Unintended Consequences of Banning Abortion

There are a number of unintended consequences of overturning Roe v Wade
  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
  • The FDA made shipment of abortions pills through the mail legal opening the way for mail order buying.
  • Producers of the abortion pills are increasing inventories preparing for increased demand.
  • 6 states have started funds to help the poor travel to states that offer abortion services
  • Planned Parenthood now has a 300 million dollar fund to assist low income women get abortions
  • Over 30 major corporations including Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft have announced they will pay for travel for employees and families to get an abortion.
  • Doctors in the banned states report large numbers of requests for birth control pills, and other types of contraception.
  • Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
It is looking more like the the hundreds of thousands of unwanted babies birthed by women under threat of arrest will be far less than the right anticipated due to more attention to contraception, the day after pill, use of abortion pills, increased sterilization, and travel assistance to abortion clinics from a number of sources.
This about theocratic control and owning the libs.

They don't give two shits about much else.
Bigger government in what way? People in a state vote on reps based on their various stances such as abortion. When they win, they implement what they ran on. That doesn't sound like bigger government, it sounds to me more like bigger citizen control.

However when a court decides what a state can and cannot do, that's what I consider bigger government. Therefore we just made government smaller in reality.

I disagree.
When a state decides what individuals can or cannot do, that is MUCH BIGGER government.
While I find states to usually be better than the federal government, not always.
States can easily be influences by the wealthy elite, and you get things like slavery, segregation, gerrymandering, and forced religion like with abortion.
Sometimes the larger government causes state sized dictators to neutralize each other.
Clearly states should not be in the business of dictating personal medical and religious family values, like criminalizing abortion, drugs, or even prostitution.
States do not have that legal authority.
And someone has to keep the states from crossing that line.
Our religious extremists can't take a stand on school shootings either. They don't care about women and children.

Of course they've taken a stance on it, but the way a leftist mind works is when they hear something they don't like, they :lalala:

We on the right don't believe in disarming most of the public to try and stop a bad guy. All you are really doing is making it better for the bad people when many less of us are armed.

And the irony that we don't care about women with children when you people support schools assisting pre-pubic children in sex changes and let weirdos in dresses beat real girls in sports competition that robs them of a trophy and even college scholarships.
Of course they've taken a stance on it, but the way a leftist mind works is when they hear something they don't like, they :lalala:

We on the right don't believe in disarming most of the public to try and stop a bad guy. All you are really doing is making it better for the bad people when many less of us are armed.

And the irony that we don't care about women with children when you people support schools assisting pre-pubic children in sex changes and let weirdos in dresses beat real girls in sports competition that robs them of a trophy and even college scholarships.

Your groomers accusations are completely asinine.

I disagree.
When a state decides what individuals can or cannot do, that is MUCH BIGGER government.
While I find states to usually be better than the federal government, not always.
States can easily be influences by the wealthy elite, and you get things like slavery, segregation, gerrymandering, and forced religion like with abortion.
Sometimes the larger government causes state sized dictators to neutralize each other.
Clearly states should not be in the business of dictating personal medical and religious family values, like criminalizing abortion, drugs, or even prostitution.
States do not have that legal authority.
And someone has to keep the states from crossing that line.

State governments are easier to control than the federal government, just like city and town governments are easier to control than state governments. The smaller the government, the easier they are to control.

States can write any laws they want as long as they are constitutional which abortion is no longer.
They didn't ban abortions you filthy liar. The left it to states to decide.

States do NOT have any legal authority at all to dictate the personal and private religious values families have about when and how many children to have.
The human biology is based on humans coming from primates that were prey and had a life span of about 25 years. The fact we are no longer prey and became predators instead, means we have to artificially cut our reproduction rate by at least half, or else the whole species will go extinct eventually.

For example, every single war is due to over population.
If we had more abortions, then we would not have murdered billions of young adults in wars.
There are a number of unintended consequences of overturning Roe v Wade
  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
  • The FDA made shipment of abortions pills through the mail legal opening the way for mail order buying.
  • Producers of the abortion pills are increasing inventories preparing for increased demand.
  • 6 states have started funds to help the poor travel to states that offer abortion services
  • Planned Parenthood now has a 300 million dollar fund to assist low income women get abortions
  • Over 30 major corporations including Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft have announced they will pay for travel for employees and families to get an abortion.
  • Doctors in the banned states report large numbers of requests for birth control pills, and other types of contraception.
  • Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
It is looking more like the the hundreds of thousands of unwanted babies birthed by women under threat of arrest will be far less than the right anticipated due to more attention to contraception, the day after pill, use of abortion pills, increased sterilization, and travel assistance to abortion clinics from a number of sources.
Thanks for highlighting the story of libs being more responsible with their sex habits

As a conservative I dont object to birth control
You're jumping around like a fish out of water. One post you talk about guns, and when you lose that argument, go to abortions and Israel.

It's epidemic.. the self righteous Christian Taliban don't care about women, children or gun deaths.

State governments are easier to control than the federal government, just like city and town governments are easier to control than state governments. The smaller the government, the easier they are to control.

States can write any laws they want as long as they are constitutional which abortion is no longer.

Sure smaller is easier to control, but by the wrong people.
That is how we had slavery, the wealthy plantation owners had total control of the southern state legislators.

