

Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Here’s why unions hate right-to-work
By Jason Hart / March 3, 2015

Have you ever wondered why labor unions are so strongly opposed to right-to-work laws?

Watch this brief video and wonder no more.

Sources for the quotes in the video:

Union income, payroll and “fair share” fee payer data are from the U.S. Department of Labor. Union campaign contribution figures are from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Yo, should silence the naysayers!!!


And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.
Here’s why unions hate right-to-work
By Jason Hart / March 3, 2015

Have you ever wondered why labor unions are so strongly opposed to right-to-work laws?

Watch this brief video and wonder no more.

Sources for the quotes in the video:

Union income, payroll and “fair share” fee payer data are from the U.S. Department of Labor. Union campaign contribution figures are from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Yo, should silence the naysayers!!!


View attachment 37714

Hi 1stRambo what about a taxpayers union?
And go after the social programs we don't want to pay for,
clean up the govt by the Constitution, and anything that some parties want but others don't,
they pay for and manage through their own parties.

If workers can unionize and collectively bargain, why not taxpayers?
Why not call a Constitutional conference of all the reformists in the different parties,
make a laundry list of what we demand corrections and reimbursements for,
and demand that any officials or candidates for office correct these problems.
And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.
And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.

Yo, "pimps and ho's" funny Emily, you sound more like a Tea Party Member? I agree with your assessment! But this is America, and if you are going to run against people who are out to destroy HER, America? You need all you can get, to fight fire with fire in the meantime!

america is calling.jpg
Yes you are well on your way of sticking it too the working class people. Good work. Something to hang your hat on. Keep protecting the rich. The middle class it way too big. Shrink it down.
And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.

Yo, "pimps and ho's" funny Emily, you sound more like a Tea Party Member? I agree with your assessment! But this is America, and if you are going to run against people who are out to destroy HER, America? You need all you can get, to fight fire with fire in the meantime!

View attachment 37717

Hi 1stRambo I may end up joining the Tea Party or starting my own, to follow up on the Constitutional education, ethics and mediation on political beliefs.

Constitutional authority is enforceable if we don't breach it ourselves.
It is important to stick to rule of law and respect all beliefs equally in order to enforce the same protections for ourselves.

If we make the mistake of pushing politically too far, that opens the door for others to do that, and it goes in circles.
Neither agenda is Constitutionally defensible if it keeps violating, excluding or discriminating against the beliefs of the other.

The best way to check Democrats is NOT to push political beliefs,
but to enforce them IN PRIVATE, and AGREE to shift what isn't supported by the public
into PRIVATELY managed and governed programs. So the Constitution is enforced
to limit federal govt to just what all parties AGREE is authorized, and the rest is reverted to states and people,
possibly through parties so this can cover both state and national programs and still be outside govt.

With the ACA and gay marriage, why not all agree to push these contested issues
back to states and people to work out, according to their BELIEFS.

By recognizing the Democrats and political platforms as pushing BELIEFS
and supporting these to be practiced and paid for in PRIVATE, this can be kept out of govt
unless there is a consensus on policies and programs. If the public AGREES then those can be in govt.

And stop this nonsense of fighting to fund one party's beliefs over others.
We would not allow Hindus and Muslims to rule by majority or pay for the bigger bully to impose laws on the nation
that are based on their private beliefs. Why continue to let parties push their political beliefs like religions?

To stop this practice, we have to stand on common principles of the Constitution.
If we overreach and start pushing our own political agenda, we enable others to breach Constitutional limits also.

We enforce a common standards, and stop all breaches on all sides.
Then we can invest our resources into the programs of our choice, freely independent of govt,
instead of fighting to push one policy over another. Let public laws be decided by consensus, so there
cannot be any agenda pushing. Either we all agree that programs and reforms are Constitutional,
so we agree that is govt and to fund them without any conflicts that are resolved in advance,
or places we don't agree get separated that from govt, so all political beliefs are respected equally and carried out in private.

That will stop the fighting, by enforcing a consistent standard based on consensus of what is Constitutional or not.
And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!


Thanks for making yourself look hypocritical.

