United we stand. Divided, we fall.

Switzerland ain't bad. Ain't sayin' they're better than us, but some might argue the point. Denmark too, although any country that eats little fishies for breakfast can't be all that wonderful.

Agreed. Fish for breakfast, I gotta draw the line. Why can't they just have Danish pastry.

I haven't lived in Switzerland but have lived in France. While eggs and bacon were not to be expected, really good strong coffee was. And carrying a baguette home in the afternoon for the evening meal as opposed to Burger King. Each country has its own motif, you just go with it.

Doesn't Switzerland go to bed at ten o'clock though?
You've been to Sweden recently? Or just going by what you read here?
Never been there, but I don't live at USMB, dude. I always wanted to visit sweden when I was in my 20's.
Switzerland ain't bad. Ain't sayin' they're better than us, but some might argue the point. Denmark too, although any country that eats little fishies for breakfast can't be all that wonderful.
Scotland. Germany. BEFORE Merkel's time, mind you.
Switzerland ain't bad. Ain't sayin' they're better than us, but some might argue the point. Denmark too, although any country that eats little fishies for breakfast can't be all that wonderful.
Scotland. Germany. BEFORE Merkel's time, mind you.

I lived in Germany back in the 80s, 86-90 when I was stationed there as a USAF MSGT. Beautiful country, nice people, great food.
Switzerland ain't bad. Ain't sayin' they're better than us, but some might argue the point. Denmark too, although any country that eats little fishies for breakfast can't be all that wonderful.
Scotland. Germany. BEFORE Merkel's time, mind you.

I lived in Germany back in the 80s, 86-90 when I was stationed there as a USAF MSGT. Beautiful country, nice people, great food.
Ireland. Always wanted to visit there too. So many places. Hell..BoraBora if you wanna get technical, lol.

However...we are straying from the topic.

We need to reunite. Period. I don't know what it will take. Maybe a really bad civil war that is not just screaming matches but outright blood and death. Maybe that will wake everyone up that we are fighting OURSELVES.
You've been to Sweden recently? Or just going by what you read here?
Never been there, but I don't live at USMB, dude. I always wanted to visit sweden when I was in my 20's.

"Wanting to visit" a place and actually experiencing it are not the same thing, are they.
So fucking what???? Dayum!

So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Switzerland ain't bad. Ain't sayin' they're better than us, but some might argue the point. Denmark too, although any country that eats little fishies for breakfast can't be all that wonderful.
Scotland. Germany. BEFORE Merkel's time, mind you.

I lived in Germany back in the 80s, 86-90 when I was stationed there as a USAF MSGT. Beautiful country, nice people, great food.
Ireland. Always wanted to visit there too. So many places. Hell..BoraBora if you wanna get technical, lol.

However...we are straying from the topic.

We need to reunite. Period. I don't know what it will take. Maybe a really bad civil war that is not just screaming matches but outright blood and death. Maybe that will wake everyone up that we are fighting OURSELVES.

Ireland, another example. You won't find good coffee. But you'll get to appreciate tea. Again, doesn't mean it's "greater" or "lesser" -- it simply is what it is.
We need to reunite. Period. I don't know what it will take. Maybe a really bad civil war that is not just screaming matches but outright blood and death. Maybe that will wake everyone up that we are fighting OURSELVES.

Madame OP is correct. Division, some division/disagreement/debate, is a constant. That comes with humanity and it's a good thing. Polarization is when it runs off the rails and is the thrust of the thread.

Obviously we've always had some degree of division but the current one began IMHO with Lush Rimjob about 25 years ago with his endless demonization and Eliminationism. He's not very relevant any more but he sowed the seeds for imitators and begat the concept that one's adversaries were one's enemies, and they must not be reasoned with but literally destroyed. It's been swirling down the toilet bowl ever since.

He did that because he's there to sell a product, and controversy sells. Anger sells. Polarization sells. Limblob himself acknowledged all of this when he self-analyzed that his objective on the air is "to make you mad". Fox Noise followed a few years later for the exact same reasons. This is the wages of allowing commercially-driven media .... you get the lowest common denominator, you get whatever $ells, and who gets fucked in the process simply does not matter because "I got mine".
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The process has been going on for decades. However, the two events that really pushed the left to what we see today were the Clinton Impeachment and the Gore V Bush election being decided by the Supreme Court. Some of my friends still complain about that election today. Of course, the Bush presidency was a mess and further solidified those feelings.

That said, it is hard to understand the left and their strategy. They have taken the bait time and again with Trump. All they had to do was remain calm and focused and they were looking at a wave in November. They couldn't resist stirring it up with Trump and now the House is up for grabs in my opinion. All they needed to do was play to the middle.
Switzerland ain't bad. Ain't sayin' they're better than us, but some might argue the point. Denmark too, although any country that eats little fishies for breakfast can't be all that wonderful.
Scotland. Germany. BEFORE Merkel's time, mind you.

I lived in Germany back in the 80s, 86-90 when I was stationed there as a USAF MSGT. Beautiful country, nice people, great food.
Ireland. Always wanted to visit there too. So many places. Hell..BoraBora if you wanna get technical, lol.

However...we are straying from the topic.

We need to reunite. Period. I don't know what it will take. Maybe a really bad civil war that is not just screaming matches but outright blood and death. Maybe that will wake everyone up that we are fighting OURSELVES.

Remember the Steve Scalese shooting? I can see more of that coming, we've already got the Antifa a-holes although they haven't been doing much lately. I'm kinda surprised we haven't seen more trouble at some of Trump's rallies, but maybe that'll change. And if I was a betting man I'd put down money that at some point this summer a GOP person running for Congress will get shot or shot at before November.

