Univ. of Michigan Stopped Tweeting their Vax/Unvax Nos. Wanna Know Why?

You’re not qualified to opine on anything of importance.
I don't opine on matters in which I have no expertise, but rely on those who do.

I have no expertise in matters of public health, virology, and immunology, so I respect those who have expertise in those disciplines.
I don't opine on matters in which I have no expertise, but rely on those who do.

I have no expertise in matters of public health, virology, and immunology, so I respect those who have expertise in those disciplines.
Glad we agree. Then you should never opine on this forum. Firsthand experience matters and I had that. Why would I care what so called “experts” say.
Every week, the University of Michigan Hospital system would tweet out how many vaxxed/unvaxxed patients populated their hospitals. After the state of Michigan stopped reporting these numbers in the month of November (hmmm) I noted that the U of M stopped tweeting them out a week ago.

Gosh. I wonder why?

So I hunted down the information. THIS is why. Essentially HALF of their inpatients are now VACCINATED. That's not cases. That's hospitalized patients.

What about it, Penelope? Any comments about those great unwashed, unvaccinated taking up the hospital beds?

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The entire Vax narrative is crumbling.
It would be fun to apply that standard to everything to where the only "reliable" people have "never been wrong". Trump supporters are morons
There it is. I couldn’t help but think Trump has something to do with authoritarians like you wanting the unvaxxed sent to the gas chamber. You and your kind think only Trumpers refuse the vax.

Trump has broken the brains of the left.
I don't opine on matters in which I have no expertise, but rely on those who do.

I have no expertise in matters of public health, virology, and immunology, so I respect those who have expertise in those disciplines.
Please don’t tell me your go to expert is Dr Fauci? Please?
Glad we agree. Then you should never opine on this forum. Firsthand experience matters and I had that. Why would I care what so called “experts” say.
If you need to offer personal anecdotes rather than cite the consensus of acknowledged experts, that's fine, but it is essential that the distinction is recognized.
Follow the link and find out it's not a "tweet"
I am not interested in tweets - i.e., "Univ. of Michigan Stopped Tweeting..."

I respect the consensus of public health experts concerning matters of public health.

In this instance,

Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 10.24.34 AM.png

Duration of Protection against Mild and Severe Disease by Covid-19 Vaccines​

anecdote: a short account of a particular incident or event

Relating an individual experience from one's personal perspective is an anecdote.

This isn't an anecdote:

Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 10.24.34 AM.png

Duration of Protection against Mild and Severe Disease by Covid-19 Vaccines​

Short account? I donated platelets for 15mos not to mention my family all had COVID19 as well. Try again!
I am not interested in tweets - i.e., "Univ. of Michigan Stopped Tweeting..."

I respect the consensus of public health experts concerning matters of public health.

In this instance,

Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 10.24.34 AM.png

Duration of Protection against Mild and Severe Disease by Covid-19 Vaccines​

he duration of protection and, therefore, the need for further doses are uncertain.


Vaccine strategy based on booster doses of same composition not sustainable: WHO

Amid a global demand for booster shots for protection against the Omicron variant, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.


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