Univ. of Michigan Stopped Tweeting their Vax/Unvax Nos. Wanna Know Why?

It boggles the mind how many Americans have become willing sheep to a corrupt government and their partners in big pharma.

What's even more mind-boggling is that so-called "liberals" these days are cheerleaders for big Pharma and the establishment. Oh, and war. Weren't lefties anti-establishment at one time? And questioned authority? It's truly crazy to see that they've become boot-licking fascists.
The mRNA injections are not vaccinations.
All they do is get our own cells to start growing spike proteins.
That will be detected by our immune system, but just as junk.
The immune system will then start to ramp up antibody production in order to clean up those spike proteins, but nothing gets into long term T-cell memory.
Nothing could be remembered, because the mRNA injections contain no virus or anything to remember or trigger on.
There is no way the immune system can trigger on spike proteins.
Our own exosomes use these same spike proteins all the time, to open the same ACE2 receptors on our cells.

So the logical way to use these mRNA injections is as a treatment.
You should wait until infected, in order to get the injection.
That will give you the maximum amount of antibodies when you need it the most.
If you take the injection ahead of time, it will have partially worn off by the time you get infected.
what about all the dead people who died from covid, you have a word for them!! Stupid.
I went to nursing school because I discovered that many doctors are stupid, lazy, and/or corrupt. The vaccines failing and killing people is no surprise to me and no matter how much the CDC and others who are getting money off this scam scream, the SCIENCE says that they are full of shit. Don't you wonder why they don't release stats on all the victims for all to see? Don't you wonder why the BLUE states and Blue cities are getting hit hardest?

Your typical Covid victim is male, older, overweight, and hispanic with several other factors leading to his death. Indians, or assholes who claim to be indian such as blacks claiming to be cherokee and hispanics on the SW reservations, are getting hit the worse--thanks alcohol and drug abuse and lack of hand washing.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I went to nursing school because I discovered that many doctors are stupid, lazy, and/or corrupt. The vaccines failing and killing people is no surprise to me and no matter how much the CDC and others who are getting money off this scam scream, the SCIENCE says that they are full of shit. Don't you wonder why they don't release stats on all the victims for all to see? Don't you wonder why the BLUE states and Blue cities are getting hit hardest?

Your typical Covid victim is male, older, overweight, and hispanic with several other factors leading to his death. Indians, or assholes who claim to be indian such as blacks claiming to be cherokee and hispanics on the SW reservations, are getting hit the worse--thanks alcohol and drug abuse and lack of hand washing.

Did you flunk out when they discovered you were crazy?

What's even more mind-boggling is that so-called "liberals" these days are cheerleaders for big Pharma and the establishment. Oh, and war. Weren't lefties anti-establishment at one time? And questioned authority? It's truly crazy to see that they've become boot-licking fascists.

When doctors recommend you get a rabies shot if you've been bitten by an animal that's been infected, are you agreeing with sound medical advice or are you cheerleading for big pharma? When you take a pill for your fever, are you cheerleading for big pharma, or do you just want to get rid of your fever and chills and stop feeling like shit? Can you not see, how one thing literally has no relation to the other? No one is cheerleading for big pharma. If liberals are cheerleaders for the establishment why didn't they vote for Hillary? Why have they abandoned Joe Biden? Do you not see how none of your talking points makes a lick of sense to anyone but yourself and other right wingnuts? Your mind is boggled but not by liberals, but by your own irrational need to turn every single thing into a culture war, including medicine, masks, viruses, etc. These thoughts only live in the diseased minds of extreme right wing idiots, which is why this virus is killing so many of you.
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Did you flunk out when they discovered you were crazy?

When doctors recommend you get a rabies shot if you've been bitten by an animal that's been infected, are you agreeing with sound medical advice or are you cheerleading for big pharma? When you take a pill for your fever, are you cheerleading for big pharma, or do you just want to get rid of your fever and chills and stop feeling like shit? Can you not see, how one thing literally has no relation to the other? No one is cheerleading for big pharma. If liberals are cheerleaders for the establishment why didn't they vote for Hillary? Why have they abandoned Joe Biden? Do you not see how none of your talking points makes a lick of sense to anyone but yourself and other right wingnuts? Your mind is boggled but not by liberals, but by your own irrational need to turn every single thing into a culture war, including medicine, masks, viruses, etc. These thoughts only live in the diseased minds of extreme right wing idiots, which is why this virus is killing so many of you.

