United States of Africa? - Gadhafi seems to think so!


Apr 22, 2007
Gadhafi told about 20 of his fellow heads of state that that he would work to unite the continent into "the United States of Africa."

Gadhafi pledges 'United States of Africa' - Africa - msnbc.com

Would Africa be better as a large Federal of states like the USA? Gadhafi, the grant terrorist might be onto something. I its not like Africa is not used to war and genocide. What the fuck let's see Gadhafi give it a run! After he is only a terrorist!
Gadhafi told about 20 of his fellow heads of state that that he would work to unite the continent into "the United States of Africa."

Gadhafi pledges 'United States of Africa' - Africa - msnbc.com

Would Africa be better as a large Federal of states like the USA? Gadhafi, the grant terrorist might be onto something. I its not like Africa is not used to war and genocide. What the fuck let's see Gadhafi give it a run! After he is only a terrorist!

White Europeans and White Americans worst nightmare, a United Africa.They would have a much harder time implementing their destabilizing conspiracies if Africa were united.
Moammar Gadhafi is one of the good stories coming out the invasion of Iraq. Fearing Bush might invade Libya after Iraq he volutarily gave up his nuclear weapons program allowing the Americans to remove everything related to it. It was reported at the time to be more sophisticated and advanced than the Iranian program.

This move by Moammar Gadhafi was only one of a number illustrating his willingness to reach out to the West. His son and heir Seif al-Islam has been educated in the U.S. and has claimed that when he takes over from his father he wishes to implement a constitutional republic based on the U.S. model in Libya.
Moammar Gadhafi is one of the good stories coming out the invasion of Iraq. Fearing Bush might invade Libya after Iraq he volutarily gave up his nuclear weapons program allowing the Americans to remove everything related to it. It was reported at the time to be more sophisticated and advanced than the Iranian program.
Might be true!

This move by Moammar Gadhafi was only one of a number illustrating his willingness to reach out to the West. His son and heir Seif al-Islam has been educated in the U.S. and has claimed that when he takes over from his father he wishes to implement a constitutional republic based on the U.S. model in Libya.
I doubt the apple fall far from the tree!
Moammar Gadhafi is one of the good stories coming out the invasion of Iraq. Fearing Bush might invade Libya after Iraq he volutarily gave up his nuclear weapons program allowing the Americans to remove everything related to it. It was reported at the time to be more sophisticated and advanced than the Iranian program.
Might be true!

This move by Moammar Gadhafi was only one of a number illustrating his willingness to reach out to the West. His son and heir Seif al-Islam has been educated in the U.S. and has claimed that when he takes over from his father he wishes to implement a constitutional republic based on the U.S. model in Libya.
I doubt the apple fall far from the tree!
I take it that you have BDS and cannot possibly allow any thought into your mind that Bush could be credited with anything...
Moammar Gadhafi is one of the good stories coming out the invasion of Iraq. Fearing Bush might invade Libya after Iraq he volutarily gave up his nuclear weapons program allowing the Americans to remove everything related to it. It was reported at the time to be more sophisticated and advanced than the Iranian program.
Might be true!

This move by Moammar Gadhafi was only one of a number illustrating his willingness to reach out to the West. His son and heir Seif al-Islam has been educated in the U.S. and has claimed that when he takes over from his father he wishes to implement a constitutional republic based on the U.S. model in Libya.
I doubt the apple fall far from the tree!
I take it that you have BDS and cannot possibly allow any thought into your mind that Bush could be credited with anything...

I will take your BDS and raise it an IRT! :lol:
Also the bush on my mind is...OK I won't get juvenile!

Bush is only credited with an unnecesary and too costly war, a horrendous economy and well a failure all the way around!
Might be true!

I doubt the apple fall far from the tree!
I take it that you have BDS and cannot possibly allow any thought into your mind that Bush could be credited with anything...

I will take your BDS and raise it an IRT! :lol:
Also the bush on my mind is...OK I won't get juvenile!

Bush is only credited with an unnecesary and too costly war, a horrendous economy and well a failure all the way around!
I was wrong - it's ABDS.
Gadhafi told about 20 of his fellow heads of state that that he would work to unite the continent into "the United States of Africa."

Gadhafi pledges 'United States of Africa' - Africa - msnbc.com

Would Africa be better as a large Federal of states like the USA? Gadhafi, the grant terrorist might be onto something. I its not like Africa is not used to war and genocide. What the fuck let's see Gadhafi give it a run! After he is only a terrorist!

White Europeans and White Americans worst nightmare, a United Africa.They would have a much harder time implementing their destabilizing conspiracies if Africa were united.

Yeah, actually this makes sense. Much easier for African leaders to avoid exploitation by any foreign power: chinese, European, American, Russian, ... . But even then, with a weak economy and high poverty rate they still will be vulnerable to outside powers for resource exploitation.

Too bad that African leaders are to selfish for it to have a chance, there is too much genocides, food-shortages, rebels, wars that are still going on. It is most unlikely to succeed, the word "united" is not in the African vocabulary at the moment. And too bad it was presented by a guy like Gadhafi.
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Gadhafi is psychotic enough to attempt to create an AFRICAN CALIPHATE-----we can all hope he drops dead before beginning such a project and his son will drop the idea.------such a project would end in an ocean of blood-------the good news is that such a project could very well be a few nails in the coffin of islam
Gadhafi should be welcomed into the United States the same as any other leader of a nation.
Bono is at a U2 charity concert in Glasgow when he asks the audience for some quiet.

Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands.

Holding the audience in total silence, he says into the microphone...

"Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."

A voice from near the front pierces the silence...

"Well, fucking clap faster!"

;White Europeans and White Americans worst nightmare, a United Africa.They would have a much harder time implementing their destabilizing conspiracies if Africa were united.


Ok the fact you reacted that way shows you ignorance, anything against the staus quo makes you react in such a way actually supports his statement atleast pertaining to you. You could have said most of that without the first three sentences and made a valid point without sounding like an neanderthal
A united Africa! Funniest suggestion I have ever heard! They can't even unite the people within individual countries in Africa, let alone the whole continent! Tribalism guarantees there will NEVER be a united Africa. Get rid of the tribe culture and maybe there would be a chance.

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