United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?


Jun 10, 2010
United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?

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United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


We already tried that. Only we called it "slavery".
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United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


We already tried that. Only we called it "slavery".

No. It's called making them pay their hotel bill.
I am probably one of they few white folk that has worked as a picker in the ground crop fields and orchards and the reality is farm labor can be hard but enjoyable work that pays reasonable well compared to many other entry level jobs and can provide year round employment..with some modest increases in pay and working conditions it could provide employment to many citizens and should be viewed no differently than any other type of good honest outdoor labor .delegating the harvest to that of job only illegals can or will do is a scam that has been created to save pennies on the dollar and avoid complacency with minimum work place standards..with piece rate bonuses it is very possible for a fit person to make up to a couple hundred dollars a day on many harvest and everyone is at least getting minimum wage or better

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCNFoVVjP1M]YouTube - ‪United Farm Workers Issue Job Challenge‬‎[/ame]
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To replace their depleted Mexican work force, Gebbers Farms posted help-wanted ads for 1,280 jobs picking fruit.

Must be able to lift 60 pounds, climb a ladder while carrying 40 pounds and endure "wet orchards in temperatures from 30 to 100 degrees," the ads said.

Pay: At least $9.19 an hour. But because workers are paid by how much they pick, the average last year was $16.48 an hour for picking cherries and $12.19 an hour for apples, according to the state.

I don't know how many U.S. citizens applied — the state wouldn't say and the farm isn't talking. Obviously, not many. Because the first plane load of 50 Jamaican farm workers shipped out from Kingston to the Okanogan earlier this month.

Up to 300 Jamaicans are expected, to be paid the same rates as stated above. In all, this one farm has applied to bring in more than a thousand temporary foreign workers.

Danny Westneat | The fruits of our labor absurdity | Seattle Times Newspaper

the real solution is to educate people and especially young people seeking summer work an that working hard and being in a beautiful orchard in the outdoors picking cherries or apples orchard and making a 150 to 200 dollars a day is way better than a lot of shit you could be doing and in fact is fun and good for you

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfMyNO3wFBE&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Cherry Harvest‬‎[/ame]

YouTube - ‪Cherry Harvest‬‎

Ever pick strawberries? I will NEVER do that again, not even for myself.

You need to have a good lower back and be able to tolerate the heat for ground crops but I did not mind doing tomatoes and strawberry...the orchards and vineyards are much cooler and you work standing up ,they are definitely more pleasant places to work than the fields
Nothing wrong with bringing in people to do farm work; as long as they return home 'when the work is done'.
Two things wrong with your concept... First of all, the illegal Mexican aliens are never going to go back to Mexico and secondly, you must be out of your mind to expect our convicts to do anything except lead the easy life in prison where their every whim can be catered to. God forbid that we begin to make prison a place that nobody would ever want to go to.
Nothing wrong with bringing in people to do farm work; as long as they return home 'when the work is done'.

well they bring a good supplie of weed and tequila which is all right..but seriously I made 25 dollars a hour off cherries.. peaches...pears a little less off apples.. I really think if people were introduced to it local labor could fill many more of these jobs...if they can fly people from Jamaica.. Im sure they could bus in some unemployed students for the summer
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I can't believe right wingers are whining about hard work.

Oh my baaaack. Waaahhhh!!!!!
United Farm Workers: Ever think of using convicts to pick those crops?

They've got nothing better to do all day, and it is time they started paying the American taxpayer back for living in those cushy cells. Then the poor migrant could stop complaining about the lazy gringo and go home to their wonderful country.

What about it folks?


We already tried that. Only we called it "slavery".
rdean's being a dolt again. Do you even understand what slavery is? Crack open that great big sixth grade educated brain.

What the OP is talking about is INDENTURED SERVITUDE. That is a period of contracted service in repayment for something. It was very common in early America for many WHITES to come to the new world as indentured servants... serve 5-10-15 years and serve a land owner to work off their debt of being sent to the plantation or mill.

The same way prison farms were used to work off a debt to society, it could be good to use the chaingang to harvest crops. It definitely will decrease gang activity.

An even better group to target for farm labor would be young kids and welfare recipients.
Ultimately though, some of these agricultural crops need to have forced automation. Yes some are very problematic crops, but we've figured out ways to pick other hard to do crops by machine. watched a special on it on PBS of all places where they showed, tree harvesting of everything from almonds to olives to apples. I've seen machines for Lettuce, cabbage, potatoes and even tomatoes being machine picked. It just takes someone with the ingenuity to figure it out.
So many of those in prison are illegal aliens, so it would be the same difference.
I think the average prisoner would jump at the chance to be on the outside even if it meant doing some hard work. The reason this idea would be shot down is that it would compete with the United Farm Workers union. It's always about money and those gangsters want their cut, just like a drug cartel. Make picking crops a job that prisoners will do will also cut down on Mexicans driving around the United States claiming to be picking crops.

The idea is to remove all the reasons these Latin American invaders are coming here in the first place. Then destroy all their so called civil rights groups (La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, etc) that are really support groups for Latino terrorists that steal funds from American taxpayers.

The prisoners can also payback their incarceration costs. It's win-win for Americans and will help stem the tide of the LA invasion of the United States.

Prisoners are cheap labor. Why not put them to work in the fields and when they are released they will have money to start over with and won’t have to go out committing crimes again. They can also contribute to the room and board while in prison.
Send illegal aliens home. All of them.

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A lot of the problem with farms is they don’t pay enough, are built out in the middle of nowhere and they get Government money. Letting the Government sell contracts to have prison people do the work only again perpetuates the problem. Also if farming is good work people will move out to these areas and or spend money in the local economy, but not if prisoners are doing the work.

The simple issue I have is why do farms get the cheep government labor? Why can’t any small business get it? It’s unfair and it’s simple as that. The farm that gets prison works will out produce a farm that does not get that kind of help, and they will be paying more.

I can see the corruption already… Paying money under the table for Government contracts that will save them millions.
No, bad idea.

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