Scotland and the UK, coming here next. First stop: hospitalizations by vax status. This is per 100K residents

Did you flunk out when they discovered you were crazy?

When doctors recommend you get a rabies shot if you've been bitten by an animal that's been infected, are you agreeing with sound medical advice or are you cheerleading for big pharma? When you take a pill for your fever, are you cheerleading for big pharma, or do you just want to get rid of your fever and chills and stop feeling like shit? Can you not see, how one thing literally has no relation to the other? No one is cheerleading for big pharma. If liberals are cheerleaders for the establishment why didn't they vote for Hillary? Why have they abandoned Joe Biden? Do you not see how none of your talking points makes a lick of sense to anyone but yourself and other right wingnuts? Your mind is boggled but not by liberals, but by your own irrational need to turn every single thing into a culture war, including medicine, masks, viruses, etc. These thoughts only live in the diseased minds of extreme right wing idiots, which is why this virus is killing so many of you.

Next up: DEATHS


We must get this information from the UK because our own govt won't reveal it. GOSH, I wonder why?

The mRNA injections are not vaccinations.
All they do is get our own cells to start growing spike proteins.
That will be detected by our immune system, but just as junk.
The immune system will then start to ramp up antibody production in order to clean up those spike proteins, but nothing gets into long term T-cell memory.
Nothing could be remembered, because the mRNA injections contain no virus or anything to remember or trigger on.
There is no way the immune system can trigger on spike proteins.
Our own exosomes use these same spike proteins all the time, to open the same ACE2 receptors on our cells.

So the logical way to use these mRNA injections is as a treatment.
You should wait until infected, in order to get the injection.
That will give you the maximum amount of antibodies when you need it the most.
If you take the injection ahead of time, it will have partially worn off by the time you get infected.

All the data says the mRNA injections do not work as vaccines.
If they did, then the 93% vaccination rate in Australia would have ended it by now.
It didn't.
The vaccine had no effect on the infection rate or spread in Australia
All the data says the mRNA injections do not work as vaccines.
If they did, then the 93% vaccination rate in Australia would have ended it by now.
It didn't.
The vaccine had no effect on the infection rate or spread in Australia.

Do you have actual, credible sources on which you base your opinion that you are willing to share?

Are there any scientific entities that base their conclusions on empirical data that is as comprehensive as the CDC?
I went to nursing school because I discovered that many doctors are stupid, lazy, and/or corrupt.
Do you have any credible, empirical data to sustain your contempt?

What source(s) of public health data do you rely on that you think is/are more legitimate than the CDC?
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Your typical Covid victim is male, older, overweight, and hispanic with several other factors leading to his death. Indians, or assholes who claim to be indian such as blacks claiming to be cherokee and hispanics on the SW reservations, are getting hit the worse--thanks alcohol and drug abuse and lack of hand washing.
Do you target the elderly as well?

People of any age can catch COVID-19. But it most commonly affects middle-aged and older adults. The risk of developing dangerous symptoms increases with age, with those who are age 85 and older are at the highest risk of serious symptoms. In the U.S., about 81% of deaths from the disease have been in people age 65 and older. Risks are even higher for older people when they have other health conditions.
What do you prescribe be done about them?
Penny and Candy are Fascists. They are among the sizable number of D voters who demand the unvaxxed be sent to concentration camps and their children taken from them.

Rasmussen just reported the following: Penny and Candy approved all of the following…

— 59% of Democrats favor forcing the unvaccinated to stay home at all times except for emergencies.

— 55% of Democrats favor levying state or federal fines on people who decline the shot.

— 48% of Democrats favor fines or imprisonment for people who publicly question vaccine efficacy.

— 47% of Democrats favor a government tracking program to people who decline the shot.

— 45% of Democrats support temporary relocation to “designated facilities or locations” for those who decline the shot.

— 29% of Democrats favor temporarily removing your custody of your children if you decline the shot.

That’s pretty twisted.
Look what CNN and the other poison newz has done to these cabbage heads

My God it is a sin
Do you target the elderly as well?