Yo, does it matter if its Walker or Obama? You have your money man, Soros, and we have ours, Koch Bros.

HER, as in America is a HER... what a load. Funny though. Gotta hand it to you.

Yes, many cultures tend to feminize the collective nouns:
ships, countries, the CHURCH or the people as the BRIDE or WIFE, Mother Earth, Mother Nature.

The Law or Lord is portrayed as male, as a protectorate or husband role,
the government or parental authority as a male figure,
while the people who submit as equals under law are represented by the female role.
The church body, especially is represented as female like a mother figure in a nurturing role.

That is why the feminists and humanists take very similar approaches, by focusing
on the PEOPLE on the grassroots level and the effects on women and workers
of the rules and systems that are enforced by top down management in a pecking order hierarchy.
And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.

Yo, "pimps and ho's" funny Emily, you sound more like a Tea Party Member? I agree with your assessment! But this is America, and if you are going to run against people who are out to destroy HER, America? You need all you can get, to fight fire with fire in the meantime!

View attachment 37717

Hi 1stRambo I may end up joining the Tea Party or starting my own, to follow up on the Constitutional education, ethics and mediation on political beliefs.

Constitutional authority is enforceable if we don't breach it ourselves.
It is important to stick to rule of law and respect all beliefs equally in order to enforce the same protections for ourselves.

If we make the mistake of pushing politically too far, that opens the door for others to do that, and it goes in circles.
Neither agenda is Constitutionally defensible if it keeps violating, excluding or discriminating against the beliefs of the other.

The best way to check Democrats is NOT to push political beliefs,
but to enforce them IN PRIVATE, and AGREE to shift what isn't supported by the public
into PRIVATELY managed and governed programs. So the Constitution is enforced
to limit federal govt to just what all parties AGREE is authorized, and the rest is reverted to states and people,
possibly through parties so this can cover both state and national programs and still be outside govt.

With the ACA and gay marriage, why not all agree to push these contested issues
back to states and people to work out, according to their BELIEFS.

By recognizing the Democrats and political platforms as pushing BELIEFS
and supporting these to be practiced and paid for in PRIVATE, this can be kept out of govt
unless there is a consensus on policies and programs. If the public AGREES then those can be in govt.

And stop this nonsense of fighting to fund one party's beliefs over others.
We would not allow Hindus and Muslims to rule by majority or pay for the bigger bully to impose laws on the nation
that are based on their private beliefs. Why continue to let parties push their political beliefs like religions?

To stop this practice, we have to stand on common principles of the Constitution.
If we overreach and start pushing our own political agenda, we enable others to breach Constitutional limits also.

We enforce a common standards, and stop all breaches on all sides.
Then we can invest our resources into the programs of our choice, freely independent of govt,
instead of fighting to push one policy over another. Let public laws be decided by consensus, so there
cannot be any agenda pushing. Either we all agree that programs and reforms are Constitutional,
so we agree that is govt and to fund them without any conflicts that are resolved in advance,
or places we don't agree get separated that from govt, so all political beliefs are respected equally and carried out in private.

That will stop the fighting, by enforcing a consistent standard based on consensus of what is Constitutional or not.

Yo, Agree Emily :eusa_clap:, but who in Government now? Goes by the Constitution? The Tea Party Members! The Liberals interpret the Constitution as they see fit? The Elite Republicans just go along to get along!

And than you have a Socialist Independent Bernie Sanders, he has no shame, and tells everybody! I hope you see the light enough to know, that the Democrat Party has been taken over by the Socialist?

They are now-a-days known as the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party! So, if you choose one Party? I would go with the Constitution Party, The Tea Party! They are working on eliminating the Socialist Progressives, and the Elite Republicans, one by one!

There is a problem that the Tea Party is running into? The Elites are running campaigns against them, sounds like something the Democrats do, but no, its Republicans, McConnell, and Boehner?

You see, they don`t want to change whats going on in Washington, you should see that from their reactions on Obama-Care and "Obama Executive Order" on illegals?

They don`t like the Tea Party and the Constitution way, they are just happy collecting their "Big Paychecks" and getting richer, period!

