Unintended Consequences of Banning Abortion

Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
As they should. But this interest was absent many women who chose to have unprotected sex. Why would they be if there are no consequences for their behavior? They stand to bear the most pain out of the whole deal.
...and lastly the lost of many low cost or free services available at most abortion clinics which include free or low cost STD tests, free contraceptives, sex education, and abortion counseling.

Face it. You only want babies killed.
Travel to a state where it is legal.
Breakdown of income for those that get abortions are 25% upper and middle income. No doubt these people will fly out of state, get an abortion, rest up in a good hotel and fly home. However, I expect it will be a lot different for the low income. About 20% of of these are in the no income group, the homeless, and unemployed illegal immigrants. There are the ones that are going to be having babies. I'm sure Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia are going to welcome thousands more little Hispanic citizens to be raised by the state.
Breakdown of income for those that get abortions are 25% upper and middle income. No doubt these people will fly out of state, get an abortion, rest up in a good hotel and fly home. However, I expect it will be a lot different for the low income. About 20% of of these are in the no income group, the homeless, and unemployed illegal immigrants. There are the ones that are going to be having babies. I'm sure Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia are going to welcome thousands more little Hispanic citizens to be raised by the state.
How many times have you have to be told?

Adoption is always an option!

Why is that so hard to get through your head, or that concrete block you wear in place of it?
The leftist response to rape and incest is to execute the child and ignore the rapist.

The conservative response to rape and incest is to take care of the mother and child and execute the rapist.
Let's run the numbers. Put the rapist in prison, and the state spends about $30,000 a year to keep him there.
Meanwhile the state spends no more than $3,000 a year to help care for the child.
Dems will go right on LYING because that's what they do. Meanwhile there were 6,000 3rd trimester abortions last year.
Out about 900,000. You fail to to list how many were fetus that were not viable, seriously deformed, or those done to save the life of the mother.

The fact is most 3rd trimester abortions are due to information about the fetus or the health of the mother that was unknow earlier in the pregnancy. Diagnostic scans of the fetus are run at 20 weeks. If there are abnormalities, a 29 week scan is run to confirm exactly what the problem is. The killer is brain deformities that limits the child 's life to hours or days after birth. There are also about a dozen other problems that would prevent the child from living without continual medical assistance and would be faced with a very short life span.

The second reason a woman would choose to abort in 3rd trimester are life threating health problems not previously known.

For a woman to choose to abort a healthy fetus when she is in good health hardly exists. There are several reasons for this. First being 44 states ban such abortions. The cost of a such an abortion starts at about $25,000 but goes up as complications developed. Insurance companies usually do not pay. It is likely that none of these clinics would do such an abortion simply because the mother decided not to have a baby. Lastly, the procedure takes 3 days. It is painful and chance of complications and damage to organs is relatively high.

The bottom line is 3rd trimester abortions are blown out of proportion. They are about 1% of abortions and almost every one of them is done because of a serious health problem of the fetus or the mother that was not previously unknown. A mother that underwent the procedure commented that" the doctors that do these horrible procedures are villainize, threaten, and demonize but the truth is they are angels not devils that save the mother and child from pain and suffering."

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Thanks for highlighting the story of libs being more responsible with their sex habits

As a conservative I dont object to birth control
Most conservatives don't. Nearly 70% use contraception. The excepts are women wanting to get pregnant
That's fine for rose colored babies.

What about all the others?
There are 900,000 abortions and about 133,000 adoptions of babies. There is no doubt adoption agencies could place twice that many but not 900,000. Most of these babies would spend their young life in foster care and many their whole childhood.
How are any of these things unintended?

There certainly is nothing in that list that seems to be a major negative for the right. It is almost as though you are making a case for them.

Where do you get the asinine assertion that the right is ''anticipating' thousands of unwanted births?

What a silly statement. For the right, this has ALWAYS been about the killing of what they see as another person. It began and ended there for them.
I agree most of what is in the list is of no concern to the right, suffering of women and children, sterilization to escape the possibility of pregnancy, death of women seeking an abortion. The right has not interest in any of this. That is very clear in the laws these white Christian men created. However, all of these states that banned abortion are about half women who are going to be the ones to suffer and they do vote which is going to be a problem. I don't really think these men that created these laws ever considered that their daughters and wives and grandchildren will likely be faced with being forced by the state to have unwanted children.
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