Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

Why do you need the state to justify the union that God has sanctified? The 2 gay men living across the street's marriage is only recognized by the state not God so why do you care?

Damn good question.
The government is the source of most sin.

In that the Govt is just people, you are correct as people are the source of all sin

I'm not confused at all. Apparently YOU are confused about my lack of confusion.

But of course you are, you think that the Govt should base it laws on what your specific religion calls a sin
Why do you need the state to justify the union that God has sanctified?
States only recognize LICENSES. Marriage is essentially a pact with God.

The 2 gay men living across the street's marriage is only recognized by the state not God so why do you care?
You just said it: In the State's eyes, Christian marriage has now been demoted to being no different than two fudge-packers. Worse, the actual christian family unit is under attack by the state. And look at most of the kids we have now.
And idiot, I DID answer the question, right above.

Damn, you did find your balls finally! Well done!

Civil marriage and Christian marriages are two distinct things. There is no biblical mandate to have a license from the state to be married. If you choose to get one you did so for the civil benefits and it had nothing to do with your religion.
Because you dont have an answer.

Asshole, I already answered it right above! You are now the 2nd idiot to tell me I have no Answer to something I've answerred. Maybe you just don't understand or agree with or LIKE the answer. How the fuck is it that every leftwinger on this forum has a reading comprehension issue? Were you all dropped on your heads as babies?
Damn, you did find your balls finally!
I know right where my balls are, in your mouth.

Civil marriage and Christian marriages are two distinct things.
Does the state define and recognize them as two different things?

There is no biblical mandate to have a license from the state to be married.
Naturally. The State is essential atheistic. Everywhere they turn, they are trying to ERASE every reference to God on their property.
I know right where my balls are, in your mouth.

Having sexual fantasies about me again. Weird how often you do that.

Does the state define and recognize them as two different things?

Yes. You can get your pastor to say you are married without a license and the state will say "cool, but you get none of the civil benefits".

Naturally. The State is essential atheistic. Everywhere they turn, they are trying to ERASE every reference to God on their property.

Did you get a marriage license when you got married? If so, why since the Bible requires no such thing?
Maybe I should ask them to move ? For the sake of my ,marriage of course.

I'd ask you to run them out of town with your shotgun, but then, we all know you have no such thing. All you got in your right hand is your little pecker.

I actually don't have any great problem with gays so long as they don't rub my face in it and make me sorry to know them just as I don't rub anyone's face in my heterosexuality.

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