Union Thugs are being Identified Check it out

Okay. I was appalled at the violence of the union protester toward this Crowley Reporter. However when I heard the reports from witnesses of his abusiveness towards the Union man, I now have a different perspective in that Crowley was provoking a fight. The guy was stupid, incompetent to start swinging because that gives the asshole the footage he was seeking.

Yeah, he was real "abusive." he asked them why the were opposed to Right-to-Work legislation. That would make anyone start swinging.

You're right about him getting the footage he wanted. Of course, the question is why they union goons were so stupid that they decided to assault a man in front of dozens of video cameras. The fact that the reporter predicted they would behave like a gang of thugs doesn't excuse them from behaving like a gang of thugs.
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This is so revealing as to the character of those on the left, especially on this board. Hypocritical, classless pieces of shit. Pure and simple.

N'ah. I am an honest asshole.

If Crowder didn't want to get his ass whipped, he shouldn't have shoved that guy,

I mean, he was twice Crowder's age.........

Don't cry about getting your ass kicked when you picked the fight.

He shoved the guy because he was trying to take down their tent. so what you're saying is that union goons can do whatever they want to other people and their property, and if anyone tries to interfere, then they deserve to get a beating.

Right. Gotcha. You're no better than a thug yourself.
At least he let Crowder back out of the fight like the little Frenchman he is.....

I mean, did you see him throw his hands in the air?

What a chicken!

He threw his hands in the air because he wanted it to be absolutely clear that he didn't throw any punches and therefore wasn't in any way responsible for any of the blows he received.
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I hope Crowder presses assault and battery charges against the sonofabitch. Maybe a few months behind bars with some "non-union" thugs will make him think twice about punching somebody he doesn't like. What a punk.

I wonder how tough ol' Tony will be in the shower.

Tony will be just fine if he goes to jail.

Inmates ...bullies in jail and prison only pick on people that will not fight. The last thing a prison bully wants is to get injured in a real fight...there are usually a lot of inmates waiting for their chance to get revenge.

^^^^^ Does not know what the fuck he is talking about.
I think Fox needs to release the unedited footage of what occured prior to the punches being thrown.

Eye witness accounts say Crowley was being an asshole and asking for a fight.

Free speech, you can say anything you want. Whatever he said does not allow somebody to physically attack you. Tony the Thug should be tried and convicted.
No sympathy. none at all. Glad he got his ass kicked. Hope it happens again.

Idiots get what they ask for, and he got it. This whole situation is American freedom at it's finest. You should be backing this ass-beating.

- We have the freedom to say whatever we want to whom ever we want in this country. This gentleman did just that.

- We also have the right to make poor choices. such as provoking others by words, which is what this gentleman did.

- now comes the unpopular part. We also have to take responsibility for these words and actions. Which this gentleman did by getting his ass beat.

- Now this gentleman can exercise more of his freedoms by pressing charges.
- the perpetrator has the right to go to jail if found guilty.

Quit protecting stupidity.

What you don't seem to get, asshole, is that you don't have the freedom to take a swing at anyone who isn't threatening you in any way. That kind of "freedom" only obtains in places like Somalia or Nazi Germany.

I would expect the samething to happen if an anti gun nut showed up in the middle of a pro gun rally after a descision to ban guns took place, and started to provoke. I would also have no sympathy for this individual as well.

You just earned a gold star for posting the forum idiocy of the month.

It takes a special kind of stupid to spew comments like that

Your mother must be so proud.
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No sympathy. none at all. Glad he got his ass kicked. Hope it happens again.

Idiots get what they ask for, and he got it. This whole situation is American freedom at it's finest. You should be backing this ass-beating.

- We have the freedom to say whatever we want to whom ever we want in this country. This gentleman did just that.

- We also have the right to make poor choices. such as provoking others by words, which is what this gentleman did.

- now comes the unpopular part. We also have to take responsibility for these words and actions. Which this gentleman did by getting his ass beat.

- Now this gentleman can exercise more of his freedoms by pressing charges.
- the perpetrator has the right to go to jail if found guilty.

Quit protecting stupidity.

What you don't seem to get, asshole, is that you don't have the freedom to take a swing at anyone who isn't threatening you in any way. That kind of "freedom" only obtains in places like Somalia or Nazi Germany.

I would expect the samething to happen if an anti gun nut showed up in the middle of a pro gun rally after a descision to ban guns took place, and started to provoke. I would also have no sympathy for this individual as well.

