Univ. of Michigan Stopped Tweeting their Vax/Unvax Nos. Wanna Know Why?

You are raving incoherently, Buttercup.

Trump is now pushing vaccinations and booster shots in recognition of the overwhelming consensus of public health professionals.

That should be all you need to know.

Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.55.50 AM.png

Drugs that may prevent or treat COVID-19 are not substitutions for
vaccinations and booster shots.


Look you stupid bastard. I was vaxed in the beginning you shit head that is not it

It is you psycho control freaks would damned your own loved ones to isolation not necessary

It is the blacks and browns mostly not vaxed you fat faced mf
The empirical evidence is so conclusive that even the Cry Baby Loser is parroting Dr Fauci and the CDC, medical authorities rather than ideological entertainers.

There it is again.

You think taking the vax is your way of showing your dislike of dumb Don and Trumpers. You must know that’s a dumb reason for taking an experimental drug, from corporate felons, that doesn’t work, and only enriches and empowers crooks?

Trump really broke the brains of many on the left.
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Look you stupid bastard. I was vaxed in the beginning you shit head that is not it

It is you psycho control freaks would damned your own loved ones to isolation not necessary

It is the blacks and browns mostly not vaxed you fat faced mf
Your racial animus is not sustained by credible data.

I like this one:

"The fact that more vaccinated people are dying than unvaccinated people does nothing to undermine vaccine safety or effectiveness. In fact, it’s exactly what we’d expect from the excellent vaccines, which have already saved tens of thousands of lives."

It’s true and you know it, but too chicken to admit it.
If you need to believe you can contrive about me whatever you need to pleasure yourself, why should I bother with speaking truth regarding myself.

Trump is now parroting legitimate public health authorities in promoting full vaccination, regardless of whether you are upset by my sharing that or not.
If you need to believe you can contrive about me whatever you need to pleasure yourself, why should I bother with speaking truth regarding myself.

Trump is now parroting legitimate public health authorities in promoting full vaccination, regardless of whether you are upset by my sharing that or not.
Don’s a major asshole. I refuse the vax.

Did I just blow your little mind?
Every week, the University of Michigan Hospital system would tweet out how many vaxxed/unvaxxed patients populated their hospitals. After the state of Michigan stopped reporting these numbers in the month of November (hmmm) I noted that the U of M stopped tweeting them out a week ago.

Gosh. I wonder why?

So I hunted down the information. THIS is why. Essentially HALF of their inpatients are now VACCINATED. That's not cases. That's hospitalized patients.

What about it, Penelope? Any comments about those great unwashed, unvaccinated taking up the hospital beds?

View attachment 591725

Easy to see the worse outcomes for the unvaccinated. Especially when one considers that 64.8% of Michigan's are vaccinated.

Thanks for accidentally making another pro vaccine thread. We can always count on Sue the Charlatan to trip over herself.
Easy to see the worse outcomes for the unvaccinated. Especially when one considers that 64.8% of Michigan's are vaccinated.

Thanks for accidentally making another pro vaccine thread. We can always count on Sue the Charlatan to trip over herself.
Only a fool is pro-vax. Don’t be lazy. Fucking educate yourself.
If you have no legitimate public health sources that you can cite
No Schmid, it's not my 'legit sources' .......there's plenty of legit sources

even gub'mit sources

It's more the sources YOU consider legit

Scotland and the UK, coming here next. First stop: hospitalizations by vax status. This is per 100K residents

View attachment 592097

What this table doesn't tell you is that Scotland is 92% fully vaccinated ages 12 and up. That only leaves 8% who aren't vaccinated for whatever reason, YET that small 8% of the unvaccinated population makes up 41.8% of all covid hospitalizations from dec 18 to Jan 14. The unvaccinated are approaching a nearly 50% hospitalization rate for covid despite making up less than 10% of the population. Gee i wonder what is wrong with this picture?
Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.55.50 AM.png

Drugs that may prevent or treat COVID-19 are not substitutions for
vaccinations and booster shots.

The vaccine and booster shots are the most effective means to manage and minimize COVID-19 transmission and disease severity. Everyone who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and booster is highly encouraged to receive the shots.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update | Michigan Medicine

Information about about the COVID-19 pandemic for Michigan Medicine patients and the general public, updated daily.

Deal with the data, not the narrative.

Oh right, you can't
Easy to see the worse outcomes for the unvaccinated. Especially when one considers that 64.8% of Michigan's are vaccinated.

Thanks for accidentally making another pro vaccine thread. We can always count on Sue the Charlatan to trip over herself.

Fact Free Insults strikes again

Wait tilt you end up like Scotland and the UK. Not long now, sadly
What this table doesn't tell you is that Scotland is 92% fully vaccinated ages 12 and up. That only leaves 8% who aren't vaccinated for whatever reason, YET that small 8% of the unvaccinated population makes up 41.8% of all covid hospitalizations from dec 18 to Jan 14. The unvaccinated are approaching a nearly 50% hospitalization rate for covid despite making up less than 10% of the population. Gee i wonder what is wrong with this picture?

Are you counting "vaccinated" as only those who had boosters or what? Because look at the double vaccinated numbers! Ridiculous

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