Unisex Bathrooms

I'd look over and give a wink.

"Eh? Whaddya think?" ;)

I'd consider it a compliment.

Personally I never understood those individuals that cry about being objectified or violated when they are checked out.

Problem is we don't worry about you, our concern is our children. I catch you winking at my grandson, I'll supply free sex assignment surgery for you.
The only opinions that matter are what the ladies think.


Their opinions do not matter at all.

All that matters is logic and common sense.

If they want men in their restrooms it's fine with me.

Are you daft?

Women would not own unisex bathrooms.

Logic is that the most vulnerable, while in a vulnerable position deserve societies greatest concern.

You may be right. Nothing makes you feel more vulnerable than sitting in a public stall with a turtle head dangling.
Problem is we don't worry about you, our concern is our children. I catch you winking at my grandson, I'll supply free sex assignment surgery for you.

Problem with society is that we have too many worthless losers with inferiority complexes, that they need to cry and overreact whenever somebody does anything that is not physically harming another individual.

Is having your grandson checked out desirable? Not at all. That is reality though, so get over it before you have a stroke.
Apparently they do.

It is the ever prevailing inferiority complex.

Some individuals feel like they need to vanguard others in order to fulfill their own sense of loathing.

I believe it would be better for everybody if these losers just fucked off and worried about themselves.
Women have even more privacy, because whatever function their body is performing, they find themselves enclosed by four walls in a stall.

And have you ever noticed the propensity for many people to consider it acceptable to prop open the door to a men's room, while women's rooms are not okay to be treated the same? You see this alot in gyms, public pools, etc.
Problem is we don't worry about you, our concern is our children. I catch you winking at my grandson, I'll supply free sex assignment surgery for you.

Problem with society is that we have too many worthless losers with inferiority complexes, that they need to cry and overreact whenever somebody does anything that is not physically harming another individual.

Is having your grandson checked out desirable? Not at all. That is reality though, so get over it before you have a stroke.

You're gay, right?
Apparently they do.

It is the ever prevailing inferiority complex.

Some individuals feel like they need to vanguard others in order to fulfill their own sense of loathing.

I believe it would be better for everybody if these losers just fucked off and worried about themselves.

Care for others is the cornerstone of great societies.

So go fuck yourself.
And have you ever noticed the propensity for many people to consider it acceptable to prop open the door to a men's room, while women's rooms are not okay to be treated the same? You see this alot in gyms, public pools, etc.

Women are rewarded these privileges, because most of modern society still wants to treat women like a protected species.

It makes them feel good about themselves. A true macho man, or so they think.

It seems no one wants equality in this day and age, and especially not feminists.
Another simpleton expressing a simplistic opinion.

You don't have to cut yourself down so much.

Bathrooms are designed to accommodate physical differences between men and women (i.e., urinals).


In unisex bathrooms you can have both urinals and stalls. There is no rule saying that urinals have to be exclusive to men bathrooms.

In addition, the vast majority of women prefer same-sex bathrooms.

Argumentum ad populum.

Their opinion is irrelevant. What is right is not determined by popular consensus.

Men who want to be women can still enjoy the privacy of a toilet stall in a men's bathroom (and women who want to be men can try to use a urinal), so what is the problem and how will expensive individual unisex bathrooms solve it?

Follow the OP mate.

I am arguing that all men and women should use the same bathroom.
I'm still lost at why a man dressed as a lady, can't use the stall in the mens room? Can anyone from the left explain that?
Believe me, I use morons like you for toilet paper. Don't mistake me laughing my ass off as agitation

Got it Shirley?

I'm still lost at why a man dressed as a lady, can't use the stall in the mens room? Can anyone from the left explain that?

They can.

Society as a whole is also capable of using the same restroom facilities.
No, you sound gay. But that attracts other gays in restrooms don't it?

What exactly makes me sound gay? Is it the fact that I am exposing the fault in your arguments?
I'm still lost at why a man dressed as a lady, can't use the stall in the mens room? Can anyone from the left explain that?

They can.

Society as a whole is also capable of using the same restroom facilities.
but it isn't in our society. And I feel that is the most important point. So you are talking 2050 or something and we're not there yet. Perhaps get back in the time machine and go to that year.

He asked me if I was homosexual, which is completely irrelevant and obvious deflection.

Most tend to play silly games whenever the silliness in their positions is exposed.

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