Unisex Bathrooms


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
In our most recent grand distraction, the American civilian population finds itself debating the merits of allowing transgenders and transvestites to use the bathroom of the opposite sex.

The greater question is why the hell we still have same sex bathrooms? Same sex bathrooms have to be one of the most useless institutions that for some reason we kept around (along with the state)

When I am in the mens room, nobodies staring at each others cock. If someone did, I would walk out thinking they were pretty weird, but I would quickly forget about it in less than a minute.

Women have even more privacy, because whatever function their body is performing, they find themselves enclosed by four walls in a stall.

For gods sake, if we can have street toilets, we can do away with unisex bathrooms


Plus, I wouldn't mind being upgraded with those lobbies they always have at the entrance of the womens bathroom.
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In our most recent grand distraction, the American civilian population finds itself debating the merits of allowing transgenders and transvestites to use the bathroom of the opposite sex.

The greater question is why the hell we still have same sex bathrooms? Same sex bathrooms have to be one of the most useless institutions that for some reason we kept around (along with the state)

When I am in the mens room, nobodies staring at each others cock. If someone did, I would walk out thinking they were pretty weird, but I would quickly forget about it in less than a minute.

Women have even more privacy, because whatever function their body is performing, they find themselves enclosed by four walls in a stall.

For gods sake, if we can have street toilets, we can do away with unisex bathrooms


Plus, I wouldn't mind being upgraded with those lobbies they always have at the entrance of the womens bathroom.

Another simpleton expressing a simplistic opinion. Bathrooms are designed to accommodate physical differences between men and women (i.e., urinals). In addition, the vast majority of women prefer same-sex bathrooms.

Men who want to be women can still enjoy the privacy of a toilet stall in a men's bathroom (and women who want to be men can try to use a urinal), so what is the problem and how will expensive individual unisex bathrooms solve it?
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The only opinions that matter are what the ladies think. If they want men in their restrooms it's fine with me. But like I mentioned to you on the other thread, I know from first hand experience that even liberal women want no part of it. And I don't blame them. Lots of guys are absolute pigs.

I've spent days doing contracting work in commercial restrooms at Barnes and Nobles and only a few guys washed their hands after. Even when taking a dump. All the women washed. Probably didn't realize they were handling urine and feces coated books and magazines though.
Single occupancy bathrooms.

Problem solved.
LOL. OK genius, you're going to do that have have your customers a line a mile long?
What are you serving your customers, e coli?

Quite a lot of places already have two single occupancy bathrooms. And there are no lines.
Where do you live, Hogwaller Mississippi? Some stores have a hundred customers and this barely a city.
Quite a lot of places already have two single occupancy bathrooms. And there are no lines.

You don't get out to many public events, do you?

Single occupancy bathrooms are more expensive and take up more space.

Who's going to pay for them? Someone else, of course.
Another simpleton expressing a simplistic opinion.

You don't have to cut yourself down so much.

Bathrooms are designed to accommodate physical differences between men and women (i.e., urinals).


In unisex bathrooms you can have both urinals and stalls. There is no rule saying that urinals have to be exclusive to men bathrooms.

In addition, the vast majority of women prefer same-sex bathrooms.

Argumentum ad populum.

Their opinion is irrelevant. What is right is not determined by popular consensus.

Men who want to be women can still enjoy the privacy of a toilet stall in a men's bathroom (and women who want to be men can try to use a urinal), so what is the problem and how will expensive individual unisex bathrooms solve it?

Follow the OP mate.

I am arguing that all men and women should use the same bathroom.
The only opinions that matter are what the ladies think.


Their opinions do not matter at all.

All that matters is logic and common sense.

If they want men in their restrooms it's fine with me.

Are you daft?

Women would not own unisex bathrooms.
And yet a huge number of restaurants and bars in America already have them.

An almost non-existent proportion. Like at gas stations.

Most places that have any real commercial traffic have to accommodate multiple individuals at the same time. It would be bad business if they did not.
As per usual, most of the people on this site are too idiotic to follow a simple OP opinion.

This thread is not about whether women should be able to use men restrooms, or vice versa.
The only opinions that matter are what the ladies think.


Their opinions do not matter at all.

All that matters is logic and common sense.

If they want men in their restrooms it's fine with me.

Are you daft?

Women would not own unisex bathrooms.

Logic is that the most vulnerable, while in a vulnerable position deserve societies greatest concern.
I'd look over and give a wink.

"Eh? Whaddya think?" ;)

I'd consider it a compliment.

Personally I never understood those individuals that cry about being objectified or violated when they are checked out.
Logic is that the most vulnerable, while in a vulnerable position deserve societies greatest concern.

Vulnerable position? lol.

Nobody needs your protection, pops.

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