
A new ad released by the Republican National Committee is attacking the left by claiming that liberals have become “unhinged.”

The ad, released on Tuesday, prominently features the solitary limousine that was set on fire during Trump’s inauguration, along with graffiti and a voiceover from Bernie Sanders declaring how “fringe ideas, radical ideas and extremist ideas” are now more mainstream.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is featured in the minute-long video, talking about how it was important for voters to push back against members of the Trump administration if they see them out and about. Trump critics Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin also make an appearance, along with some Hollywood celebrities.
  • As backlash to the Trump administration’s family separation policy grows, and protesters are confronting Trump officials in public, Republicans have sought to deflect the attention by painting the left as increasingly radical and dangerous.
Republicans try to deflect criticism by accusing the left of becoming ‘unhinged’

Really? I think you ought to consider changing sides. There's plenty of room over here for all Americans but I digress. Your side will have victories in the coming months. As good as the current wave feels all sides lose in battles of attrition like we are seeing with Chris Matthews calling on all Leftist representatives to obstruct appointment of a Kennedy replacement. Be honest, is that kind of partisan game beneficial in any way for a single American?

I don't think anyone is condemning all who vote blue. We're all Americans end of the day, right? Who among is championing the suffering of Americas for political victory? But you can't rationally support calls for violence against the sitting President's children or the actions of groups like Antifa. I do not support far right movements. They worry me as much as your radical left and their attempted redefinition of all that essentially holy if you want it in plain American lingo.

Rally around whatever victories come for your side. Just remember we are one nation under God, not dozens.
'Obstruction' - Democrats have proved that's probably one of the best things they do and have to offer...

A new ad released by the Republican National Committee is attacking the left by claiming that liberals have become “unhinged.”

The ad, released on Tuesday, prominently features the solitary limousine that was set on fire during Trump’s inauguration, along with graffiti and a voiceover from Bernie Sanders declaring how “fringe ideas, radical ideas and extremist ideas” are now more mainstream.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is featured in the minute-long video, talking about how it was important for voters to push back against members of the Trump administration if they see them out and about. Trump critics Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin also make an appearance, along with some Hollywood celebrities.
  • As backlash to the Trump administration’s family separation policy grows, and protesters are confronting Trump officials in public, Republicans have sought to deflect the attention by painting the left as increasingly radical and dangerous.
Republicans try to deflect criticism by accusing the left of becoming ‘unhinged’

Poll: 59% fear violence from Trump haters, 31% predict civil war

The only mental midgets making noises about a civil war are the rightards

Far-right voices are frothing about a looming civil war

But while you dancing monkeys were throwing turds, some numbers by the people you need to win are slipping away.

NBC/Marist polls: Independents break away from Trump, GOP
'Civil War' is one group saying to another, "I've had enough of your crap' I'm fighting back."

Conservatives are getting tired of being bullied, being illegally spied upon, being threatened, being insulted, being attacked, etc...

Threatening and calling for the kidnapping, caging, and raping women and kids?! Democrats JUSTIFYING & DEFENDING it instead of automatically condemning it?

You go into a diner or theater, physically harass, and - God forbid - put your hands on someone else....you are asking for a beat down or to get shot by someone with a concealed carry permit.

You can't continue to expect to push violence and calls for violence without any push-BACK.
the left is nuts, this video explains it all...it's an RNC add.....the dems want more of Trump I guess

An "add" huh? I love the poorly educated.

So you actually think a lump generalization fallacy "explains" something? Aren't you easily amused.

No, it's lefties advocating violence.....nothing new, but effective

Nope --- it's a blanket generalization fallacy. And it became so as soon as six cherrypicked people on video ---- only one of whom is even in politics at all ---- were depicted as the entire "left".

It's also a grand Association Fallacy if you toss in unrelated B-roll of burning cars and anarchist symbols laid over drama production music.

Fallacies are for the simpleminded.

No it's not, show me the left discouraging this behavior.

I don't need to "show you" shit, nor would it be possible. There *IS NO* "the left" as some kind of unit that meets daily at a coffee shop in Dubuque and votes unanimously on everything. That's a simplistic lump-generalization fallacy crutch used by the mentally incapacitated who can't be bothered to deal with realities. It's a strawman. It's fucking little kid stuff.

Grow UP already.

Bullshit, it's a political movement, don't you dare try and say that you have no culpability. You guys got on Trump because he didn't denounce David Duke for the millionth time fast enough (He left the Reform Party because Duke joined in 2000)

Your supporters are very violent, I want to see where your leaders are discouraging this on the basis of it not being good, not on winning or losing elections.
A new ad released by the Republican National Committee is attacking the left by claiming that liberals have become “unhinged.”

The ad, released on Tuesday, prominently features the solitary limousine that was set on fire during Trump’s inauguration, along with graffiti and a voiceover from Bernie Sanders declaring how “fringe ideas, radical ideas and extremist ideas” are now more mainstream.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is featured in the minute-long video, talking about how it was important for voters to push back against members of the Trump administration if they see them out and about. Trump critics Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin also make an appearance, along with some Hollywood celebrities.
  • As backlash to the Trump administration’s family separation policy grows, and protesters are confronting Trump officials in public, Republicans have sought to deflect the attention by painting the left as increasingly radical and dangerous.
Republicans try to deflect criticism by accusing the left of becoming ‘unhinged’

Poll: 59% fear violence from Trump haters, 31% predict civil war

The only mental midgets making noises about a civil war are the rightards

Far-right voices are frothing about a looming civil war

But while you dancing monkeys were throwing turds, some numbers by the people you need to win are slipping away.

NBC/Marist polls: Independents break away from Trump, GOP
No dipshit, you are the people who protest opponenet rallies, righties don't do that
you guys prevent people from speaking in public venues...righties don't do that
and now you harassing people, who aren't even on the job, again righties don't do that.

you know these people have class and wont fight back, Trump doesn't and he does......that's why you HATE him so much.....
you guys are gutless cowards.

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