People of any age can catch COVID-19. But it most commonly affects middle-aged and older adults. The risk of developing dangerous symptoms increases with age, with those who are age 85 and older are at the highest risk of serious symptoms. In the U.S., about 81% of deaths from the disease have been in people age 65 and older. Risks are even higher for older people when they have other health conditions.
What do you prescribe be done about them?
Hey Fat Ass. What you maniacs have done with Covid is a sin against mankind. You fuckterds should have your necks rung like a chicken that you are
welp, they're doing just that Schmid, the medical community from multiple countries, as well as multiple countries all TRACK M&M data

and everytime one comes forward , the loonie tunes discredit them, shoot the messenger, declare it all conspiracy theory , etc

that's only going to last so long

If you have no legitimate public health sources that you can cite, here's one that seems to strike the fancy of folks upset by the consensus of competent medical professionals:

Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.55.50 AM.png
Drugs that may prevent or treat COVID-19 are not substitutions for
vaccinations and booster shots.
The vaccine and booster shots are the most effective means to manage and minimize COVID-19 transmission and disease severity. Everyone who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and booster is highly encouraged to receive the shots.

If you are concerned that reputable institutions such as the University of Michigan are bad juju, you have no shortage of alternative nostrums:

* UPDATE: The cult leader has since abandoned crackpot notions and praise for the dictator that pandered to his lickspittles, and embraced medical science to appeal to the well-educated suburban voter.
The medical profession is now due for a large helping of what happened to mine. Their own behavior, and their lack of courage, has knocked them from the pedestal. They have lost all credibility for the most part. The fall will be long and shocking.

That does not mean there aren't still good doctors, same as there are good teachers. While the profession at large is culpable, not every single individual is. However, if those doctors didn't speak out....
I agree that There are many good doctors out there---but there are also despite the hype a lot of shit doctors who don't know or are to lazy to research medical issues hence why medical errors are the #3 killer of adults officially---but likely much higher up as I have doctors and nurses cover their medical mistakes pretty good. Internal medicine doctors are the worse btw---
Every week, the University of Michigan Hospital system would tweet out how many vaxxed/unvaxxed patients populated their hospitals. After the state of Michigan stopped reporting these numbers in the month of November (hmmm) I noted that the U of M stopped tweeting them out a week ago.

Gosh. I wonder why?

So I hunted down the information. THIS is why. Essentially HALF of their inpatients are now VACCINATED. That's not cases. That's hospitalized patients.

What about it, Penelope? Any comments about those great unwashed, unvaccinated taking up the hospital beds?

View attachment 591725

Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.55.50 AM.png

Drugs that may prevent or treat COVID-19 are not substitutions for
vaccinations and booster shots.

The vaccine and booster shots are the most effective means to manage and minimize COVID-19 transmission and disease severity. Everyone who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and booster is highly encouraged to receive the shots.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update | Michigan Medicine

Information about about the COVID-19 pandemic for Michigan Medicine patients and the general public, updated daily.

If you have no legitimate public health sources that you can cite, here's one that seems to strike the fancy of folks upset by the consensus of competent medical professionals:

Drugs that may prevent or treat COVID-19 are not substitutions for
vaccinations and booster shots.
The vaccine and booster shots are the most effective means to manage and minimize COVID-19 transmission and disease severity. Everyone who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and booster is highly encouraged to receive the shots.

If you are concerned that reputable institutions such as the University of Michigan are bad juju, you have no shortage of alternative nostrums:

* UPDATE: The cult leader has since abandoned crackpot notions and praise for the dictator that pandered to his lickspittles, and embraced medical science to appeal to the well-educated suburban voter.
Yeah the vaccines work! Believe it! Lol.
... If you could, remark on the astounding number of vaxxed AND BOOSTED people in the hospital, in the ICU and ON VENTS in the U of M hospitals.
While most folks have been fully vaccinated, the minority who have not been still account for most who are hospitalized, require intensive care, and are on ventilators.

COVID-19 at Michigan Medicine by the Numbers​

Data for January 17, 2022
  • Total patients hospitalized: 123 (82*)
    Vaccinated: 51 (37*)
    Vaccinated plus booster: 17 (13*)
    Unvaccinated: 72 (45*)
  • Patients in the ICU: 26 (14*)
    Vaccinated: 9 (5*)
    Vaccinated plus booster: 4 (2*)
    Unvaccinated: 17 (9*)
  • Patients on ventilators: 18 (11*)
    Vaccinated: 6 (3*)
    Vaccinated plus booster: 2 (1*)
    Unvaccinated: 12 (8*)
Hey Fat Ass. What you maniacs have done with Covid is a sin against mankind. You fuckterds should have your necks rung like a chicken that you are
You are raving incoherently, Buttercup.

Trump is now pushing vaccinations and booster shots in recognition of the overwhelming consensus of public health professionals.

That should be all you need to know.

Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.55.50 AM.png

Drugs that may prevent or treat COVID-19 are not substitutions for
vaccinations and booster shots.



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