Univ. of Michigan Stopped Tweeting their Vax/Unvax Nos. Wanna Know Why?

The narrative is this is a disease of the unvaxxed. The powers that be aren’t about to allow a change in the narrative.

Eventually though they can't stop the narrative from crumbling.

It took mere weeks for "the vaccines stop transmission" from crumbling. Stupid people still believe it, of course. But you can't account for stupid people. That narrative will crumble. Others will follow.

The truth will out and also, set you free. :)
Maybe your wife can tell you what triple vaccinated people in the ICU are saying, and you can share that here as well. Since the anecdotes carry the day.

She has not had any personally. Not saying there are not any, but she has not had one yet.
Glad to see that you are endorsing the opening post with all this evading it. No matter how much you try to pick her apart for being a teacher, you are still not disputing the opening post. You can't touch the opening post.

They must get personal when they have nothing else. It is this:

Small minds discuss people
Average minds discuss events
Great minds discuss ideas

Attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, but who knows.
She has not had any personally. Not saying there are not any, but she has not had one yet.

She will. And unlike the ghouls here, I take no pleasure in that. It doesn't matter either if those triply vaccinated people are elderly or very ill or transplant patients. Those are the people the vaccines were supposed to PROTECT.
She will. And unlike the ghouls here, I take no pleasure in that. It doesn't matter either if those triply vaccinated people are elderly or very ill or transplant patients. Those are the people the vaccines were supposed to PROTECT.

And they do protect those people, but the protection is not 100%
Yeah, that has been put to bed a long time ago, except that for the idiot Biden keeps parroting it.

It is happening. But yes, as more and more people get vaccinated more do end up in the hospital, but as time passes they are more and more under represented in the numbers.

Since there are far more IN THE ICU and ON VENTS that were not vaccinated I cannot say what they are thinking, but I do not that many of those that are in the IN THE ICU and ON VENTS that were not vaccinated wish they were. Many will ask my wife if it is too late to get the vaccine as they are lying in the ICU with COVID.

But you are correct, this is not what was promised.
It is what the clinical trials showed. There wasn’t 100 across the board effectiveness.

What was promised was based on near complete inoculation.

Did you expect 4 out of 10 to say “no thanks”? I didn’t. Neither did any reputable scientist who put together the models.
It is what the clinical trials showed. There wasn’t 100 across the board effectiveness.

What was promised was based on near complete inoculation.

Did you expect 4 out of 10 to say “no thanks”? I didn’t. Neither did any reputable scientist who put together the models.
WARP SPEED.. Smart as Fuck..
You REALLY Have to THINK Hard on it..
It is what the clinical trials showed. There wasn’t 100 across the board effectiveness.

What was promised was based on near complete inoculation.

Did you expect 4 out of 10 to say “no thanks”? I didn’t. Neither did any reputable scientist who put together the models.

Phizer claimed their vaccine was 95% effective. That is not what we are seeing.
Every week, the University of Michigan Hospital system would tweet out how many vaxxed/unvaxxed patients populated their hospitals. After the state of Michigan stopped reporting these numbers in the month of November (hmmm) I noted that the U of M stopped tweeting them out a week ago.

Gosh. I wonder why?

So I hunted down the information. THIS is why. Essentially HALF of their inpatients are now VACCINATED. That's not cases. That's hospitalized patients.

What about it, Penelope? Any comments about those great unwashed, unvaccinated taking up the hospital beds?

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Or maybe the virus has been with us so long now, nobody cares?

Why run a website when nobody uses it?
They just did in Jan 21st. I don't do twitter.
Every week, the University of Michigan Hospital system would tweet out how many vaxxed/unvaxxed patients populated their hospitals. After the state of Michigan stopped reporting these numbers in the month of November (hmmm) I noted that the U of M stopped tweeting them out a week ago.

Gosh. I wonder why?

So I hunted down the information. THIS is why. Essentially HALF of their inpatients are now VACCINATED. That's not cases. That's hospitalized patients.

What about it, Penelope? Any comments about those great unwashed, unvaccinated taking up the hospital beds?

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Tweets are not a significant source of credible data for most folks - especially given the record of some chronic liars having chronically tweeted lies.

Far more comprehensive data is readily available from far more reliable sources:

Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 10.24.34 AM.png

Duration of Protection against Mild and Severe Disease by Covid-19 Vaccines​

Every week, the University of Michigan Hospital system would tweet out how many vaxxed/unvaxxed patients populated their hospitals. After the state of Michigan stopped reporting these numbers in the month of November (hmmm) I noted that the U of M stopped tweeting them out a week ago.

Gosh. I wonder why?

So I hunted down the information. THIS is why. Essentially HALF of their inpatients are now VACCINATED. That's not cases. That's hospitalized patients.

What about it, Penelope? Any comments about those great unwashed, unvaccinated taking up the hospital beds?

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Penelope is a mentally ill zombie. You’re wasting your time. So is candycorn

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