United States Imperialism

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You mean like the imperialistic USA - raising, sponsoring and training terrorist groups that later blew up US embassies, ships and a couple of buildings in New York?
ToddsterPARROT and mushroom are paid shills for Langley,your wasting your breath.
Of course, that ignores the rest of the history of modern Russia.

Like the two wars against Georgia in 1991 and 1992. And against Moldovia in 1992. The ethnic cleansing of the Ingush in 1992. The second Russo-Georgian War in 2008 (Putin had just left office as President and was Prime Minister at that time).

That is the problem with propagandists. They expect people to just believe what they say, and do not realize that some of us remember those events.
No the problem with propaganda morons is that they like to pick out topics that seem to suit their purpose - but then never bother to find out the reasons and causes that factually discredit their agenda and perception. People like you are simply wasting my time with nonsense.
As a good socialist, I will go with the party which is in favor of a living wage health care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich for God's sake ovER people who obstruct all that, keep talking about martial law and all kinds of ridiculous conspiracies and hatred for good citizens who actually check their facts a bit LOL. The GOP BS is the worst craP that has ever happened to the United States politically- you are anti American in fact with so much disrespect for our citizens election officials FBI CIA courts judges journalists you name it. YOU ignoramuses believe proven scumbags admitted liars and know basically nothing factual. There's no election fraud vaccine fraud pedophilia epidemic or whatever or any of your other garbage about global warming- absolute idiocy you're the only people that believe your silly crap, Silly dupe of big money big oil big lie anti American scum......
You live in La-La land. The D Party has done nothing progressive or socialist in at least 60 years.

Your vaunted FBI just got caught colluding with big tech to silence opposing speech. FASCISM! It covers up criminal acts by the elite. See Epstein’s friends and Hunter’s laptop.

The CIA controls the MSM and has since the 1970s, (see Church Committee) while committing coups and assassinations worldwide.

The D Party is owned and controlled by the same big corporations and billionaires who control the R Party.

Wake up!
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Of course, that ignores the rest of the history of modern Russia.

Like the two wars against Georgia in 1991 and 1992. And against Moldovia in 1992. The ethnic cleansing of the Ingush in 1992. The second Russo-Georgian War in 2008 (Putin had just left office as President and was Prime Minister at that time).

That is the problem with propagandists. They expect people to just believe what they say, and do not realize that some of us remember those events.
Funny! You claim to know Russian history but have no understanding of US history.
No the problem with propaganda morons is that they like to pick out topics that seem to suit their purpose - but then never bother to find out the reasons and causes that factually discredit their agenda and perception. People like you are simply wasting my time with nonsense.
It’s because everything he knows is wrong.
Excuse me, what?

All you have been arguing for essentially is that so long as Russia has the power, they can do whatever they want. And all other nations must bow down to their demands.

And you do not even seem to realize how all of your posts sound.
Well we did what we wanted after we beat the Nazis, that's what happens when you win a war.
Does not matter what you claim, because the entire world should know of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In which the two nations agreed together to split up Poland, as well as Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and to split Romania between the two of them.

Does not matter how you want to spin it, they wanted the neighboring nations, and as you said "The west would have none of it". So they made a deal with a nation they thought would allow it.

Once again, you are only making the case for the Soviets being aggressive expansionists and taking other neighboring nations because they could.
It was a neutrality pact between the Soviet Union and the Germans, what are you talking about?
The Russians didn’t win WWII. The Allies did and the Soviets immediately broke all their promises to the other Allies.
There you go again, it was a joint fight against the Nazis, the Soviets destroyed 80% of the Nazi forces, never ceases to amaze me how some people just can't give the Russians credit for anything, the allies didn't really go all in until D-Day in 1944.
I don’t want to land in the middle of this running dispute between francoHFW and Kruska about definitions of socialism and communism, especially in a thread supposedly about “U.S. Imperialism” … but what the hell. :)

I think of myself as an independent, anti-imperialist “Social Democrat,” but certainly don’t belong to any Social Democratic or “Democratic Socialist” Party.

Most casual European observers would probably categorize the U.S. Democrat Party — a capitalist party generally advocating a strong social welfare “safety net” — as the closest thing to a U.S. version of a modern “social democratic” party. Of course U.S. politics today is particularly crazy, and the Democrats have become enamored of a lot of relatively new and idiosyncratic culture-based “identity politics” that did not exist in old-fashioned “social democratic” parties.

Anyway, words like “socialist“ and “communist” and “social democratic” when applied to political parties & ideologies have changed meanings today from what they had in the past — which explains a part of the confusion. Additionally, U.S. history and politics have almost always run on different tracks and been powered by different “Third Rails” than Europe or the rest of the world.

The old Communist movement of Lenin’s “Third International” broke away from the “Second International” of (mostly Marxist) Socialist Parties during WWI, when the main leaders of the “2nd International” supported their own national capitalist ruling classes in that bloody inter-imperialist war. Before that sudden capitulation to the war pressures of “patriotism” and narrow national interests they all had naively considered themselves “fraternal” parties — “scientific socialists” fighting for a better world which working people everywhere would forge together.

During and after WWI the reformist and no longer “revolutionary” Socialist Parties joined ruling coalitions in many European capitalist countries, usually in coalition with openly capitalist parties. Having now a bit of power in government, leading “Democratic Socialists” became ever more reformist and hostile to genuine worker upheavals. At the same time they tended to defend “democracy” & democratic institutions and reforms even more than their openly capitalist counterparts. Their ideas of mixed nationalized and private economy took many forms.

