Union Thugs are being Identified Check it out

So some union dupe says the union thugs weren't at fault.

And How come only one?

Why should we believe Crowder went there to provide honest reporting? He went there to provoke trouble.

Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, told HuffPost that he walked to the protest at the state Capitol during a break from work and that he witnessed Crowder getting in protesters’ faces and goading them.

“He was just after everybody,” said the 56-year-old Spitzley, a procurement technician whose workplace is represented by the United Auto Workers. “There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble.”
Crowler was definitely in the wrong. The unioners should have been free to tear down that tent without obstruction. He got what he deserved. Same with Clint the hot dog vendor. Getting his property trampled for vending hot dogs certainly means he deserves to be called a ******.

Everyone should know that union goons are mentally unstable 10 year olds in grown bodies. They can't be held responsible.

Okay. I was appalled at the violence of the union protester toward this Crowley Reporter. However when I heard the reports from witnesses of his abusiveness towards the Union man, I now have a different perspective in that Crowley was provoking a fight. The guy was stupid, incompetent to start swinging because that gives the asshole the footage he was seeking.


The union guy fell into the Fox trap. They sent that asshole Crowley out to piss people off. Remember, Fox has a habit of creating news when there isn't any to report. The union guy was just stupid enough to fall for it.
Good pictures. And you liberal fools on this board, do you really think your stupid threads can undo evidence? Debunked my ass. :lol:

UNION THUG Who Beat Steven Crowder ID’ed – His Name Is Tony Camargo …Update: Second Goon Identified
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 4:11 PM


The union official who sucker punched Steven Crowder today in Michigan has been identified.
His name is Tony.



Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 4:11 PM

The union official who sucker punched Steven Crowder today in Michigan has been identified.
His name is Tony.

Tony Camargo

* * * * *

Union official Tony Camargo goes to work on Steven Crowder’s face–

* * * * *

Tony Camargo is a member of the IBEW. The IBEW local is 876, Grand Rapids, MI.

Next time he assaults a conservative he may not want to wear his name on his jacket

On the actual video at the link his whole name flashes on the screen.

But here's the still.


Rest at link.


Good work Tony!!! :clap2:

ya and if tony came out here to idaho and got his ass kicked you'd be the first to be crying foul like a little school girl.
Good pictures. And you liberal fools on this board, do you really think your stupid threads can undo evidence? Debunked my ass. :lol:

UNION THUG Who Beat Steven Crowder ID’ed – His Name Is Tony Camargo …Update: Second Goon Identified
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 4:11 PM


The union official who sucker punched Steven Crowder today in Michigan has been identified.
His name is Tony.



Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 4:11 PM

The union official who sucker punched Steven Crowder today in Michigan has been identified.
His name is Tony.

Tony Camargo

* * * * *

Union official Tony Camargo goes to work on Steven Crowder’s face–

* * * * *

Tony Camargo is a member of the IBEW. The IBEW local is 876, Grand Rapids, MI.

Next time he assaults a conservative he may not want to wear his name on his jacket

On the actual video at the link his whole name flashes on the screen.

But here's the still.


Rest at link.


No sympathy. none at all. Glad he got his ass kicked. Hope it happens again.

Idiots get what they ask for, and he got it. This whole situation is American freedom at it's finest. You should be backing this ass-beating.

- We have the freedom to say whatever we want to whom ever we want in this country. This gentleman did just that.

- We also have the right to make poor choices. such as provoking others by words, which is what this gentleman did.

- now comes the unpopular part. We also have to take responsibility for these words and actions. Which this gentleman did by getting his ass beat.

- Now this gentleman can exercise more of his freedoms by pressing charges.
- the perpetrator has the right to go to jail if found guilty.

- I would expect the samething to happen if an anti gun nut showed up in the middle of a pro gun rally after a descision to ban guns took place, and started to provoke. I would also have no sympathy for this individual as well.

Quit protecting stupidity.
Crowler was definitely in the wrong. The unioners should have been free to tear down that tent without obstruction. He got what he deserved. Same with Clint the hot dog vendor. Getting his property trampled for vending hot dogs certainly means he deserves to be called a ******.

Everyone should know that union goons are mentally unstable 10 year olds in grown bodies. They can't be held responsible.


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde

You are consistent...

Tell us why the 'union thug' had to pick himself up off the ground before taking a swing at Crowder?

Maybe Crowder can shed some light?

Isn't it amazing that the guy who punched Steve Crowder had to get up from the ground first?

Isn't it amazing that Steven Crowder was not just standing there minding his own business when he was punched in the face outside the Michigan Capitol — he was shoving union members.