If you wish to be more informed? Just find Mark Levin on the radio, or online, you can listen to all of his shows when you have time, thanks!

And if you follow the money behind Scott Walker it leads right to the Koch Bros and their unAmerican Libertarian plans to destroy this nation.

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.

Yo, "pimps and ho's" funny Emily, you sound more like a Tea Party Member? I agree with your assessment! But this is America, and if you are going to run against people who are out to destroy HER, America? You need all you can get, to fight fire with fire in the meantime!

View attachment 37717

Hi 1stRambo I may end up joining the Tea Party or starting my own, to follow up on the Constitutional education, ethics and mediation on political beliefs.

Constitutional authority is enforceable if we don't breach it ourselves.
It is important to stick to rule of law and respect all beliefs equally in order to enforce the same protections for ourselves.

If we make the mistake of pushing politically too far, that opens the door for others to do that, and it goes in circles.
Neither agenda is Constitutionally defensible if it keeps violating, excluding or discriminating against the beliefs of the other.

The best way to check Democrats is NOT to push political beliefs,
but to enforce them IN PRIVATE, and AGREE to shift what isn't supported by the public
into PRIVATELY managed and governed programs. So the Constitution is enforced
to limit federal govt to just what all parties AGREE is authorized, and the rest is reverted to states and people,
possibly through parties so this can cover both state and national programs and still be outside govt.

With the ACA and gay marriage, why not all agree to push these contested issues
back to states and people to work out, according to their BELIEFS.

By recognizing the Democrats and political platforms as pushing BELIEFS
and supporting these to be practiced and paid for in PRIVATE, this can be kept out of govt
unless there is a consensus on policies and programs. If the public AGREES then those can be in govt.

And stop this nonsense of fighting to fund one party's beliefs over others.
We would not allow Hindus and Muslims to rule by majority or pay for the bigger bully to impose laws on the nation
that are based on their private beliefs. Why continue to let parties push their political beliefs like religions?

To stop this practice, we have to stand on common principles of the Constitution.
If we overreach and start pushing our own political agenda, we enable others to breach Constitutional limits also.

We enforce a common standards, and stop all breaches on all sides.
Then we can invest our resources into the programs of our choice, freely independent of govt,
instead of fighting to push one policy over another. Let public laws be decided by consensus, so there
cannot be any agenda pushing. Either we all agree that programs and reforms are Constitutional,
so we agree that is govt and to fund them without any conflicts that are resolved in advance,
or places we don't agree get separated that from govt, so all political beliefs are respected equally and carried out in private.

That will stop the fighting, by enforcing a consistent standard based on consensus of what is Constitutional or not.

Yo, Agree Emily :eusa_clap:, but who in Government now? Goes by the Constitution? The Tea Party Members! The Liberals interpret the Constitution as they see fit? The Elite Republicans just go along to get along!

And than you have a Socialist Independent Bernie Sanders, he has no shame, and tells everybody! I hope you see the light enough to know, that the Democrat Party has been taken over by the Socialist?

They are now-a-days known as the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party! So, if you choose one Party? I would go with the Constitution Party, The Tea Party! They are working on eliminating the Socialist Progressives, and the Elite Republicans, one by one!

There is a problem that the Tea Party is running into? The Elites are running campaigns against them, sounds like something the Democrats do, but no, its Republicans, McConnell, and Boehner?

You see, they don`t want to change whats going on in Washington, you should see that from their reactions on Obama-Care and "Obama Executive Order" on illegals?

They don`t like the Tea Party and the Constitution way, they are just happy collecting their "Big Paychecks" and getting richer, period!

If you wish to be more informed? Just find Mark Levin on the radio, or online, you can listen to all of his shows when you have time, thanks!


How do I bring this whole Tea Party/Constitutionalist support INTO the Democrats
to reform it?

I have joined a meetup group and a list serv.

I proposed to work with the Veterans Party of America, the Libertarians and Greens
to host a Constitutional CONFERENCE addressing POLITICAL BELIEFS.

