United States Imperialism

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The idea that the savings sent back to their families by legal & illegal foreign WORKERS in the U.S. amounts to some kind of “imperialism” is sheer lunacy.

One might as well argue that U.S. workers “imperialistically exploit” their bosses and the capitalist system as a whole, or that Americans who scrimp and save to take a hard-earned vacation abroad are guilty as well! Only a right wing MAGA lunatic with a chip on his shoulder could seriously argue this way.

According to an earlier brilliant idea put forward by protectionist, the three top “imperialists” in the world busy exploiting the United States of America are — don’t ask me how he figured this out — Mexico, India and China.

:disbelief: :disbelief: :disbelief:
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Which means 2 things >>
1. You don't know what "imperialism" is
2. You don't know the standing of the US in imperialist victimization

Both of these likely stem from -
1. A leftwing-biased MISeducation, in America's leftist educational system
2. being an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION/DISTORTION media.

Not surprising. Ho hum. :rolleyes:

Here the definition of imperialism from Encyclopedia Britannica >>
"imperialism, state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.

You're getting an education.
Which means 2 things >>
1. You don't know what "imperialism" is
2. You don't know the standing of the US in imperialist victimization

Both of these likely stem from -
1. A leftwing-biased MISeducation, in America's leftist educational system
2. being an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION/DISTORTION media.

Not surprising. Ho hum. :rolleyes:

Here the definition of imperialism from Encyclopedia Britannica >>
"imperialism, state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.

You're getting an education.
Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck & struggle to afford basic necessities like housing & healthcare yet Democrats are on TV bragging about “hOw GrEaT tHe EcOnOmY iS” & shaming anyone who demands better. It’s time to call their bluff & vote third party. #CornelWest
What about Obamacare you idiot? Yes the obstruction of the GOP the last 40 years has been great and the Democrats have done very little since LBJ just Obamacare and this infrastructure investment again finally. The Republicans have basically been in charge since Nixon and especially since Reagan and his giveaway to the rich. Today we have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world and a mountain of imaginary conspiracies to distract the rubes like you....
No real socialist supports a warmongering corporatist authoritarian political party. Hence you lied.

If we lived in a democracy then we’d have open political debates where the public would get to hear from multiple candidates from across the political spectrum but since we live in a capitalist oligarchy the people only get to hear from the two parties who serve the rich.
The idea that the savings sent back to their families by legal & illegal foreign WORKERS in the U.S. amounts to some kind of “imperialism” is sheer lunacy.

One might as well argue that U.S. workers “imperialistically exploit” their bosses and the capitalist system as a whole, or that Americans who scrimp and save to take a hard-earned vacation abroad are guilty as well! Only a right wing MAGA lunatic with a chip on his shoulder could seriously argue this way.

According to an earlier brilliant idea put forward by protectionist, the three top “imperialists” in the world busy exploiting the United States of America are — don’t ask me how he figured this out — Mexico, India and China.

:disbelief: :disbelief: :disbelief:
And one would not ask you how I figured this out, because you don't know, because you didn't click the Pew Research Center link that I supplied, thereby leaving you remaining ignorant.

Remittances sent from United States to ...​









El Salvador
Two-thirds of Americans live paycheck to paycheck & struggle to afford basic necessities like housing & healthcare yet Democrats are on TV bragging about “hOw GrEaT tHe EcOnOmY iS” & shaming anyone who demands better. It’s time to call their bluff & vote third party. #CornelWest
No, it's time to do what most Americans are planning to do >> vote for Donald Trump. Unless you're OK with the rest of the world preying on the US, and raiding our economy for between $150 Billion and $200 Billion per year.

You should be especially annoyed at this massive parasitism (aka imperialism), if you own a business, and you see what should be your sales$$$ dollars, flying away and landing in other countries, who are not in this by accident. Anyone doubts, just ask Vicente Fox >>

Uh-huh. Yet more distortion of history.

What does that have to do with the Soviets attacking? Nothing.
Here is your beloved US military.
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