You just earned a gold star for the forum idiocy of the month.

It takes a special kind of stupid to post comments like that

Your mother must be so proud.

Wow. You really don't like it when I'm right do you?:eusa_eh:
Ken Spitzley, a state agriculture department employee, told HuffPost that he walked to the protest at the state Capitol during a break from work and that he witnessed Crowder getting in protesters' faces.

"He was just after everybody," said the 56-year-old Spitzley, a procurement technician whose workplace is represented by the United Auto Workers. "There was no question he was there just to start a fight, to start some kind of trouble."

Steven Crowder Punched: Man Claims Fox News Contributor Goaded Other Union Protesters

So who was it that "goaded" the union folks into cutting down the tent? Apparently an opposing viewpoint is not something that is tolerated by unions in Michigan. If someone responds to your yelling and sign waving by also yelling and sign waving then liberals feel justified in punching them out or destroying their property. Would one of you like to explain to me how this behavior differs from say...Nazis Brownshirts?

What makes you think it's the liberals adapting the Nazis propaganda technques?

"In the Nazi campaigns, propaganda and terror were closely linked. In Berlin, Nazi Party leader Joseph Goebbels intentionally provoked Communist and Social Democratic actions by marching SA [Brownshirt] storm troopers into working-class neighborhoods where those parties had strongholds. Then he invoked the heroism of the Nazi "martyrs" who were injured or killed in these battles to garner greater public attention. Nazi newspapers, photographs, films, and later paintings dramatized the exploits of these fighters. The "Horst Wessel Song," bearing the name of the twenty-three-year-old storm trooper and protege of Goebbels who was killed in 1930, became the Nazi hymn. The well-publicized image of the SA-man with a bandaged head, a stirring reminder of his combat against the "Marxists"

Today's history lesson: How the Brownshirts used street violence as martyrdom propaganda | Crooks and Liars

So your contention is that the people in the tent somehow goaded the union members into attacking them? And because of that...the union members are absolved of all responsibility for doing so?

I remember this same sort of twisted logic being used to excuse the New Black Panther's voter intimidation...that it was OK for a black man to stand in front of a polling place with a night stick because in the past whites had intimidated blacks at polling places. Now apparently it's OK for union members to beat up political opponents and tear down their tents and political signs because in the past strike breakers were used against unions.

I'm sorry, Boo but what I witnessed on the video streams that I've seen is classic mob mentality. Superior numbers empowers cowardly people to use violence against a weaker foe. Those union members tearing down that tent are no different than Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany breaking the storefront of some Jew.
At least he let Crowder back out of the fight like the little Frenchman he is.....

I mean, did you see him throw his hands in the air?

What a chicken!

He threw his hands in the air because he wanted it to be absolutely clear that he didn't throw any punches and therefore wasn't in any way responsible for any of the blows he received.

Yes. If he pushed the guy to the ground, he initiated force and is most definitely responsible for the blows he received.

Must be nice, living in Fantasy Land.
I think Fox needs to release the unedited footage of what occured prior to the punches being thrown.

Eye witness accounts say Crowley was being an asshole and asking for a fight.

Free speech, you can say anything you want. Whatever he said does not allow somebody to physically attack you. Tony the Thug should be tried and convicted.

What if Tony was knocked to the ground first? Would that make a difference?

Just saying that if we want to know what happen we can't rely on the cut clips.
If he pushed the guy to the ground. Can you prove that assertion, or will you admit you're living in fantasy land?

I saw those goons tearing down private property. Looks like Tony the mental midget had a slip and fall to me.
Yes. If he pushed the guy to the ground, he initiated force and is most definitely responsible for the blows he received.

Must be nice, living in Fantasy Land.

We don't know that anyone pushed him to the ground.

if the guy was trying to rip up their tent, then pushing him was justified. You're allowed to protect your property from people who are trying to destroy it. That's just one more crime this union asshole is guilty of.
Does anyone have access to an unedited video clip of what happened? I'd like to know if the fight took place before or after the tent was pulled down by the union folks and if "Tony" was a participant in the tearing down of the tent.
I think Fox needs to release the unedited footage of what occured prior to the punches being thrown.

Eye witness accounts say Crowley was being an asshole and asking for a fight.

Free speech, you can say anything you want. Whatever he said does not allow somebody to physically attack you. Tony the Thug should be tried and convicted.

What if Tony was knocked to the ground first? Would that make a difference?

Just saying that if we want to know what happen we can't rely on the cut clips.

