United States Imperialism

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I have told you several times why they went into Poland, actually it was just after the Poles went into Czechostlovakia, otherwise the Nazis would have taken all of Poland right up to the Russian Border with two million plus troops on the border ready to roll on Moscow long before they did, you probably wish they had going off your posts.
Stalin was an idiot LOL aarrgghhh... the pact with Hitler was a total catastrophe for everyone involved for six years. Then he could not believe that Hitler was attacking him...
What about Obamacare you idiot? Yes the obstruction of the GOP the last 40 years has been great and the Democrats have done very little since LBJ just Obamacare and this infrastructure investment again finally. The Republicans have basically been in charge since Nixon and especially since Reagan and his giveaway to the rich. Today we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world and a mountain of imaginary conspiracies to distract the rubes like you....
Ocare does little for most Americans. It does however enrich private insurance companies who are big donors to the D Party. That said, I’ll agree that it does help some Americans and can be considered somewhat progressive.

You are no different than a rabid R or con. You like them stupidly think your side is better and different, while possessing a rabid hatred for the other side.

What has the D Party done to control homelessness or income inequality? Answer: exactly nothing, just like the R Party. They do love enriching Wall Street and the MIC, just like the R Party.

Keep digging!
Ocare does little for most Americans. It does however enrich private insurance companies who are big donors to the D Party. That said, I’ll agree that it does help some Americans and can be considered somewhat progressive.

You are no different than a rabid R or con. You like them stupidly think your side is better and different, while possessing a rabid hatred for the other side.

What has the D Party done to control homelessness or income inequality? Answer: exactly nothing, just like the R Party. They do love enriching Wall Street and the MIC, just like the R Party.

Keep digging!
Because of the swine from Connecticut Democratic Senator, Obamacare had to be the GOP plan they always bring up and won't vote for anyway the scum, lol, Not single payer which is actually the answer And of course the gop refuses to allow any amending of Obamacare to fix the problems. What a disgusting mess your party is, super duper... They have totally obstructed the Democrats for 60 years until Obamacare and finally some infrastructure. They keep you totally distracted with conspiracy propaganda. Poor America.
What you're talking about is gop imperialism what they have done to Latin America is a total disgrace forever. We're supposed to protect and help them, instead we overthrow their governments and put ridiculous sanctions on them if they dare to have some socialism and call it that like they do everywhere else in the world LOL it is a serious problem. Venezuela Argentina Chile Bolivia nicaragua honduras El Salvador dominican Republic... and Haiti every 20 years great job!
Because of the swine from Connecticut Democratic Senator, Obamacare had to be the GOP plan they always bring up and won't vote for anyway the scum, lol, Not single payer which is actually the answer And of course the gop refuses to allow any amending of Obamacare to fix the problems. What a disgusting mess your party is, super duper... They have totally obstructed the Democrats for 60 years until Obamacare and finally some infrastructure. They keep you totally distracted with conspiracy propaganda. Poor America.
Lol. Really? Have you forgotten the D Party had majorities in both houses for O’s first two years. He could have pushed for universal HC had he not been a sop for Wall Street, just like the Rs.

You can come up with excuses for your beloved D Party’s multiple failures, but it won’t fly. They are a right wing party, just like the Rs.
What about Obamacare you idiot? Yes the obstruction of the GOP the last 40 years has been great and the Democrats have done very little since LBJ just Obamacare and this infrastructure investment again finally. The Republicans have basically been in charge since Nixon and especially since Reagan and his giveaway to the rich. Today we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world and a mountain of imaginary conspiracies to distract the rubes like you....

Demtwats are useless.
Uh-huh. Yet more distortion of history.

What does that have to do with the Soviets attacking? Nothing.
You must really hate it when the truth of the heinous nature of the US Empire is exposed. You prefer lies to truth. Orwell had your number.

So much for western democracy’s claiming they rule by the consent of the governed. They rule by elite and you support it.
Read up history and onto your own Western MSM articles of the past 70 years.


My request said > "where the USA is constantly involved" (ie. present tense), not "history", or the "past 70 years"

So if you want to answer my request (as I asked it), the request still stands. 😐

You mean like the imperialistic USA - raising, sponsoring and training terrorist groups that later blew up US embassies, ships and a couple of buildings in New York?
Did you forget the pink elephants flying over Mount Everest ? Little green fairies dancing on Lake Erie ?
I suppose you have some kind of source links for these stupendous speculations ? :biggrin:

Afghanistan wasn't the US engaging in imperialism. It was self-defense against Al-Qaeda, when it was using the country for training camps to make bombs, and engage in further terrorism after 9/11.

It was also a self-defense scenario, with regard to Pakistan nukes.

Iraq was a war again Al-Qaeda in Iraq which later morphed into ISIS.

The attcks against Libya were not the US. They were Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Democrats, all as UNAmerican as any foreign country, if not worse.
Afghanistan wasn't the US engaging in imperialism. It was self-defense against Al-Qaeda, when it was using the country for training camps to make bombs, and engage in further terrorism after 9/11.

It was also a self-defense scenario, with regard to Pakistan nukes.

Iraq was a war again Al-Qaeda in Iraq which later morphed into ISIS.

The attcks against Libya were not the US. They were Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Democrats, all as UNAmerican as any foreign country, if not worse.
Afghanistan we won, then Bush screwed up going after the bombers and then decided to stay for some nation building. Iraq incredibly, was even stupider it was the war fought for FOX for crying out loud. Allowing 9/11 was the dumbest of all////. we were just along for the ride in Libya following Italy and France...
What you're talking about is gop imperialism what they have done to Latin America is a total disgrace forever. We're supposed to protect and help them, instead we overthrow their governments and put ridiculous sanctions on them if they dare to have some socialism and call it that like they do everywhere else in the world LOL it is a serious problem. Venezuela Argentina Chile Bolivia nicaragua honduras El Salvador dominican Republic... and Haiti every 20 years great job!
Uh huh! Now let's take a look at the imperialism that these poor, "innocent" Latin American countries HAVE DONE TO THE UNITED STATES. Got a chair nearby ? You might want to be sitting down for these accounts of how much these countries have pillaged the USA for, and what they have extracted out of the US economy. The following numbers are for one year (2017) only, and I can assure you that the current numbers are much larger >>

Venezuela - $104 Million
Argentina - $135 Million
Bolivia - $163 Million
Nicaraugua - $710 Million
Honduras - $3.7 Billion
El Salvador - $4.6 Billion
Dominican Republic - $4.5 Billion
Haiti - 1.4 Billion

And the winner is El Salvador with a heaping $4.6 BILLION haul from the US economy, and that's not considering the relief to El Salvador's treasury, with them dumping scores of their MS-13 thugs onto our justice system, and cost we incurred.

Afghanistan we won, then Bush screwed up going after the bombers and then decided to stay for some nation building. Iraq incredibly, was even stupider it was the war fought for FOX for crying out loud. Allowing 9/11 was the dumbest of all////. we were just along for the ride in Libya following Italy and France...
Post 353 is the response to this. Ho hum.
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