If we can argue that both the Democrats and Republicans owe taxpayers billions if not trillions
in wasted taxpayer resources abused on Unconstitutional Unauthorized contracts,
why not petition or sue the parties to invest in reimbursement and restitution of those funds
to fix those programs and shift them out of federal govt into the private sector and manage themselves.

Wouldn't there be enough support between the Constitutionalists
among the Tea Party, Greens like Ralph Nader, Libertarians like Paul who teamed up with Nader
to stop corporate abuses going on with both major parties, Constitution and Natural Law Party.
Also the Veterans Party of America that denounces all social legislation as unconstitutional.

Can't we organize local Constitutional conferences per state and set up a Constitutional
ethics coalition of Constitutionalists from ALL the parties to assess the damages for violations
and start demanding corrections and restitution from the Wrongdoers or the Parties that enabled them.

so there is accountability and the damages are either paid back to taxpayers,
credits are issued through govt and charged to the wrongdoers to pay back,
and/or land and programs are held as collateral if we the people have to bail out the abuses on our dime a second time.

Who are your contacts with your local Tea Party?
Where are they in terms of a Constitutional Conference to address getting political beliefs out of govt?
Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.

Yo, "pimps and ho's" funny Emily, you sound more like a Tea Party Member? I agree with your assessment! But this is America, and if you are going to run against people who are out to destroy HER, America? You need all you can get, to fight fire with fire in the meantime!

View attachment 37717

Hi 1stRambo I may end up joining the Tea Party or starting my own, to follow up on the Constitutional education, ethics and mediation on political beliefs.

Constitutional authority is enforceable if we don't breach it ourselves.
It is important to stick to rule of law and respect all beliefs equally in order to enforce the same protections for ourselves.

If we make the mistake of pushing politically too far, that opens the door for others to do that, and it goes in circles.
Neither agenda is Constitutionally defensible if it keeps violating, excluding or discriminating against the beliefs of the other.

The best way to check Democrats is NOT to push political beliefs,
but to enforce them IN PRIVATE, and AGREE to shift what isn't supported by the public
into PRIVATELY managed and governed programs. So the Constitution is enforced
to limit federal govt to just what all parties AGREE is authorized, and the rest is reverted to states and people,
possibly through parties so this can cover both state and national programs and still be outside govt.

With the ACA and gay marriage, why not all agree to push these contested issues
back to states and people to work out, according to their BELIEFS.

By recognizing the Democrats and political platforms as pushing BELIEFS
and supporting these to be practiced and paid for in PRIVATE, this can be kept out of govt
unless there is a consensus on policies and programs. If the public AGREES then those can be in govt.

And stop this nonsense of fighting to fund one party's beliefs over others.
We would not allow Hindus and Muslims to rule by majority or pay for the bigger bully to impose laws on the nation
that are based on their private beliefs. Why continue to let parties push their political beliefs like religions?

To stop this practice, we have to stand on common principles of the Constitution.
If we overreach and start pushing our own political agenda, we enable others to breach Constitutional limits also.

We enforce a common standards, and stop all breaches on all sides.
Then we can invest our resources into the programs of our choice, freely independent of govt,
instead of fighting to push one policy over another. Let public laws be decided by consensus, so there
cannot be any agenda pushing. Either we all agree that programs and reforms are Constitutional,
so we agree that is govt and to fund them without any conflicts that are resolved in advance,
or places we don't agree get separated that from govt, so all political beliefs are respected equally and carried out in private.

That will stop the fighting, by enforcing a consistent standard based on consensus of what is Constitutional or not.

Yo, Agree Emily :eusa_clap:, but who in Government now? Goes by the Constitution? The Tea Party Members! The Liberals interpret the Constitution as they see fit? The Elite Republicans just go along to get along!

And than you have a Socialist Independent Bernie Sanders, he has no shame, and tells everybody! I hope you see the light enough to know, that the Democrat Party has been taken over by the Socialist?

They are now-a-days known as the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party! So, if you choose one Party? I would go with the Constitution Party, The Tea Party! They are working on eliminating the Socialist Progressives, and the Elite Republicans, one by one!

