Unintended Consequences of Banning Abortion

Probably in the opinion of science as well until an abnormality is detected on one of the various scans that are offered throughout the pregnancy. And because of human error, the odd abnormality sometimes missed.
No one is saying your opinions are wrong or otherwise invalid – that’s not the issue.

The only issue is that it is neither the role nor responsibility of the state to codify those subjective opinions in secular law all must obey – to the exclusion of other opinions just as valid and sincere.
I still am shocked to find out you fucking morons still think righty women do not get abortions.
They not only get abortions but 48% believed Roe should not be overturned by the 5 men 1 woman on the high court. And certainly don't support these highly restrictive abortions laws passed by their legislation which is 80% to 85% men.

It will be interesting to see what backlash will come from republican women when their teen daughters turn up pregnant or they are told they must give birth to a badly deformed fetus or the child of a rapist. I expect there reaction will be exactly the same as democrat women in the same situation.
Conservatives need to understand that ‘small government’ is far more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and unwarranted deregulation.
And being told by the state that your 13 year old daughter or your wife who was raped will be forced to give birth will seem far more intrusive and cruel, than any tax increase or federal regulation.
And being told by the state that your 13 year old daughter or your wife who was raped will be forced to give birth will seem far more intrusive and cruel, than any tax increase or federal regulation.


Possibly, but Collins and Manchin and any other D who voted to confirm any of Trump's three federalist sponsored nominees had every reason to expect Roe was on the block. And instead of sacraficing 4 senate seats voting against Kavenaugh for being an drunk asshole decades back, they should have voted against him and said they thought he was being untruthful on Roe
You dance around saying they were born healthy, without mention of their developmental condition. As many defects have progressive manifestations.
There were none.
Birth defects are common. Between 2% and 3% of infants have one or more defects at birth. That number increases to 5% by age one (not all defects are discovered directly after your child's birth). One out of every 33 babies born in the United States are affected by birth defects.
Goodness! Pregnancy is so dangerous. It should be outlawed.
Acually it's like a tale of two cities. Before they're born the state wants full authority over them, to ensure they survive to term.

But once they're born, the state wants nothing to do with them. They don't provide for food, shelter, or healthcare.
How about WIC, TANF, Section 8, public housing, Obamacare, and Medicaid?

What planet do you live on?
I have similar articles which is why know he's speaking the truth:

While the left was predicting gloom and doom (as they always do with issues they disagree with) there may be a light at the end of the tunnel instead: many less abortions. That would work for both sides if you ask me. It's like what Rush Limbaugh used to say all the time "When you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."

This ruling may be pressuring people to be more responsible, and I say it's about time. I don't think it's one sided either. I think more women will practice BC along with men.
It is not the ruling that overturned Roe that is putting pressure on women. It is the bans passed by men in the legislatures and opposed by women that are creating the pressure. And that pressure is not necessarily good, more women turning to dangerous abortions, men and women turning to sterilizations, women using unsuitable birth control methods, and lastly the lost of many low cost or free services available at most abortion clinics which include free or low cost STD tests, free contraceptives, sex education, and abortion counseling.

As I mentioned, these laws were passed by men to save all fetuses regardless of the pain and sufferings force on women by the state. For example, In the Texas legislature only 6 out 48 women voted for the abortion bans while 93 out of 133 men voted for it; that is, only 12% of the women vote for it while 70% of the men voted for it. A similar situation exist in most legislatures that passed an abortion ban. The 10 states with lowest percent of women in the legislature all voted to ban abortion while none of the 10 states with the highest percent of women banned abortion.

Clearly the abortion battle is a battle of men against women, which is why these laws were passed by men that treat women brutally. In some states where abortion is banded, women must give birth to the child of their rapist. And women must give birth to a fetus resulting from sex between siblings or sibling and parents which are likely to have birth defects. In all the laws, a child that is old enough to give birth will be forced to, which includes children as young as 12 or 13. Likewise fetuses that have little or no chance of survival must be carried to term by the woman. These laws are something we would expect to come out of 16th century, a time in which women were held responsible for rape, deformed fetuses were due to their sins, and of course children were expected to give birth to children.

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  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
These two things are not "unintended consequences"

These are people learning to practice personal responsibility in the bedroom.

Furthermore, condoms are there for a reason guys. Hell of a lot cheaper than surgery.

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