read what's in the s****t it really makes one wonder.

The ingredient list is from the CDC so it' not some random blog bs.
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com

Thanks for the link. My husband is going through a "natural remedies" phase, we just treated his ear infection with garlic oil; it worked. He also does black cherry when his gout acts up, and he has ginger chews and drinks ginseng & honey tea for some something else.

I'm not real big on meds, but I'm also not real big on "natural remedies" either - I think he's silly to be honest, but him and my mom are both into it. I guess I just don't tend to have many problems... My knees hurt, grandma had to have both her knees replaced by the time she was 20 so I'm doing real well considering my genetics. I take Move Free pills for that and a One-A-Day that's it.

And if you don't like that site or that guy there is this guy whose well known all over youtube, and other places


When people go to a GOV. controlled site for their " shots are ok" information they can control what you see or don't see. The Gov. sites aren't going to tell you true information most of the time because it means law suites for them.
THEY COVER IT UP until they can't hide it any more if that ever comes to be.

What is a law suite?

Is that like a law with two of more rooms?
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com

Thanks for the link. My husband is going through a "natural remedies" phase, we just treated his ear infection with garlic oil; it worked. He also does black cherry when his gout acts up, and he has ginger chews and drinks ginseng & honey tea for some something else.

I'm not real big on meds, but I'm also not real big on "natural remedies" either - I think he's silly to be honest, but him and my mom are both into it. I guess I just don't tend to have many problems... My knees hurt, grandma had to have both her knees replaced by the time she was 20 so I'm doing real well considering my genetics. I take Move Free pills for that and a One-A-Day that's it.

I wasn't either but check this out. There is this stuff called Colloidal silver, we know of someone who had a cat and the cat had some bad wound on it kind of like an abscess, so they used that c. silver on it and that thing healed up in just a few days . They applied through out the day roughly two to three days it cleared up so fast.

There were other incidences where I saw that stuff work really well and fast.

Now think to yourself " why are the feds" trying to make natural meds look bad, seem bad the same reason they tried telling people who wanted to drink raw milk, or organics " they weren't safe" because these big pos corporations will loose money same goes with these vaccines companies. ( vaccines use to be ok) until they got dirty meaning monkey cells, dog cells, aborted baby cells.......... You should hope over to the post I put lastly over in the health section , When you read what's in the s****t it really makes one wonder.

The ingredient list is from the CDC so it' not some random blog bs.

Loose money? Those corporations had better tighten it up before they lose it!
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com

Thanks for the link. My husband is going through a "natural remedies" phase, we just treated his ear infection with garlic oil; it worked. He also does black cherry when his gout acts up, and he has ginger chews and drinks ginseng & honey tea for some something else.

I'm not real big on meds, but I'm also not real big on "natural remedies" either - I think he's silly to be honest, but him and my mom are both into it. I guess I just don't tend to have many problems... My knees hurt, grandma had to have both her knees replaced by the time she was 20 so I'm doing real well considering my genetics. I take Move Free pills for that and a One-A-Day that's it.

I wasn't either but check this out. There is this stuff called Colloidal silver, we know of someone who had a cat and the cat had some bad wound on it kind of like an abscess, so they used that c. silver on it and that thing healed up in just a few days . They applied through out the day roughly two to three days it cleared up so fast.

There were other incidences where I saw that stuff work really well and fast.

Now think to yourself " why are the feds" trying to make natural meds look bad, seem bad the same reason they tried telling people who wanted to drink raw milk, or organics " they weren't safe" because these big pos corporations will loose money same goes with these vaccines companies. ( vaccines use to be ok) until they got dirty meaning monkey cells, dog cells, aborted baby cells.......... You should hope over to the post I put lastly over in the health section , When you read what's in the s****t it really makes one wonder.

The ingredient list is from the CDC so it' not some random blog bs.
When mom started using the real silverware Dad quit having bouts of shingle attacks. I did not know about the licorice back then or would have told him about it too.
Hmmm I'll have to remember these "natural remedies" for next year. My parents had to hole up in their house for three weeks because of the flu going around town, they didn't want to catch it as they were headed to South America... or well... they're in South America now. On a related note, my mother has apparently turned into a troll; she texted out a picture of a run-down tent city that just said "Shithole in the wild" - I almost pee'ed myself when I read it.)

Search Results - NaturalNews.com

Thanks for the link. My husband is going through a "natural remedies" phase, we just treated his ear infection with garlic oil; it worked. He also does black cherry when his gout acts up, and he has ginger chews and drinks ginseng & honey tea for some something else.

I'm not real big on meds, but I'm also not real big on "natural remedies" either - I think he's silly to be honest, but him and my mom are both into it. I guess I just don't tend to have many problems... My knees hurt, grandma had to have both her knees replaced by the time she was 20 so I'm doing real well considering my genetics. I take Move Free pills for that and a One-A-Day that's it.

I wasn't either but check this out. There is this stuff called Colloidal silver, we know of someone who had a cat and the cat had some bad wound on it kind of like an abscess, so they used that c. silver on it and that thing healed up in just a few days . They applied through out the day roughly two to three days it cleared up so fast.

There were other incidences where I saw that stuff work really well and fast.

Now think to yourself " why are the feds" trying to make natural meds look bad, seem bad the same reason they tried telling people who wanted to drink raw milk, or organics " they weren't safe" because these big pos corporations will loose money same goes with these vaccines companies. ( vaccines use to be ok) until they got dirty meaning monkey cells, dog cells, aborted baby cells.......... You should hope over to the post I put lastly over in the health section , When you read what's in the s****t it really makes one wonder.

The ingredient list is from the CDC so it' not some random blog bs.
When mom started using the real silverware Dad quit having bouts of shingle attacks. I did not know about the licorice back then or would have told him about it too.

This is another good source for the oils

Just adding some of the most common essential oils like lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint and tea tree oil to your natural medicine cabinet may:

  • Fight cold and flu symptoms
  • Relax your body and soothe sore muscles
  • Heal skin conditions
  • Alleviate pain
  • Balance hormones
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce cellulite and wrinkles
  • Clean your home
Essential Oils Now Used in Medical Hospitals
Aromatherapy has a variety of health benefits and can be used in various settings. It is a great non-invasive way to treat a variety of medical conditions and can be used safely in combination with many other therapies.

Dr. Axe's Essential Oils Guide - DrAxe.com

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