There is a problem that the Tea Party is running into? The Elites are running campaigns against them, sounds like something the Democrats do, but no, its Republicans, McConnell, and Boehner?

You see, they don`t want to change whats going on in Washington, you should see that from their reactions on Obama-Care and "Obama Executive Order" on illegals?

They don`t like the Tea Party and the Constitution way, they are just happy collecting their "Big Paychecks" and getting richer, period!

If you wish to be more informed? Just find Mark Levin on the radio, or online, you can listen to all of his shows when you have time, thanks!


How do I bring this whole Tea Party/Constitutionalist support INTO the Democrats
to reform it?

I have joined a meetup group and a list serv.

I proposed to work with the Veterans Party of America, the Libertarians and Greens
to host a Constitutional CONFERENCE addressing POLITICAL BELIEFS.

If we can argue that both the Democrats and Republicans owe taxpayers billions if not trillions
in wasted taxpayer resources abused on Unconstitutional Unauthorized contracts,
why not petition or sue the parties to invest in reimbursement and restitution of those funds
to fix those programs and shift them out of federal govt into the private sector and manage themselves.

Wouldn't there be enough support between the Constitutionalists
among the Tea Party, Greens like Ralph Nader, Libertarians like Paul who teamed up with Nader
to stop corporate abuses going on with both major parties, Constitution and Natural Law Party.
Also the Veterans Party of America that denounces all social legislation as unconstitutional.

Can't we organize local Constitutional conferences per state and set up a Constitutional
ethics coalition of Constitutionalists from ALL the parties to assess the damages for violations
and start demanding corrections and restitution from the Wrongdoers or the Parties that enabled them.

so there is accountability and the damages are either paid back to taxpayers,
credits are issued through govt and charged to the wrongdoers to pay back,
and/or land and programs are held as collateral if we the people have to bail out the abuses on our dime a second time.

Who are your contacts with your local Tea Party?
Where are they in terms of a Constitutional Conference to address getting political beliefs out of govt?

Yo, Emily, here is the only way to get America back to the way she should be? Mark Levin tells you how, step by step, there is plenty for you to read about it online, but doing it state by state might be a problem? Go here and read about it: Mark Levin States Should Call Convention to Propose Amending Constitution CNS News
Like I said, many links online to read up on it?

My Tea Party I follow: teapartypatriots.org

Yo, all Politicians need money? Just like Obama did when he first ran for office, he can thank Socialist George Soros!!!

^ and that's the problem 1stRambo ^
as long as we elect people based on money we end up with
pimps and ho's, buying and selling votes through the commercialized media

Why not invest those campaign dollars DIRECTLY into solutions and reforms?
You have the advantage of being conservative, you know that power and responsibility
and resources should be invested locally into sovereign programs run by self-government.

Why keep paying for the bigger corporate pigs to bully it out and get nothing done that way?

If conservatives and Constitutionalists organized coalitions around real reforms,
then picked Candidates to lead these programs, and prove which solutions work,
we could use THAT as public campaigns for candidates and leaders to run for office.

Why not invest in solutions, and then use THOSE as publicity to run for office?
So the money goes into the programs directly, and the candidates run on their record,
"competing" to prove their leadership skills by actually SOLVING and reforming govt.

Yo, "pimps and ho's" funny Emily, you sound more like a Tea Party Member? I agree with your assessment! But this is America, and if you are going to run against people who are out to destroy HER, America? You need all you can get, to fight fire with fire in the meantime!

View attachment 37717

Hi 1stRambo I may end up joining the Tea Party or starting my own, to follow up on the Constitutional education, ethics and mediation on political beliefs.

Constitutional authority is enforceable if we don't breach it ourselves.
It is important to stick to rule of law and respect all beliefs equally in order to enforce the same protections for ourselves.

If we make the mistake of pushing politically too far, that opens the door for others to do that, and it goes in circles.
Neither agenda is Constitutionally defensible if it keeps violating, excluding or discriminating against the beliefs of the other.

The best way to check Democrats is NOT to push political beliefs,
but to enforce them IN PRIVATE, and AGREE to shift what isn't supported by the public
into PRIVATELY managed and governed programs. So the Constitution is enforced
to limit federal govt to just what all parties AGREE is authorized, and the rest is reverted to states and people,
possibly through parties so this can cover both state and national programs and still be outside govt.