In different areas and times in Europe, especially when “Socialism” seemed too closely associated with Lenin’s Bolsheviks or with Stalin’s Russia, many in the democratic and reformist working-class anti-capitalist parties gave up on using the word “Socialism” altogether, accepting that capitalism could not be replaced. They started calling themselves “Social Democrats.” Others still called themselves “Socialist” even while becoming such vehement anti-Communists that they were rightly called “CIA Socialists.”

The label “Social Democratic” had a prior history. The original revolutionary Marxist party in Russia that had contained both “Bolsheviks” (Lenin’s “Communists”) and “Mensheviks” (Socialists who opposed Lenin) called itself the “Russian Social Democratic Labour Party,” and the huge German 2nd International party also called itself “social democratic.

Today, “Communist” parties are tiny and without influence in the West. “Socialist” Parties are usually vehement supporters of democracy and work to improve and reform capitalism and maintain strong welfare state protections, while “Social Democratic” parties are fully capitalist parties that just support vaguely more democratic and socially conscious reforms.

But if we can sketch out a broad “extreme left to center left” progression from “Communist” to “Socialist” to “Social Democratic” / “Labour” parties, huge exceptions still exist in how different nations even just in Europe and the Anglo-American worlds used some or all of these party labels and how they experienced and viewed the historical parties that used them.

A big issue was always national experience, and whether these countries were colonial or imperialist powers themselves. The original idea of Marx and “scientific socialism” was profoundly internationalist and formally anti-imperialist, though these ideological commitments proved much harder to carry out in practice than in theory.
every socialist and every socialist party in history has been for always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. The Socialists were against World War I and were basically snuffed out. Eugene Debs in the United States was thrown into jail for four years, the French Socialist was assassinated.... Ever since, and the start of the USSR, the conflation of socialism and Communism has been the main obstruction of Socialists in the English speaking world while everyone else in the modern world had socialists winning and they are all socialist now. Democrats are socialist, Labour in the UK is Socialist but they can't use that term they have to say Social Democrats, it's just a bunch of Baloney....

"We are all socialists now!"= president of Finland when Obamacare passed....
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You live in La-La land. The D Party has done nothing progressive or socialist in at least 60 years.

Your vaunted FBI just got caught colluding with big tech to silence opposing speech. FASCISM! It covers up criminal acts by the elite. See Epstein’s friends and Hunter’s laptop.

The CIA controls the MSM and has since the 1970s, (see Church Committee) while committing coups and assassinations worldwide.

The D Party is owned and controlled by the same big corporations and billionaires who control the R Party.

Wake up!
What about Obamacare you idiot? Yes the obstruction of the GOP the last 40 years has been great and the Democrats have done very little since LBJ just Obamacare and this infrastructure investment again finally. The Republicans have basically been in charge since Nixon and especially since Reagan and his giveaway to the rich. Today we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world and a mountain of imaginary conspiracies to distract the rubes like you....
every socialist and every socialist party in history has been for always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net.

By the way Moon Bat, the damn "safety nets" can only work when everybody is producing. It becomes an economy busting burden when the country has a large number of non producing welfare queens, Like we have here in the US with the great number of Illegals, ghetto Negroes and lazy ass pot smoking Moon Bats.
It’s because everything he knows is wrong.
I have a Masters in history, you guys have a master's in Anglo American Savage Capitalist propaganda and can't tell the difference between Communist and the socialists who run every other modern country....... Hint hint Democracy. That is the fact, you can go on with your ideological philosophical bafflement l O L... And of course the gipper is also totally baffled by all the GOP conspiracy theories he believes- he's on another planet

By the way Moon Bat, the damn "safety nets" can only work when everybody is producing. It becomes an economy busting burden when the country has a large number of non producing welfare queens, Like we have here in the US with the great number of Illegals, ghetto Negroes and lazy ass pot smoking Moon Bats.
So tell me a socialist or a socialist party that has ever been for dictatorship and another economic system....,, the Socialist Party in every continental European country won all through the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s and they are all socialists now and there's not a dictatorship in the Bunch.

The rest's total idiotic garbage GOP racist propaganda. Illegals don't get welfare all they wanna do is work DUHHH duhhh.... These people now are all looking to get asylum and so far 80% are getting it....

and yes it is way past time to tax the rich again along with big oil Etcetera and invest in cheap college and training so we can get the country working again after 40 years of giveaway to the rich GOP baloney
So that gives a pass for the Soviets invading Poland?
I have told you several times why they went into Poland, actually it was just after the Poles went into Czechostlovakia, otherwise the Nazis would have taken all of Poland right up to the Russian Border with two million plus troops on the border ready to roll on Moscow long before they did, you probably wish they had going off your posts.
So that gives a pass for the Soviets invading Poland?
FYI - One of Hitlers first major foreign policy initiatives after coming to power in 1933 was to sign a non-aggression pact with Poland in January 1934.

Germany attacked Poland on Sept. 1st - the USSR attacked Poland on 17th of September. The Polish government fled the country that same day.
Poland surrendered to the Germans on September 28, 1939.
Should Stalin have left all of Poland to Hitler? or what is your issue?
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