Union Letter: Obamacare Will ‘Destroy The Very Health and Wellbeing’ of Workers


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
If it weren't for the rest of us getting it up the kazoo I would almost feel sorry for the Unions that blindly supported their own destruction. That said this is just posturing. The Unions will do as the drug companies and the Health care providers did they will cut a deal with Obama. The rest of us....well...colonoscopies for alll from the IRS.

Union Letter: Obamacare Will ?Destroy The Very Health and Wellbeing? of Workers - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ

The roll out of President Obama’s health care reform package was always going to be tricky, with vehement opposition from his political opponents and pushback from employers large and small. But after announcing last week that penalties for companies failing to comply with the law will be delayed by a year, the Affordable Care Act has a new, high profile set of dissenters: Unions.

The leaders of three major U.S. unions, including the highly influential Teamsters, have sent a scathing open letter to Democratic leaders in Congress, warning that unless changes are made, President Obama’s health care reform plan will “destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

If that’s not bad enough, the Affordable Care Act, if not modified, will “destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans,” the letter says.
You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!
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You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

The liberals in Washington have done all they can to destroy the working man. Destroy the black community. Destroy the working poor. I don't think they do it on purpose I just think they know not what they do. Which is what we said about Obama all along and he has proved us correct.

In another thread a liberal is bragging about record corporate prifits and a record DOW. The only reason they are setting records is that Obama is printing money as fast as he can. Which causes inflation which hurts the middle and lower class the most. Sad the delusions of the liberal left.
You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

The liberals in Washington have done all they can to destroy the working man. Destroy the black community. Destroy the working poor. I don't think they do it on purpose I just think they know not what they do. Which is what we said about Obama all along and he has proved us correct.

In another thread a liberal is bragging about record corporate prifits and a record DOW. The only reason they are setting records is that Obama is printing money as fast as he can. Which causes inflation which hurts the middle and lower class the most. Sad the delusions of the liberal left.
You forgot kill BIG BUSINESS (The very cash COW that supplies revenue). Business supplies JOBS...the very thing the left crows about not having enough of...
If it weren't for the rest of us getting it up the kazoo I would almost feel sorry for the Unions that blindly supported their own destruction. That said this is just posturing. The Unions will do as the drug companies and the Health care providers did they will cut a deal with Obama. The rest of us....well...colonoscopies for alll from the IRS.

Union Letter: Obamacare Will ?Destroy The Very Health and Wellbeing? of Workers - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ

The roll out of President Obama’s health care reform package was always going to be tricky, with vehement opposition from his political opponents and pushback from employers large and small. But after announcing last week that penalties for companies failing to comply with the law will be delayed by a year, the Affordable Care Act has a new, high profile set of dissenters: Unions.

The leaders of three major U.S. unions, including the highly influential Teamsters, have sent a scathing open letter to Democratic leaders in Congress, warning that unless changes are made, President Obama’s health care reform plan will “destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

If that’s not bad enough, the Affordable Care Act, if not modified, will “destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans,” the letter says.

I wonder if some of the supporters of the bill now learned their lesson about trusting the Dems and waiting for bills to pass so they could see what was in them. They bought all the lies we were told about what Obamacare would accomplish. Now we know we likely can't keep what we have now, insurance costs will skyrocket, illegal aliens will be covered and medical costs continue rising. Many doctors talk about retiring, companies are laying people off to stay under 50 employees and there are 29 new taxes in the bills, more than a dozen which will affect even the poorest among us. Congress and the IRS want to be exempt from this piece of shit and the only reason the employee mandate is delayed is to fool people a little longer so Dems can keep their seats.

Now the unions are pissed, but it's way too late. Shame they weren't interested in the truth when they supported this crap. Now we'll pay through the nose for doled out care and the unions can get some thanks for that. I wish we could all opt out and only those who voted for it and supported it would be made to participate.
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You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

The liberals in Washington have done all they can to destroy the working man. Destroy the black community. Destroy the working poor. I don't think they do it on purpose I just think they know not what they do. Which is what we said about Obama all along and he has proved us correct.

In another thread a liberal is bragging about record corporate prifits and a record DOW. The only reason they are setting records is that Obama is printing money as fast as he can. Which causes inflation which hurts the middle and lower class the most. Sad the delusions of the liberal left.

Only problem with that is that there is relatively little inflation currently.
You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

The liberals in Washington have done all they can to destroy the working man. Destroy the black community. Destroy the working poor. I don't think they do it on purpose I just think they know not what they do. Which is what we said about Obama all along and he has proved us correct.

In another thread a liberal is bragging about record corporate prifits and a record DOW. The only reason they are setting records is that Obama is printing money as fast as he can. Which causes inflation which hurts the middle and lower class the most. Sad the delusions of the liberal left.

Only problem with that is that there is relatively little inflation currently.
Give it time especially when the Federal Reserve stops meddling...then Katy bar the door...
You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

The liberals in Washington have done all they can to destroy the working man. Destroy the black community. Destroy the working poor. I don't think they do it on purpose I just think they know not what they do. Which is what we said about Obama all along and he has proved us correct.

In another thread a liberal is bragging about record corporate prifits and a record DOW. The only reason they are setting records is that Obama is printing money as fast as he can. Which causes inflation which hurts the middle and lower class the most. Sad the delusions of the liberal left.

Only problem with that is that there is relatively little inflation currently.

