Unhinged : Trump tweets about wiretapping & the apprentice!?

What the fuck happened to his promis that pettiness was done ?

While taking his morning shit he tweets shot about Obama wire tapping him, then after that reckless statement his hits with hard news! Arnold sucks at the Apprentice !!

The clown show gets worse . He's the same guy after all that shit from his speech the other day .
This is big, however there are no facts available yet.

So far there is only 1 accusation by DJT and 1 denial by BHO.

Those are not facts.

Hopefully in a few hours the Sunday morning news shows will be able to give us some further facts that they themselves may have ferreted out.
is there any evidence other than tweets?
Is there any evidence Trump colluded with Russia other than Democrat rants?

According to all of the intel departments NONE WHATSOEVER!!!. all they have is inference by the oshitass teams SPIES AND TREASONIST.
There is evidence that Obama tried to spy on Trump at the very least. Illegally tapped his phones at the worst.
No. No there isn't. Trump tweeting it doesn't make it true
is there any evidence other than tweets?
Is there any evidence Trump colluded with Russia other than Democrat rants?

According to all of the intel departments NONE WHATSOEVER!!!. all they have is inference by the oshitass teams SPIES AND TREASONIST.
There is evidence that Obama tried to spy on Trump at the very least. Illegally tapped his phones at the worst.
No. No there isn't. Trump tweeting it doesn't make it true
Trump tweeting does not make it true.

And BHO denying does not make it false either.

We need facts first before anybody can intelligently weigh in.
Obsessing over important stuff is one thing obsessing over a tweet about the Celebrity Apprentice that could seen as getting into unhinged terrority.

But the POTUS obsessively tweeting about wiretapping with no evidence to back up his claim, and tweeting about Celebrity Apprentice is NOT getting into unhinged territory? :lol:
is there any evidence other than tweets?
Is there any evidence Trump colluded with Russia other than Democrat rants?

According to all of the intel departments NONE WHATSOEVER!!!. all they have is inference by the oshitass teams SPIES AND TREASONIST.
There is evidence that Obama tried to spy on Trump at the very least. Illegally tapped his phones at the worst.
No. No there isn't. Trump tweeting it doesn't make it true
Trump tweeting does not make it true.

And BHO denying does not make it false either.

We need facts first before anybody can intelligently weigh in.
No no. There really is nothing going on other than Trump is losing his mind for the world to see. Trumps weird tweets are a typical right-wing tactic. Make accusations without proof, then attempt to put the burden of proof on others. "If it didn't happen, prove it"
Is there any evidence Trump colluded with Russia other than Democrat rants?

According to all of the intel departments NONE WHATSOEVER!!!. all they have is inference by the oshitass teams SPIES AND TREASONIST.
There is evidence that Obama tried to spy on Trump at the very least. Illegally tapped his phones at the worst.
No. No there isn't. Trump tweeting it doesn't make it true
Trump tweeting does not make it true.

And BHO denying does not make it false either.

We need facts first before anybody can intelligently weigh in.
No no. There really is nothing going on other than Trump is losing his mind for the world to see. Trumps weird tweets are a typical right-wing tactic. Make accusations without proof, then attempt to put the burden of proof on others. "If it didn't happen, prove it"
Your premature statement is one of 3 possible conclusions.

But conclusions are premature without facts first.
Obsessing over important stuff is one thing obsessing over a tweet about the Celebrity Apprentice that could seen as getting into unhinged terrority.

But the POTUS obsessively tweeting about wiretapping with no evidence to back up his claim, and tweeting about Celebrity Apprentice is NOT getting into unhinged territory? :lol:
You should have gone to somebody's boot camp to learn never to ass-u-me.

Your premature assumptions are making an azz out of you.
Obsessing over important stuff is one thing obsessing over a tweet about the Celebrity Apprentice that could seen as getting into unhinged terrority.

But the POTUS obsessively tweeting about wiretapping with no evidence to back up his claim, and tweeting about Celebrity Apprentice is NOT getting into unhinged territory? :lol:
You should have gone to somebody's boot camp to learn never to ass-u-me.

Your premature assumptions are making an azz out of you.

If a respectable person brought up a concern based upon legitimate sources and evidence, then I would take a more cautious approach. But we're talking about President Donald. The most powerful man in the world is a petty, self-obsessed, delusional, paranoid weirdo who quotes, word for word, false stories and accusations spread by Alex Jones, Brietbart and Fox News.

He is unhinged.
Trump tweeted it because he wants you to keep thinking about Obama and his "mistakes" . To distract you and to make everyone concerned whether he is being given a fair chance. Remember the previous tapped presidents and ministers? The truth is no politician can get away with their correspondence going public. They can't. But, I wonder if the Trump supporters aren't just worried all his shit will go public? Why are they so afraid? They haven't been afraid Obama's correspondence goes public. You're so manipulated. Take the information, evaluate it, forget it. Where is the information? "They tapped me and got nothing out of it," isn't that what he's saying? They tried but I will be the hero to expose their failed attempt.
What the fuck happened to his promis that pettiness was done ?

While taking his morning shit he tweets shot about Obama wire tapping him, then after that reckless statement his hits with hard news! Arnold sucks at the Apprentice !!

The clown show gets worse . He's the same guy after all that shit from his speech the other day .
This is big, however there are no facts available yet.

So far there is only 1 accusation by DJT and 1 denial by BHO.

Those are not facts.

Hopefully in a few hours the Sunday morning news shows will be able to give us some further facts that they themselves may have ferreted out.

Trump is a coward hiding behind slanderous tweets and not answering any questions.
What the fuck happened to his promis that pettiness was done ?

While taking his morning shit he tweets shot about Obama wire tapping him, then after that reckless statement his hits with hard news! Arnold sucks at the Apprentice !!

The clown show gets worse . He's the same guy after all that shit from his speech the other day .

Aside from being an unhinged pathological liar - Trump is just naturally a "petty" person.
The whole mess, sick, ALL lie why? all sides all views all politicians lie about the stupid silly stuff, it hurts that they think we are so dumb that we find true every lie as long as its from our side of the fence.

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