And how do we know this? From Crowder’s own words, in an interview with Canada’s Fox News imitation, Sun News. When union thugs attack : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery

The pertinent section begins at about 4 minutes in, as the interviewer rants about thugs and asks why the police didn’t arrest them (maybe because Crowder never filed a police report?):

Steven Crowder: “I’ve been very honest about this, the fact that as they started ransacking the tent, yeah, me and some men went out there … and we didn’t get violent with them but we did try to push them off the tent. That is true. We tried to push them off the tent.”
Crowler was definitely in the wrong. The unioners should have been free to tear down that tent without obstruction. He got what he deserved. Same with Clint the hot dog vendor. Getting his property trampled for vending hot dogs certainly means he deserves to be called a ******.

Everyone should know that union goons are mentally unstable 10 year olds in grown bodies. They can't be held responsible.


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde

You are consistent...

Tell us why the 'union thug' had to pick himself up off the ground before taking a swing at Crowder?

Maybe Crowder can shed some light?

Isn't it amazing that the guy who punched Steve Crowder had to get up from the ground first?

Isn't it amazing that Steven Crowder was not just standing there minding his own business when he was punched in the face outside the Michigan Capitol — he was shoving union members.

And how do we know this? From Crowder’s own words, in an interview with Canada’s Fox News imitation, Sun News. When union thugs attack : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery

The pertinent section begins at about 4 minutes in, as the interviewer rants about thugs and asks why the police didn’t arrest them (maybe because Crowder never filed a police report?):

Steven Crowder: “I’ve been very honest about this, the fact that as they started ransacking the tent, yeah, me and some men went out there … and we didn’t get violent with them but we did try to push them off the tent. That is true. We tried to push them off the tent.”

Looks to me like that mentally unstable goon fell trying to tear down private property. Then he got mad like most mentally unstable 10 year olds and threw a fit. Those goons are lucky. Someone with less will power might have reacted differently. If those guys wanted to tear down my tent they could have answered to a fist full of steel.

After all, people get waht they deserve, right?

The fact that morons will actually try to defened violence says it all. In a role reversal, the intellectually bankrupt would be crying foul. But being they favor mentally unstable parasitical union goons, it's all just justifiable.
The union thugs attacked the people in the tent with knives and box cutters. Did they not expect to get pushed out? The men who attacked Clint Tarver have also been identified and will be prosecuted.
The union thugs attacked the people in the tent with knives and box cutters. Did they not expect to get pushed out? The men who attacked Clint Tarver have also been identified and will be prosecuted.

And they will keep their jobs no matter what. That's what unions do. Protect lazy, mentally unstable parasites. I was in a union. The only protection that is offered up is to the slugs. And they base their scales entirely on seniority. So the biggest fuck up that has stayed the longest gets the best deal.

Hell, Chrystler showed us that drinking and partyin' on the job is fine even if you get caught red handed. You keep your job. It's fucking loonacy.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
The union official who sucker punched Steven Crowder today in Michigan has been identified.
His name is Tony.


It's already been proven on the unedited video that Crowder pushed a protester first. If they arrest anyone, they'll have to arrest Crowder too.
The union thugs attacked the people in the tent with knives and box cutters. Did they not expect to get pushed out? The men who attacked Clint Tarver have also been identified and will be prosecuted.

This is like one of those tall tails where you keep adding details every time you tell it.

I'm beginning to understand how you people delude yourselves.
Would those eyewitnesses be other union members and supporters?

Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, told HuffPost that he walked to the protest at the state Capitol during a break from work and that he witnessed Crowder getting in protesters' faces.

"He was just after everybody," said the 56-year-old Spitzley, a procurement technician whose workplace is represented by the United Auto Workers. "There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble."

Steven Crowder Punched: Man Claims Fox News Contributor Goaded Other Union Protesters

So who was it that "goaded" the union folks into cutting down the tent? Apparently an opposing viewpoint is not something that is tolerated by unions in Michigan. If someone responds to your yelling and sign waving by also yelling and sign waving then liberals feel justified in punching them out or destroying their property. Would one of you like to explain to me how this behavior differs from say...Nazis Brownshirts?

What makes you think it's the liberals adapting the Nazis propaganda technques?