The destruction of private property, if Tony the mental midget was pushed, is still on Tony and his goon buddies. Like I said before, if this is the type of reaction people are going to display to "provocation", then it's only a matter of time before one of these result in a blood bath.

There is no excuse from Tony for his actions. He should have walked away from Crowler and told his goon buddies to do the same. Instead, they engaged and became violent and destructive. Spin spin spin, but they are guilty goons.
Yes. If he pushed the guy to the ground, he initiated force and is most definitely responsible for the blows he received.

Must be nice, living in Fantasy Land.

We don't know that anyone pushed him to the ground.

if the guy was trying to rip up their tent, then pushing him was justified. You're allowed to protect your property from people who are trying to destroy it. That's just one more crime this union asshole is guilty of.

A. Crowder has already admitted to doing so: Little Green Footballs - Another Breitbart Fake Outrage Bites the Dust: Crowder Admits He Shoved Union Members
B. No, if it's not Crowder's tent, it not his property and not his business. IOW, be a good witness.
C. Must be nice, living in Fantasy Land.
So who was it that "goaded" the union folks into cutting down the tent? Apparently an opposing viewpoint is not something that is tolerated by unions in Michigan. If someone responds to your yelling and sign waving by also yelling and sign waving then liberals feel justified in punching them out or destroying their property. Would one of you like to explain to me how this behavior differs from say...Nazis Brownshirts?

What makes you think it's the liberals adapting the Nazis propaganda technques?

"In the Nazi campaigns, propaganda and terror were closely linked. In Berlin, Nazi Party leader Joseph Goebbels intentionally provoked Communist and Social Democratic actions by marching SA [Brownshirt] storm troopers into working-class neighborhoods where those parties had strongholds. Then he invoked the heroism of the Nazi "martyrs" who were injured or killed in these battles to garner greater public attention. Nazi newspapers, photographs, films, and later paintings dramatized the exploits of these fighters. The "Horst Wessel Song," bearing the name of the twenty-three-year-old storm trooper and protege of Goebbels who was killed in 1930, became the Nazi hymn. The well-publicized image of the SA-man with a bandaged head, a stirring reminder of his combat against the "Marxists"

Today's history lesson: How the Brownshirts used street violence as martyrdom propaganda | Crooks and Liars

So your contention is that the people in the tent somehow goaded the union members into attacking them? And because of that...the union members are absolved of all responsibility for doing so?

I remember this same sort of twisted logic being used to excuse the New Black Panther's voter intimidation...that it was OK for a black man to stand in front of a polling place with a night stick because in the past whites had intimidated blacks at polling places. Now apparently it's OK for union members to beat up political opponents and tear down their tents and political signs because in the past strike breakers were used against unions.

I'm sorry, Boo but what I witnessed on the video streams that I've seen is classic mob mentality. Superior numbers empowers cowardly people to use violence against a weaker foe. Those union members tearing down that tent are no different than Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany breaking the storefront of some Jew.

Never said that did I? The Union Members are responsible for their actions. So is the reporter who got punched. The Union protesters simply do not resemble Hitler's Stormtroopers in their actions, and as I pointed out before it is the GOP who is adapting the Nazi propaganda technique of intentionally provoked a fight and pretending to be the victim.
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So if the tent was knocked down it's the people who put it ups fault? Why are union protesters allowed to march, wave signs and scream at people but others are not even allowed to put up a tent?

I'm sorry, Boo but I'm having a hard time seeing your rationale for the union member's actions. From what I can see the tearing down of the tent was something that was urged on by the large union crowd...while union "Marshals" were standing among the people tearing the tent down doing nothing to stop it from happening. You've got union leaders like Jimmy Hoffa promising "Civil War". You've got Democratic politicians elected by those same unions promising "blood in the streets" if the Right To Work law was passed. You've got the unions and Democratic leadership promoting violence as a response to any legislation being passed that THEY don't approve of. What gives them the right to do this?
And the real "victims" of this kind of thing aren't the GOP. It's the people. When Wisconsin elected conservatives to try and fix a State in dire trouble, Democrats reacted by blockading the State House with bused in union members and having Democratic lawmakers leave the State so that votes couldn't be taken. Now Michigan votes for Right To Work and unions and Democratic leaders use mob intimidation to try and cow the opposition. It's shameful. Make your case to the voters. If they go against you...perhaps it's time to take a good hard look at WHY that's happening. Or you can have the "Tony's" of the world go around punching people out and tearing down tents.

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