Unintended Consequences of Banning Abortion

Think about the "morning after pill" and abortions. The U.S. spent the better part of three decades teaching school kids not much more than how to put a freaking condom on a banana. All of a sudden young babes are worried about getting pregnant when their alternative used to be to kill the life inside them? What freaking sense does that make?
Abortions are for those that fuck up, literally and figuratively
There are 900,000 abortions and about 133,000 adoptions of babies. There is no doubt adoption agencies could place twice that many but not 900,000. Most of these babies would spend their young life in foster care and many their whole childhood.

If that were true, why do couples have to wait months and even years to adopt a baby? That's what happened to my cousin and her husband. After a few years of waiting for a white baby, they finally adopted a very young girl from Guatemala. And where do you get this idea that all 900,00 non-aborted babies will be crowding our adoption agencies. Do you not remember what you posted in the OP?
Most conservatives don't. Nearly 70% use contraception. The excepts are women wanting to get pregnant

There are 900,000 abortions and about 133,000 adoptions of babies. There is no doubt adoption agencies could place twice that many but not 900,000. Most of these babies would spend their young life in foster care and many their whole childhood.
Try English next time! The word is "exceptions".

You know this how? :linky:
I agree most of what is in the list is of no concern to the right, suffering of women and children, sterilization to escape the possibility of pregnancy, death of women seeking an abortion. The right has not interest in any of this. That is very clear in the laws these white Christian men created. However, all of these states that banned abortion are about half women who are going to be the ones to suffer and they do vote which is going to be a problem. I don't really think these men that created these laws ever considered that their daughters and wives and grandchildren will likely be faced with being forced by the state to have unwanted children.

Once again, you skip adoption as a solution.
There are a number of unintended consequences of overturning Roe v Wade
  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
  • The FDA made shipment of abortions pills through the mail legal opening the way for mail order buying.
  • Producers of the abortion pills are increasing inventories preparing for increased demand.
  • 6 states have started funds to help the poor travel to states that offer abortion services
  • Planned Parenthood now has a 300 million dollar fund to assist low income women get abortions
  • Over 30 major corporations including Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft have announced they will pay for travel for employees and families to get an abortion.
  • Doctors in the banned states report large numbers of requests for birth control pills, and other types of contraception.
  • Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
It is looking more like the the hundreds of thousands of unwanted babies birthed by women under threat of arrest will be far less than the right anticipated due to more attention to contraception, the day after pill, use of abortion pills, increased sterilization, and travel assistance to abortion clinics from a number of sources.
We should be paying more attention to contraception instead of just murdering innocent fetuses. It's only a small minority that are against contraception. Most of the pro-lifers just don't want to see innocent fetuses murdered as a contraception choice.
More like 93% effective as the article I posted states.
A study where woman took just the abortion pill, mifepristone ,it was 95% effective in stopping the pregnancy. The medical abortion approved by the FDA which uses two pills (mifepristone and .misoprostol) taken 24 hours apart had a 93% effectiveness. A 2% difference could well be within the tolerance of the study.

Mifepristone cause the abortion by cutting off the hormone needed for pregnancy to continue. The second pill, misoprostol starts the miscarriage. The miscarriage would occur naturally without the misoprostol. It just makes the process easier, more predictable, and a bit safer.

As the abortion pill becomes more and more commonly available, all these abortion laws will be doing is forcing women to use the abortion pill instead of a Medical abortion which is a bit safer.
A study where woman took just the abortion pill, mifepristone ,it was 95% effective in stopping the pregnancy. The medical abortion approved by the FDA which uses two pills (mifepristone and .misoprostol) taken 24 hours apart had a 93% effectiveness. A 2% difference could well be within the tolerance of the study.

Mifepristone cause the abortion by cutting off the hormone needed for pregnancy to continue. The second pill, misoprostol starts the miscarriage. The miscarriage would occur naturally without the misoprostol. It just makes the process easier, more predictable, and a bit safer.

As the abortion pill becomes more and more commonly available, all these abortion laws will be doing is forcing women to use the abortion pill instead of a Medical abortion which is a bit safer.

Good. So everybody is happy,
We should be paying more attention to contraception instead of just murdering innocent fetuses. It's only a small minority that are against contraception. Most of the pro-lifers just don't want to see innocent fetuses murdered as a contraception choice.
The purpose of an abortion is to correct a mistake, a woman forgets the contraceptive, is not using it properly, it is loss in heat of moment, or the contraceptive fails. The birth control pill is only 90% effective. When used correctly with spermicide, a diaphragm or cap is 92%. The rhythm method at best is only 76% effective, and since condoms get lost or break there is no way of knowing how effective they are. Even if the woman does everything right there will still be unintended pregnancies which is the reason for abortions.

The idea that women use abortion as a substitute for birth control is completely false. Abortions are are often painful nor or they free. Substituting abortion for birth control makes about as much sense as substituting tooth extractions for brushing and flossing.
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