"In the Nazi campaigns, propaganda and terror were closely linked. In Berlin, Nazi Party leader Joseph Goebbels intentionally provoked Communist and Social Democratic actions by marching SA [Brownshirt] storm troopers into working-class neighborhoods where those parties had strongholds. Then he invoked the heroism of the Nazi "martyrs" who were injured or killed in these battles to garner greater public attention. Nazi newspapers, photographs, films, and later paintings dramatized the exploits of these fighters. The "Horst Wessel Song," bearing the name of the twenty-three-year-old storm trooper and protege of Goebbels who was killed in 1930, became the Nazi hymn. The well-publicized image of the SA-man with a bandaged head, a stirring reminder of his combat against the "Marxists"

Today's history lesson: How the Brownshirts used street violence as martyrdom propaganda | Crooks and Liars
Crowler was definitely in the wrong. The unioners should have been free to tear down that tent without obstruction. He got what he deserved. Same with Clint the hot dog vendor. Getting his property trampled for vending hot dogs certainly means he deserves to be called a ******.

Everyone should know that union goons are mentally unstable 10 year olds in grown bodies. They can't be held responsible.


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde

You are consistent...

Tell us why the 'union thug' had to pick himself up off the ground before taking a swing at Crowder?

Maybe Crowder can shed some light?

Isn't it amazing that the guy who punched Steve Crowder had to get up from the ground first?

Isn't it amazing that Steven Crowder was not just standing there minding his own business when he was punched in the face outside the Michigan Capitol — he was shoving union members.

And how do we know this? From Crowder’s own words, in an interview with Canada’s Fox News imitation, Sun News. When union thugs attack : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery

The pertinent section begins at about 4 minutes in, as the interviewer rants about thugs and asks why the police didn’t arrest them (maybe because Crowder never filed a police report?):

Steven Crowder: “I’ve been very honest about this, the fact that as they started ransacking the tent, yeah, me and some men went out there … and we didn’t get violent with them but we did try to push them off the tent. That is true. We tried to push them off the tent.”

Looks to me like that mentally unstable goon fell trying to tear down private property. Then he got mad like most mentally unstable 10 year olds and threw a fit. Those goons are lucky. Someone with less will power might have reacted differently. If those guys wanted to tear down my tent they could have answered to a fist full of steel.

After all, people get waht they deserve, right?

The fact that morons will actually try to defened violence says it all. In a role reversal, the intellectually bankrupt would be crying foul. But being they favor mentally unstable parasitical union goons, it's all just justifiable.

You clench your wittle fists white in bouts of impotent rage really well.

Translation: I have no intelligent response. So here is my best projection.

No, Mrs. Fistful of Steel, what indicates no intelligence is maintaining this fiction that 'union thugs' are responsible in toto for this incident.

Odd that Crowder not only edited his tape, but had a second camera that took that still of him getting punched, and he has released zero footage besides that still from it.

Odd also that he also isn't filing charges, because then all tape would have to be submitted.

Please be less stupid, for once in your miserable hack life, and keep stamping your wittle feetsies in fury until it hurts.
The union thugs attacked the people in the tent with knives and box cutters. Did they not expect to get pushed out? The men who attacked Clint Tarver have also been identified and will be prosecuted.

And they will keep their jobs no matter what. That's what unions do. Protect lazy, mentally unstable parasites. I was in a union. The only protection that is offered up is to the slugs. And they base their scales entirely on seniority. So the biggest fuck up that has stayed the longest gets the best deal.

Hell, Chrystler showed us that drinking and partyin' on the job is fine even if you get caught red handed. You keep your job. It's fucking loonacy.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need

Of course they will get to keep their jobs. The union captain who went to prison for killing Eddie York wasn't fired. He just went to prison for it.

Translation: I have no intelligent response. So here is my best projection.

No, Mrs. Fistful of Steel, what indicates no intelligence is maintaining this fiction that 'union thugs' are responsible in toto for this incident.

Odd that Crowder not only edited his tape, but had a second camera that took that still of him getting punched, and he has released zero footage besides that still from it.

Odd also that he also isn't filing charges, because then all tape would have to be submitted.

Please be less stupid, for once in your miserable hack life, and keep stamping your wittle feetsies in fury until it hurts.

It's a conspiracy. :lmao:

You nutter bars sure are nutty.

Translation: I have no intelligent response. So here is my best projection.

No, Mrs. Fistful of Steel, what indicates no intelligence is maintaining this fiction that 'union thugs' are responsible in toto for this incident.

Odd that Crowder not only edited his tape, but had a second camera that took that still of him getting punched, and he has released zero footage besides that still from it.

Odd also that he also isn't filing charges, because then all tape would have to be submitted.

Please be less stupid, for once in your miserable hack life, and keep stamping your wittle feetsies in fury until it hurts.

It's a conspiracy. :lmao:

You nutter bars sure are nutty.

Newp. I'm not saying anything about any conspiracy, Mrs. Fistful of Steel.

Preponderance of facts.

Pity that's lost on you, m'am.

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