And NO, states can NOT legally "write any laws they want".
That is the whole point of a republic.
The ONLY source of legal authority comes from the defense of individual rights, so then any law that infringes upon anyone, that is not justifiable due to its need in the defense of the rights of someone else, is totally and completely illegal.
That is why drug and prostitution laws are completely illegal.
They defend the rights of no one, but dictate based on subjective opinions instead.

And abortion laws are completely against the constitution because they violate the 14th amendment. State legislators have no legal standing over family planning issues, which are personal, private, and often religion based.

Clearly the anti-abortion pressure is coming entirely from religious groups, who then are essentially forcing a state religion on others.
There are a number of unintended consequences of overturning Roe v Wade
  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
  • The FDA made shipment of abortions pills through the mail legal opening the way for mail order buying.
  • Producers of the abortion pills are increasing inventories preparing for increased demand.
  • 6 states have started funds to help the poor travel to states that offer abortion services
  • Planned Parenthood now has a 300 million dollar fund to assist low income women get abortions
  • Over 30 major corporations including Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft have announced they will pay for travel for employees and families to get an abortion.
  • Doctors in the banned states report large numbers of requests for birth control pills, and other types of contraception.
  • Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
How are any of these things unintended?

There certainly is nothing in that list that seems to be a major negative for the right. It is almost as though you are making a case for them.
It is looking more like the the hundreds of thousands of unwanted babies birthed by women under threat of arrest will be far less than the right anticipated due to more attention to contraception, the day after pill, use of abortion pills, increased sterilization, and travel assistance to abortion clinics from a number of sources.
Where do you get the asinine assertion that the right is ''anticipating' thousands of unwanted births?

What a silly statement. For the right, this has ALWAYS been about the killing of what they see as another person. It began and ended there for them.
You're jumping around like a fish out of water. One post you talk about guns, and when you lose that argument, go to abortions and Israel.

Israel is opportunist and sees the chance for getting more financial aid and political support. The fact the religious right does not see that they are shooting themselves in the foot, is extremely frustrating.
I would prefer many conservative values, like balanced budgets, limited federal authority, less gun control, etc., but pressing religious values on people is illegal and very unpopular. The religious right is falling on their own sword on this.
There are a number of unintended consequences of overturning Roe v Wade
  • Requests for vasectomies and tubal ligation have increased significantly in the Abortion Banned states, as much as 900% in some areas.
  • The morning after pill is running in short supply as women in banned states are buying up local supplies
  • The FDA made shipment of abortions pills through the mail legal opening the way for mail order buying.
  • Producers of the abortion pills are increasing inventories preparing for increased demand.
  • 6 states have started funds to help the poor travel to states that offer abortion services
  • Planned Parenthood now has a 300 million dollar fund to assist low income women get abortions
  • Over 30 major corporations including Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft have announced they will pay for travel for employees and families to get an abortion.
  • Doctors in the banned states report large numbers of requests for birth control pills, and other types of contraception.
  • Interviews with women in banned states indicate women will begin paying more attentions to contraception and use the day after pill.
It is looking more like the the hundreds of thousands of unwanted babies birthed by women under threat of arrest will be far less than the right anticipated due to more attention to contraception, the day after pill, use of abortion pills, increased sterilization, and travel assistance to abortion clinics from a number of sources.
Why can't people just get to grips with basic sex education? If they don't want a baby, then use two or more contraceptives, or pick a different orifice.
How are any of these things unintended?

There certainly is nothing in that list that seems to be a major negative for the right. It is almost as though you are making a case for them.

Where do you get the asinine assertion that the right is ''anticipating' thousands of unwanted births?

What a silly statement. For the right, this has ALWAYS been about the killing of what they see as another person. It began and ended there for them.

Increase in abortion pills obviously is "unintended" by the religious right.
The fact abortion when from polling at 74% to now 78% in favor of it being legal, is also something the religious right likely did not anticipate.
It appears that right wing candidates will now be losing elections across the board.
This move against Roe Vs Wade appears to have been suicidal for the right?
Why can't people just get to grips with basic sex education? If they don't want a baby, then use two or more contraceptives, or pick a different orifice.

Abortion is still necessary, and clearly anyone who knows anything about sex would NOT recommend a different orifice.
Sperm can live for over a month.
How are any of these things unintended?

There certainly is nothing in that list that seems to be a major negative for the right. It is almost as though you are making a case for them.

Where do you get the asinine assertion that the right is ''anticipating' thousands of unwanted births?

What a silly statement. For the right, this has ALWAYS been about the killing of what they see as another person. It began and ended there for them.

No, the religious right came from a theocracy that wanted soldiers.
Like the song says, "Onward Christian Soldier".
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus going on before
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe
Forward into battle see His banners go
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus going on before
At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee
On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise
Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus going on before
Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng
Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song
Glory, laud and honor unto Christ the King
This through countless ages men and angels sing
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus going on before
With the cross of Jesus going on before
It is not about person values, it is about murdering those with other beliefs.
No, the intelligent and rational thing to do is not get pregnant in the first place if you're worried about your career.

That is essentially impossible.
No birth control is very reliable, humans need to have lots of sex in order to be healthy, and a fertilized ovum is of no more value than an unfertilized one.
But most important of all is that no particular religion's view on fertilized ovum should have any influence over what anyone else wants to do.
If less are killed, more will live…Stop trying to be too cute.

If less are conceived, then there are less to be killed. But that will not increase the birth rate.

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