It's crazy, we can't talk about an issue and work out a compromise on it anymore. On anything, seems like. We got big problems in this country but we can't do anything about them. I feel really bad for today's young people, you're fucked and I don't think you know how bad it is yet.
You've been to Sweden recently? Or just going by what you read here?
Never been there, but I don't live at USMB, dude. I always wanted to visit sweden when I was in my 20's.

"Wanting to visit" a place and actually experiencing it are not the same thing, are they.
So fucking what???? Dayum!

So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.
You've been to Sweden recently? Or just going by what you read here?
Never been there, but I don't live at USMB, dude. I always wanted to visit sweden when I was in my 20's.

"Wanting to visit" a place and actually experiencing it are not the same thing, are they.
So fucking what???? Dayum!

So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.

Where did you even verb? Indeed.
Never been there, but I don't live at USMB, dude. I always wanted to visit sweden when I was in my 20's.

"Wanting to visit" a place and actually experiencing it are not the same thing, are they.
So fucking what???? Dayum!

So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.

Where did you even verb? Indeed.
Look Pogo. I have no beef with you except I am getting mighty sick of you running from thread to thread trying to correct someone's grammar, sticking your nose into discussions just to berate someone and in general trying to act like you are better than everyone else. Knock it the fuck off, already.
"Wanting to visit" a place and actually experiencing it are not the same thing, are they.
So fucking what???? Dayum!

So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.

Where did you even verb? Indeed.
Look Pogo. I have no beef with you except I am getting mighty sick of you running from thread to thread trying to correct someone's grammar, sticking your nose into discussions just to berate someone and in general trying to act like you are better than everyone else. Knock it the fuck off, already.

Hey, I ain't the one who claimed to know all about Sweden without ever having been there. :eusa_whistle:

Pretty funny, telling me to "STFU" and then you want to pretend I'm the one "berating".
So fucking what???? Dayum!

So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.

Where did you even verb? Indeed.
Look Pogo. I have no beef with you except I am getting mighty sick of you running from thread to thread trying to correct someone's grammar, sticking your nose into discussions just to berate someone and in general trying to act like you are better than everyone else. Knock it the fuck off, already.

Hey, I ain't the one who claimed to know all about Sweden without ever having been there. :eusa_whistle:

Pretty funny, telling me to "STFU" and then you want to pretend I'm the one "berating".
I was responding to Unkotare, nosey body dude. And I never said I knew all about Sweden. Link where I said that. You can't. Which makes you look like an ass. Oh. Wait. You already are one.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.

JFK was a rock star who did some presidential things. Reagan was a president who did presidential things.

Crowd size means nothing. Just look at Obama.

JFK though tired to do the right thingand sought world peace,reagan was a traiteteous warmonger who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president up to obama all expanded on.the world noticed that.:abgg2q.jpg:

World peace is a pipe dream.

John Paul II, Reagan and Thatcher brought down the Soviet Union.

Reagan was no globalist. The Bushes, Clinton and Obama are.

The hell he wasnt a globalist.Here take this towel and wipe off that egg you have all over your face after me taking you to school here and checkmating you being the winner.:abgg2q.jpg:

He had all you sheep fooled big time just as you bought into the lies of the LAMESTREAM media that he ended the cold war.:abgg2q.jpg:

I vividly remember ALL of these broken promises and lies of reagan this guy talks about in this video who has done an EXCELLENT job of research on the real FACTS.:yes_text12:

try and brush off that video all you want but your problem is,as i said,i lived through the Reagan years and vividly remember all those lies of his and how he was a traiter as well as hundreds of hours of research on this subject so unlike you,you can fool others here,cant fool me though.:D

that was WHY Reagan unlike Kennedy was given a warning shot to stop being a rebel and do what he was told cause they knew he would get the message and be their willing puppet as he was where they knew only through assassination would they get Jfk out of the way since he was not doing what they told him to do
So fucking what? I'll put it bluntly --- I've "always wanted to visit" Scotland, but until I do I'm not about to sit here and wax all-knowledgeable about what it is and isn't. Because I'm not qualified to do that.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.

Where did you even verb? Indeed.
Look Pogo. I have no beef with you except I am getting mighty sick of you running from thread to thread trying to correct someone's grammar, sticking your nose into discussions just to berate someone and in general trying to act like you are better than everyone else. Knock it the fuck off, already.

Hey, I ain't the one who claimed to know all about Sweden without ever having been there. :eusa_whistle:

Pretty funny, telling me to "STFU" and then you want to pretend I'm the one "berating".
I was responding to Unkotare, nosey body dude. And I never said I knew all about Sweden. Link where I said that. You can't. Which makes you look like an ass. Oh. Wait. You already are one.

So much for "division" huh.

Where did I was knowledgeable? STFU.

Where did you even verb? Indeed.
Look Pogo. I have no beef with you except I am getting mighty sick of you running from thread to thread trying to correct someone's grammar, sticking your nose into discussions just to berate someone and in general trying to act like you are better than everyone else. Knock it the fuck off, already.

Hey, I ain't the one who claimed to know all about Sweden without ever having been there. :eusa_whistle:

Pretty funny, telling me to "STFU" and then you want to pretend I'm the one "berating".
I was responding to Unkotare, nosey body dude. And I never said I knew all about Sweden. Link where I said that. You can't. Which makes you look like an ass. Oh. Wait. You already are one.

So much for "division" huh.

You brought this on yourself, dude. Like I said..knock it the fuck off. I don't chase YOU around correcting your grammar and shit. Don't fucking try to do it to me. There will definitely be division where none was before.

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