United we stand. Divided, we fall.

I used to think "well, if we were ever attacked, like what happened on 9/11 or even worse...every american would come together to defend ourselves".
I don't think that any more. I think democrats would assist our enemies, thinking those enemies would remove that which they hate only to find out...the enemy hates them too for the simple fact that they are american.
When you teach a generation to hate your country, they will never rise in its defense.

I think a Civil War is coming.

Not all of the next few generations hate their country, some will rise to it's defense like we always have. Could be a Civil War is brewing, but I think it's more likely a real doozy of a depression will hit us first, rivaling or worse than the 1930s. I suspect there will be a big push for a global gov't, whether we go that route or not remains to be seen.
Last warning. Discuss the topic IF YOU CAN. If not...then cry with the consequences.
Too late.
I've reported YOUR perverse Threats and many OFF Topic posts trying to Threaten me and moderate the board.
If you indeed have a complaint., REPORT it, don't derail the thread playing (bad) mod.,
How dare you threaten me ****.
I've done nothing but post on ON Topic, and try and stop Mindwars from turning this into another '9/11 conspiracy' thread. IOW, I PROTECTED the topic.
(EDIT: and just got a 'Thankyou' for it)

Last warning. Discuss the topic IF YOU CAN. If not...then cry with the consequences.
Too late.
I've reported YOUR perverse Threats and many OFF Topic posts trying to Threaten me and moderate the board.
If you indeed have a complaint., REPORT it, don';r derail the thread playing (bad) mod.,
How dare you threaten me ****.
I've done nothing but post on ON Topic and try and stop Mindwars from turning this into another 9/11 conspiracy thread. IOWm, PROTECT the topic
If you are going to call me a cvnt...then do it instead of pussying out.
I'd have more respect for you if you had the courage to stand front and center instead of sniveling.

Not to mention lying and acting like an innocent victem AFTER attacking posters calling them names cause he hates hearing the truth.he is the only one off topic.i hope you reported him.
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.

except trump was Speaking the truth about our phony kenyon president.LOL
I used to think "well, if we were ever attacked, like what happened on 9/11 or even worse...every american would come together to defend ourselves".
I don't think that any more. I think democrats would assist our enemies, thinking those enemies would remove that which they hate only to find out...the enemy hates them too for the simple fact that they are american.

Instead the opposite happened. We were attacked on 9/11 and democrats rushed to import more Muslims.
Kind of transparent.
The phrase "united we stand divided we fall" goes back to the Revolution where the" United States" could not exist unless all of the existing states joined the Union. It bears little resemblance to the political intrigue we see today. There will always be political confrontation and that's what's best about America. The problem comes in when the losers become so enraged that they call for violence against the duly elected President. Divided politics is not the problem, the media encouraging anarchy and engaging in a campaign to undermine the presidency is. The point is that any concern about a "divided America" should focus on the attempt by democrats and their crazy minions in H'wood and the media to overthrow the government.
I used to think "well, if we were ever attacked, like what happened on 9/11 or even worse...every american would come together to defend ourselves".
I don't think that any more. I think democrats would assist our enemies, thinking those enemies would remove that which they hate only to find out...the enemy hates them too for the simple fact that they are american.
When you teach a generation to hate your country, they will never rise in its defense.

I think a Civil War is coming.

Not all of the next few generations hate their country, some will rise to it's defense like we always have. Could be a Civil War is brewing, but I think it's more likely a real doozy of a depression will hit us first, rivaling or worse than the 1930s. I suspect there will be a big push for a global gov't, whether we go that route or not remains to be seen.
There is a push for a global government going on right now; it is, however; being conducted behind closed doors.

Lives could be saved if the media could be leashed and forced to be neutral, but that won't happen so I fear that its going to take a large body county to bring this country back to its senses.
Just a simple question for those who took offense at my OP.....

Name a republican or conservative that refused service to a democrat....or stood in front of a mic and told fellow repubs to harass dems whenever they are seen....or to toss a kid of a repub into a cage with a pedophile.

Shall I wait?

First one that comes to mind?

"If ballots don't work -- bullets will" --- Joyce Kaufmann, Chief of Staff for Allan West.

Second thing that comes to mind: "Break their windows! Break them now!" (which then happened, including a D Congresscritter getting the gas lines to his house cut and Gabby Giffords' office window smashed)....

Third thing that comes to mind would be Ted Nugent ranting on stage brandishing a rifle fantasizing about sticking it in the faces of Clinton and O'bama....

Etc etc etc

Just off the toppa my head.
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.

fuck trump and fuck his supporters

Let me guess,knowing you,you voted for HITLERY?:abgg2q.jpg:
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.

JFK was a rock star who did some presidential things. Reagan was a president who did presidential things.

Crowd size means nothing. Just look at Obama.
It is not an accident that we are this divided, those in power have been pounding the wedge for at least 25 years.

A divided people are much easier to control, and that is why we have been systematically divided over time

Exactly. The sad part is, most people fall for it.
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.

JFK was a rock star who did some presidential things. Reagan was a president who did presidential things.

Crowd size means nothing. Just look at Obama.

JFK though tired to do the right thing and sought world peace,reagan was a traiteteous warmonger who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president up to obama all expanded on.the world noticed that.:abgg2q.jpg:
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.

JFK was a rock star who did some presidential things. Reagan was a president who did presidential things.

Crowd size means nothing. Just look at Obama.

JFK though tired to do the right thingand sought world peace,reagan was a traiteteous warmonger who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president up to obama all expanded on.the world noticed that.:abgg2q.jpg:

World peace is a pipe dream.

John Paul II, Reagan and Thatcher brought down the Soviet Union.

Reagan was no globalist. The Bushes, Clinton and Obama are.
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.

I posted this a while back.