With the ACA and gay marriage, why not all agree to push these contested issues
back to states and people to work out, according to their BELIEFS.

By recognizing the Democrats and political platforms as pushing BELIEFS
and supporting these to be practiced and paid for in PRIVATE, this can be kept out of govt
unless there is a consensus on policies and programs. If the public AGREES then those can be in govt.

And stop this nonsense of fighting to fund one party's beliefs over others.
We would not allow Hindus and Muslims to rule by majority or pay for the bigger bully to impose laws on the nation
that are based on their private beliefs. Why continue to let parties push their political beliefs like religions?

To stop this practice, we have to stand on common principles of the Constitution.
If we overreach and start pushing our own political agenda, we enable others to breach Constitutional limits also.

We enforce a common standards, and stop all breaches on all sides.
Then we can invest our resources into the programs of our choice, freely independent of govt,
instead of fighting to push one policy over another. Let public laws be decided by consensus, so there
cannot be any agenda pushing. Either we all agree that programs and reforms are Constitutional,
so we agree that is govt and to fund them without any conflicts that are resolved in advance,
or places we don't agree get separated that from govt, so all political beliefs are respected equally and carried out in private.

That will stop the fighting, by enforcing a consistent standard based on consensus of what is Constitutional or not.

Yo, Agree Emily :eusa_clap:, but who in Government now? Goes by the Constitution? The Tea Party Members! The Liberals interpret the Constitution as they see fit? The Elite Republicans just go along to get along!

And than you have a Socialist Independent Bernie Sanders, he has no shame, and tells everybody! I hope you see the light enough to know, that the Democrat Party has been taken over by the Socialist?

They are now-a-days known as the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party! So, if you choose one Party? I would go with the Constitution Party, The Tea Party! They are working on eliminating the Socialist Progressives, and the Elite Republicans, one by one!

There is a problem that the Tea Party is running into? The Elites are running campaigns against them, sounds like something the Democrats do, but no, its Republicans, McConnell, and Boehner?

You see, they don`t want to change whats going on in Washington, you should see that from their reactions on Obama-Care and "Obama Executive Order" on illegals?

They don`t like the Tea Party and the Constitution way, they are just happy collecting their "Big Paychecks" and getting richer, period!

If you wish to be more informed? Just find Mark Levin on the radio, or online, you can listen to all of his shows when you have time, thanks!


How do I bring this whole Tea Party/Constitutionalist support INTO the Democrats
to reform it?

I have joined a meetup group and a list serv.

I proposed to work with the Veterans Party of America, the Libertarians and Greens
to host a Constitutional CONFERENCE addressing POLITICAL BELIEFS.

If we can argue that both the Democrats and Republicans owe taxpayers billions if not trillions
in wasted taxpayer resources abused on Unconstitutional Unauthorized contracts,
why not petition or sue the parties to invest in reimbursement and restitution of those funds
to fix those programs and shift them out of federal govt into the private sector and manage themselves.

Wouldn't there be enough support between the Constitutionalists
among the Tea Party, Greens like Ralph Nader, Libertarians like Paul who teamed up with Nader
to stop corporate abuses going on with both major parties, Constitution and Natural Law Party.
Also the Veterans Party of America that denounces all social legislation as unconstitutional.

Can't we organize local Constitutional conferences per state and set up a Constitutional
ethics coalition of Constitutionalists from ALL the parties to assess the damages for violations
and start demanding corrections and restitution from the Wrongdoers or the Parties that enabled them.

so there is accountability and the damages are either paid back to taxpayers,
credits are issued through govt and charged to the wrongdoers to pay back,
and/or land and programs are held as collateral if we the people have to bail out the abuses on our dime a second time.

Who are your contacts with your local Tea Party?
Where are they in terms of a Constitutional Conference to address getting political beliefs out of govt?

Yo, I forgot to tell you? You are an intelligent person, The Tea Party could use you views? You should tell them your thoughts? You never know!


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