Actually, the inflation I am talking about is the money supply not necessarily inflation of the CPI. I am not an economist but it seems to me that if the money supply is inflated, as they are doing with what they call economic easing and the CPI does not increase like we are seeing that means that people are really hurting. That means, in my opinion, there is a lot more money in the stock market and in the profits of companies, as we are seeing, but not in the pocket of the average Joe. Eventually such a system has to once again crash, and it will.
The liberals in Washington have done all they can to destroy the working man. Destroy the black community. Destroy the working poor. I don't think they do it on purpose I just think they know not what they do. Which is what we said about Obama all along and he has proved us correct.

In another thread a liberal is bragging about record corporate prifits and a record DOW. The only reason they are setting records is that Obama is printing money as fast as he can. Which causes inflation which hurts the middle and lower class the most. Sad the delusions of the liberal left.

Only problem with that is that there is relatively little inflation currently.

Actually, the inflation I am talking about is the money supply not necessarily inflation of the CPI. I am not an economist but it seems to me that if the money supply is inflated, as they are doing with what they call economic easing and the CPI does not increase like we are seeing that means that people are really hurting. That means, in my opinion, there is a lot more money in the stock market and in the profits of companies, as we are seeing, but not in the pocket of the average Joe. Eventually such a system has to once again crash, and it will.
That's because the money is fast becoming worth less than the paper and ink...note how prices of everything is rising?
Only problem with that is that there is relatively little inflation currently.

Actually, the inflation I am talking about is the money supply not necessarily inflation of the CPI. I am not an economist but it seems to me that if the money supply is inflated, as they are doing with what they call economic easing and the CPI does not increase like we are seeing that means that people are really hurting. That means, in my opinion, there is a lot more money in the stock market and in the profits of companies, as we are seeing, but not in the pocket of the average Joe. Eventually such a system has to once again crash, and it will.
That's because the money is fast becoming worth less than the paper and ink...note how prices of everything is rising?

But the government is telling us that the inflation rate is relatively low. I am assuming they don't buy gasoline, bread, or any other staple needed by the poor.
Actually, the inflation I am talking about is the money supply not necessarily inflation of the CPI. I am not an economist but it seems to me that if the money supply is inflated, as they are doing with what they call economic easing and the CPI does not increase like we are seeing that means that people are really hurting. That means, in my opinion, there is a lot more money in the stock market and in the profits of companies, as we are seeing, but not in the pocket of the average Joe. Eventually such a system has to once again crash, and it will.
That's because the money is fast becoming worth less than the paper and ink...note how prices of everything is rising?

But the government is telling us that the inflation rate is relatively low. I am assuming they don't buy gasoline, bread, or any other staple needed by the poor.
Precisely...staples that without WE FAIL to be...remember 'fundamentally transform'? We are well on our way.
Did any of you ever consider if the "train wreck" was not about healthcare, but rather another device intentionally employed to crash the system? What kind of dumb ass adds to a sinking nation with 120 trillion in unfunded liabilities in the biggest recession since the depression?
You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

I've been saying this for the last couple of years. I'm a retired Teamster and I know the "working guys" of the Teamsters. They are not now, nor have they EVER been for this sham of a program. Unfortunately, the membership has little say over what the leadership does.

However, after a couple of years of hearing all the complaints from the membership (the Teamsters have their own Healthcare) Hoffa has decided that this thing has no chance in hell of ever coming to fruition and has went on the offensive.

Election time is drawing near and Hoffa knows that he needs to reflect the views of his membership or he will be unemployed.

The good thing about this, is that the Teamsters handle their own healthcare, and retirement plans - nothing comes from anywhere other than the members - unlike public sector unions.
Did any of you ever consider if the "train wreck" was not about healthcare, but rather another device intentionally employed to crash the system? What kind of dumb ass adds to a sinking nation with 120 trillion in unfunded liabilities in the biggest recession since the depression?
It's what Statists (wannabe Communists), do.

Dead on. "Fundamentally transform America" (into their image).
You mean Jimmy Hoffa Junior is finally waking up after pouring MILLIONS into the the Statist left wingers that call themselves Democrats?

Shucky-Ducky Darn and Shazam!

Even UNIONS are victims of Obama and the left...imagine my surprise...NOT!

I've been saying this for the last couple of years. I'm a retired Teamster and I know the "working guys" of the Teamsters. They are not now, nor have they EVER been for this sham of a program. Unfortunately, the membership has little say over what the leadership does.

However, after a couple of years of hearing all the complaints from the membership (the Teamsters have their own Healthcare) Hoffa has decided that this thing has no chance in hell of ever coming to fruition and has went on the offensive.

Election time is drawing near and Hoffa knows that he needs to reflect the views of his membership or he will be unemployed.

The good thing about this, is that the Teamsters handle their own healthcare, and retirement plans - nothing comes from anywhere other than the members - unlike public sector unions.
Thanks for the clarification.

Inflation is evident every time I purchase. This is part of the redistribution; bring predominately white America down so 3rd. world has less disparity.
Did any of you ever consider if the "train wreck" was not about healthcare, but rather another device intentionally employed to crash the system? What kind of dumb ass adds to a sinking nation with 120 trillion in unfunded liabilities in the biggest recession since the depression?

I have thought of that. I think you are right. Obamacare is already hurting us and it's not even fully implemented yet.

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