The Divided States Of America...A Nation Of Two...Embrace it
“It's officially time to pick your side people. (How elementary that sounds...haha)
Defining the "sides":
One side is prideful in God, self and country and would never expect a free ride at the expense of others. This side respects law and order and seeks a likeminded ambitious society where a degree of normalcy and conformity is greatly appreciated. This side spends their life becoming and doing better or thinking about becoming and doing better. They exhaust all effort in parenting their children and teaching family values, morals and life skills which leads to another successful life.

The other side takes great pride in very little as pride is often a byproduct of achievement. This side hates the pressure to achieve. They believe there should be no behavioral standard among Americans. They love an anything goes free for all type of society funded by others. This side will champion for anything and everything that sane Americans would consider shameful. This side believes they have a right to other people's money. They do not believe they should have to do more to get more...they simply believe they deserve more because they're an American. (In some cases)

This has turned into a bare knuckle brawl folks...there is no middle ground.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.

JFK was a rock star who did some presidential things. Reagan was a president who did presidential things.

Crowd size means nothing. Just look at Obama.

JFK though tired to do the right thingand sought world peace,reagan was a traiteteous warmonger who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president up to obama all expanded on.the world noticed that.:abgg2q.jpg:

World peace is a pipe dream.

John Paul II, Reagan and Thatcher brought down the Soviet Union.

Reagan was no globalist. The Bushes, Clinton and Obama are.

you bought into the myth that most sheep in america have hook,line,and sinker that reagan brought down the soviet union when the facts are it was years before he was POTUS that resulted in it being brought down. LOL

I have taken many people here to school on this only to watch them throw insults in defeat in frustration and i know YOU ignore facts that prove you wrong all the time so i am not even going to get into that with you here since one this is the wrong thread,two,you only see what you want to see we both know.LOL i have thread where i took people like you to school on that,you can hunt and look for it if you want and bring it back by all means. again here is not the thread to discuss that,thats the history section.LOL
Last warning. Discuss the topic IF YOU CAN. If not...then cry with the consequences.
Too late.
I've reported YOUR perverse Threats and many OFF Topic posts trying to Threaten me and moderate the board.
If you indeed have a complaint., REPORT it, don't derail the thread playing (bad) mod.,
How dare you threaten me ****.
I've done nothing but post on ON Topic, and try and stop Mindwars from turning this into another '9/11 conspiracy' thread. IOW, I PROTECTED the topic.
(EDIT: and just got a 'Thankyou' for it)

lol. You are just too easy. :D
I don't report. I just wanted to see if you would snivel and run to report me, yourself. Which you did. lol
And we are very VERY divided. I have seen dismay, disgust, anger, hatred...but I have never seen it in this volume. Instead of thinking about ALL of the usa...the divided parties are busting ass to make the division even wider.

I don't care for Hillary. But..IF she had won, I might grump and gripe about it, but she would still be POTUS...my president. Of my country. The USA. And she would have had 4 or 8 years to do whatever it is she has in mind for our country. It isn't permanent. Yet...I guess I am the only one that thinks this...that POTUS was voted in by Americans and to respect those votes and stand by the POTUS.

Anyway...our enemies are loving this shit. I wonder....how will the warmongers feel when it really happens and those enemies take advantage of our weakness by our division. Does anyone think enemies of the USA will pick and choose who are liberal and who are conservative??? No. They will kill whatever moves.
Trump was leading cheers of "lock her up" and denying Obama was an American. THAT type of incivility hasn't been seen since the 19th century (when it was common, btw)

We were as divided a society in the 1970s as we are now. The most conservative wing of the gop was incredibly civil with Goldwater and Reagan. And that's not meant to slam the dems. Issues divided people like Frank Church, but generally it was civil Nixon conversely openly hated the press. To their face. In public. But he was interested in getting dem votes on bills ... so he could actually pass legislation, which apparently is lost on Trump.
Actually...I think we were most united when JFK was running the country. Which is why he was murdered.

Could not have said it better myself,sadly JFK was our last REAL president we had.He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of bankers and special interest groups that do now. we totally went downhill as not just a country back then but as a world as well,it was an event that forever altered the course of world history for the worst.

It cracks me up that people think Reagan was loved around the world as JFK was.LOL when reagan visited west germany,the crowd that showed up wasnt even HALF the crowd that showed up for JFK. with JFK,the world felt united and hope for the future.that hope has never surfaced agains since then sadly.
Society broke up over Vietnam and Civil Rights ... both of which occurred mostly after JFK was killed. I admire the man, but we were still riding the wave of a unified society in the wake of WWII. JFK and Goldwater planned a civil series of debates for the 1964 election. Instead, we got LBJ expanding the war and his infamous "daisy" tv campaign ad.

The actual politics, or who is right, isn't really an issue. If someone acts with corrupt motive and starts a war for political gain like LBJ, or keeps one going like Nixon, or opposed civil rights that the supermaj of Americans thought was only decent, like Wallace .... then bad/divisive consequences will follow.

But most agree that Trump rode a wave of discontent of people (a minority) who felt ignored by both the dems and the gop. I don't think they were actually ignored, but a good case can certainly be made that neither party's policies worked very well for people who tended to vote for Trump. (the polls actually showed some of them voted for OBAMA in 2008)

Not all of those people are uncivil or very angry, but they are "divided" from both parties. Time will tell whether Trump's econ policies will help or hurt, but they aren't based on some corrupt motive.

But it is divisive to be denying the citizenship of a president to get TV ratings and calling for your political rival to be "locked up" or calling judges of latino descent unreliable because of their parents' race - so as to excite part of the electorate that is motivated by uncivil issues - such as white supremicists and people who really hate the notion of gay and want to discriminate against it, as opposed to a baker who just wants to be left alone

And it's not something we've seen for well over 100 years.

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